Confirmation, is a rather, well know, sacrament [or perhaps, even, sacramental rite], that in, many ways, is about, Social Approval. As a Sacrament, Confirmation, more or less, approves one, as a Christian, and in many ways, ready, to live, a symbolic life, as denoted, by the Christian Cross. Confirmation though, as a sacramental rite, is more, about, garnering, Social Approval, from more[or less], the public.
Social Approval though, differs, by region lived, and everyday, occurrences [everyday moments], in different parts, of the world, are denoted, really, by how, Social Approval, is believed, manifest. What this means, is that, Social Approval, has certain, themes to it, which, differ, by region, of the world. Some examples are:
North America: Sexual overtones
In North America, nearly all forms, of, Social Approval, carry, sexual overtones, to them. From simple compliments [such as saying, someone, is hot, or sexy], and even, achievement compliments [whereby, achieving men, are seen, as defining, manhood, in many ways (including popularity, amongst women), and achieving women, are seen, as, redefining, masculinity, in one way, or another]. In all, even, the smallest of compliments, appears, to be, rather sexual, in nature [most men/people, in North America, upon, being complimented, by, a woman, think (in many ways), she is interested, in them].
South America: Intellectual undertones
In South America, nearly all forms, of, Social Approval, have to do, with, ones, having, some streetmarts, to them. In many ways, this means, one, being knowledgeable, at all times, of whats, really, going on, at just about, any moment [this means, the ability, to sense out (whats going on), and not, really, decipher/decode it]. In many ways, it is those, that are, intellectual, that rise up, in society [lots of movies, made in, America, about, having, a sense of, streetsmartness, are really based on, South American culture] [in America, feeling accepted socially, is always about, being, sexual, in one way, or another (as seen in, American music videos)].
Africa: Physicality (Physical connotations)
In Africa, all forms, of, Social Approval, have always been, based, on what, some call, physicality [the ability, in many ways, to impose, oneself, physically, on another]. Physicality, in many ways, denotes, having, a bigger body [even more shapely] than others, a booming voice, dark skin [in all its meanings], and even, penile length. In many ways, ones, physical appearance, determines, how high, one, rises, in society [it is almost impossible, to be, a president, in Africa, without being, tall, having a booming voice, and in general, being, dark skinned].
Europe: Passion (Love intonations)
In Europe, being passionate, with regards really, to humour [as in being humourous], is the way, to gain, Social Approval. One, in many ways, is required, to be, humorous, in getting into, situations, and also, out of them. In all, just about, every situation, in European cultures, calls for, some humour, of some kind.
Asia: Historic undercurrents
In Asia, what may be referred to, as, Historic undercurrents, define, Social Approval for all. What this means, is that, ones past [how they have lived, their lives], defines, how one, is treated, in society. In many ways, theirs, is a society, where, the people attempt, to hide, all kinds, of weaknesses [faults], and are supposed, in many ways, to work, on them, religiously [Exposes (fr), are rather common, in Asian cultures]. The cleaner, ones history is, the higher, one rises, in society.
Middle East: Righteousness (Religious tones)
In the Middle East, Social Approval, has in many ways, to do, with being, perceived, as being, righteous. In many ways too, at the basic level, this is said, to mean, that one, has a good sense, of right and wrong. On higher levels though, it is about, being, creative, when displaying, any form, of virtue [interesting tales, abound, in Islamic culture, of people, who come across, hidden money, and wonder, what to do with it; keep it (and wonder, if it is, stolen loot), or return it (and probably, be rewarded for it), or leave it (and have someone else, be the benefactor)].
In many ways, Social Approval, defines, our everyday moments [even when alone], and is what, in many ways, makes us, all equal [the desire, to be, accepted, socially]. From Popes, to Presidents, and even Beggars, all, have an innate desire, to be, Socially Approved, in one way, or another.
What one though, one finds today, is that, Social Approval, has fallen, to low levels, in nearly, all, parts, of the world. In all, Social Approval today, has come, to be defined, by the, search, and gaining, of, sex, money, and popularity. In many ways [if not all], the three, define, what, Social Approval, is all about, today, and one finds, even, that people, espousing, virtuosity, are looked down, upon, as being weak [or even stupid]. In many ways, the everyday world, is not, primitive [in nature], but rather, animal like.
Many, who attempt, to seek out, Social Approval [as defined today, by sex, money and popularity], find themselves, suffering, from two main, conditions: Sabotage and Self-sabotage. Sabotage, is tormenting in nature, and comes, after one, gains, Success [Social Approval], in one way, or another [coming in some ways, from those, one, is affiliated with (connected, linked, or partnered)]. Self-sabotage, is rather, instinctive, in nature, and is very much, based, on knowing [subconsciously even], that Success today [Social Approval], brings with it, all forms, of, hatred, towards one [for no other reason, that merely, succeeding] [what this means, is that, one, could write, the greatest book, ever, but if it is not, popular/known, then one, has not, succeeded].
Social Approval, today [rather primitive in nature, conceptually], is strongly, affiliated, with three main industries: Real Estate, Entertainment, and Communications. In all, these three industries, today [as compared to the past], are driven, by, the endless search, by many, for, sex, popularity, and money respectively. In many ways too, for those, unable, to gain, sex, money and popularity [a huge percentage, of the worlds population really], they instead, tend, to engage in, Big Media [music videos, television, movies], Partying, and finally, the Internet. In all, these three, other industries, are driven really, by those, who cannot, find, sex, popularity, and money, anywhere [the Internet, as a substitute, for money, has to do, with one, being, forceful, and opinionated, in their postings]. In many ways, its an ugly world [filled with lots, of negativity], as humans, everywhere, scramble [and even fight each other], so as to get, a dosage, of sex, money, and popularity. An ugly world, such that, those, who gain, any of the above, become, rather unhappy, as they, often, soon realize, that, there is nothing much, to life today, than seeking out, Success [Social Approval], in the form, of, sex, money, and popularity. Even, a world, where, Success [Social Approval], is based, on Physicality, has more, choices really, of Success, as Social Approval, as defined, by, Physicality, is rather, large, in nature. In many ways too, Social Approval, as defined above [by the regions above], is not, only, wide in range, but also, rather, wide too, in depth [the smallest of actions, in a Passion based world (as in saving a puppy), can gain one, lots, of Social Approval].
