Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thoughts on the Higher Self and Life's Journey

The whole purpose, of this entry, is to present, to people, with no visible light to what, entails life (in itself), and in many ways too, present really, a conceptual framework, from which they can, envision themselves, and their sole purpose here, on Earth [other than, the unanimous belief that, we are here, to get back, into Heaven]. For those with this, sole belief [of Life, as a Journey, back (surprisingly), to Heaven], Life in many ways, is made out to be, a road traveled (in difficulty), back to Heaven [as taught perhaps by Jesus, and his teachings that, there are only, two roads on earth, back to Heaven: one difficult and hard, and rather narrow too, and leading, back to Heaven itself, and the other, rather wide, and easy, to travel on, but leading, straight, to hell]. Others who hold, and espouse, similar beliefs believe that, Life, is one, of pain, and suffering, as really with, living it, and then on one day, fully being pampered, and pleasured too, in Heaven, with pleasure on Earth really, seen, in many ways, as, a sin, to be avoided [in many ways too, this is really, an interesting question, as to what, should constitute, pain and pleasure, as with religion, and getting back, to Heaven]. For many too, an envy, of European Civilization, did exist, due to its rather, perceived, painless and pleasure filled, existence, with many believing, that, Europeans, were on an easy road back, to Heaven [without taking into account, the strongfelt presence of, Love itself, and how, it can immediately, extinguish one (forever), from the Earth itself, if not, properly, dealt with].

What do we make of life? Are there only three primary, definitions to it? How do we define, our sojourn, on Earth (as with difficulty, and hardness)? What does constitute, pain and pleasure really? And what in itself is the, Highest Ideal sought out, as our possibly, fullest, potential, here on Earth, and capable too, of taking us, up, to the Heavens?

Below, we shall present answers, from, 5 main Civilizations, as to what, constitutes, life in itself. Some of these views are already known, and will not be a surprise really, with the exception perhaps, of, their origins. Interestingly enough, no Asian Civilization features here, as interestingly enough too, Asian Civilizations, developed, Philosophies (and Thought), that enabled them, only, to survive, in Asia. In many ways too, it is being said, that, not only can't you, apply, Asian Philosophy, in dealing with, other people, out there [outside Asia that is], but also too, that, Asian Philosophy and Thought, is somewhat, rather, time dependent, and does not, always, stand, the test of time.

The 5 Civilizations are:

1. Egyptian
2. Greek
3. Roman
4. Islamic
5. Italian

The last entry, might surprise many, who believe, that, Italy, was a country in Europe, simply similar in many ways, to, France, but in reality, it differed greatly, from even, European Civilization, and one can even say, developed, its own Art world. Italian Civilization is rather longstanding, and has its roots, in, Graecian/Greek Civilization [the Italy, of Michelangelo Buonarotti and Mural Art/Sistine Chapel]. It is then followed, by a period known as, Roma [and the Italian High Renaissance], from which, alot, of, Italian Philosophy, is born into, and in many ways too, the construct, of, the Roman Church [as with a Pope, representing, God on Earth], is also born to, which in many ways, influences, European History, in, unknown proportions [the Latin Church never did, invent, the concept, of, the Pope]. Finally, you enter, a final stage, where, Italian Civilization, is highly represented, by, its Art work, and in many ways too, referred to, as Italia, and in many ways also too differing, from the rest, of Europe [they being Greek, and Italia, Egyptian], with the use, of, the Egyptian God, Bes, heavily driving, Italian Art [France, on the other hand, was heavily, driven, by the Greek Goddess Diana, as with representing, the, Highest Ideal, as with Love really] [The Italy in all, of, Caravaggio].

In many ways too, what prevents, most from seeing, Italy, as a Civilization is the false, belief, of them, being, an Ethnicity [as with, Al Pacino, or even, Ralph Macchio], but truth be said, Italy, housed, many other populations, from the likes, of, Jon Bon Jovi, Keira Knightley, and even finally too, Lenny Kravitz.

As an intro to all this though, let us begin, by looking, into, how, the above 5, mentioned Civilizations, dealt with, the issue, of, our Sojourn, here, on Earth. In many ways really, what did, constitute the Life experience, as to living out, Life, in itself.

