Thursday, January 16, 2014

On the Nature of Evil

On the Nature of Evil.

This post very much has to do, and with just how Humanity and society in all, has evolved in the past, and how it does in all too even, evolve today that is. That in many a way, there has been a drastic change even, and in the way societies evolve, and as seen throughout History, and as versus today and speak even of the last 250 years in all that is. In many a way, this does speak in all, and of understanding the terms the Primeval, and also the Antiquated too.

In many a way, to understand the term the Primeval, is to know that it does speak of Primitivity in all, and as versus the Antiquated, and which does speak of the Barbaric in all. To truly understand in all again, the nature of Evil today, is to know in all, and of just how History in all again, has been re-written in all, and as with re-writing it all, and from the very perspective of the Primeval, and to that of the Antiquated too.

To understand the Primeval, is to know that it in all states that, the origins of Humanity and society in all again, are actually Social in their ways, while the Antiquated does state that the origins of Humanity and society in all, are actually truly in all, Political in their ways that is. 

To understand in all the Primeval and the Primitive better, is to perhaps view it all, and from a technological basis, and as with saying that, the Primeval is associated in all, and with the invention and discovery, and of Fire, the Wheel and even Cutting Tools too. This differs from the Antiquated and the Barbaric, and which does attempt to claim that the origins of society in all, did go with the discovery in all, and of Gunpowder, Paper, and even the Compass too [Link]. In all again, the latter perspective, does actually speak of the re-writing of History in all truly even.

To understand the rise of many a civilization, and from the basics in all, does speak even and of the fact that the Primeval does in all ways even speak of the origins of Humanity, and as going with many a Social Game too in all, while the Antiquated in all again, does speak of the origins of Humanity, and as going with many a Political Game in all that is. In many a way, speaking of Social Games in all, does speak even and of Hidden Knowledge in all, while speak of Political Games in all again, does actually refer and to Falsified Knowledge in all that is.

In all ways even, a better understanding of this and as with speak even and of History as it did happen, does actually speak of History and as perceived from the Primeval, and as speaking in all ways even, and of Social Inequality too, and as Rousseau did speak of it, and with perceiving History and from the Antiquated on the otherhand, does speak even and of Political Inequality, and a way of viewing History, and from the lines of the Boston Tea Party and America too that is. In all, while speak of the Primeval, does also speak of generally presenting History, and from the perspective of Ancient Egypt and Greece too, the Antiquated on the otherhand (and as with speak even and of something becoming old-fashioned in all), does in many a way speak even of parading/praising Chinese History in all, and further speak even and of the Political History of the United States of America too that is.

To understand how the old World came to an end, is to not only know it and from the perspective of Hidden Knowledge in all (Knowledge that is, and of advancement in Thought, and from the Primeval too), but that in all ways even, the Evil that did go with societies in all, and that did actually evolve and from speak of Social Games in all, does in many a way even, speak of Medusa for instance, Demagogy, and even Sirens too that is. In many a way, Evil and in the form of Medusa, and as with it even arising with the Social, does speak of someone, truly hateful and of anyone popular, and in many a way, truly wishes to castrate them Socially that is. The Demagogue on the otherhand, does in many a way speak of someone, truly hateful and of not being socially accepted, and as a result, simply wishes to wipe out any Social society in all, and in which they are not accepted that is. The Siren on the otherhand, seeks out those who are popular in all, and wishes to drag them down, and simply make them unpopular, or someone to be mocked at that is. This in many a way and surprising to many perhaps, is actually just how societies in the past did evolve (and as with speak even of the blind worship of Europe that is), but that in many a way, History is falsely presented today, and as with it said having Political origins of Humanity, and as with this referring even, and to the Barbarian too that is [or someone who simply wishes to dominate another, and by heavily Taxing them for instance that is]. In all ways even, speak of the Barbarian, does also actually speak of Chinese History, and its somewhat early demise too that is.

To perhaps conclude all this, is to also speak of the astonishing fact that, the falsifying of History, and as with it happening in the last 250 years in all, did come and with the birth of Modernism and the Modern/Western World too, and as with it beginning with the History of Slavery, British too, and that in all ways even, the old/ancient World, did have Knowledge and as stored or deciphered in all, and from the perspective of Geometry/Geometrical actually [and as with speak even of the Music of Vivaldi or Mozart too], but that the Modern/Western World in all, now finds Knowledge in all again, and as re-interpreted/misinterpreted in all, and from the very perspective of Arithmetic/Arithmetical that is. To perhaps put this in a much better perspective is to speak for instance, and of the Gallardo, and as very much having Geometrical Designs to it, and as compared to a Toyota for instance, and whose Designs, are very much Arithmetical actually.

