Friday, September 13, 2013



There are many out there, and who do truly wish even, to move to a Western Country, and in the belief that life there, is more enjoyable and fun, and than in other places too. They are not necessarily wrong when they think this, but the question they should ask themselves is truly if, they do fit into the social atmosphere, and of the place that they seek to move to that is.

To help those outside the Western World see it as it truly is, and when it dos come to enjoyment and fun, then they should know that, those in North America are very much like Clowns, those in Europe (and minus Spain and Italy too), are very much like Jugglers, while those in South America, are very much like Mimes actually.

In many a way, this is why the rest of the World outside the Western World, tends to be boring in its ways, and as with nothing much, and socially too in all, truly going on. Some exceptions though, do for example speak of Oman, the UAE, the Swahili Coast, and Modern Kenya too, and as with it all and in many a way too, defined, and by the spirit of Sinbad too actually (and as with he a character, and of Swahili/Italian origins actually), and when it does come to enjoying oneself, or simply having fun too [in many a way, speak of Sinbad, is speak of someone in all again, and who is truly capable of creating a festive and celebratory mood, and in any place too, and one rather memorable in all, but with those aspiring to be Sinbad in all again, and today too that is, rather useless in their ways, and have no clue or idea even, and of what they are doing actually] [in many a way too, this referring to the many expensive Real Estate projects going on in the UAE, and as they are in all very much supposed to be very much based around Sinbad actually, and as the archetypal festive figure in all, and as with regards to all this that is].

Another example in case, does also speak of Modern Japan, and where social interactions in all, and even speak of simply enjoying oneself in all again, is driven by the spirit of Ronin (and as with they a different breed of Samurai too), and in many a way speaks of social engagement, and as based around simply being a wanderer, and in many a way too, simply knowing where to go and have fun, and at the exact time too, knowing whom to speak to, and at an exact place and exact time too, or even what to speak about actually.

In many a way though, the world of Clowns, Mimes and Jugglers, can very well be evil in its ways, and as with the example of a Clown gone bad being Dave Chappelle portraying Rick James in the Dave Chappelle Show for instance, or even the case of Bullseye too, and in the movie Daredevil, and as with speak of Juggler gone bad that is.