Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The African Consciousness

The African Consciousness, might seem, a rather, peculiar term to use, for this entry, taking in to account, the picture, above. Yet still, it should not surprise one, as, Africa [as a Continent], has come, to influence, the world, way much more, strongly, than most, believe it to have, and especially, via America [as a kind of portal]. In many ways, to make all this, rather, simple in all, is to recognize, that, there are two, general kinds, of, American Media [that for Americans themselves, and, that mostly, targeted, towards, an International audience]. Unknown to most, American Media, targeted, towards, an International audience, has a much, larger, African based cultural impact, than most, believe it to do [Motown, one of the more, famous, American Record Labels, did not, feature, American artists and music as many believe, but in fact, music, made, by Africans, moving to, America].

To fully see, and understand this better, is to know, that Africa, has primarily had, two main, forms of, Civilization: Nubia, and Niger [the world, of Kanem-Bornu, and Songhay] [Niger in all, does stem from, the, Nubian Civilization]. And while, Nubia, is rather well-known, it is Niger, that has really, come, to influence the World, as especially, via, African Arts [the music, of Motown, has its origins, in, the Niger Art world, as especially also, see, through musical forms, such as, Blues music, and especially, that known as, the Delta Blues (Niger/Mali)].

To understand this, even much, more fully, is to realize how what they call, Modern Life, has in, all, replaced, the concept, of Drama, in, our lives. That in all really, Drama, no longer, exists in our lives, having been replaced, by ways, of thinking [about Life], that in many ways too, people, associate, with, Western civilization, but in most ways really, having, a strong, African, component, to it.

It was previously stated, that, Drama, consisted of, three main things: Melodrama [as with, Disposition, and, Mainstream politics], Dramatism [as with, Attitudes mostly], and finally, Melodramatism [as with, Demeanour, and Attachments]. All these three, today, no longer really exist, in most cultures [with the exception perhaps, of, Childhood], having in all, been, replaced, by what, some would call, Modern Life [a way of living, based on, Western and African, ways of thought].

Instead of Melodrama, what we see today, is a way, of life, highly influenced, by, the world, of, Kanem-Bornu. A way of life, that in many ways, states that, we, should seek out, a, great job, a great car, a great house/pad, and even, finally, mostly, a great social life [filled, with friends, money, and, lots of sex]. In all, while many might believe this, to be, seen, in most cultures out there, it is not, really so, as, this form of life, is rather, individual in nature, and in many ways too, a stage, to be passed through in life, before, one even, gets down, to, being married.

Instead of Dramatism, you have, a way of living, highly influenced, by, the Nubian Civilization. A way of living, that tells one, that, the whole purpose, of life, is to do, something, that will make one, rather, celebrated, and registered, in a 'Book', such as, 'Who's Who in America'. The belief that, the whole goal, of Life, is in many ways, to get, noticed, and, profiled largely, in, the Media [and probably win, an award or two, of, some kind] [For some, rather desperate even, been profiled, by, the Media, as, a Criminal, is considered, a badge of honour].

And instead, of Melodramatism [and especially, the issue, of, Attachments], one finds that, Western culture, and, its endless, pursuit, of pleasure, takes hold, leading, in many ways, to, people, suffering from, all forms of, addictions, and the, general violence, that ensues, due, to a general fear, of, ones addiction, leaving [or being, taken away, from], one.

The above, three ways of Living [a three stage process], also, in all, is to many, a belief really, of, how, Life, should be lived out [as with, young adulthood, adulthood, and, maturity itself] [In many ways, popular beliefs such that, one should have, friends, from all over, the world, or even, the, idea, of, International Business (as with, having, close Business ties, with, all kinds, of, outsiders, in order, to survive), and finally even, the, belief, that Sex, is, all that, there is, to Life, all originate in all, from, the Niger, Nubian, and, Western worlds, respectively] [The Niger world, was not, Egypt-Nubian, as many belief, but, actually, brought together, all kinds, of, Africans] [The Niger world today, exists mainly, in the form of, what some call, the Nigerian State (in all, people, from Nigeria, who are not, Igbo, Yoruba, or even, Hausa/Fulani)].

[All this too, was, in general, supported, by, Social Constructs (Infrastructural in nature), very much, based on, the Chinese, way of living (as with, University attended or even, Area of Studies, and even too, modern restaurants in general)].

And at the very heart, of all these three, ways of Living [or Modern Life to be exact], was the following, three: Eating, Media [as mainly, with gossip], and finally, Physical toning [an obsession really, with exercising, so as, to look, physically good, for, the women/men out there].