As a result really, one finds that, society [just about everywhere], in general, has been divided, into, two main groups [categories really], of people socially: the Interesting, and the Boring. The Interesting, are those, with access [or can allow it], to sex, money, and popularity [a small percentage, of the world population]. The boring, are those, who lack it [them]. However though, one finds that, the Social Scene today [as with regards to Social Approval], is moderated, by people, who very much, hide, behind the ranks. They are a Power Elite, who in many ways, moderate, money, sex and popularity [directly and indirectly], with regards really, to whom, can access them. This moderation, is mainly done, via, the three industries, of Real Estate, Entertainment, and Communications; in many ways, what it is been said, is that, this Power Elite/cabal, control, these three, main industries, and in many ways too, regulating them, as with, regards, to whom, can participate, in them [in todays world, for those, seeking, to make, big money (and not wealth/assets), and live, in a big house, and know, all the popular, people, and beautiful women too, then, they should realize, that, there are only, three, main industries, one, can make money in today: Real Estate, Entertainment, and Communications. All other industries, tend to be, large, in scope, and are also, in many ways, government regulated, reducing, the ability, of one, to make, wealth (or lots of money), in them]. But as was said, before, these three, main industries [Real Estate, Entertainment, Communications], are heavily, regulated, by this, Power Elite/cabal, consisting, of the following groups/peoples: Powerful Families, the Beautiful people, Black markets & Organized crime, Big Media, and finally too, the Church [the Catholic Church, is the largest, Land owner, in the world]. In many ways for instance, the assassination, of, Pope John Paul 1, had to do, with his, investigating, the Churches activity [the Catholic Church's banking activities], with regards, to their engagement, in this, whole social scene, of sex, money and popularity, as moderated, by the, Real Estate, Entertainment, and Communications industry.
[In all, one finds for instance, that, there is a much, wider, economic opportunity, of all kinds, in for instance, a society, where, Social Approval, is defined, by, Intellectual undertones, as in the case, of a shop owner, selling, puzzles, and even, cards [for Poker], to a society really, where, Social Approval, is based on, intellectual pursuits]
A Rose by any other Name: Names, Titles & Personalities
We live, in a world, where, people, are heavily defined, by the Names, Titles, and Personalities [Celebrity status], they possess. In many ways, not a world, of merit, but one really, where, Status [in all its meaning], is predetermined, at birth. This all, in all really, is due to, the desire, for most, to seek out, sex, money, and popularity, as the main forms, of, Social Approval [in such a world for instance, white skin, is highly desired, for sexual intercourse]. This differs mainly, from the world, of the past, where, Social Approval, was not based, on sex, money, and popularity [this way, of seeking Social Approval, is what, led, to the collapse, of, Babylon, as a civilization], but on other forms, of Social Approval, denoted, above. In many ways, our attempts, at gaining, money, sex, and popularity [in this world], is predetermined, at birth, and for many, out there [even if rather intelligent], Success, will never be theirs [in many ways, to be, successful, one has to be, white skinned, caucosoid, and western]. Most in reality, will never, make it, as they wish to.
In todays world [unlike that, of the past], Success, is made, via, what they call, Performance [in the past, success, was all about, Attitude]. Performance though, is not, as many believe it to be defined [as in one, who works, hard, to make things right]. In many ways, performance today, as defined, has many, sexual undercurrents, to it [in many ways, most, out there, never believe, in their ability, to succeed, unless, sexually approved, by, society, at large, and by (in many ways), a group of women]. For most today, self-confidence, of all kinds, is heavily based, on, the ability, to sexually satisfy, a woman [or as many, as possible] [in all really, a rather primitive way, of seeking, self-confidence, backward, in nature, as the Ancient Egyptians, had progressed, to a level, where, self-confidence & success, was defined, by mythology].
Sex, is a rather, dangerous, thing, today, as it, can very much, make one, or, break one. The reason, for all this, has to do, with, Performance issues. In many ways, women, tend to create, hierarchies, of men, based, on, sexual performance. Sleeping, with a woman, and performing, poorly, in bed, can have one, programmed, with a belief, that, they are a loser, when, in reality, they might be, rather intelligent. Sex today [as in the rather ancient past], is used, by women, to have, men, recognize, several things, in society:
1. Power, Might and Authority [as defined, by women]
2. Hierarchies in society [as with regards, to status]
3. Names [in all, all kinds, of discriminatory/racist, labels]
In all, when a man, sleeps, with a woman [today], they begin, to see, the above, in the way, women, see them [most men, on sleeping, with a woman, or even, being, offered sex, become (by nature for the second example), discriminatory]. In todays world, men, are required, to sleep, with a woman [atleast once], so as to be, programmed, with womens views, of the, three realities, mentioned above [alot of men, out there, have only slept, with a woman, once] [All this, is a very, primitive, way, of doing things, and is backward, compared, to previous times, where, all the above, realities, were Institutionalized, in one way, or another] [Names for instance, being institutionalized religiously, as in fool, compared, to 'wanker'].
For those today, seeking, Social Approval [as with regards, to, Names and Titles/Hierarchies], one, must realize, that, doing so, had advanced, to levels, unseen, in society [and even the movies] today [the world today, is more backward, than most, believe it to be]. As far back, as recent times [the Napoleanic era], Social Approval, was denoted, via, Names, Titles and Figures [often in the form, of, names, labels, and monikers] [Today, Social Approval, is denoted, by, access, to Real Estate, Entertainment and Communications, of all kinds] [For instance, not all, can afford, the iPod].
In general, Names/names, as a way, of seeking, Social Approval, were based, on ones, Physical skills [today, at its heart, its all about, having, a western name]. Titles/labels, as a way, of seeking Social Approval, were based on ones, Peoples skills, while Figures/monikers, as a way, of seeking, Social Approval, were based, on ones, Lingual skills.
In all really, for those, seeking, a kind of self-approval [Social Approval], then, they should realize, at its heart, it lies, with, the development, of ones, Physical, Peoples, and Lingual skills.
Physical Skills:
It appears, one finds, that, Physical skills, were never, as well defined, as they were, in, European cultures. By Physical skills, it is meant, the, ability, to demonstrate, the prowess, of the human body [via expression], as in, Power, Might and Authority. It is here, where, all kinds, of, European based, Performance Arts, have them, demonstrating, the prowess, of the human body [European swordsmen, where in many ways, mightier, than even, the Samurai] [the Samurai, are rather, reactive, by nature]. In all, to develop, self-confidence [of all kinds], and in nature too, develop, a personal form, of Social Approval, then, training, in a physical activity, of some sort, is a must [this does Not, mean, engaging, in exercise, but, engaging, in an activity, that helps one, learn, to fully, express, the human body (the Martial Arts, being, a prime example, as is, Singing, and Theatre)]. In the past, folks, highly adept, at any, of these, gave, themselves, new names, based on, titular names (monikers) [figures], such as, Chevalier (Swordsmanship), Count (Singing), and even, Knight (Theatre).