Egyptian: The Egyptians, heavily lived, religious lives, despite, the beliefs of most [that Egypt, was in most ways, a party based, experience]. Their Religion, was rather difficult in nature, and their lives in general, followed, a Life path, that some to this day, still, circumscribe too [the prevalent belief, of struggling, during ones youth, and one day, living, totally free]. In many ways, it is they, who gave, birth, to the prevalent belief, in, struggling here on Earth and then, finally going, to a Heaven, where, one, is totally, free, and happy.

Greek: The Greeks, in many ways, chose, to live Life, rather differently, from, the Egyptians, and their lives [unlike the Egyptians really], were heavily, steeped, in Mythology [Egyptian Mythology, was more, of, the attaining success type, and not, similar, to Greek, which in many ways, encompassed, Mythology, associated, with, Religiousity, and living out, a Mythic life for instance, totally based, on, Kindness perhaps (and Tragedy too)]. In all, they sought, to experience Life, to, its utmost depths [as with feelings and emotions]. At the end of it all, they very, much, became, a Symbol [as with Jung's works perhaps].

Roman: The Romans, heavily believed, in, making real, a Vision, not, of a Heaven, or a Paradise even, but, what one would call, an Eden, an Utopia, or even, a Shangri-la. All these, heavily associated too, with, the worship, of, the Egyptian Goddess, Ma'at, and in many ways too, representing, worlds, free, of all forms, of, pain, struggle, and, sufferance to it [in many ways, creating these, Visions, eventually saw, the, Civilization, rise, to the Heavens]. In all, Thought, that came, to, heavily influence, Western civilization, in a rather, disastrous manner [as with, damaging, Nature, itself].

Islamic: The Islamic world, gave birth, to the belief of, living Life to, its utmost, as having done, just as much, as possible [as one could do], and then, coming, to the realization, that, there was nothing, more, left to do really. All had been done, and nothing, left, unsaid [all totally based, on, ones creativity and beliefs, and asking really, what, is possible, and what is not, as, Physicists, often, attempt to do]. This is rather difficult, to explain, as it is, the, Islamic world, that gave, birth, to the beliefs, that, after, this world, comes, another, where, we continue living on [Indian beliefs, similar to this, actually, stem from, Mughal/Islamic India]. As one can see, this is a, rather, prevalent thought pattern and was not, held to be true, by, other Civilizations, unless, one comes to understand, and believe that, the, Earth, being magical (in its own right), signifies really, that what, happens to one after life on this Earth, is in many ways, left totally, to, human design.

Italian: The Italian world gave birth to the belief (rarely known really), of creating, a, Paradise, here on Earth. Paradises, heavily differ, from, Heavens, in that, while, Heavens, are associated with, the best of things, happening, to one, Paradises, are associated with, the meeting/interacting, of, the most (perhaps), superior, of beings. Beings, who can awe one, with, Intelligence, Humour, Creativity, and even finally too, Love itself. In many ways, beliefs, that gave birth, to, concepts, of the Good Samaritan, and even, the, Sinless being, and finally too, the, rather famed, Love of ones life. In many ways, believing Life, to be a Paradise meant really not ever, wanting it, to end, and in many ways really, similar, to living Life, as in a rather, good movie. Thought patterns really, held secretly, by many individuals [the Victorians, did espouse this belief], and in many ways, a prevalent belief, that, life on this earth, was limited, as with mainly, understanding, the Ages, their passings, and in all, a period marking, the very end, to Life, on this Earth [Not to be confused, with, similar, Indian beliefs, stemming from, the Islamic/Mughal world, and basically, scientific in nature, as to what, each, Age (Iron, Silver etc.), brings with it (scientifically)].

