Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Pleasure Principle

The Pleasure Principle, is a term, coined, by, Sigmund Freud, and in many ways, in general, refers, to, the seeking out, of, pleasure, by the average, human being. According to Freud, as children, we are all, driven really, by, the pleasure-principle, in seeking out, positive experiences, rather than, our instincts [Children for instance, only sleep, when, in fatigue, unlike, grown up folk, who seek out, sleep, as an experience really].

In many ways though, Sigmund Freud, did not, fully explain out, the Pleasure Principle, as with, regards, to our adult lives, and, in many ways, seeing it, very much, as an obstruction, to growth, of all kinds [in general, he believed, the pleasure principle, to be, unacknowledged, in our adult lives, by society in general, and it being, very much then, being, directed, towards, more or less, violent pursuits]. For Sigmund Freud, all forms, of, deviant behaviour [past childhood], can very well, be explained, by, a failure, to fully understand, the Pleasure Principle.

In many ways, it does, appear, that as, people, grow up, the Pleasure Principle, is directed, towards, the pursuit, of only, one thing: sex [and sexual contact]. All other activities, out there, are experienced, in a rather, interesting way, by, attempting really, to put, the human body [in a painful state], and afterwards, seeking out, relief [in one form or another]. In most ways, many believe, there is only, one, pleasurable activity, in the whole world, and it is, very much, sex.

In many ways though, one finds that, Freuds Pleasure Principle, is not, rather well unknown, as, some civilizations [especially Greek and Italian], sought, to find a way, to deal, with this problem [of re-directing, the, pleasure-principle, to more, worthwhile pursuits, other than, engaging (and seeking out), sexual contact]. With the Greeks, one finds, an attempt, to create, the most, beautiful looking, of humans, whom, in many ways, did not, seek out, sex, in an attempt, to feel good, in general [they simply, looked great, making them, feel wonderful, about, themselves]. The Greeks, found extreme, pleasure, in being, muses [of all kinds], and every endeavour, they engaged in [from writing poetry, to fighting, battles], were very much, pleasurable, as the pleasure-principle, was directed, towards, these activities [very much similar, to being, a child, and being able, to play, all day long]. With the Italians, it was more, with regards, to, expression; Italians, sought, to express themselves, fully [and beautifully], not only, via, the Italian language [amongst the most, expressive (if not, the most)], and also, very much, in how, they, presented themselves, in general [sexualized].

One finds though, today, that, most, live, in self-contained, prisons, unable, to express, themselves, fully [as based on, Power, Might and Authority], due, to the false belief [ingrained in many], that, just about, every, pursuit, out there, must be, painful [in one way or another] [This is not wrong, but in reality, out-moded; it was a belief, held true, for the first, evolving humans, but, in many ways, is out-moded today, and those, who still, believe in this, need, to have, an update, on their thoughts (principles and practises)] [in many ways, pain, has been re-defined, to, irritability (great impatience)].

In many ways too, a properly, directed, pleasure-principle, can have us, living, again, like children, and seeking out [and engaging], in all, kinds, of activities, with full enthusiasm, and without, showing fear [which tends, to originate, in thoughts, of pain, of all kinds] [A child falls, in play, and gets up, and continues; most adults, on falling, tend to mostly give up].

In all though, one finds that, the, biggest problem [for most], out there, is a singular, obsession, with sex [and sexual contact]. Unless [many believe], they have, the greatest, sexual experience [of their lives] [even with a, certain partner], they remain, obsessed, with seeking out [such an experience], and in many ways too, limiting, their potential [in life].

The Sexual Revolution:

The Sexual Revolution, for many, is falsely believed, to have been, held, in America [in the 60's], all due, to an attempt, to experience, the highest, of, sexual orgasm. Many peoples, in the past, have sought, to understand [and explain], sexuality, so that, the masses, do not, waste, their time, attempting, to fully, experience it. In many ways here, sexual, does not, only, refer, to the sex act, but also, very much, to, sexual contact [of any kind].