Peoples Skills:

Peoples skills, are rather, troublesome, for many, leading, to all kinds, of labels, that in many ways too, result, in ones, jobs prospects, being, rather poor [in general, the ability, to garner, a Title, of respect, is lacking]. In many parts, of the world, these, labels, are, systematic, and have, in many ways, to do, with, learning issues/disorders, IQ/Exam scores, and even, physical appearance [being fat, skinny etc., meaning, in general, one, is not, really, capable; as too, with being, negroid]. In other parts, of the world [like Africa], they do have, labels [words], for such people [derogatory, in nature].
For many, seeking, to succeed, and gain too, Social Approval, the, development, of Peoples/social skills, is paramount. In todays world, this means, developing, Western Social skills [discriminatory in nature, and even too, rather poor]. For those, seeking, to Succeed, today [genuinely really], there is, a better place, to look for, examples, of, Peoples skills, that will lead, one, to gain, the success, they seek out, rather, than simply, having, a job title. This place, is the Islamic world [including Byzantine].
In the Islamic world [Byzantine], a world, heavily based on, Enlightenment, many, of the figures, seen in it, were rather, adept, at Peoples skills. In short, even, the Religions, sought, to help people, out there, develop, Peoples skills [the western world, concentrates, more, on, Social skills, which are about, making, a favourable impression, rather, than having, Peoples skills, which are about, learning, how to deal, with all kinds, of people]. An example, is the Byzantine Jesus [seen above], who is a rather, unknown, Jesus, who is actually, the Jesus, people, are supposed, to pray to, when facing, all kinds, of social problems [the Byzantine Jesus, is actually, rather, the same, as the, European, Gnostic Christ]. You have too, many other, such figures, in the Islamic/Byzantine world, who can, teach one, excellent, Peoples skills, compared, to the vast, majority, of Western, Success Figures [other examples, include, the Byzantine Mary (the Blessed Maria), and also, very much, Simon Magus (for those, with great, aspirations)].
To make, a rather long, and difficult topic, rather simple, the Islamic/Byzantine world, is filled, with all kinds, of, people/figures [some ancient, others modern], who can, inspire one, to develop, Peoples skills, and also, seek out, acceptable, Social Approval, and in many ways, emulate them too, with regards, to a Life, well lived [most people, have no idea, what, to aspire for, in Life, as they, cannot, really see, how, Social Approval, determines, how their Life, progresses/moves forward] [For most people, Life, is simply about, seeking, Success (by planning for it), and many, discover, that they arrive, at, Success, with nothing much, having, happened, on the way (its just not, like, in the movies)]. However, emulating, the life, of the, Byzantine Jesus, the Blessed Maria, and even, Simon Magus, will result, in one, arriving, at, Success, with a shaking head [and probably, a look backwards too].
Many, on opening, Western magazines, see, all kinds, of, Success Figures, who (while being made, to look, interesting), are rather, not, too interesting, in nature [some even, are Made successes, having, been favoured, along, the way (for instance, for simply, being white)]. There are however, more interesting, Islamic/Byzantine based figures, who lived, in the present, and, recent past, and made, their Success, all by their own [Success, in the Western world, is heavily, based on, a big support, by a form, of power (the least, being, the banks)] [Even, great American Success stories, of the recent past (such as, Howard Hughes), owe, their Success, to modeling themselves, more, like Greek heroes (Islamic/Byzantine in nature), rather than, Western]. However, in the, Islamic/Byzantine world, one finds, figures, who very much, made, their names, by, simply, starting, with nothing much, and aspiring, for greatness, of all kinds; some examples include: Carlos the Jackal (supposedly caught, and very much, Simon Magus), Mother Teresa (the Byzantine Mary), and even, Saladin (the Arabian ruler (not King), falsely believed, to be, muslim, and who, was, truly responsible, for bringing, peace, to the Middle East) [Richard the Lionheart, was asked, to engage, in, the Middle Eastern warring, by the Jewish faction, who convinced him, of, the murder, of Christians, in the Holy Land, by, Muslims from Africa] [Richards war, was eventually, against, these Muslims, but in the end, it was, Saladin, that brought, peace, to the region (the Jews, were simply, attempting, to take over it)]. Another final example, is probably, Vlad Dracula (the supposed inspiration, for Count Dracula), but in reality, a follower, of, Basilides, and in many ways too, a maverick.
In all really, what is been said, is that, for those, seeking, Success, and Social Approval, and very much too, seeking, to live, an interesting life, then, figures [with Peoples skills], from, the Islamic/Byzantine world, are the way, to go [most, would probably, I believe, rather, want to be, Ali Baba, rather than, Mel Gibson, for instance].
Lingual Skills:
Finally, for those, seeking, to make, an everyday, Name, for themselves [as in successfully, solving, a problem, in the workplace], then, developing, Lingual skills, is one, of the most, important ways, of gaining, any kind, of Success. By Lingual skills, it very much too, refers, to the, ability, to think, clearly, based on, the Language, one speaks. Today, the language, of civilization, is falsely, believed, to be English. It is believed, to be, the language, of geniuses, due, to a false, belief, by many, that most, of the, geniuses, of the European world, were of English origin, and spoke English too. In reality, most, of Europes geniuses, have been, French, German, Italian, and even, Austrian [at the very least, the Austrian School of Economics]. English, on the otherhand, has always been, a rather, social language [in many ways too, it is not, the best, language (if at all), for creative thinkers] [Shakespeare, was not, the height, of European Art].
For most today, their feelings, of, inferiority, with regards, to seeking, Success, and winning, Social Approval, has to do, with, their inability, to master, the English language. Success, especially, in the Western world, has to do, with, a mastery, of the English language [something difficult, for most, as this, is very much, genetic, in nature] [in all, one rises, in, Western society, not due, to aptitude, but rather how, one, presents themselves, with regards, to the English language]. In many ways, one finds, from a very young age, that, Social Success [in many ways], defines, whom, they become, at an older age [time period]. If one, is not, a success [or even happy], during, their youth, they might, find it, difficult, to seek out, Social Approval, later in life [feeling inferior, even, when a Success]. The main reason, for all this, has, to do, with the, English speaking world, creating, discriminatory images, of other people, so as, to look down, at them. The English speaking world, is the most, discriminatory, of all, the worlds, out there, and most, also, capable, of inflicting, all kinds, of, psychological damage, to one.
To summarize, a rather, difficult, and long topic, what is been said, is that, the English speaking world, is rather, violent, by nature [psychologically]. Those, who do get, to the top of it, are favoured, in doing so [at the very least, by being, able, to master, English (a rather, genetic based language)].
Those seeking, Social Approval (of self too), should realize, that, developing, great, Lingual/Expression skills, are paramount, to one, feeling good, about themselves. If one, has, excellent, communications skills, then one, naturally, feels good, about, themselves, and one, will find too, that, Western Domination [in many ways], is about, breaking, ones communications skills, down, via, mainly, presenting, a false image, of one [to the masses] [usually, in the form, of, ridicule] [the most common, form, of ridicule, is the inability, to speak, English well].
