Friday, November 12, 2010

Cultural Formations [Bk. 6 in the Life's Compass Guide series]

This section, of the Life's Compass Guide, speaks, mainly of, Cultural Formations. The words, Cultural Formations, heavily differ, in, meaning, but together, they are, believed, to mainly, ascribe, to Family/Group formations. In many ways, they refer, to the very, many, different kinds, of, Family/Group formations, that can, come, into existence.

Today, the concept, of, Family/Group, is heavily, associated, with skin colour [in that, peoples, with white skins, or, brown skins, are very much, seen, as being, part, of one, huge Family/Group]. This is not, exactly wrong, but neither, is it right, in that, traditionally, ascribing, Family, to skin colour, has been, done, with regards, to, skin tone [pigment] [in that, there exists, different kinds, of, brown, and even, white]. That however, was a way, of, seeing family, very much, Art based, and also, very much, intellectual, in nature.

Today though, Racial characteristics, of all kinds [from skin colour (rather than tone), to hair type (and even colour), to even, Nose type (as in the belief, in a Semitic race)], is rather, the norm, in forming, Family/Group formations [with the end result, being, that most, Families/Groups, of all kinds, don't really, get along, well enough].

Language, in many ways, is at, the heart, of, Cultural Formations. Language in itself, can be, divided, into, two main, broad areas: Grammar and Linguistics. Grammar, is rather, well known, and in many ways [if not all], is very much, the, structural part, of a Language. Linguistics [on the otherhand], is very much, associated, with, the Communications [as in, communication, expression etc.] part, of a Language. In many ways too, one, will find, that, Grammar, is used, for, Family/Group formations [as in being, a basis, for, such, structural formations], while, Linguistics, is very much, used, socially, as a means, of, Communications. In many ways, Linguistics, is associated, with, what, they call, Drama, as in many ways, its that, part, of, Language, that very much, consists, of, the Nuances/Feelings [tensions of all sorts], in a Language, and Social formations too [in all really, when one, is in, an, English setting (as compared, to an Italian one), the feelings, and tensions, in the air (Nuances really), differ (due to Linguistics)]. In many ways, it is, for instance, Linguistics, that separates, different, Languages, which are believed, to have, the same, Grammatical structure [as in, the Romance Languages: French, Spanish, Italian etc.] [Swahili and Arabic, too, have the same, Grammatical structure, but, very different, Linguistics sections].

In many ways, the Linguistics, part, of a Language, is favoured, during, all kinds, of, Social formations, while, the Grammatical one, is, mainly, used, with Family/Group formations.

[The call, for Italian, as an, international Language, has very much, to do, with, its Linguistics, section only; in many ways, Linguistics, refers, to, Codes of conduct, Modes of thought, and even, Ways of conduct] [the feelings, and tensions, associated with them].

Traditionally, Language [Grammatically mainly], has been used, to form, Family/Group formations [as mainly, with regards, to Feminine law]. In many ways, this does exist, and today, the concept, of Family, is associated, very much, with Language, and even too, Country [in that, in todays world, Country, really refers, to, Family formations, while in reality, it is Peoples, that should].

Interestingly enough, there has been, a campaign, to wipe out, Languages [Neo-Colonialism], in many parts, of the world [and they, being replaced, by, poor English]. This in, many ways, has been, all about, destroying [not only, indigenous cultures], but very much, too, all kinds, of, Family/Group formations. In many ways, many poor, and undeveloped, countries, speak, Languages, made up only, of, the Linguistics section, and no, real, Grammar [what this means, is that, the concept, of, Family, is poorly developed, in most, poor/undeveloped countries] [In all, this means, poor, Family/Group formations, and in many ways too, a struggle really, to survive, by the masses].

