as perhaps in all, conceptualized (and lived out even), by the Italians, Greeks, and Egyptians too.

Egyptian Civilization: and the very birth too, of Consciousness in all [and Conscious States too really] [with Conscious States in all too, all about really, Self-Awareness & Awareness, and Consciousness in itself too really, pertaining to, Doctrines in all, dealing with how really, we do in all, experience, Reality] [with Egyptians too in all really, living out lives, with, the most, varied of Experiences/Realities]
Greek Civilization: and the rise too, of Ascetic Thought really [it too being in all, Thought, associated with doing, the Right thing (always)] [and Thought too in all, associated in all really too, with how most out there, do perceive Reality actually (and as with thought modes really): from Personal history, Touching moments, and Aspirations even (and as outlined too, in the 'Occidental' entry)] [In all too really, the very birth in all, of, Religion in itself]
Italian Civilization: and life in all, highly based around, Morality [with Morality too, defined in all, as knowing, what is right, and what is wrong actually (and as with the Intellect really too)] [for it is Morality, and the Italians, that did truly give the World, what they do term, Drama (with alot of Drama out there (including Greek), actually, the 'Play' in all)] [with Drama too, truly associated really, with the mind (and the search for Clarity, Purity, and Clearness), and the birth in all too really, of the Creative Mind & Creative Intelligences (or in all really, the very world too, of 'making shown', unveiling, and revealing even, anything, and Godly really, out there)]
In all, it is truly, the Egyptians who did master Rule, the Greeks Law, and the Italians, Order [and as with the Supernatural too really].

Egyptian Civilization: and the very birth too, of Consciousness in all [and Conscious States too really] [with Conscious States in all too, all about really, Self-Awareness & Awareness, and Consciousness in itself too really, pertaining to, Doctrines in all, dealing with how really, we do in all, experience, Reality] [with Egyptians too in all really, living out lives, with, the most, varied of Experiences/Realities]
Greek Civilization: and the rise too, of Ascetic Thought really [it too being in all, Thought, associated with doing, the Right thing (always)] [and Thought too in all, associated in all really too, with how most out there, do perceive Reality actually (and as with thought modes really): from Personal history, Touching moments, and Aspirations even (and as outlined too, in the 'Occidental' entry)] [In all too really, the very birth in all, of, Religion in itself]
Italian Civilization: and life in all, highly based around, Morality [with Morality too, defined in all, as knowing, what is right, and what is wrong actually (and as with the Intellect really too)] [for it is Morality, and the Italians, that did truly give the World, what they do term, Drama (with alot of Drama out there (including Greek), actually, the 'Play' in all)] [with Drama too, truly associated really, with the mind (and the search for Clarity, Purity, and Clearness), and the birth in all too really, of the Creative Mind & Creative Intelligences (or in all really, the very world too, of 'making shown', unveiling, and revealing even, anything, and Godly really, out there)]
In all, it is truly, the Egyptians who did master Rule, the Greeks Law, and the Italians, Order [and as with the Supernatural too really].