There are, however, other more, advanced, languages, that one, can use [not only, to feel good, about oneself], but also, to enable one, to think, clearly, in seeking out, success [English today, has become, very much, like a slang, and is not comparable, to pure/Shakespearean English] [In many ways, this means, English, is simply, a rather, conversational language, social in nature (as it has, mainly been)] [It too, is at the say-level, of Language levels; primitive, in nature].
There are three, main kinds, of, English out there, that in, many ways, have resulted, in a, divided, and violent world. The three, are, Mainstream/Queens English, Business/American English, and finally Cultural English [ethnic based, by country, and region]. All these three, forms, of English, are terrible really, for, the masses, although, they determine, in many ways, what, goes on, out there. Mainstream/Queens English, is the key, to ones, social success; however, for most, out there, they have to know, that, English [its mastery, and even usage], is a rather, genetic, based language, determined, through, ones Accent [accents, are genetic]. In short, it is a rather, Accent based language, whose mastery, can never, truly be attained, by those, who are non-English, speakers. Business English, is inferior, for most, as it has, a way, of thinking, that really, only, favours, American culture [in all, it will have you thinking, like an American/Westerner][exploitative in nature]. Cultural English, is English, as spread out, through, the world [in various regions], through, some forms, of, colonialism/exploitation, and in many ways, makes one, feel, inferior, to Westerners [simply by usage].
This, in all, is a rather difficult topic, to explain, to those, who do not speak, other languages, fluently. In many ways, the English speaking world, is hierarchic, as based, on, ones mastery, of, English [genetic, via accents]. This means, in general, that those, who rise, to the top, of the, English speaking world [socially too], have to be, somewhat, of, English blood [or ancestry]. Second too, one has, to realize, that, English, creates, its own worlds, thoughts, actions etc., that, in many ways, are violent, and divisive, by nature [modern English, that is] [Shakespearean, as mentioned, is highly, cultural (English)]. It therefore, must be seen, that, new languages, be used, to help, people out there, feel more, human [as English today, has words, and language, that simply, looks down, on non-white English speakers, and in many ways, making them, feel inferior]. There are much, better languages out there, to learn, so as to, become, more intelligent thinkers, and also, rather, humane, in general [intelligent, virtuous, creative etc.]. Here, follows below, a possible, possibility, for the new Age, on Languages, that can help, the world perhaps [and one too], be more, humane, and simply believe, the sky, is the limit:
Social language (for the world): Italian
Business language: Dutch
Philosophical language (self-thoughts): Swahili
One should not, be shocked, by all this, as this, Blog, is very much written, in English, as an, Italian speaker, would speak it [this is not, Queens English, or American, but, Italian-English].
Italian, is the language, of Love; [that is very well known]. What is perhaps, not too, well known, is that, Italian, is one, of the most, expressive, languages, out there, enabling one, to simply express, just about, any emotion [or thought]. It is, a social language (par excellence), as hierarchies, in the, Italian social world, is created, via, the ability, to express, oneself, fluently, in Italian [this is not genetic; anyone, out there, can master, Italian]. It is simply, a beautiful language, and a language, which creates, worlds [social possibilities], much greater, than, Queens English does [in all, an Italian speaking world, is much more, fun, and exciting, than the English speaking world (which is all about, drinks, and smug talk)] [Festivals, as known today, were born, in Italia]. For those, seeking, to become, humane [intelligent, creative, virtuous], and generally, behave, civilized [to ones neighbour], then Italian, is the way, to go [it is, the Language, of Love]. Forget, the English world (especially social), and begin, to interact, socially, using Italian [this is not, recommended, as a replacement, for, ethnic identities, but as a, replacement, for whatever, area, in ones social life, one, is required, to speak, in English] [One should continue, of course, to speak, ones ethnic language].
[More movies in Italian (music too), and less, in English]
[Most creative geniuses [Art and Technology], in Europe, were seen, in Italia (and not, even, France, or Deutschland)]
At the very least, for those, not, fully convinced, that, the Italian social world, is superior, to the, English, here, are some, few examples:
Gucci & Armani,
Prada eyewear,
Italian Architecture
( )
Italian movies [talent really] ( ),
Italian Business (,
Italian Thinkers (Dante Alighieri),
Italian Art ( ),
Italian Food ( ),
and finally, the Italian Football team (who's Beckham?!!)
If you want, to live, in this, social world, then, it all begins, by one, speaking Italian.
For those, seeking out, business opportunity, then, it best, be advised, that, Dutch, is the, language, you want, to seek out. First off really, what is, great, about, Dutch, is that, its very, much, a language, of equality [in all really, its a language, that does not, have lingua, that looks down, on others] [this, in many ways, has made, Dutch society, the most, equal, of them all, in Europe]. Second too, Dutch, is very much [as a business language], a language, based, very much too, on making deals [its in many ways, a conversational, business language, which, just about, anyone, can engage in]. It is, without trying, to say, too much, a great, Business language, in many ways too, superior, to German, in this area [German Business, is rather, traditional and culturally, German]. If you want, to learn, how, to do, business [as it is done, in everyday life], then, you probably want, to seek out, a Dutch Business School. Business English, in many ways, today, is simply, a language, that, highly tends, towards, Management issues. Business English, or, American Business School, will not, teach you, much, other than, high level management [and who, really needs, or wants, to know that].
Finally, Swahili, as very much, a philosophical, Language, is the third choice, of language, most, should seek out [many, should not be, surprised, that they, are been asked, to learn, several languages, as this, in many ways, is the, way, of the future]. What makes Swahili, as a, philosophical language, superior, to others, out there [including French], is that, its a language, as stated before, is spoken, at, the 'State' level. At this level, one finds, that, when in, thought, one, simply blurts out, things, that are very much, the truth [rapid thinking]. However, Swahili, is one, of the most, reasonable, languages, as it is, a language, that enables, one, to think, clearly, about, themselves, and also, very much, about, others [it is the most, humane (religiously speaking) of languages]. You will do yourself, a great favour, in learning, swahili, and learning, how, to see, yourself, as you really are, and as, clearly, as possible [learn Swahili, and you will, really understand, why, the English world, is rather, stupid, in its ways] [Swahili too, is the only reason, why, a country, like Kenya, is really, famous (in many ways, its the language, of, Kenyan tourism)] [English, as a philosophical language, is in, many ways, one, of denial (in that, 'the other', is always, the one, with the problem)].
In all really though, learning, Physical skills, Peoples skills and Lingual skills, is your passport, in many ways, to living, a happy life [from the perspective, of, Success, and Social Approval]. Without these skills, nothing, really, can make you Happy, as self-expression [in all its modes], is at the core, of living, a happy life [Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise].
Social Approval though, differs, by region lived, and everyday, occurrences [everyday moments], in different parts, of the world, are denoted, really, by how, Social Approval, is believed, manifest. What this means, is that, Social Approval, has certain, themes to it, which, differ, by region, of the world. Some examples are:
North America: Sexual overtones
In North America, nearly all forms, of, Social Approval, carry, sexual overtones, to them. From simple compliments [such as saying, someone, is hot, or sexy], and even, achievement compliments [whereby, achieving men, are seen, as defining, manhood, in many ways (including popularity, amongst women), and achieving women, are seen, as, redefining, masculinity, in one way, or another]. In all, even, the smallest of compliments, appears, to be, rather sexual, in nature [most men/people, in North America, upon, being complimented, by, a woman, think (in many ways), she is interested, in them].
South America: Intellectual undertones
In South America, nearly all forms, of, Social Approval, have to do, with, ones, having, some streetmarts, to them. In many ways, this means, one, being knowledgeable, at all times, of whats, really, going on, at just about, any moment [this means, the ability, to sense out (whats going on), and not, really, decipher/decode it]. In many ways, it is those, that are, intellectual, that rise up, in society [lots of movies, made in, America, about, having, a sense of, streetsmartness, are really based on, South American culture] [in America, feeling accepted socially, is always about, being, sexual, in one way, or another (as seen in, American music videos)].
Africa: Physicality (Physical connotations)
In Africa, all forms, of, Social Approval, have always been, based, on what, some call, physicality [the ability, in many ways, to impose, oneself, physically, on another]. Physicality, in many ways, denotes, having, a bigger body [even more shapely] than others, a booming voice, dark skin [in all its meanings], and even, penile length. In many ways, ones, physical appearance, determines, how high, one, rises, in society [it is almost impossible, to be, a president, in Africa, without being, tall, having a booming voice, and in general, being, dark skinned].
Europe: Passion (Love intonations)
In Europe, being passionate, with regards really, to humour [as in being humourous], is the way, to gain, Social Approval. One, in many ways, is required, to be, humorous, in getting into, situations, and also, out of them. In all, just about, every situation, in European cultures, calls for, some humour, of some kind.
Asia: Historic undercurrents
In Asia, what may be referred to, as, Historic undercurrents, define, Social Approval for all. What this means, is that, ones past [how they have lived, their lives], defines, how one, is treated, in society. In many ways, theirs, is a society, where, the people attempt, to hide, all kinds, of weaknesses [faults], and are supposed, in many ways, to work, on them, religiously [Exposes (fr), are rather common, in Asian cultures]. The cleaner, ones history is, the higher, one rises, in society.
Middle East: Righteousness (Religious tones)
In the Middle East, Social Approval, has in many ways, to do, with being, perceived, as being, righteous. In many ways too, at the basic level, this is said, to mean, that one, has a good sense, of right and wrong. On higher levels though, it is about, being, creative, when displaying, any form, of virtue [interesting tales, abound, in Islamic culture, of people, who come across, hidden money, and wonder, what to do with it; keep it (and wonder, if it is, stolen loot), or return it (and probably, be rewarded for it), or leave it (and have someone else, be the benefactor)].
In many ways, Social Approval, defines, our everyday moments [even when alone], and is what, in many ways, makes us, all equal [the desire, to be, accepted, socially]. From Popes, to Presidents, and even Beggars, all, have an innate desire, to be, Socially Approved, in one way, or another.
What one though, one finds today, is that, Social Approval, has fallen, to low levels, in nearly, all, parts, of the world. In all, Social Approval today, has come, to be defined, by the, search, and gaining, of, sex, money, and popularity. In many ways [if not all], the three, define, what, Social Approval, is all about, today, and one finds, even, that people, espousing, virtuosity, are looked down, upon, as being weak [or even stupid]. In many ways, the everyday world, is not, primitive [in nature], but rather, animal like.
Many, who attempt, to seek out, Social Approval [as defined today, by sex, money and popularity], find themselves, suffering, from two main, conditions: Sabotage and Self-sabotage. Sabotage, is tormenting in nature, and comes, after one, gains, Success [Social Approval], in one way, or another [coming in some ways, from those, one, is affiliated with (connected, linked, or partnered)]. Self-sabotage, is rather, instinctive, in nature, and is very much, based, on knowing [subconsciously even], that Success today [Social Approval], brings with it, all forms, of, hatred, towards one [for no other reason, that merely, succeeding] [what this means, is that, one, could write, the greatest book, ever, but if it is not, popular/known, then one, has not, succeeded].
Social Approval, today [rather primitive in nature, conceptually], is strongly, affiliated, with three main industries: Real Estate, Entertainment, and Communications. In all, these three industries, today [as compared to the past], are driven, by, the endless search, by many, for, sex, popularity, and money respectively. In many ways too, for those, unable, to gain, sex, money and popularity [a huge percentage, of the worlds population really], they instead, tend, to engage in, Big Media [music videos, television, movies], Partying, and finally, the Internet. In all, these three, other industries, are driven really, by those, who cannot, find, sex, popularity, and money, anywhere [the Internet, as a substitute, for money, has to do, with one, being, forceful, and opinionated, in their postings]. In many ways, its an ugly world [filled with lots, of negativity], as humans, everywhere, scramble [and even fight each other], so as to get, a dosage, of sex, money, and popularity. An ugly world, such that, those, who gain, any of the above, become, rather unhappy, as they, often, soon realize, that, there is nothing much, to life today, than seeking out, Success [Social Approval], in the form, of, sex, money, and popularity. Even, a world, where, Success [Social Approval], is based, on Physicality, has more, choices really, of Success, as Social Approval, as defined, by, Physicality, is rather, large, in nature. In many ways too, Social Approval, as defined above [by the regions above], is not, only, wide in range, but also, rather, wide too, in depth [the smallest of actions, in a Passion based world (as in saving a puppy), can gain one, lots, of Social Approval].