The next question often asked, of life on Earth, is how, do we, define, Pain and Pleasure, and in many ways, what, is considered, Right or Wrong. Different Civilizations dealt, with this question, rather differently [to fully understand this though, is to know, that, the Ancients, never did, speak, of this, directly, but instead, sought, to give others, a picture, of, the greatest, possible hell, and in many ways too incurring in thought, the greatest pleasure, possible too]:

Egyptian: It is the Egyptians, who gave birth, to the belief, in a hell (on earth really), of, Civilizations, totally decaying, and, falling apart on Earth, and Earth itself, roamed, by all kinds, of beings, rather evil in their natures. Beings who for instance, killed, with impunity, and in many ways too, the world, envisioned, by, the directors, of, the Mad Max movies. In many ways too, a hell, referred to, as, an Apocalypse [and seen, in the Book of Revelation, and in the movie too, Apocalypse Now]. The belief too, that a Saviour, 'would' come, to save the Earth, and restore, Civilization, to its rightful place [as with, the One].

Greek: It is the Greeks, who gave, birth, to the prevalent worldview, of, hell on earth, mainly driven, by, all kinds, of, demons, beasts, devils, and, satan himself. A belief, that not only, were these, creatures, seen in a hell below (hades to some), but they too, in many ways, did make, their way, to, our Earth [to give rise, to havoc]. A rather well known view, but not, totally believed in by many, until perhaps, they do, have, a vision, of hell itself, or even get, to meet, the devil himself. In many ways, the world, of, the Antichrist.

Roman: The Romans, believed really, in, the greatest hell, being what, they call, Armageddon [or simply, the end, of the World itself]. A Catastrophe, really so great, that it totally, wiped out, Life on Earth, as probably best seen, in the movie, the Terminator [as with the beginning only]. In many ways, theirs, was a world, driven, by the belief "Speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil", as it was, believed by some, that, Evil thoughts [as with a Comet, speeding towards Earth], could give birth, to, a set of events, very much, leading, to Armageddon itself. In many ways, the opposite world, was one, of, totally positive thought [as in defining, pleasure itself].

Islamic: The Islamic world, gave birth, to, the belief, in what, some call, Doomsday. The Doomsday scenario, is one, born, of Judgement day, and the coming, of, a Figure (in the dark of the night, and unseen too), who would Judge, the World, as to whom, was good, and whom, was bad/evil [with the evil, very much, left, abandoned, on Earth (with all the Spirits and Gods/Goddesses, leaving too)]. A world, with nothing to do, and eventually too, steeped, in total Darkness [many associate, part, of these beliefs, with, the Christian world, not knowing them to really be, of Byzantine origins] [The fear of the dark, has its, origins, in the, Islamic/Byzantine world].

Italian: The Italian world, gave birth, to beliefs, in, what, some would call, the Rapture [as with, a disaster, nature based, such as, an Earthquake, happening, to end, the World itself]. In many ways, the world, of Prophecies, proclaiming, the very end, of, the World, and highly too, associated, with, the Feminine/Aje [or simply, Nature, going berserk]. It is the Italian world [as with Roma], that gave birth, to, a prevalent belief really, that, women, were inherently, evil. The world, of Jezebel, and in many ways too, the Quest really (a race against time), to prevent, all, this, from happening [in many ways, the world, of National Treasure, and the belief in an object, that can prevent, all this, from happening, as in helping, diffuse, the Feminine] [In many ways, the Feminine, gives birth, to, many, a dreadful creature, often, known as, trolls, golliwogs, monsters, who appear, to be, docile, friendly, and even, rather, human too (as with looks really), but in most ways really, totally, evil].

We eventually now, settle, into beliefs, regarding really, what, represents really, the, Highest Ideal, as with, regards, to living, Life, on this Earth [most other Civilization, including Chinese only really, concentrated, on this part, and, did not really, think, of the other two]:

Egyptian: For the Egyptians, the Highest Ideal [as really, with representing, human potential], had to do, with, the idea, of Invisibility [the idea really, of the ability, of, a human being, to, disappear, and appear, somewhere else]. That to them, represented, the highest possible potential, of, a human, in the/their world.

Greek: For the Greeks, the highest potential, lay really, with, the ability, for the human being, to fly, on their own [simply jump, and, take off] [Everything else, was considered (as with achievement really), rather, passe, if you could not, really fly].