Using Grammar, as a means, of, Family/Group Identity, is very much, old, in nature [as in, pure Grammar]. It very much too, is, associated, with Speech [as a way, of creating, Family/Groups]. This though, is very much, an ancient, way, of creating, Family/Group formations [i.e. the use of Speech]. The concept, of Family, had mainly, advanced, in some parts, of the world, and especially, Europe. It was here, traditionally, that, Family [as a concept], was divided, into, several layers, each, very much, different, from each other, and, in many ways, making life, interesting [certain parts, of Europe, like, Germany, arose, as, civilized places, very much, only, based on, competition, between, families (something, that goes on, to this, very day)].

In many ways, we shall, attempt, to outline here, what, constitutes, a Family [in its details (structurally)], and very much show, that, the belief, by many, out there, that, living, in the Western world, is better, than most, other places, is due, mainly, to the Family/Group formations, they have, and mainly too, originating, from Europe.

Below, is what, constitutes, a Family formation, in Europe [historically], other than, the use, of, a simple Grammar [as done, in most, of the world]:

1. Religious Belief
2. Gender beliefs
3. Grammar
4. Cultural identities
5. Racial identities
6. Traditions
7. Lingua

We shall attempt, to explain each, to a suiting [we believe], and hence, show, that for, most, Family Identity, is very, poorly created today, and in many ways, making, Survival issues, rather difficult.

Religious Belief: Religious Belief, here, refers to, the, Values/Beliefs systems, that a, Family/Group formation, adheres too [very much], with regards, to, survival [and issues, of, their future]. Historically, this has been, based on, Ancestral worship [honouring the ancestors], although, certain parts, of, the world, had progressed, much further, to, the worship, of, gods, and Figures [Sri Krishna, is a god]. In many ways really, Values, such as, hardwork, or Beliefs, such as, 'saving for a rainy day', are very much, at, the basis, of, Religious Beliefs systems. This is very much, a great starting point, for, the creation, of, Families, and for most, willing, to do so, the hardest thing, will, probably, be, which, Ancestor/god, to refer too. Below, are given, some, small examples, of, Ancestors/gods/Figures, that, people [around the world] [with a poor Family formations], can, refer too, other than, depending, on, Celebrity Figures [such as Oprah], to tell them, how, to live, their lives.

North America: Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam, is a rather, famed, traditional figure, in, American lore, who in many ways, embodies, American Beliefs systems [Values & Beliefs].

[the calling, for, Uncle Sam, to represent, North America, has to do, with, the attempt, to unite, different regions/places; Canada & America, being, together, very much, has to do, with them, having, the same, Family Beliefs systems. There is no, problem really, with, Uncle Sam, serving, as an inspiration, for, Canadians (as many of them, are infact, immigres, from America)].

South America: Amerigo Vespucci

No other Figure, is probably, of great importance, to, South American history [as a region], than, that, of famed, Italian/Sicilian explorer, Amerigo Vespucci. It was him, more, than any other, reknowed South American figure, who attempted, to create, a common, South American region [including Cuba too] [Vespucci, was known, to reside, very much, on the island, of Cuba]. He is probably, the best, figure too, to unite, a very, divided, South America [with regards, to cultural formations]. It is best seen, perhaps, that all, South American families, have, the same, Ancestral Figure, as a Figurehead.

Africa: Maimonides & Thutmose III

Africa, very much, divided, into, White and Black Africa, would probably, benefit, the most, from, having, luminary ancestral figures, such as, Maimonides [White Africa], and, Thutmose III [Black Africa], to look up to [with regards, to, Religious Beliefs systems]. In all really, African history, has also, very much, being, based, on, Family formations [but more prone, to, political intrigues] [Nubian History, in many ways, does not, differ, from the story, of, Shaka Zulu]. The origins, of present, North Africa [believed Ancient Egyptian], very much instead, has to do, with, the Egyptian Caliphates, and one, of its prime thinkers [Maimonides].

Europe: Agamemnon

Europe, very much, a continent, with famed, historical figures, would be rather, hard, to unite all together, as different, parts, of Europe, very much, pride themselves, on, having, different, cultures [of all sorts]. It is however, agreed to that, all of, Europe, very much, has, a basis, in, Greek Culture [and Thought] [This includes, Spain too, as in, Castillian Spain]. Agamemnon [Mortal], appears, very much, to be, a good, ancestral Figure, to unite, all Europeans really.

