Saturday, December 31, 2011

The United States

- the term the 'United States' in all, can best be said, to refer to actually, to American Nature in all truly [and with the 'States' on the otherhand in all, referring to American Homes/Materiality perhaps, and 'America' in all truly again, pastly only associated, with the 'Arthurian America' world actually (and the Boston Realm too even truly)].

In many ways truly (and as with the link above too really), this is all said because, most truly have no idea, how the United States in all, truly does look like [and as with Nature, and Colours too even actually], with American Nature in all, as Green actually, as the Images presented above truly, but with the Movies/Television in all, presenting America falsely even, as being more bland in all truly really [and as with the Caribbean too actually].

In all again, this is said, as most people, don't truly know, what Americans truly are like in all [and as with even, Body Movements in all too really] [believing them, to move in all, like in the Movies actually, when in reality, their Body Movements in all, are actually dictated, by Environments (as with rest of us even), that do surround us actually (and such as those shown above too really)] [and with many Americans seen outside the United States actually, recent even, Immigrants in all too really)].

All this truly again, is mentioned in all, as with stating truly that, American Slavery in all, actually took place in environments, such as those shown above [and as with Colour too even], and not, as those in all truly, shown, in Television Shows actually, and such as Roots in all truly [and as with Roots in all too, actually truly filmed, in the Caribbean in all actually].

Roots (as with it even, rather Fictional truly) [and with Caribbean Slavery in all, having Slaves in all too really, strongly even, retain their African Identities actually (and as with some even, truly leaving for Africa, with the end of Slavery in all too really)]: