Thursday, September 8, 2011

The New World Order

and the rise too, of the 666 in all.

The New World Order (and the 666 too really), can best perhaps, be acquainted with, the Judicial System in all [and as with it, based too around really, Misgivings, Faults, and even, Pains of all kinds really (and all this too really, based around, activity, 'forms of play', and actions too, of all kinds)] [with the New World Order in all, all about really, stringently even, defining our existences, around a rather even, limited, Judicial System (and as with the 666 too really, a rather elitist in all, Judicial System too)]

in many ways though, the rise of Feminism, has seen in all, the Judicial System, reduced in all too really, to the Court Systems (as the primary definers of Misgivings, Faults, and Pains, and as based around too even, activity, 'forms of play', or even, actions, and as to which of these latter three even, is lawful in all really too) [with the Judicial System too, centered too in all really, around, Religious Scholars (and of all kinds really) (and not, the Court System)]. In many ways, an attempt really, to limit in all, what does constitute Misgivings, Faults and Pains in Society, has seen, to the rise of, Feminist in all, 'Lawful Procedure' [or 'Procedures' really] [as with all this, 'Lawful Procedure', determining in all, our existences (as with activity etc.), and based around truly too, limiting (or erasing even), all forms really, of Misgivings, Faults and Pains, that Feminists in all, seek, to not know about]

To understand all this much clearer, is to understand perhaps, what truly, 'Lawful Procedure' [or 'Procedures' even], are all about [they for instance, being in all, how one in all for instance too, gets called to dinner (from the living room perhaps), or even how ones dinner really, is served, with all this, fitting really, Feminist Ideals in all (and with any misgivings arising for instance, with regards to eating later, finding one perhaps, hauled, into a Court somewhere, to be charged, with a grievance in all too really)]

To make all this clearer, is to perhaps know/understand better, what truly, Misgivings, Faults and Pains, truly are [as with how really, they do define, our existences in all (today)].

Misgivings: Misgivings truly, can be said, to be associated, with anything truly, one could call, Vile, Disgusting, or Stupid even. In many ways too truly, the opposite perhaps [and as with our current Times even], would be, Love (in the form of dignity, Respect, and compassion) [with Feminism in all though, advocating and promoting really, the Vile, Disgusting, and Stupid too really (in all)]

Faults: Faults truly too, can be said to be about, how we do choose, to live our lives really (in all) [whether Public, Private, Secret, or Hidden even] [with the Public, speaking of Social Images really, the Private, of Intimate relationships truly, the Secret, of all forms of Commitments really too, and the Hidden, of all forms of Engagements in all] [with life traditionally, heavily based around the Public (and maintaining, proper Social Images in all too) (as with this too, defining even, ones home life truly); the Private, rather common today, has many Egyptian connotations to it, while the Secret, as with asking to meet someone in their 'office' (and a commitment in all too), is how truly, life, was lived, in Italy. The Hidden, as with engagements (a duel perhaps too really) (and in all, an agreement, to go around the law even), is how, life truly really, was mainly lived actually, in Paris, France]. In many ways today, 'Lawful Procedure', Feminist in nature too, has to do, with limiting our lives, with regards, to all this [as with having to make an appointment, with a secretary, who decides whether or not, one gets to meet, the 'boss' in all really too] [or even too, as with the Public life, and 'Nightclub Bouncers' in all too, allowing all women/females in, and refusing, some men entry (as based around perhaps, ethnicity, race, skin colour, nationality etc.)] [with all this too, as with Society (and the refusal perhaps in all, to set up a Merengue Dance Club in a City), has to do, with Feminists in all, attempting to truly define, City (perhaps) Regulations, Limits, and Codes in all too even]

Pains: Pains really, have to do really too (perhaps), with defining in all really, what activity, 'forms of play', or actions even, are allowable really, as with attempting in all too, to define, what happens in a Society really, along the lines only of, respect, attention and acceptance [and not Clarity, Clearness, or Purity (and as with the mind really too)] [with Feminists in all, and Womanhood too, having most out there believe, the only worthy activities for instance, are those, pertaining to gaining in all feminist/womanly respect, attention and acceptance, and not the search too really, for Clarity, Clearness or Purity (as with aspiring even, to become, a meteorologist in all really too)]

In many ways in all, the World above defined, is not only what, the Feminist Judicial System is like [as with it too only, taking place, in the Court Rooms (and not even, via, a Civil Education for instance)], and as with the 666 in all too really, the attempt to truly define really, Pains, Faults and Misgivings even [into a Textbook format in all] (and all this too, all about really, limiting our Existences, and not, Experiences in all really)