Friday, June 11, 2010

Living in Africa

Most, who move to Africa, have just no idea, how to live there. They kinda figure, "all I need, is lots of money in Africa", and all will be okay. They however then realize, that lots of money, doesn't really do the trick. Lots of money is good in Africa, but money does not really solve Africas problems. Lots of money, won't save you, from traffic jams. Lots of money, won't matter, when the shops, run out of bread. Lots of money, won't really work, when the electricity goes out. You then come to realize that, Africa, is really, a continent, of personalities. With the right one, you get what you want. But thats not really it; there is more, to living in Africa, than having personalities. You kinda, have to be tough, not macho, thats American. Being tough, is whom you are, in Africa, when you get up in Africa, to the hour you go to sleep.

Africa, is a continent, where one suffers from constant exhaustion, fatigue and tiredness, all the time. You battle this stuff, all the time. You have to do it the right way, or you will fall of, pretty fast, in Africa. You will wake up one morning and say, "this is it, I'm done." Yet, there are two ways, of dealing with this, or face total ruin, living in Africa. Poverty galore. The first, is the West African way. With this path, you eat lots of stuff, like fufu. Fufu, and stuff like it, prevents you from getting weak, or suffering fatigue, while in Africa; otherwise, you will drop down, and quit, by midday. The other way, is to do it, as it is done, in Eastern and Southern Africa. They have there, a kind of protestantism, that can be called, African Protestantism. It is a protestantism, that teaches one, to be tireless, in all their endeavours. It teaches, that life, is about going on, until you drop; energizer bunny style. When you begin to do that, you start to believe too, that, Religion is evil; but if you keep at it, you are kind of transformed, and fatigue and other such nemesis, are pummeled down. You are free, and there is no freedom like African freedom, other than American freedom. You can do anything you want, and with a personality, you can be King of Africa.

But now, back to the top again. Money. There are those, who come to Africa, without much money, thinking, things in Africa, are really cheap. They are not. Africa is an expensive place. What to do for money? Most believe, I will get a credit card, not knowing, that most shopping places in Africa, don't accept them. The other solution is, "I will go to the Banks." Most out there, don't realize, that African Banks, are not like conventional Banks. They are different. African Banks, do not engage, in financial services, as other banks out there, do. African Banks, unknown to many, are in the Security business. People don't know this. You can store your money in an African bank, but don't expect, anything else, like growth from interest, due to it. They don't do that. African Banks, fund, the African security industry. When in Africa, and you come across, a security group, like Securicor, know, they are not really private industry, but banks. People don't know this. African Banks, are also involved, in the mining industry, in Africa. People don't know this. When you talk of wars, in Africa, centered around, minerals, the key to understanding them, is understanding the role, of African Banks, as middlemen. African Banks, even fund, military expeditions, in Africa. Thats Africa.

So, still, what to do about money? Its kinda difficult, talking about money in Africa, because, there are not many jobs. In Africa, few people, have the money. Its not properly distributed. What you want to do, is hook up, with someone, who will pay for your expenses, because you have potential, of some kind. The will keep you, and one day, ask you to do them a favour. Thats kinda how it is, in Africa. People don't know, that Parents in Africa, really keep, their children. Its not slavery, but it can be. But maybe yet, you have a big idea, and need money, to make it real. The Banks, won't help you. Many hear, of the banking industry, in parts of Africa, exploding, not knowing, they are really small-scale, financial services providers, often controlled somewhat, by Europeans, and especially Germans. If you go to these financiers, with a plan, they will ask to look at it, and then ask to see you later. When you come back, to see them, you will find, they have totally redrawn, what you wanted to do. They will tell you, "you do this for us, and we will give you the money." You kinda think, its a good idea; its not. They will fund you, and pay you, but at the end, you will realize, you have been plundered. You don't own anything, you just slave there. They can't do it, the Germans, for they can't really live in Africa. Africa is for the tough. But lets forget the Schmidts, and talk about funding, your idea. Doing so, involves knowing, who the welathy, in Africa are. You ask to meet them, they hear you out, and think about what you said. They know Africa, and what goes on, and even trends, and will know, if your idea, is real, or popcorn. Light. The African wealthy, unknown to many, those who lend money that is, operate very much, like American Bankers. American Bankers don't know this. They even talk and dress, like American Bankers. American Bankers, have probably, never noticed this. But its cool like that, for they get things done.

Finally, one more thing, about Africa; the scary part. Africa, is a continent, ever in change. I am not talking culturally, but geographically. The Land, is always, in flux. People don't know this. Africa, is kinda sensitive, to Earthquakes. Tremors mostly. Due to this ever constant change, or flux, one will notice, that they can't, sense, their surroundings well. People don't know this, about Africa. Africans too. Its like being in a riot, when everybody starts scrambling around, you can't sense your surroundings. Anything can happen to you. Next time, you are in Africa, on a busy street, stop a moment, to realize, you can't really sense, whats going on around you. Thats why, out of all continents, in the world, Africa, has the highest number, of accidents, per capita. Its chaos galore. Thats why, the World Cup, this year, in South Africa, is going to be interesting. When you can't sense your surroundings, you tend to do, dumb things. Always running into people, or things. Thats what, this World Cup, is going to be about; people/players, doing dumb things. You just wait and see. This too, is another reason, to know something, about Africa: don't walk around, at night. Not due to thieves, there are not as many as you think. The problem is, when you can't sense your surroundings, your imagination, tends to kick in. When it does, you see things; its playing tricks on you. When your imagination, plays tricks on you, most of the time, it tends to conjure up, your worst nightmare. There is nothing wrong with that really, only with the exception that, your worst nightmare, might become real, one day. Thats Africa, the scary part, and thats why crazy things, happen in Africa, all the time. To really know, how scary Africa can be, next time, while there, take a moment, to look at the moon. The moon in Africa, looks pretty scary. Don't walk around too much, at night.