The Holidays, are arriving soon, and most, are probably, aware, that nothing much, is going on, out there (everywhere). One of the problems really, at the heart, of all this (perhaps), is due, to the fact, that, most, are not, really aware, of, an Identity, that is, of, prime importance, to their, Self-esteem [Materiality]. It is in, this, arena really, that one, finds, that, Western Supremacy, still reigns, as, the Western world, in many ways, continues, to define, the, Self-Image, many, possess, of themselves, as with, Materiality [the basic belief, that, certain people only, can, dress, in Gucci; certain only too, can put on, prada, eyewear, or even, live, in Mansions].
If one, does not know, themselves, by, Materiality, then, in many ways, they can never, truly, feel good, about themselves, at the, hominidal level. They have to find, Materiality, they can, strongly, identify with, or even, if, having, an MIT based, education, still feel, very much, inferior, to others [in many ways, a fake (social in nature)]. The Materiality, that one, associates with, must, in some ways too, be based on, ones, Genetic identities, or feel, very much, alien, in ones, own world [if you are feeling, at the moment, rather, nauseous, about, ones environments, and even, feel, the need, to move, away, then one, should be, aware, that, the Materiality, they are surrounding themselves with, does not, really, suit them].
For most, to end, Western Supremacy in their lives, and have, a form, of, Materiality, to identify with [do note though, that this, Materiality, might be, of, alien origins, but having, been made, suitable, for ones culture], then below, will be, presented, some, basic, Material Existences, that would be, of, great help, in starting, Civilization itself [in all, just about, all forms, of, human contact, involve, a certain, form, of, Materiality].
What shoes, to wear? What wine, to drink? What joke, to tell? What song, to listen to? What car, to drive? Which exclamations, to use?!! These, and many other, such, questions, associated with, Materiality, are what, the sections, below, are all, about [helping those, in Places (and not regions really), out there, identify, with a form, of, Material existence, that could help, easily, start up, life].
Africa: Haute Couture / Western cultures
The term, Haute Couture, has various, meanings, and in todays, world, is very much, associated, with, the mixing, of different, cultures, out there [as with Materiality]. Africa, is a place, with a, rather big, Materiality problem [in that, they don't, really, produce much, of their own, and tend, to copy it, from elsewhere]. In many ways really, it is, this, general lack, of, Materiality, amongst, Africans, that has, often, seen, many people, deem them, primitive, in culture [think here, African drums]. Africa too, is very much, a land, divided, very much too, by skin colour [white, brown, and black]. In many ways, these divisions, have, always been, rather, material based. In helping, Africa, gain, a respectable, Material existence, three regions, have, been deemed, inspirational (for all this), as with, regards, to, skin colour: Morocco, Nigeria/Igbo land, and, Angola. White Africans, could very much, find, an inspiration, for, a material existence, originating, from, Morocco. This material existence, is very much, already, in place, and is, what, is termed, Western materiality [in many ways really, South Africa, is deemed, very much, the Mecca, for, Western material existence, as with, very much, design] [South Africa, is in many ways, the prime, Western nation (as really, with, Ideology)]. In all though, it is, Morocco, where one, finds, that, Western materiality, has been, given, an African twist, that in, many ways, makes it, White African. Angola on the other hand, is deemed, an, inspirational ground, for, Black Africa, as in, many ways, they, being, mainly, of, Nubian origins, have also, developed, a Material existence, that finds, inspiration (too), in the, Minority cultures, of, North America [Minority cultures, are in, many ways too, a breeding ground, for, Western materiality]. For Brown Africans, Igbo cultures, might fit, the bill, as in, many ways, they, of all, Africans, are rather, isolated, from the rest, of the World, and in many ways too, will find, inspiration, from, Australian culture [as especially, with, the Media/media] [Australia, is really, a Western culture, as with, the Media, but unknown to most, this Media, does, find, lots of inspiration, from, Brown South Africa].
