Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Communal Development

and Afrique.

- the above Image, is one, of what they do refer to as, an American Private Boarding School actually (and not, an American Prep School either) [with American Prep Schools in all, associated in all too, with the Wealthy/Rich in modern America actually, while American Private Boarding Schools, are pretty much in all, Arthurian American (and in spirit too actually)].

The concept, of the American Private Boarding School though, is not that alien actually, to Afrique in all (with schools, such as St. Mary's in Nairobi, or even, Hillcrest School actually, pretty much based on, the very same idea actually) [that of, Arthurian American Private Boarding Schools that is].

In many ways though, the very idea, of "normal" (British/Western) Education based initiatives perhaps, has truly in all, failed, to get a hold, and of minds in all too really, not only in Afrique (but also, the rest of Africa actually) [and even perhaps, many other parts of the World in all too really]. In many ways though, most out there don't see, the true purpose in all, of getting an Education truly, and of any kind too even, with unemployment everywhere actually, at record highs even, but even truly too really, the low pay actually, that does go along, with Western/British Education systems in all, that has seen, School enrollment (and just about everywhere too), actually drop, to record levels even [and especially in Africa really, where a rather good number of Schools in all, have actually truly, closed down] (approx. about, 70% actually).

American Private Boarding Schools though, have traditionally though, truly been associated, with Communal Development in all actually [and not, Education in itself truly]. Schools truly, that attempt to harness, the skills in all, of students attending (and as with manpower too even), to in all, get, Community Projects too, up and running really (and in many ways truly, making students, not only close members of their societies/Societies in all, but also truly again, able to easily, join other communities perhaps, where livelihood in all too, is truly based around, similar Community Projects actually) [as with this, truly too actually, uniting Afrique in all too really]. In many ways truly though, curriculums in all, developed by Community Leaders perhaps, that asks students, to help them in the manifestation, of a Community Project in all, and via enrolling too perhaps, into a Course even truly, where even, Basic Research in all, is actually carried out (and as with not only, an Education itself actually) [but also truly, in helping make, Community Projects in all, a reality actually] [with alot too, of what is taught, in University today, actually truly, capable of being handled, by such Courses in all actually (and as with University Education even, highly Theoretical, but Theory too, not mainly applicable anywhere actually)].

*one should realize in all too, that the main goal/purpose, of British/Western Education, is to create in all again, an International Identity actually (and as with falsely believing even, we all face the same problems actually, and wherever we live too really) [and without taking into account, evolutionary paths for instance truly] [and the further belief even, that we should all get together, to solve these, rather even, imaginary problems actually (as with even further stating all this perhaps (British/Western Education), a Forum in all, for those, too timid, to handle their own problems actually)] (and whether it mean, hardwork actually, or even truly, just stupidity in itself too actually).

In many ways (and as with Afrique too actually), Education in all perhaps (and as with Curriculums too, based around Research based Courses in all actually), which can truly too, help start Communal Development (and commercial activity too actually), easily flowing, as with all this enjoined together best perhaps, with not only Library Services actually (and as with Research too again) [and 'Bursaries' too even, to help make ones own projects a reality in all perhaps], but also truly too really, with Resource Allocation Points in all [which is where, this style of Education in all again, truly does meet, with Government in all actually].

In many ways truly in all, Education (and as with it previously even, ending with 'High School' actually) [and the realm too even, of Private Universities in all too actually], best suited in all perhaps, for Afrique (and as with this in many ways too, what does make Afrique, similar in all truly, to 'Tom Browns' olden America in all actually).