What is put, under, sex, and sexual contact, differs, as many, sex acts today, actually fall, under, sexual contact. Sex, does differ, from, Sexual contact, as, Sex, is in many ways, a Healing endeavour [and done, according, to the Times], while, Sexual contact, is in many ways, an, attempt, to seek out, pleasure [in its highest form]. In most ways really, Sex, is a legitimate practise, but, Sexual contact [on the otherhand], should be sought out, to be understood, or risk, having one, waste, lots of time, seeking it out [as an experience really]. In many ways, to fully live [a full life], one, must seek, to re-direct, the pleasure-principle, to more, worthy endeavours, or risk, becoming, an unsettled being [always daydreaming, and never, really, too happy, with themselves].

The History of Sex:

Herein, we shall, attempt, to explain, how, Sex, very much, has, transvered, through the Times [and not Ages], and also, hereby, explain, that Sex, is very much, a Healing-based, act, and is not, sought out really, for its, pleasure [what falls, under, healing, in many ways, are feelings, of, disorientation, disillusionment and disappointment]. Sex, should not be confused, with, Sexual contact, which is sought out, mainly, for its, pleasurable component.

During the Egyptian times, we see, Sex, very much, as a form, of Pleasure [in many ways, a reward, given, to those, who performed well]. In many ways, men, who behaved well [intellectually], or Succeeded, in life [making lots of wealth], were in general, rewarded, with Sex [and not, Sexual contact]. In many ways, the Sex, was to cure, a form, of, 'disillusionment', that arose, in many, on succeeding [that they were simply, better, than others, and hence, all alone/lonely] [The Sex, made them, feel, part, of the world, again].

During the, Arthurian times, Sex again, changes, to be, an act, very much, based, on Love, and looking, dignified. If anything, happened, to one [which made one, lose, their dignity (image)], then, they were, offered, Sex, in the form, of, Love making. The act, of making, Love [as seen, in the movies], was born, in the, Arthurian times, and was, in many ways, an act, simply, to restore, ones dignity.

The German Era [born after, the Arthurian times], brought about, another, different form, of, Sex acts, as Sex then, was very much, about, satisfying, a woman. In many ways, it was, a kind, of Sex, based, on, being detailed, in ones, love-making, and paying, attention, to the woman, while, the act, was performed. Sex here, was seen, very much, as an act, that, in many ways, made one, Knowledgeable [as in, rather aware]. In many ways, it was an act, that made one [in general], rather aware, of, their society, and also, rather creative, with, regards, to paying attention, to, details. In many ways then, succeeding, in society, had to do, with, being, a good lover [and in many ways, creative (as in details), and also, socially savvy (aware of society)]. In all, the women, were sensitive, and the men, had to pay, attention [and know], this sensitivity.

The Napoleanic times, bring about, two, different kinds, of Sex acts. The first sees, Sex, now performed, more, as a kind, of, punishing ordeal, for those, believed, to be, psychologically unstable [in just about, any form]. When women, were emotionally, irate, then, they had, sex, to make them, stable again [as with men, when even, overtly angry]. Sex, in many ways, was, highly psychological, and it is, during these times, when, spoken sex [speaking during sex, and even, about it later on], became, rather popular. The later, Napoleanic times, brings about, another, kind, of Sex act, based on, seeing Sex, very much, as an, Art form [associated with the, Culinary Arts]. It is during, these times, that, aphrodisiacs, become, rather popular, and, Sex, in, many ways, is seen, as, a symphonic performance, with, the man, attempting, to prove, he can, take, a woman, to the highest, heights, of orgasm [in many ways, attempting, to awe, the woman] [this kind, of Sex, is rather, unknown, and not, too easy, to see/exlain] [Castrating, in nature, and in many ways, a form, of, the battle of the sexes, as the man, attempts, to 'put down' (make weakly), the woman, via, the Sex act, and, in many ways, redefining, manhood] [Sex, till, you pass out].

That, in many ways, summarizes, Sex, as an act, and very much, legitimate, in its ways [creativity, requires, healing, of some sort; most, who are creative, will find, they, require, healing, of some sort, after, a creative outburst] [this is the, reason why, most, creative people, are, prone, to become, depressed, or even, addicts, of one form, or another] [creativity here, refers mainly, to being, a muse (as in Beethoven)].