Afrique: The Victorian World
While India, is said, to have been, the Crown Jewel, in, the British Empire, Kenya, was very much, the Crown Jewel, in, the Victorian World. In many ways really, Afrique, has always, mainly, been, an Islamic land, as especially too, with, Materiality. What made, Victorian society, in Kenya, rather, unique, was the unique, blend, that made it up: Aussie, Brit, Portuguese, Omani & Swahili. Aussie, as with, the socializing; Brit, as with, the home cultures. Portuguese, as with, the Design (some looking, rather Italian); Omani, as with the Work. And finally, Swahili, as with, the Cuisine. And at, the very heart, of all this, was, Americanista [Legion] culture, which, in many ways, simply, provided, the 'Infrastructure', to it all [in the form, of a Circuit really]. One of the most, wonderful times, in, recent history, and in many ways too, 'Waltzing Matilda', was a much, bigger hit, in, Kenya, than in Australia [Aussies, do differ, from, Australians]. A quick way, to get, a glimpse, some what, of, this World, is to read, the works, of, Jane Austen [the Victorians, in Kenya, were also, very much too, influenced, by the, Mohammedans, as with, regards, to, Religiousity (and Religious order too). The Mohammedans, were also, very much, an inspiration, for, Briton Colonials, who walked, around, with truncheons, whacking, people, who tended, to, misbehave].
Brittannia: Normandy
Brittannia (formerly known, as the, British Isles), would probably, best, find, reinvigorated growth (in the material sense), by, appealing, to the material culture, that spans, the, cultural complex, known as, Normandy. Normandy, a region in France too, rather reknowed, for, its, vineyards, is also, very much, connected, in, culture, to the, French Arthurian world, via, the Scottish Highlands. In many ways, a way of existence, rather cultural (in nature), and also, seen, in the works, of, Gustave Faulbert, Emily Bronte, and even too, the world, of, Harry Porter. In many ways, not, a rural culture (as many believe), but one really, rather, hard, to explain, as it is, driven, by foods and wines, and in many ways too, a deep, intellectualism, (as that seen, in the works, of, Michel de Montaigne) [a rather Arthurian work (as with, Chretien de Troyes)].
Central Europe: Spanish Granada / Castilian
Castilian culture, owes, its origins, to the, Brit World, as with, the, Spanish Granada. An unknown culture, but in, some ways, resembling, Canadian, Country culture, as some, of the, Country culture, seen, in Canada [Calgary to be exact, and especially too, the, Stampede], has its origins, in, the Castilian world. The Castilian world though, was very much, Byzantine (in nature), and though, Sea Merchants by expertise, they were, a people, who, engaged, in, Religious works [and especially, Literature], from around the World, as a form, of Culture [and inspired too, in materiality, by, the contents, of these, Works]. In many ways, deemed right, for, Central Europe, as they still are, pretty much, Byzantine (by nature), and rather too, love, reading, alot. In all, Castilian culture too, is of, Arthurian/Byzantine origins. The book, 'Georgiana: Duchess of Devonshire', is of, Castilian origins [the movie adaptation of it, with KK (Keira Knightley), in it, is inspired, by, the story, of Georgina (and made, rather English/British)].
East Asia: Heian / Macau
The Chinese Heian, period (owing, its inspiration, to, Japanese Heian), was, at, the core, of, the building, of, the Forbidden City. In many ways too, Chinese Heian, has been, adopted, by the, City-State, of, Macau, in a rather, modern, fashion (and intelligent too). In many ways really, Macau culture, is, Heian (both Chinese and Japanese), and for, those, East Asians (out there), looking, for a change, in, their lives (and especially too, with, the forthcoming, holidays), Macau, might be, the place, they want, to seek out [as especially, with, materiality too]. Literature, associated, with, the Heian periods, are, 'Tale of Genji', and even, 'Rashomon'. In many ways too, a Material existence, very much, fitting, Malay cultures.