As a result really, one finds that, society [just about everywhere], in general, has been divided, into, two main groups [categories really], of people socially: the Interesting, and the Boring. The Interesting, are those, with access [or can allow it], to sex, money, and popularity [a small percentage, of the world population]. The boring, are those, who lack it [them]. However though, one finds that, the Social Scene today [as with regards to Social Approval], is moderated, by people, who very much, hide, behind the ranks. They are a Power Elite, who in many ways, moderate, money, sex and popularity [directly and indirectly], with regards really, to whom, can access them. This moderation, is mainly done, via, the three industries, of Real Estate, Entertainment, and Communications; in many ways, what it is been said, is that, this Power Elite/cabal, control, these three, main industries, and in many ways too, regulating them, as with, regards, to whom, can participate, in them [in todays world, for those, seeking, to make, big money (and not wealth/assets), and live, in a big house, and know, all the popular, people, and beautiful women too, then, they should realize, that, there are only, three, main industries, one, can make money in today: Real Estate, Entertainment, and Communications. All other industries, tend to be, large, in scope, and are also, in many ways, government regulated, reducing, the ability, of one, to make, wealth (or lots of money), in them]. But as was said, before, these three, main industries [Real Estate, Entertainment, Communications], are heavily, regulated, by this, Power Elite/cabal, consisting, of the following groups/peoples: Powerful Families, the Beautiful people, Black markets & Organized crime, Big Media, and finally too, the Church [the Catholic Church, is the largest, Land owner, in the world]. In many ways for instance, the assassination, of, Pope John Paul 1, had to do, with his, investigating, the Churches activity [the Catholic Church's banking activities], with regards, to their engagement, in this, whole social scene, of sex, money and popularity, as moderated, by the, Real Estate, Entertainment, and Communications industry.
[In all, one finds for instance, that, there is a much, wider, economic opportunity, of all kinds, in for instance, a society, where, Social Approval, is defined, by, Intellectual undertones, as in the case, of a shop owner, selling, puzzles, and even, cards [for Poker], to a society really, where, Social Approval, is based on, intellectual pursuits]
A Rose by any other Name: Names, Titles & Personalities
We live, in a world, where, people, are heavily defined, by the Names, Titles, and Personalities [Celebrity status], they possess. In many ways, not a world, of merit, but one really, where, Status [in all its meaning], is predetermined, at birth. This all, in all really, is due to, the desire, for most, to seek out, sex, money, and popularity, as the main forms, of, Social Approval [in such a world for instance, white skin, is highly desired, for sexual intercourse]. This differs mainly, from the world, of the past, where, Social Approval, was not based, on sex, money, and popularity [this way, of seeking Social Approval, is what, led, to the collapse, of, Babylon, as a civilization], but on other forms, of Social Approval, denoted, above. In many ways, our attempts, at gaining, money, sex, and popularity [in this world], is predetermined, at birth, and for many, out there [even if rather intelligent], Success, will never be theirs [in many ways, to be, successful, one has to be, white skinned, caucosoid, and western]. Most in reality, will never, make it, as they wish to.
In todays world [unlike that, of the past], Success, is made, via, what they call, Performance [in the past, success, was all about, Attitude]. Performance though, is not, as many believe it to be defined [as in one, who works, hard, to make things right]. In many ways, performance today, as defined, has many, sexual undercurrents, to it [in many ways, most, out there, never believe, in their ability, to succeed, unless, sexually approved, by, society, at large, and by (in many ways), a group of women]. For most today, self-confidence, of all kinds, is heavily based, on, the ability, to sexually satisfy, a woman [or as many, as possible] [in all really, a rather primitive way, of seeking, self-confidence, backward, in nature, as the Ancient Egyptians, had progressed, to a level, where, self-confidence & success, was defined, by mythology].
Sex, is a rather, dangerous, thing, today, as it, can very much, make one, or, break one. The reason, for all this, has to do, with, Performance issues. In many ways, women, tend to create, hierarchies, of men, based, on, sexual performance. Sleeping, with a woman, and performing, poorly, in bed, can have one, programmed, with a belief, that, they are a loser, when, in reality, they might be, rather intelligent. Sex today [as in the rather ancient past], is used, by women, to have, men, recognize, several things, in society:
1. Power, Might and Authority [as defined, by women]
2. Hierarchies in society [as with regards, to status]
3. Names [in all, all kinds, of discriminatory/racist, labels]
In all, when a man, sleeps, with a woman [today], they begin, to see, the above, in the way, women, see them [most men, on sleeping, with a woman, or even, being, offered sex, become (by nature for the second example), discriminatory]. In todays world, men, are required, to sleep, with a woman [atleast once], so as to be, programmed, with womens views, of the, three realities, mentioned above [alot of men, out there, have only slept, with a woman, once] [All this, is a very, primitive, way, of doing things, and is backward, compared, to previous times, where, all the above, realities, were Institutionalized, in one way, or another] [Names for instance, being institutionalized religiously, as in fool, compared, to 'wanker'].
For those today, seeking, Social Approval [as with regards, to, Names and Titles/Hierarchies], one, must realize, that, doing so, had advanced, to levels, unseen, in society [and even the movies] today [the world today, is more backward, than most, believe it to be]. As far back, as recent times [the Napoleanic era], Social Approval, was denoted, via, Names, Titles and Figures [often in the form, of, names, labels, and monikers] [Today, Social Approval, is denoted, by, access, to Real Estate, Entertainment and Communications, of all kinds] [For instance, not all, can afford, the iPod].
In general, Names/names, as a way, of seeking, Social Approval, were based, on ones, Physical skills [today, at its heart, its all about, having, a western name]. Titles/labels, as a way, of seeking Social Approval, were based on ones, Peoples skills, while Figures/monikers, as a way, of seeking, Social Approval, were based, on ones, Lingual skills.
In all really, for those, seeking, a kind of self-approval [Social Approval], then, they should realize, at its heart, it lies, with, the development, of ones, Physical, Peoples, and Lingual skills.
Physical Skills:
It appears, one finds, that, Physical skills, were never, as well defined, as they were, in, European cultures. By Physical skills, it is meant, the, ability, to demonstrate, the prowess, of the human body [via expression], as in, Power, Might and Authority. It is here, where, all kinds, of, European based, Performance Arts, have them, demonstrating, the prowess, of the human body [European swordsmen, where in many ways, mightier, than even, the Samurai] [the Samurai, are rather, reactive, by nature]. In all, to develop, self-confidence [of all kinds], and in nature too, develop, a personal form, of Social Approval, then, training, in a physical activity, of some sort, is a must [this does Not, mean, engaging, in exercise, but, engaging, in an activity, that helps one, learn, to fully, express, the human body (the Martial Arts, being, a prime example, as is, Singing, and Theatre)]. In the past, folks, highly adept, at any, of these, gave, themselves, new names, based on, titular names (monikers) [figures], such as, Chevalier (Swordsmanship), Count (Singing), and even, Knight (Theatre).
Peoples Skills:
Peoples skills, are rather, troublesome, for many, leading, to all kinds, of labels, that in many ways too, result, in ones, jobs prospects, being, rather poor [in general, the ability, to garner, a Title, of respect, is lacking]. In many parts, of the world, these, labels, are, systematic, and have, in many ways, to do, with, learning issues/disorders, IQ/Exam scores, and even, physical appearance [being fat, skinny etc., meaning, in general, one, is not, really, capable; as too, with being, negroid]. In other parts, of the world [like Africa], they do have, labels [words], for such people [derogatory, in nature].