Sexual activity, differs, from Sex, primarily, in that, its an, activity, and not, an act. It is an activity, geared, primarily, towards, the seeking out, of pleasure [in one form, or another]. Sexual activity, is rather, old, and has been, studied, from ancient times [Egyptian really], and even, into, the recent past times [Victorian society, and the Kama Sutra]. Sexual activity, takes the form, of, three main kinds: Sexual practises, Sexual principles, and, Sexual thoughts. And while, the three, are rather, popular, in all, each, is different, in its nature. Sexual practises, as a way, of studying, Sexual activity, is rather, old, going back, to, the Egyptian times, but, instead, really more heavily, studied, during, the Islamic/Byzantine times. It is then, that, in Mughal India for instance, publications, such as, the, Kama Sutra, become, rather popular, as those, in, power, attempt, to teach, the populace, on, Sexual practises [no difference, from, sex education, today]. At the heart, of all this, is, teaching, the populations, that, practises, such as, masturbation, and even, visiting, harems, and brothels, are acceptable [to a degree]. In many ways, these teachings, are born, to fight off, any, form of, addiction, that might, arise, from indulging, in, sexual behaviour. In many ways, Sexual activity [in the form, of, sexual practises], were popularized, and even, made acceptable, mainly, as said just above, to fight off, indulgence, and addictions, from engaging, in such, practises secretly [harems, were rather open, and one, could be seen, walking, into them]. In China [probably inspired, by, Mughal India], similar texts, arise, and in, many ways, make sexuality, rather open, in, Chinese society [many of these texts (including, the Kama Sutra), contain, what are known, as, pictorial images, of, sexual activity; pictorial images, are today too, seen, in, most, pornographic magazines, and are, in many ways, rather, real life, in nature (looks)] [In the past, human populations, looking, at such, images, were, sexually aroused, and satiated (after some time), but, today, such images (pictorial images), don't, really work, and new kinds, of, formats, are needed, for this (perhaps, graphic images)].

In a later period, European [the German Era], Sexual activity, again, changes, and Sexual principles, become, rather, the norm. It is then, that a new group [known as, the Luddites (and not to be confused, with the, British luddites)], arise, and take the role, of, teacher, in teaching [and explaining to], the masses, what, Sexual principles, are, really about. It is they, who, uncover, that, humans [as with Sexual principles], can be categorized, into, two main groups [categories]: Introverts, and Extroverts. It is they, then who, attempt, to expand, Sexuality [based on principles], by explaining [for instance], that, Sexuality, based on, themes, such as, Adultery, Homosexuality, Incest, are okay [for those, purveyed, as Extroverts] [All this, was covered, in, 'The Art of Sex' (kitab al-duwari)]. In many ways, Sexuality now, is not, driven, by, addiction [or secret indulgence], but mainly, by, curiosity ['Curiosity killed the cat']. In many ways, Sexual contact [based on principles (as in being, forbidden, and not, forbidden)], is driven, by, curiosity, of all kinds, of, Sexual activity [the need, to see it]. In Europe, lurid tales [later known, as, Fabliau (in France)], arise, to satiate, the curiosity, of, Europeans, with regards, to all, kinds, of 'deviant', sexuality [most popular, containing, tales, of nuns]. In many ways, these tales [are not true or genuine], but are popular, really, instead, for their shock value, such that, all, other forms, of, Sexual activity, in society, are seen, as, rather mundane, and even, normal [shock, is a rather, good way, of, curing, all forms, of, curiosity driven ailments] [In a curiosity driven, society (as that seen, today), shock, is in many ways, an addiction, as most, television, and even, internet popularity, is driven, by, the shocking material, in them].