Southeast Asia: Shiva

Not an Ancestor, but a god.

East Asia: Gautama Buddha

The only exception, is Japan, where, they have, traditionally, used, Sri Krishna, as an, Ancestral Figurehead.

Middle East: Prophet Muhammed

In all, these Figures, should be, referred to, when, dealing, with, survival issues [of any kind], as a Family [including though too, how, to advance, and move, forward].

Gender beliefs: Gender beliefs, in many ways, refers, to how, the Family, should, generally, function, in order, to survive [as in, family fights and squabbles]. This, in many ways, has, to do, with, defining, Gender [in many ways, the reason, why, Jewish/Jew families, have been, more, stable, than most, has to do, with, their definition, of, Gender (often though believed, to be, rather traditional)]. Gender beliefs, are at, the heart, of, Goddess and Father Figure worship. In many ways, Goddess worship, very much, has, to do [not only, with, daily living (as does, the Father Figure)], but also, on, acting civilized, with, regards, to any, Family/Group issues, that arise [most, of these issues, have to do, with, manhood, and womanhood issues].

[Goddess and Father Figure worship, was described, much earlier]

In many ways, what constitutes, Gender, differs, and we shall show here, some, few examples:

Male - Female: A way, of looking, at, Gender, mainly based on, the physical attributes, of, both males, and females [as in, males, might have, more endurance, and females, perseverance].

Man - Woman: One, of the oldest [and most popular], ways, of looking, at, Gender differences, based, very much, on, the roles [and even duties], performed, by each [as in, women, with cooking, and men, with income]. Very much too, a way, of seeing, Gender differences, as based, on, etiquette, and manners.

Masculine - Feminine: More modern, in ways, but, is actually, based, on seeing, Gender differences, as based, on, Intelligence possessed [as in, men, are logical, and women, intuitive].

Manly - Womanly: Very much, a way, of viewing, Gender differences, as based on, Expression skills [as in, women, and men, have, different, expression skills]. In many ways, too, rather social [in nature], and is, associated, with men, and women, not too close, with each other [in all, saying that, men, and women, are different, in how, they are, charming, interesting, engaging etc.] [Not really, differences, based on, intelligence, but on, how, these intelligence, are expressed].

Masculinity - Feminity: Very much, at the high point, of, Gender relations, and, is very much, based on, seeing, gender differences, as, based on, history [in that, men, have done this, and women, that]. A rare way, of seeing, Gender differences [but once, popular, in Europe], and is, based, on a belief, that men, and women, are rather equal, in all their ways [in that, what, a man can do, a woman, too, very well can].

In many ways, today, Gender issues, are really, back, at the Male-Female, and even, Man-Woman, levels. Jewish/Jew, Gender, differences, are really, very much, at, the Male-Female level [but done well]. One can, therefore see, the rather, big, drop, in Gender relations, over, the past centuries, to rather, low, levels.

Grammar: Grammar here, very much, refers, to the Systems [structures and systems], used, to run, a Family/Group. In many ways, a kind of Grammar, is often, used, to run, a household, or even, an office. In the past, Grammar, was very much, based, on, Religious Signs [and Symbols], and Primordial Symbols too. This very much, differs, from today, as, back then, Family/Group formations, were based, on, Insignia [Religious Signs mainly]. In todays world though, Family/Group formations, are rather done, backwards, as was done, in, ancient times [simple collusions, between, folk, that become, united, in their ways]. One sees, this [the use, of, Religious Symbols], to create, Family/Group formations [as with regards, to Grammar], in, Nazi Germany, where, three main symbols [the Swastika, the Odal rune, and the, Wolfsangel], are used, to create, a united Germany [as with, thoughts, principles, and practises] [all three, very much, too, Norse symbols].