Roman: The Romans, gave birth, to the belief, in Invincibility [referring really, to the ability, to, defeat, any obstacle really (as with, logic itself), blocking, ones way, as with too, one human, ruling, over, the whole world]. They believed too, in the ability, to defeat, any, living thing, in a Fight, to the very, death [as with, the Gladiators].

Islamic: Those in the Islamic world, believed that, the Highest Ideal, was in many ways, about, becoming, Omnipotent [as with, the ability, to do, anything, at any one time, and even, repeatedly]. The popular world, of being, the greatest lover [as in, attracting, any woman], or even, very much too, the world, of Rambo [of a, one man army, defeating, a whole, army, by himself]. Perhaps though, best represented, by, becoming one, with Umma/the Feminine Principle, and totally, being guided by it, as with, in acting, with, total improvisation [Napolean One, used, the concept, of, Umma, in helping, make France, what it was, and in many ways, waging, War, across Europe, and totally, successful, in just about, all, his battles].

Italian: The Italians, believed, that the Highest Ideal, was, the ability, in many ways, to control, anything, at Will [as with lighting, a piece, of paper, alight (fire), with, ones mind]. In many ways, a belief, that, gave birth, to the probable beliefs, of, time travel, and in many ways too, the belief that, similar power, was wielded, by, the Pope himself. In most ways, defeating, another, by Will (imagination), and not, by, Logic (thought), and in many ways too, the world, of, Gandalf.

The Higher Self:

For most other Civilizations, they sought really, to evolve, on, this Earth, based very much, on, very much becoming, what, they call, the, Higher Self. The Higher Self, has been defined, in many ways, previously, the most famous, perhaps, being, the Egyptian belief, in, an all knowing person [very much too, about, becoming, Pharaoh] [A concept, of the Higher Self, seen too, in, the Islamic world]. For many other Civilizations, the Higher Self, was often represented, in, Symbolic form, and often as, with a Statue (very much, representing, a Human 'God' (as with, a Higher Self), or even, the face, of God itself (and attempting, to become it)]. Other Civilizations, used, Imagery, as with the case of Caesar (and the olive branch) [Imagery too, seen, in the Byzantine world], and even in, certain periods, of, Egyptian history, as with, Osiris.

In many ways, becoming, an Ideal [or the Higher Self], meant that, ones Life, was, over, on this Earth, and one then, moved on, to, the next stage [as defined and seen just above, with, different Civilization] [Akhenaten, known, for his popular bust with him, holding, the Ankh, did become, Osiris, and, did leave, this Earth].

In many ways though, one must truly, know, what the Higher Self really, represents, at its core; in most ways really it does, stand for, seeing, the human, as being Feminine, and Masculine. What this actually means, in a scholarly manner, is that the Feminine, represents, the four cardinal virtues [of Fortitude, Temperance, Justice, and Prudence], and the Masculine representing, the four primary forces of nature [Gravity, Electro-magnetic, Weak and Strong]. In many ways, becoming, the Higher Self, is all about, creating, an even balance, in, the Feminine forces, and, Masculine forces in oneself. In all, when one does this, one develops, total love [as they say], for, oneself, for others, and, for life itself [and in many ways too, ready, to leave, this Earth].

What one does find though is that, the Feminine in the human body, is very much represented, by, the Sexuality Forces [responsible too for, Sexual Unions, Sexual Bonds, and, Sexual Relations], while the Masculine is represented by, the Libido. Unknown to most though, the Feminine as associated with, whims, requests and demands, is what in many ways, gives, rise to ideas, that are very much, 'technological' [technological, technology, scientific], in nature. In all, 'technology', is born really, of, the Feminine as with, ideas really, and the Masculine [as with, thought, principle and practise], make them real [In many ways in all, the Masculine, represents, attraction, repulsion, and magnetism; all three today strongly, believed by many to be, associated primarily with, women, when in reality as, with the birds (colourful males) it is, the human male, that attracts, the female, with, the female, attempting, to manipulate the males mind].

How we become, superior [and in many ways, the, Higher Self], as with, technological innovation, of any kind, is in many ways, based on, working closely, with, the Feminine [this has nothing though, to do, with, the issue, of, Decency]. Developing Technology [in all its forms], was done rather differently, in different Civilizations, and in all ways really, having, at its base, a Communications protocol.