It appears now, as we enter, the, Age of Compassion [and even, Exploration], that, Sexual activity, will come, to the fore-front, again, but with, regards, to, Sexual thoughts. Sexual thoughts, appear, to be, more, combustible, than, Sexual practises [or principles], and in, many ways, this, heralds, a new age, of, Sexuality, that could, quickly, become, very deviant [and even, violent]. It appears, that, Sexuality [as in, Sexual activity], will, mainly, be driven, by, interest [as in, an interesting book, or even, music cd]. This, in many ways, could see, society, unravel, as, Sexuality, driven, by interest, is one, where, the people, are very much, stalkers [and won't easily, take no, for, an answer] [Obsessive-compulsive, in nature]. People, should be, aware, of this, and studies, in, Sexual thoughts, should be, made out, or in, many ways, see, Sexuality, become, enmeshed, with Compassion [and Exploration] issues, and in many ways too, give rise, to, totally deviant, societies, as those, seen, in movies, such as, 'Alpha Dog', and even, 'The Chumscrubber' [totally lacking, in, Compassion, and driven, by, Exploration issues].

On the Nature of Women:

It appears, very much, that, our Sexuality, is often, targeted [for men atleast], towards, women [for women too, attempting, to fit in, with, other women]. In many ways, women, are perceived, as, the main sources, of, all, pleasurable activity, out there. In many ways, from, our childhood, most, are taught, to, direct, their, pleasure-principle, towards, a female source [especially, their mothers], in many ways too, in an attempt, to, please, the source. As a result, most grow up, with, associating, pleasure, with the, feminine [and females, in general].

In many ways, most, men, do not, really, know, how to, view, the females [women], in their lives. To borrow, on, the concept, of, Dualism [as described, by, Descartes], we can say, that, one, can, view, another, as being, an Inverse, Opposite, Negative, or even, 'Inside out' [to oneself]. In todays world [as in previous times], most, have always, viewed, women, as Inverses. In societies, where, most, relationships [between people], are, Institutionalized, people, have viewed, women, as mothers, sisters, aunts, wives, classmates (and all the likes). In those, where, relationships, are in, the form, of, Unions most, view, women, as, friends, partners, mates, associates (and all the likes). It is however, in, societies, where, relationships, are in, the form, of, Informal relatings, that most, out there, take, a rather interesting, view, of women; women, in such, societies, are seen, in various inverses:

Women vs. Aesthetics [Where women, attempt, to define, presentation]
Women vs. Supreme Goddess [women, as givers, of dreams]
Women vs. Nature [with regards, to beauty]
Women vs. Religion/Monetary systems [women, as describing, what, right and wrong, are]
Women vs. Breathe [Breathe, as in, Prana, and the source, of all, inner strength]

In these societies, where, women, in many ways, trap men, one, must realize, that, there exists, a Duality, to compare, the demands really, of, women, to reality. If you live, in Europe, and the, women, don't find you, cool enough, then, you probably, want, a proper, definition, of what, cool, really is [as in Aesthetics] [in many ways, all the above, represents, the battle, in Europe mainly, between, the Church (priest classes), and the, State (women)].

One should realize though, that, all, the above, is only, one way, of, viewing, women [as in, an Inverse]. Most out there, don't really, know, how to, view women, as, Opposites, or even, Negatives. This is said, as there are, many, societies, where, the men, have traditionally, had, difficulties, with, their womenfolk, due, to how, they have, perceived them [in most cases, this has, had, to do, with, seeing women, institutionally, or, in the form, of, unions, and even, informal relatings] [a country, like China, which has, many, problems, between, men and women (as relations, are, Institutionalized), would be, better off, changing, such relations, to, Unions]. However still, this all, has not, covered, viewing, women, in the form, of, Opposites, or even, Negatives. In all, there is, a wide room, open, for all, changes, with regards, to how, people, in general, perceive, women folk.

In all together, as a finality, a misdirected, pleasure-principle, eventually, leads, to all, forms, of, violence, when it is, unable, to find, pleasure, in, Sexual activity [the most common, form, of, violence, being, gossip]. In many ways, understanding, Sex, and Sexual activity, helps one, re-direct, their, pleasure-principle, to other, more, worthwhile endeavours, as, indulgences, curiosities, and interests, are more, properly directed.