Eastern Europe: Austro-Hungarian Empire
The Austro-Hungarian Empire [a follow through, of, Charlemagnes, Holy Roman Empire], was most, reknowed, for the, Hapsburgs (as Family, or, Dynasty). A material existence, in many ways, fitting, Eastern Europe (whose cultures, have, in many ways, been, erased, by Communism), and one believed too, to re-invigorate, the Eastern European world. In many ways too, part, of the Arthurian world, as seen, mainly, in, Austria. A rather good read, on this, world [and comical too], is ,'The Good Soldier Svejk' [another good source, would be, 'The Sound of Music', with, Julie Andrews].
France: Arabe
Arabe, a term, used, to refer, to, people, of, Islamic-European origins, is in, many ways too, an Art based World. After the fall, o,f the Napoleanic era (and even, before), several, Europeans, had moved, to, the Islamic world, and settled there, and in many ways, created too, their, very own, Existence. Alot, of the Art out there [Literature especially], supposedly believed, European, such as, the works, of, Lord Byron, William Wordsworth, Oscar Wilde, and even, Arthur Conan Doyle (of Sherlock Holmes fame), are actually, of, Arabe origins. The Arabe Art World, is very, much, Baroque (in nature), and this, pretty much means, rather, Individual too [as with, Creative Writing]. Alot, of the, European like Architecture, seen, in Cairo (Egypt), and, supposedly believed, to be, of, British/European origins, is actually, of, Arabe origins [one, can also, see, Arabe culture, in, the, 'Kaho na kaho', video, posted, in one, of the, previous entries]. The Art (and Architecture too), is very much Gothic (in nature). In many ways too, a Material existence, that suits, already (very much), Islamic, France.
Middle East: French Tricolour
French Tricolour, is, the name, of, a culture (or social class really), that, springs up, in, France, after, the end, of, the Napoleanic era. It was, a culture [or social class really], heavily, based, on, intellectualism, as with, heavy (and deep), historical & political thought. In many ways, in, a France, torn, apart, by, Revolution, and in, many ways too, a France, with, a dying culture, the members, of, French Tricolour, attempted, to salvage, what, was left (of it all), and present, French, History, in a very much, new light [from the perspective, of, its People/Citizens] [The Revolution, and other, such disturbances, in, many ways, destroyed, French culture (and even, Architecture), and, the members, of, French Tricolour, simply, attempted, to present, French History, from, the perspective, of, its People, rather, than, its, deep Culture]. The origins, of, French Tricolour though, do not, lie, in France, itself, but, from really, the, Islamic world. It is here, that people, know, as Arabs (in the Middle East), help, give rise, to, French Tricolour, and especially, with, regards, to, its Materiality [the word, Arab, has gone, through, several changes (in meaning). Originally, in the form, of, Arabi, it was, used, to refer, to, people, like, Rachid Taha, and even, Cyrus the Great (all, in Persia). The Western world though, have often, used it, to mainly, refer, to any, wealthy, Middle Easterner. However today, and in, the recent past, the word, Arab, is used, to refer, to, people, who look, like, 'Ethiopian billionaire', Mohammed Al-Amoudi]. The Arabs, influenced, French Tricolour, by, basing, its, materiality, on their, own [which was not, only, Islamic, but also, having, roots, in the, Egypt, of, Ramesses] [If you have, ever, bought, a box, of, chocolates, that were, in, a rather, shiny, and very, black box (with perhaps, golden/bronze linings, on it), and probably, a wrapping, of sort, then, you have, a basic idea, of, the materiality, associated, with, French Tricolour]. The members, of, French Tricolour, engaged, in, rather deep, political thought (of all kinds), and very much, too, heavily based, on humour. Theirs, was an attempt, to, put, French History, into, its rightful place, by, discussing, the very, basic nature, of, famous, French Citizens, of all kinds. By asking, simple questions, such as, "What did, Napolean eat, for breakfast?', they then, found themselves, on, a journey, rediscovering France, as in, asking too "Where did, his Coffee, come from?". The discussions held, led, the many members, of, this, social class, to write down, their, own thoughts (as with, Creative Writing), and giving rise, to, a whole, new world, of, French Writers, of