Egyptian: The world of Research [as popularly associated, with, America], has its origins, in, the Egyptian world. But unlike in America [where Research, is, rather haphazard], Research in the Egyptian world was very much, associated, with, Researching, the Feminine itself [in all really heavily, studying, as a preclude really, what, whims, requests and demands, really, stand for]. In all, rather secretive in nature [as with how, to make, semiconductors, and even, High Definition Monitors].

Greek: The Greek world, gave birth, to the idea, of, modeling thoughts/principles/practises, in ones mind, and coming up, with, ingenious inventions. The often believed, European world, of, Geniuses, Prodigies, Virtuosos, and even Wizards, and of in all a person, working, in the dark of the night (with a candle light to boot), and coming up, with, the most amazing of formulas and equations, has its origins, in, the Greek world [in many ways Greek Mathematics, was heavily associated with, technology development].

Roman: The Romans in most ways, only, engaged in, what, they call, Scientific Research. Research really born of, making discoveries [as with someone, mistakenly, pouring a substance, on another, and something, strange and significant happening]. In many ways the world, of, investigating, what they call, Phenomena, and attempting not only, to, describe it perfectly (as with consequences really), but attempting too, in many ways, model it as with, a prototype, and making too, a significant discovery (as with Knowledge) [in all Knowledge accumulated, from such study, was applied, to real life (in just about, every, arena, including, social life too)].

Islamic: The Islamic world gave birth to, the rather popular, way, of developing, technology, based heavily on, what they call, Mechanics, Statics and, Dynamics [and in many ways too, based rather on, the study, of, materials]. In all unlike, in the Western world where, the study of these, are associated with, experimentation, in the Islamic world on the otherhand, they were heavily grounded in, the world, of, Algebra. A world really of, personal research, and eventually, commercializing, a discovery/invention [the world too, of cogs and wheels (as with, aeroplane models), falsely believed too, to be, European, and Italian too].

Italian: The Italian world gave birth, to the rather, rare, method, of, developing technology, based highly, on, developing, a High Imagination [as with, Nikola Tesla]. In many ways, the Italian world, was, heavily associated with, having Visions, and some of these Visions, were of, technology itself [as in totally, envisioning, a technological device, working, in ones mind] [take a gun for example, most, don't really know, how, guns work, but modern guns (as with, the Beretta), were invented, in Italia based on, having, a high imagination]. In many ways too, the world, of Calculus (actually originating in Italia), as with using it too, to help, solve, believed, unsolvable problems such as, Fermats Last Theorem, and even, what, some call, the, Millennium Problems [all requiring, high imagination] [One, cannot, understand, Calculus, without, a high imagination, and neither, can, supercomputers, replace, high imagination].

For most Civilizations though, as mentioned just above, evolution, on this Earth, was primarily, based on, the Higher Self, and in many ways, the Higher Self is whom, you are, when, you make, it, to Heaven [or the next level]. In all, evolution from the Higher Self only, is somewhat, primarily associated, with, evolution, from a technology point of view. It is here too, that, Christianity, very much, becomes, a World Religion, as in many ways, Jesus [existing in various forms], is, actually used, to represent, the, Higher Self. In many ways, one can see, how, Evolution only from, the Higher Self, is somewhat, limited, in that it is, highly associated, with, the Land, that one evolves in [as with, Scientific technology itself], and this in many ways, limited, such, Civilizations [many of Chinas Inventions for instance, would, mainly only really work, in East Asia (and not, probably, South East Asia even)] [Some, from a cultural point of view, others, even technical].

In most of todays World though, Evolution, into, a Higher Self, has been, limited, by very much, replacing, the very concept, of, the Higher Self, with what, they call, Nationality [as with, a National Identity, and even, Family names, Institutional names, Country name etc., (all based really, on the worship, of a historical figure, as, the highest Ideal, and therefore, limiting, the continuing, evolution, of Civilization itself)] [In some ways too, the concept, of, Guardian Spirit, does exist, and, refers, to a historical figure, who pretty much, evolved, out, of this Earth].