To however, attempt, to explain all this better, is for most, to realize fully, how, this form of Life, was, supposed, to be lived out, as many, did, fail, to grasp, what in all, was, at the very center, of its existence [how really, to define, the, elements, of Pain, Negativity, and even, Illness/Sickness]. For most living, this way of Life, Negativity in all, was, often associated, with, actually planning out, for things [as with, studying in school hard, perhaps], and then, chasing, Success [now falsely believed, easy to gain]. In reality though, this World, worked rather, differently. Ones concept, of Pain [in all its forms], actually came from, Physical Exercise, and, not actual, Working/Studying. That the most pain, one felt, was gained through, Physical Exercise, and not, Studying/Working, as many thought (or believed) [to fully understand this, is to know, that, in the African world, problems, are solved, by, Politicking, which in many ways, refers, to, doing, a Quick Study (or what, they call, Intensive Research), as with studying, for, an exam, one week, before its time]. Thats what, it was, all about.

We all need, to feel, elements, of Pain, in order, to feel, that, we have accomplished, something, in our, daily lives. In the traditional past, all this, was, not based on, the Physical really, but on, different, Spiritual body parts, that, one had, to develop, on, a daily basis, inorder, to, feel good, about, oneself [the using, of Physical Pain, to feel good, about, oneself, as with, Exercising regularly, is a rather, olden, way, of Living, and even, going, back, to the, Egyptian times].

Different Regions, of the World in all really, mainly based, their daily lives, on, certain Spiritual body parts, that in all, made them, feel good/great, about, having accomplished, something, on a, given day [by living out, the day really].

North America: Mammalian Brain

For North Americans, daily life, has traditionally heavily been, based around, the Mammalian Brain [as with, attempting, to, Deduce things, all the time]. In most ways, for the average North American, Life on a daily basis, was actually, all about, attempting, to decipher, the outcome, of, just about, anything done [including, which, route, to go home by]. In all, developing ones, Deduction skills, on, a daily basis, helped one, feel good, about, themselves [as with, arriving, home 30 minutes, earlier, than on, the previous day] [In all too, the attempt, to, save on time].

South America: The Neo-Cortex Brain

The Neo-Cortex Brain, is that, part of our brains, used for, Critical thinking, and in general, used, to Control, and, Stabilize things. For South Americans, daily Life in all, is heavily, based on, developing, ones, Critical thinking, as with, how really, to best, learn to, Control, and Stabilize, things, around one.

[One should fully, realize, what is, been said here, that, in all, the belief perhaps, that, physical pain, is, the greatest pain of all, is, wrong, and that, developing, the two skills above (as an example), leads, to one, in all, developing, a mentality, that, physical pain, is, not really, a problem]

Europe: Human spirit

For the European, the end, of each day, brings with it, a feeling, of being, drained, with regards to, ones spirit [and the, popular belief in, making love, at, the end, of each day]. In many ways, a feeling too, that, all is meaningless [and boring too], and, in the past, was, resolved, by, an active culture, of, Socializing, at the end, of each day [the culture really, of, meting friends, after work, talking 'nonsense', and, making jokes, drinking, spirit enlivening drinks (such as some wines), and in all too, mainly, a general culture, of, Sexual activity (as with looking out, to see, again, that one, girl, that one, can't, get out, of ones mind)].

Africa: The Voice

Living in Africa, will lead, one, to notice, that, at the end, of, each day, ones, Voice, has fallen, to, levels, below those, seen, in, the morning. In Africa, remaining vigilant, and strong through out, the day, has, in many ways to do, with having [and maintaining], a, strong Voice, all, through out, the day. Doing so, even makes, physical, activity, rather, easy, to handle.

South East Asia: Speech

For South East Asians in general, learning what, they call, Speech [as especially with, execution, delivery, and, exertion], is in many ways, highly, required, to feel, good, about, oneself, all through, the day. The whole culture, of, attempting, to remind, oneself, to always, speak well, and rather, accurately [and clearly too], has, its origins, in, South East Asia. Being well spoken, in South East Asia, is what in general, being, upbeat, and, enthusiastic about Life, in general, is all about.

East Asia: Soul

The Soul, is something, highly associated, with, South East Asian Religion, and, American Popular culture too. In most ways though, East Asians, going, through their days, tend, to lose, Soul [as with rhythm really], due, to a general, culture, of, being reprimanded, for anything, done wrong. In all, for the East Asian, to always, remain, positive (about Life really), developing Soul/rhythm, is of, utmost importance, in all [Motown music, is rather, popular, in East Asia].