all sorts (poets, essayists, authors, historians etc.). These, rather deep, (and very much, too, humour based), discussions, led eventually, to, a rather, proper, recreation, of, French History, and those, French Citizens, deemed, intellectual (in their ways), had, their names, imprinted, in what, they call, the Pantheon. In many ways, the world, of, the Marquise de Sade, Voltaire, Montesquie, Jean-Paul Sartre, and even, Dumas himself (his work, 'The Last Cavalier', is very much, based on, this world too). A rather interesting time, in French History, and while, St. Joan of Arc, and even, Napolean, were heavily, discussed, neither, did make it, to, the Pantheon [Le Chevalier de St. Georges, did though]. In all, one finds, a, social class, divided, by, thinkers [as with, the Bonapartists, Ancien Regime, the Girondists, and other, such groupings]. French Tricolour, is, eventually reborn, as, 'The French Academy of Sciences', after its death. In all though, this, culture, is deemed, right, for the, Islamic world, as theirs, is, a world, having, a History, based, totally, on, all kinds, of, historical figures. Figures, in many ways, who, have attempted, to, shape, History, and faced, all kinds, of, obstacles. In many ways, it is believed, that, French Tricolour, can, help put, Islamic history, in its, proper place (and perspective), rather than, leaving this, to, the hands, of, a Religious Cleric. In all, it can, breed too, a new, class, of, Islamic thinkers, who, can, very much, help, shape, somewhat pacified (in creativity), Islamic culture. By asking, questions, such as, "Why did, Aladdin, think, he had, a chance, with, Princess Jasmine?", one can, very much, get, to, the true nature, of, Islamic society. If you are a, Middle Easterner, and wish, to, somewhat, experience, French Tricolour (and especially, with, regards, to its materiality), then, you, surely, want to, visit, Bahrain, for a holiday (of sorts). [As a conclusion though, a rather, favoured work, on, the French, Revolution, by, members, of, French Tricolour, is, 'Scaramouche'].
North America: Canadian Country
Country culture, has, often, gotten, a bad rep, from, many, out there, due, to its, been, associated, with, primitivity (in North America). In many ways though, this, is true, in America. In Canada though (Anglo & Quebec), Country living, reached, a rather, high level, with regards, to, sophistication. A rather high, level, as can be, seen, in, the Country house (in the picture above), coming really, from, Quebec. In all really, Country living, has always, mostly, defined, North American, Lifestyles (over the centuries), and is in many ways, the, suitable, material culture, to unite, a North America (in many ways really), heavily, divided, by Class (as with, wealth). In many ways too, to get, started, on all this, a subscription, to, 'Country living', might be, what, is really, needed. A good example, of, how, Canadian (Quebecois), Country living, looked like, in the past, can be seen, in, Celine Dions, 'Its all coming back to me now' video.
South America: Iberia
Iberia, in many ways, refers, to a, Cultural development, that, once took, place, in both, Portugal & Spain, and having, origins really, in, South America (with South American immigrants, to the, Iberian Peninsula). In many ways, these, immigrants (also very much, seen), in, the British Isles, sought really, to, redefine, themselves (not only, by, materiality, but also, by, communications protocols). For instance, they took, bullfighting, and somewhat, made it, a, Spanish national past time (by introducing, new ways, of, bullfighting) [e.g. being, 'The running of the bulls']. In many ways too, the Iberians, started, a new, trend, that would, become, part, of, World culture, as in, the case, of, immigres [people, driven, to move, to another, part, of the world, and become, part, of, its high culture, by, redefining oneself, but also, retaining, ones past self, to a certain degree] [In many ways too, the personal culture, of, moving, to a, more, cultured place, and returning, to, ones homeland, more cultured]. Not an easy, Cultural development, to speak off, as in, many ways, it was, rather, individual, in nature. It did, however, spin off, several, literature works, such as, Don Quixote, and the works, of notable writers, such as, Henry Fielding, Laurence Sterne, and even, Samuel Richardson. These immigres, also, helped, introduce, the trombone, into, Portuguese & Spanish, music.
