Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Cushites of the Great Ethiopian Empire/Kingdom

or simply even, 'the Ethiopians' in all too really.

- many out there, believe the above Music Video even, and by Michael Jackson too actually ('Remember the Time'), to actually in all too really, truly expose even, the inner workings, of Ancient Egypt itself truly [and Egypt too, as 'Thebes Egypt' in all too actually].

The Truth though is that, the above, never did happen, in Egypt actually [but actually truly, in Ethiopia itself]. This is said, because, Egypt is often perceived by many, as having been, rather African in all truly even [and not, of 'Egyptian Religion' (and the 'Egyptian Gods' themselves truly)]. Those who though, do attempt to represent, Egypt, as having been rather African, are actually speaking of, the Cushites of the Great Ethiopian Empire/Kingdom [which again, and as stated before, was seen in Ethiopia truly] [and the Egypt too, of many an Afrocentric Scholar seen out there today actually].

To understand this better, is to know, that the Ethiopian Empire/Kingdom, did constitute too even, of former populations truly, seen in Egypt too actually [and including the likes, of Leona Lewis, Henry Simmons, and even, Wesley Snipes himself too actually].

The reason why all this is stated, is because, these Ethiopians of the Great Ethiopian Empire/Kingdom, would actually in all, come to influence Africa (and including Spain too even actually), far more, than most believe them, to have done in all actually [and as with they even, truly responsible in all, for the saying/belief that "Africa, truly begins in the Pyrennes"]. For it was them too really, who did help give birth, to whatever in Spain in all, does fall under, the title perhaps, of 'Espana' in all truly [and in many ways too even, helping forment, views in all, that Spain, was more or less truly, a part of Africa actually, and not Europe in itself truly].

In Africa though [and as with Afrocentric writers too even (and not Scholars either)] [and with Afrocentric writers too even truly, more or less actually investigative in their ways too really] [and including people such as Ivan Van Sertima (or even Runoko Rashidi too actually)], these Ethiopians in all, truly did help, give birth to Structural formations, that came in many ways, to truly define in all too actually, Tribal African History, and as with its entirety too even really [and including actually, the Moorish realms too even really]. Structural Formations, fourfold in their ways actually, and expressed as follows in all too really: a Royal/Ruling Class, a Performance Arts Class [and the very birth too even, of Ethiopian/African Christianity too actually], a Military Guard (and the very likes even, of Wesley Snipes in all too actually), and even finally truly, a Working/Militaries Class [and as with Africa today, the very birth even, of many a Cushitic tribe seen out there (such as the Oromo, Kalenjin, or even, the Somalis in all too really] [with Afrique based tribes such as the Maasai and Samburu on the otherhand, not truly Cushitic actually, but more or less truly even, worshipers in all truly, of Osiris actually (and in the form truly again, of a Great Spirit in all too actually)].

It is the above formation, that truly did come, to give birth in many ways, to Africa itself even [and as Traditional Africa actually(and as seen today too really)], and this mentioned too in all, because, the above Structural Formations in all, did give birth, to 'African looks' in all too actually [and as with stating again, that the Ancient Egyptians in all, actually truly, looked more or less, like Italians/Europeans, and not, Africans, or Folks even in all, from the Middle East too actually] [and Italian/European, as with Tutankhamun too even actually].
