Saturday, July 23, 2011


Central Asia, is Region really, that is actually, about, 1.5 times, the size, of Europe [despite, what the Maps do show]. It is also, a Region of the World, much, or rather even, uncharted [as with most forms really, of civilized existence really, never having existed there really].

Am-n-t, is a Name in all, dreamed up, in the same way/manner, that the 'Briton Celt' mind, once did dream up, 'Europe'. Am-n-t though, a term truly, of Thebes Egypt inspirations, is a creation/manifestation, of the 'Roman Celt' mind really.

To truly understand this, is to truly too, understand, how life, on this Earth, has pretty much, being lived out, since, the very beginnings even, of time itself. That in all truly, life, as with all its problems, trials, sufferings, issues etc., has always primarily, been based on, the 'Tribal'. Knowing this too, is to know too, that the Egyptians in many ways truly, unraveled this life, the Greeks, totally philosophized it, the Italians, totally lived it out, while the Europeans, truly experienced it really.

Am-n-t though, being the dreamed up inspiration, of the 'Roman Celt', actually speaks of, basing life totally, on the 'Caste' [and not, the 'Tribal']. In all, truly 'revolutionarizing' life, as with just about, truly, all its problems [and they, being based on, the 'Caste' really]. In many ways, this does speak of, truly isolating, Central Asia, from the rest of the World [in a similar manner, that China, was once truly really isolated, from the rest of the World, due to its Tribal life, revolving strongly, around, Race, and not, Disease (or people going crazy really)].

In all perhaps really, truly, the total 'revolutionarizing' even, of life on Earth, as with primarily basing, life on the 'Caste', and in a way truly, only the 'Italian Mind', could have truly really, dreamed it all up really too.

Announcement: Announcing too, the birth, of the 'German Celt'. The 'German Celt', is a 'Tribe', as to be seen really, in Afrique, where life, unknowingly perhaps, to the Ethiopian mind, is best lived on, the 'Tribe', and not truly, the 'Tribal'.

Ad Honorarium: Ted, was the very first, 'German Celt'. It was he too really, that wrote, "Samuel Pepy's" [the (perhaps) 'German Celt' bible], and written too, in Bahraini English, and not, Shakespearean English too either.