Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Devil's Workshop

An Idle mind, is often said, to be, the Devils, workshop. In many ways, an Idle mind, is not, an, unintelligent one [or even, an, uncreative one], but one really, which is, lacking, in, positive thoughts [of all kinds]. In many ways, we need, filler material [to have us, thinking, of things, positive, almost all, of the time], and also, very much, keep us, sane.

Many believe, that, the rich & wealthy, live, very much, exciting, lives, and the whole goal, of Life, is to get, rich/wealthy, so as to have, something, to do, all the time [with of course, all the money]. Many however, will have, discovered, that, there is nothing, much, going on [out there], and even, with, all the money, in the world, there is, limited, possibility, out there, to engage in.

In many ways, when we speak, of, Filler Material, we are really, speaking, of anything, that, makes us, Fantasize. In many ways, one, will find, that, a mind, able, to, Fantasize, is one, not needing, too much, attention, or even, too much, pampering. In many ways, a mind, filled really, with, positive thoughts (of all kinds), and one always, looking out, for, opportunity, to make themselves, happy [in all, possible ways].

The Filler Material, spoken about, here, does not, really [in its own], activate, the mind [so as to, fantasize], but instead, imprints, in one, positive thoughts [of all kinds], that give birth, to other, positive thoughts. In all really, the material, covered here, should, not be [taken in], literally, but rather, enjoyed, and then, letting it, activate, ones mind [so as to, make it, fantasize].

A mind, able, to creatively, fantasize, is in, many ways, better, than all, the money, in the world, and, at the very least, a, healthy fantasizing mind, is required, to keep us, healthy, physically, emotionally, and even, at the, Conscious level [in many ways, not only, can a good, fantasizing mind, shape, our physical selfs, but also, magically, even, transform, our very environments/worlds (to those, we seek)] [as in, thinking about (imagining), a friend, and then, having them, 'magically', visit one, or, even, call one].

In all really, it is, Fantasizing, that most out there [today], are really, searching for, as [unbelievably really], it is, the, easiest [and fastest too], way, to transform, our lives/environments, to those, we seek out [this is especially true, when you have, lots, of people, fantasizing, about, various, positive worlds].

[When fantasizing is lacking, most, tend to engage, in, frivolous activities, such as, gossiping, endless shopping, and even, seeking out, sexual activity (a bit too much)]

[An empty/idle mind, is, the devil's workshop]

North America: Multimedia

The world, of, Multimedia, is rather, large, and consists, of, various media, that allow, users, to, interact, with each other [in an almost, personal basis]. In other forms though, Multimedia, refers to, media, that, in many ways, totally, captivates us, and makes us, feel, as though, we are, part, of the world, spoken about [sometimes, as with, youtube]. It is believed, that, Multimedia, would work best, for, North America, with regards, to, fantasizing, in the following forms: Video games, Indie movies (true Indie, and not, B movies), and finally, Short Fiction. In all really, media, that makes one, really (more or less), positive minded.

South America: Animation

This might sound, a surprise, to many, but, Animation [as filler material], does work, with, helping one, become, positive minded. Animation here though, refers, to, Animated series [and not cartoons] (also including though, Films (and not movies)], Comics [and other Fantasy works], and finally, Religious Literature [similar, to Dickens]. Tintin [a South American character really, would be a favourite] [Tintin, is not, really, Belge; at the most, passing for one].

Europe: Art

When speaking, of Art, we are mostly, referring, to, three things really: Art (as with, Drawings/Paintings), Photography (including, Portraits), and finally, Philosophic works (and not, Philosophy). This might sound, uninteresting, but what, is, recommended here, is actually, looking, at, Photography and Art, until, it is, in, general, imprinted, in one. With Art, ancient and traditional Art, is recommended [including, Great works too]. With Photography, mostly Nature, and Portraits, are, recommended [do not, look, at, modern Art, or even, secular Photography (as with, Skyscrapers)] [Such 'Art', is rather, depressing]. Philosophic works, will be, of interest, as they, tend, to paint, pictures, of various, worlds [best would be, English (Philosophic works)] [There exists, some forms, of, Literature, that actually, are, rather, Philosophic in nature, and, can also, be, engaged in; examples include, the works, of, Francis Burnett, and even, Rudyard Kipling].

Africa: Publications

If in Africa, it is deemed, best, to engage in, the following, Publications, as filler material: Magazines, News Journals (as with Deutsche Welle too), and even, Self-help literature. These kind, of media, tends, to be, rather, profitable, in Africa [as with too, the sale, of, Vitamin supplements] [It is also advised, that Magazines chosen, not come, from, the Western world really (minus South America), but really, from, the rest of the World] [African Newspapers, are not recommended (as most, are rather, fictitious in nature)].

Asia: Docus

When in Asia, the best, filler material, to make use of, are, Docus (as with, documentaries). This, in many ways, includes, three main, things: Sports TV, Interviews, and, even, Live Performances [of all sorts (as with, Performance Arts)]. Watch as much, Sports, as one, can [and watch every, kind of Sports, too].

Middle East: Lit.

In the Middle East, the best, filler material, to engage in, would be, what, one could call, Lit. [as with, Novels, Fiction, and even, Dramas]. English Dramas, are highly, recommended, and German & South American novels, too.


In all really, the above material, should not, really, be engaged in, frequently, but is really, material, sought out, when one, is, bored really. What this material does really, is not, actually, have you, thinking, about, their content, but really, in most ways, imprints, positive thoughts [imprints again], into one, that give birth, to other, positive thoughts [almost automatically]. In many ways, material, that simply, makes you, fantasize, about, positive thoughts [which are, very capable, of coming true].

Without fantasizing, most of us, are prone, to go, insane [and are easily, given, to, negativity (of all sorts)], that in many ways, not only, makes us, miserable, but also, very much too, sick [in very many ways] [The material (with regards to Region), chosen, above, is deemed, in many ways, proper & correct, for those, Regions].

Fantasy, in many ways, is a part, of us, that is, capable, of killing, all forms, of, routine [and mental prisons], we create, for ourselves [it is not, similar, to imagination (and imaginative thinking)]. A mind, steeped, in endless, positivity, in many ways, creates, its own, reality [in a rather, hallucinatory manner]. We today, live, too much, in, group associations [and don't really, spend, enough time, by ourselves]. We also perhaps, spend, too much time, planning [for just about, anything], when, in fact, Fantasizing, was '(put into us), to defeat all this. A world, of Fantasy, is where, the unexpected, happens, frequently, and in many ways, leads us, to quit, living, Life, in group formations [with their endless, routines, and plans], and begin, very much, living, personal individual lives (which are in many ways, Point-to-Point) [the only way really, the unexpected, can occur].

Quit planning, for excitement [and even, the future], and instead, engage more, in, Fantasizing, as it, in many ways, creates, the shortcuts, one, is looking for, in Life. Fantasizing, can heal us, from all, kinds, of diseases [body based], and when, actively engaged in, leads, to the merging, of, ones mind, with reality [so as to, mold it (in one way, or another)].