For many, seeking, to succeed, and gain too, Social Approval, the, development, of Peoples/social skills, is paramount. In todays world, this means, developing, Western Social skills [discriminatory in nature, and even too, rather poor]. For those, seeking, to Succeed, today [genuinely really], there is, a better place, to look for, examples, of, Peoples skills, that will lead, one, to gain, the success, they seek out, rather, than simply, having, a job title. This place, is the Islamic world [including Byzantine].
In the Islamic world [Byzantine], a world, heavily based on, Enlightenment, many, of the figures, seen in it, were rather, adept, at Peoples skills. In short, even, the Religions, sought, to help people, out there, develop, Peoples skills [the western world, concentrates, more, on, Social skills, which are about, making, a favourable impression, rather, than having, Peoples skills, which are about, learning, how to deal, with all kinds, of people]. An example, is the Byzantine Jesus [seen above], who is a rather, unknown, Jesus, who is actually, the Jesus, people, are supposed, to pray to, when facing, all kinds, of social problems [the Byzantine Jesus, is actually, rather, the same, as the, European, Gnostic Christ]. You have too, many other, such figures, in the Islamic/Byzantine world, who can, teach one, excellent, Peoples skills, compared, to the vast, majority, of Western, Success Figures [other examples, include, the Byzantine Mary (the Blessed Maria), and also, very much, Simon Magus (for those, with great, aspirations)].
To make, a rather long, and difficult topic, rather simple, the Islamic/Byzantine world, is filled, with all kinds, of, people/figures [some ancient, others modern], who can, inspire one, to develop, Peoples skills, and also, seek out, acceptable, Social Approval, and in many ways, emulate them too, with regards, to a Life, well lived [most people, have no idea, what, to aspire for, in Life, as they, cannot, really see, how, Social Approval, determines, how their Life, progresses/moves forward] [For most people, Life, is simply about, seeking, Success (by planning for it), and many, discover, that they arrive, at, Success, with nothing much, having, happened, on the way (its just not, like, in the movies)]. However, emulating, the life, of the, Byzantine Jesus, the Blessed Maria, and even, Simon Magus, will result, in one, arriving, at, Success, with a shaking head [and probably, a look backwards too].
Many, on opening, Western magazines, see, all kinds, of, Success Figures, who (while being made, to look, interesting), are rather, not, too interesting, in nature [some even, are Made successes, having, been favoured, along, the way (for instance, for simply, being white)]. There are however, more interesting, Islamic/Byzantine based figures, who lived, in the present, and, recent past, and made, their Success, all by their own [Success, in the Western world, is heavily, based on, a big support, by a form, of power (the least, being, the banks)] [Even, great American Success stories, of the recent past (such as, Howard Hughes), owe, their Success, to modeling themselves, more, like Greek heroes (Islamic/Byzantine in nature), rather than, Western]. However, in the, Islamic/Byzantine world, one finds, figures, who very much, made, their names, by, simply, starting, with nothing much, and aspiring, for greatness, of all kinds; some examples include: Carlos the Jackal (supposedly caught, and very much, Simon Magus), Mother Teresa (the Byzantine Mary), and even, Saladin (the Arabian ruler (not King), falsely believed, to be, muslim, and who, was, truly responsible, for bringing, peace, to the Middle East) [Richard the Lionheart, was asked, to engage, in, the Middle Eastern warring, by the Jewish faction, who convinced him, of, the murder, of Christians, in the Holy Land, by, Muslims from Africa] [Richards war, was eventually, against, these Muslims, but in the end, it was, Saladin, that brought, peace, to the region (the Jews, were simply, attempting, to take over it)]. Another final example, is probably, Vlad Dracula (the supposed inspiration, for Count Dracula), but in reality, a follower, of, Basilides, and in many ways too, a maverick.
In all really, what is been said, is that, for those, seeking, Success, and Social Approval, and very much too, seeking, to live, an interesting life, then, figures [with Peoples skills], from, the Islamic/Byzantine world, are the way, to go [most, would probably, I believe, rather, want to be, Ali Baba, rather than, Mel Gibson, for instance].
Lingual Skills:
Finally, for those, seeking, to make, an everyday, Name, for themselves [as in successfully, solving, a problem, in the workplace], then, developing, Lingual skills, is one, of the most, important ways, of gaining, any kind, of Success. By Lingual skills, it very much too, refers, to the, ability, to think, clearly, based on, the Language, one speaks. Today, the language, of civilization, is falsely, believed, to be English. It is believed, to be, the language, of geniuses, due, to a false, belief, by many, that most, of the, geniuses, of the European world, were of English origin, and spoke English too. In reality, most, of Europes geniuses, have been, French, German, Italian, and even, Austrian [at the very least, the Austrian School of Economics]. English, on the otherhand, has always been, a rather, social language [in many ways too, it is not, the best, language (if at all), for creative thinkers] [Shakespeare, was not, the height, of European Art].
For most today, their feelings, of, inferiority, with regards, to seeking, Success, and winning, Social Approval, has to do, with, their inability, to master, the English language. Success, especially, in the Western world, has to do, with, a mastery, of the English language [something difficult, for most, as this, is very much, genetic, in nature] [in all, one rises, in, Western society, not due, to aptitude, but rather how, one, presents themselves, with regards, to the English language]. In many ways, one finds, from a very young age, that, Social Success [in many ways], defines, whom, they become, at an older age [time period]. If one, is not, a success [or even happy], during, their youth, they might, find it, difficult, to seek out, Social Approval, later in life [feeling inferior, even, when a Success]. The main reason, for all this, has, to do, with the, English speaking world, creating, discriminatory images, of other people, so as, to look down, at them. The English speaking world, is the most, discriminatory, of all, the worlds, out there, and most, also, capable, of inflicting, all kinds, of, psychological damage, to one.
To summarize, a rather, difficult, and long topic, what is been said, is that, the English speaking world, is rather, violent, by nature [psychologically]. Those, who do get, to the top of it, are favoured, in doing so [at the very least, by being, able, to master, English (a rather, genetic based language)].
Those seeking, Social Approval (of self too), should realize, that, developing, great, Lingual/Expression skills, are paramount, to one, feeling good, about themselves. If one, has, excellent, communications skills, then one, naturally, feels good, about, themselves, and one, will find too, that, Western Domination [in many ways], is about, breaking, ones communications skills, down, via, mainly, presenting, a false image, of one [to the masses] [usually, in the form, of, ridicule] [the most common, form, of ridicule, is the inability, to speak, English well].
