Friday, October 10, 2014



This entry, very much has to do, and with just how best in all, and to go about presenting History in itself, and as said in all even, to truly speak, and of the World and as it is today. That speak of History and from the very perspective of (World) Religions, does in all even, speak of Chronology in all, and as truly associated in all perhaps, and with many a Historical Event, and further speak of Timelines too that is. What of Spirituality? And speak too in all, and of History, and as very much associated in all again, and with speak of War in itself for instance [and History too, and that does in all even go along and with speak of Technology in itself too actually].

But what of the History of Money? For it in all, is not a History and that does speak of Religion or Spirituality in themselves, but in all perhaps, and of what some would term Wit perhaps, and as with it in all even a History, and that does very much in all, accommodate the very presence of Africans/Africa, and as said Moor, Ethiope, 'Arab' or even Egyptian in all that is.