[For most, out there, this, way, of creating, Grammar, is rather, difficult, and a, better way, would be, to do this, via, Insignia/Heraldry] [Creating, of Heraldry, based on, Religious Signs, was spoken about, in, the 'Anne of Green Gables', posting] [Insignia, in many ways, gives rise, to, all kinds, of, thoughts, principles, and practises].

Cultural Identities: Cultural Identities here, refers, to all kinds, of, Family/Group identities, based, on, materiality. Very much too, Social identities, and in, many ways, associated, with, all kinds, of, get-togethers, that are, Family/Group based. Materiality here, refers, for instance, to, types of clothes [e.g. garments, dress, costumes, clothing etc.], all used, for, different kinds, of, occasions [including footwear (such as, Italian leather shoes, sneakers, slippers etc.)]. It very much, too, refers, to all kinds, of, Materiality, such as, type of car owned [sports car, family car, luxury car etc.], and also, even, homes [summer homes, cabins, apartments/condos (in another City) etc.]. In Europe, no where else, was this, rather, more developed, than in, Italia [where, Cultural identities, were rather, numerous] [Eating out, at a Restaurant, is also, another example]. There is, a, Linguistics component, to all this, and, traditionally, Cultural Identities, have been, very much, Family based.

Racial Identities: Racial Identities, today, very much, consist, of, our Physical aspects [as in, Negroid, Caucosoid etc.], but traditionally, have, been based, on, what, the Europeans, called, Physiognomy. Physiognomy, very much, has to do, with, the study, of, facial structures [and not, racial characteristics]. A study, very much, based, on not, just dividing, faces, as being, Negroid, or Caucosoid, but also, on, other attributes, such as, Eye size, Ear size, Eye colour, Hair type, Size of head (narrow/wide), Size of mouth, Skin tone etc. In many ways, Physiognomy, as a basis, of, Racial Identities, is very much, based, on, civility [as in civilization], but also, very much, all about, Work Identities [as in, peoples, with, similar facial physiognomies, have traditionally, done, the same work]. In many ways, Racial Identities, are very much, based, on, the kind, of, Feminine law, Law, Art etc, practised, by the Group. In all really, intelligence, possessed, with, regards, to Work life.

Traditions: Tradition, might be, seen, as a rather, narrow term, to use, with, regards, to all, kinds, of efforts, to raise, healthy families [as with regards, to meaning]. In many ways, it refers, to, the dietary approach, of, a Family/Group formation, and also, to, other efforts, such as, Exercising. In many ways really, the kind, of, food, eaten, for healthy bodies, and also, healthy emotions. Any effort, based, towards, raising healthy children [and other family members] [including educational efforts], should fall, under, Traditions.

Lingua: Lingua, in many ways, refers, to all, sorts [and kinds], of, Communications Protocols [protocols, rights, order], that, exist, within, any Family/Group formation. In many ways, what has, already, been covered, under, 'Relationship Design with Cindy Crawford', falls, under this. In many ways, this, is at, the basis, of, creating, any, Family/Group formations, out there [i.e. Communications Protocols].

In all really, most, Family/Group formations, out there, are rather, poor, in nature, and mostly, consisting, of, only Lingua really [simple communications] [and not, even, Grammar, as many, believe] [In all, what is been said, is that, most, out there, don't, even, speak, any Language really, but usually, a kind, of slang, making it, difficult, to pass, schooling, or even, read, a literature book].

In all really, those, wishing, to create, a Family/Group formation, should, seek, to do so, by, first, developing, a Lingua, and then, rising, from that [African Cultures, have traditionally, had, good concepts, of Lingua].

One will find too though, that, doing this, will, very much, result, in, difficulty, managing, everything [German civilization/society, was totally built, on, all this (and even more), as, German civilization, has always, been, based, around, the Family, and competition, between, Families, based on, always, redefining, Gender issues (as in 'girly men')]. In many ways, one too, would be, adviced, to turn [or look at], the, French Liberal School [of Economics], as it is, the best, form, of, Economics, with regards, to managing, Family/Group formations.