In all, the old World in all again, and as misunderstood by many, and due to their not understanding, Geometrical oriented Knowledge Bodies in all (and as with speak even of many truly failing today for instance, and in understanding the basics of Calculus for instance), and as compared to the Modern/Western World, and which does heavily even concentrate and on storing Knowledge, and in the form of the Arithmetical [and as with speak even of Prime Numbers for instance, and further speak even of Number Theory in all too that is] [In many a way, what they do call Trigonometry, does speak even and of Number Theory, and in the form of the Fourier Series too for instance].

Finally in all again, speak of the old World and as having society and as ordered and from the perspective of Patternalism/Patternalistic [and as with this even speaking of playing Social Games in all], and as compared to society today and as said ordered and from the Orderly [and as with speak even of Political Games in all that is] [and as with Patternalism referring to the Incident in all, and with the Orderly referring to the Accident in all that is].

Finally, Modern/Western Society, and as said failed, and not from the perspective only, and of mass poverty in all, but in many a way too, and as with speak of our disconnecting from the past and the Primeval, a failure in all, and in understanding ourselves psychologically that is, and as with further speak even of mental and psychological illnesses/diseases too, and as rather prevalent today that is [that Healthcare in all, is actually truly one of the largest Industries to be seen on the Earth today, and as with it even dealing with Mental and Psychological diseases that is].

The Primeval:

The Antiquated:

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Psychic

The Psychic.

The term the Psychic, might not be well understood to most. In all ways even, it is known to refer and to the Supernatural that is. In many a way, one of the reasons that many a Secret Society arose in the past, had nothing to do with Power Games in all, but the attempt in all again, to fully realize in all, or experience in all that is, the Natural and the Supernatural too. 

Most in the World today though, know nothing of the Psychic in all. At the very least, it has to do and with what some do term the proliferation of Media in all again, and to the Masses that is [and as with the killing off, and in the very least too, and of what some do term the Sixth Sense actually, and as with the case of making out in all, that someone is standing right behind one that is].

In all ways even, experiencing the Natural and the Supernatural, does speak even of Heights (and as with this referring and to Intensity and in experience), and even of Ends too (and as with speak even of maximal and minimal Possibilities, and as with regards to experience that is). In all ways even, those who believe in the Psychic, do believe in all, that these experiences in all again, are actually real, and an everyday experience too perhaps, but the massive brainwashing in all, and programming too, and of the Masses, and via Media too (and as with even shutting down the Sixth Sense / Intution in all, and as with regards to Media today, claiming to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth), makes the attempt to experience the Psychic in all, a rarity even. In all, the Psychic, and as with speak even of the Sixth Sense / Intuition, truly speaking of the Discerning, Figuring Out, and the Recognizing ('Making Out') in all, and of our Realities, and as with the belief even that, the very Heights and the very Ends of everyday life and in experience too, is actually truly around the corner in all, and as with regards even to simple speak of the Pleasing/Satisfying and in our lives that is.

In all ways even, Media today, and as poisoning the mind even, does speak of the belief that the Psychic in all, and speak even and of the Heights and Ends of the Natural experience, does go along only, and with Western Media in all, and as with this even referring to 'White Worship' in all again, and the belief that a Westerner in all, can truly open one up, and to all forms of experiences that is.

Finally is to mention that, what they do term 'White Worship', actually does go along and with what one could call 'Anglo' in all, and as with this referring even, and to speech patterns in all again, once common and amongst Europeans too, but/and especially the Arthurians (Britain) and in England too that is.

To in all ways even probably make all this as real as possible, is to perhaps speak of the Psychic, and as referring in all too even, and to many a sound (or sounds truly even), and as heard in our environs in all, and as with Intuition even, best perceived in all again, and from a silence in all, and which does result and in our attempting to Discern, Figure Out or Recognize ('Make Out') in all truly even, ones environs/environments in all that is.

The sounds/spirit of the Psyche:

To end this all, an awakening perhaps in all again, and to what does constitute the Psychic, and in differing parts of the World that is.

North America: The Customary

South America: Numerology

Europe: Superstition

Africa & Afrique: Herbology/Conjuring

Asia: Astrology

The Middle East: Necromancy

Tuesday, January 7, 2014



Most out there, don't ever truly live their lives, and as based around Commemorations too that is. That Commemorations in all, do speak of many a thing and as having happened, and in many a way, nothing more is left to be said or done that is. In all, Commemoration, and as speaking of Time as having passed by, and in all again, having no reason to do with the old, but instead, seeking out the new, and in anything one does too that is. In all again, and as with speak even of those who still Identify with the History of Slavery or even Colonialism too, to truly put an end to it all, and move on, one in all again, has to Commemorate it all actually.

In all again, the above posted Image, and as with it speaking of Commemorating Italy in all, and as with the origins of Italy going back to the Greek times too, and as with the above Image basically speaking of the very fact that, the Egyptians and the Italians, did somewhat know about each other that is.
