Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Power, Influence, Persuasion and Status

When you walk, into, just about, any bookshop, out there, you will, inevitably, run, into books, that basically deal, with power. Most out there, have heard these words: power, influence, status and persuasion, and don't really know, what they represent. Power, deals with knowledge; influence, with money, persuasion, with sex and status, with several variables.

There are those out there, who seek power, to advance their goals. Power, is really associated, with psychological profiles, and the knowledge, that goes with them. Those seeking power, should today know, that its mostly, a useless, endeavour. The world, in many ways, has been computerised, and computer systems, now run, the world, and not humans, really. It is therefore, a useless endeavour, seeking knowledge, and power. Most people out there, are now powerless, and are zombies, of all sorts e.g. broken down, dazed and hyper.

Influence, goes with money, and is all about, affecting, what goes on, around one. One should understand, the nature of money, as it is defined, today. Paper money, is not really, what money, is all about, today. Money, as it is defined, is really, about, credit. One should know this. Knowing this, is the basis, of understanding, what the, Trilateral Commission, is all about. Its a European organisation, that sets out, to define money, just about everywhere, in the world. The whole goal, is to turn money, into credit, and manifested, in the form, of, electronic money. As told before, the world, now consists, of the masses, wondering aimlessly. The goal, of the Trilateral Commission, is to turn, just about, every economic endeavour, into one, that deals only, with, the services industry. The majority, of what goes on, out there, today, is now, services. The Europeans, seek to own, the various service industries, out there, and simply employ, the masses, in them. By owning these industries, they control money/credit. They seek, to turn, just about, every, economic activity out there, into a service industry. Do away with products/technology, and simply turn everything, into a service. Less cars in a city, more bikes, one can rent.

The difference, in power, in societies out there, has resulted, in the world, being divided, into the first, second and third worlds. What differentiates, these worlds, is how ignorant, the people, are. Their access, to knowledge, and the attempt by some, to control, the internet. There are people, out there, with the knowledge, to solve the problems, of the second world, and the third world, ignorance, but don't care, to help. Thats what most, should know; that the fight, against poverty, and ignorance, has come, to a stand still, due to people, no longer caring. Influence, and money, is responsible, for stratifying, the world, in the form of, color. In truth, what goes on, is that, people, with white skins, have easy access, to credit money, than those, with darker skins. White skinned people, are more influential, due to their having, easy access, to credit money. Persuasion, goes along, with sex appeal. People, with certain looks, find it easy, to persuade others, to do, as they please. This has resulted, in sex, becoming, a form, of currency. This obsession, with sex and sex appeal, is also responsible, for dividing the world, according to, skeletal structures: negroid, caucasoid and even mongoloid.

Status, is something, unknown, to most people, out there. Status, is all about, recognizability. It is religious, in nature, and has elements, of worship in it. One seeks, to be known, by others, in one way, or another. In the old days, it had to do, with wealth [what one possessed, that others sought], personability [the ability, to make others feel good], and being totemic [being famously reknowed]. Being totemic, as an example, can be explained, via a famous family, that has been known, through the ages. Heraldry, is a form of totemicity. Today though, status, is all about, being, a deal maker. A person known by others, liked, and can pull, all kinds of deals.

One should be aware, for those seeking to do, what they wish to do, that power, influence and persuasion, do not work, as well, as they used to. They are all, very people dependent. In a world, filled, with somewhat, crazy people. The world today, works on Status. What does this mean? It means, that while, the masses, have nothing much to their name, wealths of all kinds, gets moved around, between those, who have it. Thats what, exchanges, are for; the most famous, being the stock exchange. In the stock exchange, people, do not buy, shares, so as to sell them, later. Such people, are no different, from cheap traders. The stock exchange, is really, about, exchanging valuable shares, for other such, valuable shares. If a person today, wealthy, seeks to buy, a home in london, but owns one, in France, they will seek, an exchange, with a like minded person. Its all exchanges now, moving from one state, to another. Money today, does not buy you wealth; nobody, will sell you, wealth. Money today, is all simply, about influence. Having known this, one can then, now know, what the Bilderberg Group, is all about. A coalition, of the wealthy, where wealth, gets exchanged, between them.

In society today, men, tend to view the world, from money, and influence. They seek both, to make their lives, better. Women, tend to view the world, from persuasion, and sex. They seek both, to feel good, about themselves.