The field, of, International Politics, is one, often, strongly associated, with, the UN (United Nations), and also, Health and Education issues. In many ways, International Politics, has, come, to mean, nothing more, than, the attempt, to manage, Families [as with, Family planning], and mainly, by, the UN. It is more, of, a politicized attempt [to do this], and in, many ways, limits Trade [and even contact], between, different cultures, as, all kinds, of, Family based problems, are, believed, to be answered, by, a UN Handbook.

In many ways though, traditionally, International Politics, has been, more, intriguing, as with, regards, to, the political events, often, associated with it [in many ways, this refers, to, the success (and rise), of, a Family, and the, jealousy, that follows] [South American history (in the modern times), as with, Nubian [historically], has mainly, been, about, the rise, and fall, of, Political Families] [Interestingly enough, this, mainly, has been, due, to influence, from, the Congo world (Angola), and unknown, to most, Angolans, are actually, true, descendants, of, Meroitic Nubia (as in, Nubians, moving, to, Angola)].

Various intrigues, many, based on, events, surrounding, Families, have often, traditionally, made, waves, and in, many ways, triggered, larger events, as, with the, murder, of, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and the, First World War. In many ways, this kind, of, Political Intrigue, is, rather lacking today, due mainly, to, the destruction, of, the Family unit, and attempts, to, rule, over the masses, by, certain groups out there.

In many ways, this, kind, of, history [International Politics], can be, rather, violent, and driven, by, issues, of, blood [and revenge], and might be, heavily, based on, killings, murders, and even, slayings [all politically connected] [often arising too, due, to jealousies, of all kinds].

In many ways, one finds, that, Family [as a Grouping], has very much, been, replaced, by, Government, Organizations, and even, the Church. What this means, is that, in most, places, of the world, four main, formations, have arisen, to, take care, of the masses, very much, Feudal like, in nature [the masses, must work, to earn, their keep] [in all, jobs, are the, only way, to survive really]. Government today, is seen, by, the masses, as the, final solution, to all, ills faced [from unemployment, to housing, and even, general unhappiness]. Organizations, such as, Aid Agencies, and, NGO's, appear, not to, benefit, the masses, in most ways, and, their work, is mostly, minimal, in the impact, it has, on the, problems, people/families face. The Church too [Catholic really], has tried, its hand, in, raising the masses [as sheep really], but, has not, succeeded, in helping them, rise (and succeed), despite, being, rather wealthy. Yet again, what, some call, Old Wealth [Families, with wealth, from the past], have also, attempted, to solve, the problems, the masses face [with regards to basic survival]. All this really, due, mainly, to destroying, the Family unit, and especially, with, regards, to making, Land ownership, a rather, big, [and expensive] problem. In all today, it is much more difficult [than in the past], to start, and raise, Families, due mainly, to, oppressive groups [out there] [Neo-Colonialism really] [Even Communications protocols (Lingua), are rather, moderated (even heavily), by all kinds, of, forces, out there (womens groups for instance)].

What though, has made, International Politics, rather, interesting, in the past, has to do, with, the kind, of, Family/Group formations, that arise, in, history [this was especially, true, in the, Byzantine era]. The past, sees, many, Family/Group formations, often, arising, in the form, of, Orders, Schools, and even, Missions. All these, have often, been, perceived, to the Political structures in place [as a Danger], especially, with regards, to, Power. One of the most, famous, Family/Group formations, that has, traditionally, been seen, are Schools [as in, Martial Arts Schools]. These Schools, [mainly, in China], once admitted, into them, had, their own rules [prohibitions], that one, had, to follow, and in many ways, were, Schools, too, associated, with all, kinds, of Knowledge [not only, that is, fighting skills]. These Schools, very much, had, their own, dramas [as with, regards, to selling out], and many, often, arose, to become, rather, powerful, Political forces [Good examples in this, can be, seen, in movies, such as, 'Sword in the Moon' (selling out issues), and, 'The Warlords'] [both highly recommended].