Middle East: The mind

The mind, does differ, from, the Mind, as in many ways, it is, what, is sought out, when, one seeks out, what, they call, Clarity, Clearness, and even, Purity, with regards for instance, to solving, a general problem. That for most, people, in the Middle East, daily life brings with it, at the end of the day, much more, difficulty, with, seeing things, as, with regards really, to, Clarity, Clearness, and even, Purity [in the Middle East, an, ugly woman, can look, rather, attractive, at, the end of the day]. This way of living, is also, seen, in, Afrique, too [where, the Voice, is not, of, importance].

In all, it is mentioned too, that, dying, in any, of the above, areas [as with regards to Regions above], not only, results, in, the killing, of ones, spirit, but in many ways too, probably, an early, death too in all [developing, these areas though, makes one, feel upbeat, good, and in general, have, a positive outlook, towards life] [Developing these too, as mentioned above, makes, Physical pain, a non-reality really, as with, its being blocked by, a rather, upbeat, and, highly positive, Mind].

Drama and General Living:

As mentioned though, previously, there are other, two, areas of our Lives, that, we highly, engage in, to just, keep going [on]. They are, Eating [good food and tasty too], and Media [gossip, and such other, kinds, of storytelling]. In many ways, these are also, rather, African in nature [but hard to describe well, unless, one realizes, that, oily foods, are highly, required today, to, make one, feel good], and that, in the past, people, based their lives, around, other modes, of living. These though, were mentioned, in, other post entries, but will be repeated here, for, the sake, of, Clarity.

North America: Religious texts (food for thought) and Indie media

South America: Popular Arts and Animation

Europe: Folk Art and Art

Africa: Crafts and Magazines/Publications

Asia: Subjects and Televised events/Docus

Middle East: Philosophy and Lit.

In all, 'both' do go along, with Eating, and Media [of all forms], respectively.

There still remains though, the very, issue/Culture, of Drama, that many, have lost, to, aspirations really, from, the Niger, Nubian, and, Western worlds. Most today, have no idea, of, what, Drama is, and, in many ways too, look up to, people, from, the Niger, Nubia, and, Western worlds, as being, interesting, and even, intelligent [as with, mainly, having, many friends (from all over the world perhaps), attaining success (of the, award winning nature), and finally, Sex (and how to, go about, getting it, with, regards, to, economic indicators, such as, quality, and even, quantity)].

Below, will be attempted, the, quest really, of, having, people, from around, the World, know whom, they were (really are), with, regards, to Drama [and not, spend, their, whole lives, in front, of, Western/African Media, seeking, excitement, in their lives] [The following sources, are, deemed the best with this regard, as this in all is, a rather, difficult matter, to handle/explain].

North America: The Norton Anthology of American Literature by Nina Baym et. al.

South America: Literature: A Portable Anthology by Janet E. Gardner

Europe: The Norton Anthology of English Literature by Stephen Greenbalt

Africa: The Norton Anthology of Western Literature by Heather James -- [Modern Life in all]

Asia: The Norton Anthology of World Literature by Sarah Lawall -- [Might sound, a bit, outlandish, but as Asia, has often, influenced the world, with regards, to, Religiousity, the world, has often, influenced Asia, with regards to, Drama]

Middle East: Renaissance Drama by Arthur F. Kinney -- [Perhaps, a surprise entry, but in, most ways, one does find, that, the word, Renaissance in European terminology, often, refers to, works, inspired, by, the Islamic/Byzantine world] [Drama, for the whole, Islamic/Byzantine world, as with, inspiration really]

Afrique: English Renaissance Drama by David Bevington -- [Not English really, but actually, a, merging, of, the Byzantine, and, Victorian worlds, together. In all, suits Drama, in, Afrique, as the, only really truly, indigenous peoples, of the place, are, the Swahili, and those, referred, to, as, the Plain Nilotes (Maasai, Samburu, Rendille, Somali peoples etc.), by, Cultural Ethnographers. In many ways, these people, have, the kind of Drama in their cultures, similar in nature, to, the Islamic/Byzantine world, and is what, made them, endeared by, the White and Colonial populations, in, Afrique] [Some of these peoples, such as, the Statuesque Maasai, actually, have, their origins, in, the Persian world].

The above, should not, be confused, with, Conventional Living, as they, represent, Drama, in our lives, which, is what, generally/basically, happens, while living out, Conventional Living. In many ways, it should be reminded, that, Drama, is the very, basic spark required, to, getting, Civilization started, in all [as with, all forms, of, achievement].