South East Asia: The British Raj
The term, 'The British Raj', while being, used, to refer, somewhat, to, British Imperialism in India, in many ways really, speaks off, the, material culture, that came, into, existence, during, Imperialism in India. A material culture (and culture too), while, having, a basis, in, Nepalese Royal culture, did, eventually, produce, its own, form, of, Material existence [a great example, being, the Rolls Royce]. In many ways, bad times (in India), but also, rather, great too, and helping, give birth, to, an Indian based, Architectural movement, and also too, very much, an, Indian, Art movement (that came, to be called, Romanesque) [and part, too, of the Egyptian, Art World really]. In most ways really, the best, way, to unite, the whole, of, South East Asia (materially) [the world, of, the British Raj, as, Art, was probably, best seen, in, the works, of, Agatha Christie (who though, did, alot, of her, writings, from Kenya), but helped too, give birth, to, a whole, new, generation, of, Indian writers (such as, Salman Rushdie, and also, V.S. Naipul)]. The works (movies), of, Deepa Mehtra, are also, very much, Romanesque ( in nature) [Slumdog Millionaire, is also, a rather, good, Romanesque movie].
Western Europe: Nordic-Bavarian
Perhaps, an extremely, controversial, statement, to say, but one, that, could best, be, understood, in, a certain light. The term, Nordic, to many out there, seems, to be, a, replacement, for the word, Scandinavian. In many ways really, the word, Nordic really, refers, to a, cultural complex, born, of, Scandinavian Material culture [in all, Nordic, refers, to, Scandinavian materiality]. It however, is not, that simple, as, it is, in, many ways too, a Material existence, born, of, traditional, German manufacturing [and in many ways really, a manufacturing, inspired, by, Norse Mythology (as with, Images), and on, adopting, such Images (tall, blond haired, Scandinavians for example), they, giving rise, to, a whole, new, form, of, Materiality] [this, modus operandi, is at, the heart, of, modern, German manufacturing (as seen, in, Bavaria), but, their culture, being, based, on, Germanic Mythology]. Scania, is very much, the, heart, of, Nordic culture, as, BMW, is, at the heart, of, Bavarian (culture). In many ways though, Nordic culture, is, rather dead, today, in, the Scandinavia (no love for Loki), and, it is, probably deemed best, for, mostly, cultureless, Western Europe, to adopt, both, Germanic & Norse Mythology (as, with, social Images), and use it, to create, a new form, of Material existence [in all really, simply, take over, Bavarian & Nordic materiality (for ones own use)]. In all really too, the best, example, of, Nordic-Bavarian (material existence), is, probably, IKEA.
Scandinavia: Prussian

The Scandinavia world, once, reknowed, for its, materiality (and even, high culture), finds, itself, rather stagnant, today. In many ways perhaps, this, is due, to, the center, of, Scandinavian culture, being, Stockholm (and very, American like too), rather than, Gothenburg (which is, actually, of, Prussian origins). In many ways too, Gothenburg, is, the best, City, in, the whole, of, the Scandinavia, and was, actually built (in design really), by, Prussians, from, Russia. The Prussian world, as with, material existence, is not, too, well known, but, can best, be, seen, in the, Edwardian English world, and also, very much too, modern, Spanish Print Media (of all kinds). In many ways too, the world, of, James Bond (as with, Pierce Brosnan & Technology). In many ways too really, the world, of, Hamlet and Othello (as with, cultural formations) [Cultural formations, as seen really, in the, world, of, Theatre].