Missions, are less more common [in popularity], but were, rather popular, in, the Byzantine civilization [and also in modern Africa, and China too]. In the Byzantine era, Missions, were associated, with, groups, teaching, often perceived, secret, mystical knowledge, that, was used, by, their proponents, to succeed in life [e.g. Missions, founded by, Simon Magus, or even, Basilides]. Again, controversial, but not, from, a political perspective, but really, from, how, success, was gained [as in, being perceived, as being, illegal, or even, illicit]. In Africa, Missionaries, attempt, to found, Missions, to help, Africans, survive [in a perceived, more, civilized manner], with many, opening, Educational facilities, of all kinds [the most, successful, are, probably, the Jesuit Missions, in Mozambique]. In China too, Missions [such as, Falun Gong], arise, to help, make, their followers, healthy [in mind and soul], in a, China, where, oppression, it appears, is based, on, making, the masses, sickly [in all, Communist China, was, really, all about, limiting (not only the movements), of the people, but also, the, activities, they engaged in].

It is however, with Orders, that, we see, all kinds, of, Political Intrigues, rather, similar, in nature, to, Political Organizations [a good example, being, what you see, in, the Godfather movie series]. Orders, have historically, been, rather political, giving way, to, many, political intrigues, and often, murders, killings, and slayings, due, mainly, to these Orders, accumulating, lots, of wealth [and hence Power]. While the Jesuits, and Templars, are the, most, commonly known, Orders, others, have been, more, intriguing. Probably, the most, famous, of these [unofficial] Orders, were, the Portuguese [as in, the Portuguese Empire] [Empires, are actually, Orders]. The Portuguese, accumulated, lots of wealth, based, on, Maritime trade, which gave, rise, to all, kinds, of jealousies, around, Europe mainly. What then, happens, is what, intrigue [in the past politically], was all, about. A prominent, Portuguese Figure [Merchant], in, Portuguese Society, is, believed, to be killed, by, the English [out of jealousy]. The Portuguese [now distinct, from the Swahili], respond, by, murdering, the wife, of, King George IV, and this, sees, the Portuguese, having, to leave, Europe [after threats, from, England and Spain], and moving, to Brazil. Once in, Brazil, the Portuguese, see, their operations [Orders really], interrupted [and even, sabotaged], by, perceived, American forces. This leads, the, Portuguese, eventually, to become, politically entangled, with, the Americans, and leading, to, the assassination, of, President Abraham Lincoln [by the Portuguese]. The Portuguese [in many ways], then, flee Brazil, and set up, Operations, on, the Swahili Coast, and once, again [due to jealousy], find, themselves, embroiled, in warfare, with, Dutch forces [over the island, of Macau] [the Dutch, are driven, by, the Americans, and, also, by the desire, to, take over, beautiful Macau]. In many ways, this was, what, International Politics [and Political intrigues], were, like, in the past. The Portuguese, operated, very much, differently, from, other Orders [who were, rather, organizational], in that, they [the Portuguese], were, very much, like, Mercenaries [in many ways, their Orders, were, very much too, like, Chaordic Organizations] [Visa, is an, Order, and very much too, perhaps, an Empire] In general, the average, Portuguese, was a, very, adept being, and, highly knowledgeable too].

In all, Politics [and Political structures], have, traditionally, in many ways, been, about, regulating [and managing], Family/Group formations of all kinds. The belief, in, Government, Organizations, Old Wealth etc., taking, care, of the masses, is very, old [and very, out-moded too], existing, mainly, in the, Ancient times [and even, before, the rise, of Egypt, to great heights] [this rise, was mainly, based, on building, very, stable, Family structures]. The Family though, today, has been, wiped out, and civilization, in many ways, is, almost back, to, the Stone-age periods. At the very least, the main problem, lies, with, Land ownership issues. In many ways too, Success, and Survival needs [for many], has led them, to create, Orders, such as, Gangs, and even, Mafias, in an attempt, to create, wealth, and in, many ways, destabilizing society, itself [Many, of Americas, and even, South Americas, Gangs (and Mafias), are based, on, Africas, rather creative, Communications Protocols (Linguas)].