There are, however, other more, advanced, languages, that one, can use [not only, to feel good, about oneself], but also, to enable one, to think, clearly, in seeking out, success [English today, has become, very much, like a slang, and is not comparable, to pure/Shakespearean English] [In many ways, this means, English, is simply, a rather, conversational language, social in nature (as it has, mainly been)] [It too, is at the say-level, of Language levels; primitive, in nature].
There are three, main kinds, of, English out there, that in, many ways, have resulted, in a, divided, and violent world. The three, are, Mainstream/Queens English, Business/American English, and finally Cultural English [ethnic based, by country, and region]. All these three, forms, of English, are terrible really, for, the masses, although, they determine, in many ways, what, goes on, out there. Mainstream/Queens English, is the key, to ones, social success; however, for most, out there, they have to know, that, English [its mastery, and even usage], is a rather, genetic, based language, determined, through, ones Accent [accents, are genetic]. In short, it is a rather, Accent based language, whose mastery, can never, truly be attained, by those, who are non-English, speakers. Business English, is inferior, for most, as it has, a way, of thinking, that really, only, favours, American culture [in all, it will have you thinking, like an American/Westerner][exploitative in nature]. Cultural English, is English, as spread out, through, the world [in various regions], through, some forms, of, colonialism/exploitation, and in many ways, makes one, feel, inferior, to Westerners [simply by usage].
This, in all, is a rather difficult topic, to explain, to those, who do not speak, other languages, fluently. In many ways, the English speaking world, is hierarchic, as based, on, ones mastery, of, English [genetic, via accents]. This means, in general, that those, who rise, to the top, of the, English speaking world [socially too], have to be, somewhat, of, English blood [or ancestry]. Second too, one has, to realize, that, English, creates, its own worlds, thoughts, actions etc., that, in many ways, are violent, and divisive, by nature [modern English, that is] [Shakespearean, as mentioned, is highly, cultural (English)]. It therefore, must be seen, that, new languages, be used, to help, people out there, feel more, human [as English today, has words, and language, that simply, looks down, on non-white English speakers, and in many ways, making them, feel inferior]. There are much, better languages out there, to learn, so as to, become, more intelligent thinkers, and also, rather, humane, in general [intelligent, virtuous, creative etc.]. Here, follows below, a possible, possibility, for the new Age, on Languages, that can help, the world perhaps [and one too], be more, humane, and simply believe, the sky, is the limit:
Social language (for the world): Italian
Business language: Dutch
Philosophical language (self-thoughts): Swahili
One should not, be shocked, by all this, as this, Blog, is very much written, in English, as an, Italian speaker, would speak it [this is not, Queens English, or American, but, Italian-English].
Italian, is the language, of Love; [that is very well known]. What is perhaps, not too, well known, is that, Italian, is one, of the most, expressive, languages, out there, enabling one, to simply express, just about, any emotion [or thought]. It is, a social language (par excellence), as hierarchies, in the, Italian social world, is created, via, the ability, to express, oneself, fluently, in Italian [this is not genetic; anyone, out there, can master, Italian]. It is simply, a beautiful language, and a language, which creates, worlds [social possibilities], much greater, than, Queens English does [in all, an Italian speaking world, is much more, fun, and exciting, than the English speaking world (which is all about, drinks, and smug talk)] [Festivals, as known today, were born, in Italia]. For those, seeking, to become, humane [intelligent, creative, virtuous], and generally, behave, civilized [to ones neighbour], then Italian, is the way, to go [it is, the Language, of Love]. Forget, the English world (especially social), and begin, to interact, socially, using Italian [this is not, recommended, as a replacement, for, ethnic identities, but as a, replacement, for whatever, area, in ones social life, one, is required, to speak, in English] [One should continue, of course, to speak, ones ethnic language].
[More movies in Italian (music too), and less, in English]
[Most creative geniuses [Art and Technology], in Europe, were seen, in Italia (and not, even, France, or Deutschland)]
At the very least, for those, not, fully convinced, that, the Italian social world, is superior, to the, English, here, are some, few examples:
Gucci & Armani,
Prada eyewear,
Italian Architecture
( )
Italian movies [talent really] ( ),
Italian Business (,
Italian Thinkers (Dante Alighieri),
Italian Art ( ),
Italian Food ( ),
and finally, the Italian Football team (who's Beckham?!!)
If you want, to live, in this, social world, then, it all begins, by one, speaking Italian.
For those, seeking out, business opportunity, then, it best, be advised, that, Dutch, is the, language, you want, to seek out. First off really, what is, great, about, Dutch, is that, its very, much, a language, of equality [in all really, its a language, that does not, have lingua, that looks down, on others] [this, in many ways, has made, Dutch society, the most, equal, of them all, in Europe]. Second too, Dutch, is very much [as a business language], a language, based, very much too, on making deals [its in many ways, a conversational, business language, which, just about, anyone, can engage in]. It is, without trying, to say, too much, a great, Business language, in many ways too, superior, to German, in this area [German Business, is rather, traditional and culturally, German]. If you want, to learn, how, to do, business [as it is done, in everyday life], then, you probably want, to seek out, a Dutch Business School. Business English, in many ways, today, is simply, a language, that, highly tends, towards, Management issues. Business English, or, American Business School, will not, teach you, much, other than, high level management [and who, really needs, or wants, to know that].
Finally, Swahili, as very much, a philosophical, Language, is the third choice, of language, most, should seek out [many, should not be, surprised, that they, are been asked, to learn, several languages, as this, in many ways, is the, way, of the future]. What makes Swahili, as a, philosophical language, superior, to others, out there [including French], is that, its a language, as stated before, is spoken, at, the 'State' level. At this level, one finds, that, when in, thought, one, simply blurts out, things, that are very much, the truth [rapid thinking]. However, Swahili, is one, of the most, reasonable, languages, as it is, a language, that enables, one, to think, clearly, about, themselves, and also, very much, about, others [it is the most, humane (religiously speaking) of languages]. You will do yourself, a great favour, in learning, swahili, and learning, how, to see, yourself, as you really are, and as, clearly, as possible [learn Swahili, and you will, really understand, why, the English world, is rather, stupid, in its ways] [Swahili too, is the only reason, why, a country, like Kenya, is really, famous (in many ways, its the language, of, Kenyan tourism)] [English, as a philosophical language, is in, many ways, one, of denial (in that, 'the other', is always, the one, with the problem)].
In all really though, learning, Physical skills, Peoples skills and Lingual skills, is your passport, in many ways, to living, a happy life [from the perspective, of, Success, and Social Approval]. Without these skills, nothing, really, can make you Happy, as self-expression [in all its modes], is at the core, of living, a happy life [Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise].