The Fallacies of Industrialization.
While growing up, I truly did wonder why the World in many a way, did not at the very least function, and as seen in the Bible for instance. I basically understood the World in a certain way: that it was all based on Favouritism actually. I would in many a way and while growing up undergo a disconcerted feeling in all, when I saw some favoured, and others disregarded, and as with my becoming rather sensitive even, and to my being favoured in all, and as with the Bible even, somewhat preaching, that Favouritism, was in a way wrong actually [and as with Adam too, kicked out of the Garden of Eden, despite Eve actually, being the actual Sinner, and as with regards to what did transpire, and in the Garden of Eden too].
In many a way, I did come to understand the World and how it worked, and not from a Technological perspective and as many today do view the World, but primarily from Favouritism too actually [that the World does not work well at all, and if only one could view it all from Favouritism, and as with this not only referring to open Discrimination even, and as with many accepting Discrimination too, and due to being Mothered in a certain way and as with Mothering speaking of accepting favouritism/discrimination and to an extent too, but that in all again, the World was a stupid place, and wherein all, favouritism, was not compared even to Trickery even, but instead, very much actually speaking of Racism in itself too].
In many a way though, I did spend my time and as a youngster too, going through many a literary/literature piece, and wondering in all again, why most thought the Modern World to be superior in its ways, when those in old Worlds simply lived different lives, and as with their understanding and accepting Death to its fullest, but with many a person today, wishing to escape Death and at all costs even [and as with this simply even, speaking of most out there, fearing Failure in all, and as with Failure too, perceived as Death in itself, but an experience too, and that could open one to life actually] [all this meaning that, my knowing and understanding that most feared Death/failure, led me to actually know and believe, that nothing much did happen in the World today actually] [and as with false speak even, and of Technology revolutionizing our lives, and as with speak even of Modern Technology too, referring to escaping Death/failure, but with my understanding that even with Modern Technology prepositioned as such, it did not deal with the very fact that most innately in all today, did actually fear Death/failure, and even on succeeding in anything too, and due in all to very much not accepting Death in itself actually].
Industrialization in many a way, can be said to be a failed philosophy. To simplify this, is to in many a way view Industrialization, and from what is Natural, and what is Unnatural too. That in many a way, what is Natural, can be compared to God in all, and while what is Unnatural, can be compared to the Devil actually. That in many a way, Industrialization, does promote the Unnatural, and as with speak of Modern Materials too, and as with most not associating the Devil in himself, and with materiality in all, but if they actually did, they would be surprised in discovering that, the Devil's materiality, does in many a way match that associated, and with Industrialization too actually [and as with the Unnatural here, speaking of anything that cannot be compared, and to something in Nature too that is].
To probably best understand Industrialization, and as failed philosophy too, is to best in all again, speak of what it does mean to be actually Human. That at the very least, speak of being Human (and as with Nature too), does speak of what they do term 'Human Qualities' actually [and as with Quality/Qualities here, speaking of properties, 'qualities', features, traits, characteristics, assets, attributes etc.]. That in all again, being Human is all about being God-like, and as with speak of being Godly perceived even, and from the very perspective of 'Human Qualities' too, but that Industrialization in all, does not attempt to promote or develop 'Human Qualities', but that instead, it does attempt to simply define Humans, and as Pleasure seeking beings too that is.
In many a way, and despite many being fooled too, Industrialization does not attempt to associate products/services, and with Quality too (and as with Quality speaking of Architecture perhaps, and as seen in Paris for instance), but instead, does attempt to associate products/services in all, and with what some do term Usability actually [in all, speak of just how useful something is that is]. To better explain this, is to actually know that, speak of Quality in all, does in all ways even speak of Human Needs, Wants and Desires, while speak of Usability in all, actually does speak only and of survival in all that is [that Industrialization and amongst the Masses too, has resulted in survival oriented mentalities, and as with Usability even, not referring to Intelligence or Creativity in all, but in all ways even, Usability, and as with speak of Primitivity too, referring mainly to escaping pain in all again, and in many a way too, a way of thinking, highly based around what some do call the Fear Instinct (and as compared to thinking and as based around the 6 Senses too), and as with the Fear Instinct, referring to issues of Damage/Destruction in all that is] [that in all again, Usability is in all grounded in the Fear Instinct (and not the 6 Senses, and as the primary way of experiencing life), and very much too, Usability and as being all about escaping many a fear that is].
To understand the failure of Industrialization, and as with regards to Economics too, is to first understand just how the olden Worlds, did actually function. That in the past in all, Humans strove to develop 'Human Qualities' in all again, and that Economics and Markets too, and as seen in the past, were all based around creating products and services, and that did match these 'Human Qualities' too. That in all ways, the difference and between materiality and as seen today and in the past too, is that, materiality in the past, was geared towards enhancing 'Human Qualities' in all (and as with helping one become more God-like that is), while materiality today, does struggle to deal with issues pertaining to self-acceptance and self-satisfaction actually, and as with this referring to the very fact that, most today, have been conditioned in seeking out many a product/service, and as with these products/services in all again, coming to define just what self-satisfaction and self-acceptance is, and as with self-acceptance and self-satisfaction too, defined from the perspective, and of seeking pleasure actually, and as compared to past times, where developing 'Human Qualities' in all again, did actually lead to self-satisfaction and self-acceptance in themselves actually [to make all this clearer is to say that, most today seek out self-knowledge, self-understanding and self-comprehension, and from the products/services they do use in all (and as with coming to strongly identify with them), and as with self-knowledge, self-understanding and self-comprehension too, now defined and from the perspective of the Fear Instinct ( and speak of our fears in all that us), but also from talk of Escapism in all (and as with truly wondering, which pleasures in all again, and as versus pain too, one does truly wish for actually)]. In all again, self-knowledge, self-understanding and self-comprehension, and as defined in the past, and as based around seeing ourselves in all, and from the perspective of the 'Human Qualities' we did possess [that in all, what we were are truly capable of in all again, is truly defined even, and by the 'Human Qualities' we do possess that is (and not speak of Usability either)].
Industrialization and its products/services though, coming in all again to promote Authoritarianism in our societies, as these products/services (and often in the form of gadgets too), do speak of our being limited in intelligence actually, and to the ability to using these products/services, and as with Authoritarianism too, hereby speaking of being ruled over and by the Elites/'Capitalist Classes', and as with our being limited in intelligence and to the using of these products/services, and as with the Capitalist Classes too, and who do design these products/services (and as with Industrialization only associated with Large Scale Production), leading to them dictating to us, just what we can do or not, and as based around our limited thinking, and via the use of these products/services in all that is. In all again, the disregarding of Autonomy in our lives, and as with speak of being free to do as one wants (and as with this today perhaps, speaking of our not having the free time in all and to enjoy ourselves), and as compared to to Individuality too (Private Thoughts of ourselves), coming today to be defined, and by Demagogy and Propaganda too [that in all today, and as with our being largely sensitive to pain, life does basically speak of Fear in all again, and of what others do think of us, and what we choose to do actually (and as with this referring even, and to Demagogy and Propaganda too that is)].
Industrialization too, and as coming to help manifest Ignorance, and as seen amongst Humanity today, and as with regards to just how Industrialization in all, does define Education actually. To make this clearer is to say that, while Education in the past was based around Analysis (and speak even of the 6 Senses too), Education today, can very much be associated in all, and with the Fear Instinct too actually [to understand this, is to perhaps best associate Modern Education in all again, and with three primary existences: News Media, 'Pleasure Seeking' / Escapism, and even Entertainment too. And as with the latter three too, speaking of achievement and as with regards to Modern Education, but in always even, Modern Education, and as not viewed of interest to anyone, and as with speak of attainments too, in that, attainments, and in the Modern/Western World in all, does not only speak of experiencing life to the max, but has come in all again, to be truly associated with Modern Sexuality, and that experiencing Sex too, is very much the ultimate experience that the Modern/Western World has to offer] [that in all, most today, are actually seeking out attainments in all (the highest of life's experiences), and not achievements truly either]. In all again, achievement and as described as attempting to overcome the Fear Instinct, and with attainments too, all about defeating it actually [and speak of self-defeatist attitudes too, and as with regards, to beliefs pertaining to acceptance and satisfaction issues, and as with seeking out Perfectionism too, and mainly due to seeking acceptance and satisfaction too, and from a sexual perspective that is, but also speak of a core belief system in all again that, and as with it replacing Religion in our lives too, and that does base Life in all again, and with the Fear Instinct, and overcoming it too, and via a Modern Education that is] [that Atheism in all, can also be acquainted and with the Fear Instinct, and as coming to believe in it and with the further belief that God in all, does not exist actually, and God too and as a source of Knowledge that is, and as with Ignorance and a Modern Education too, basically perceived, and from the perspective of escaping our fears that is, but with Atheism in all again, all about the belief, that we can never escape our everyday fears in all].
Industrialization too, and as largely based around Large Scale Production in all, and via the use of Machines/Machinery too, resulting in the creation of products/services, that are now only defined and by Usability too, but in all ways even, speak of the rather huge problem, and of not only defining Markets (and as with this done via the speak of discrimination in all, and that certain peoples can have certain products and others not), but in all ways even, speak of it all being long-lasting [and as with speak even and of why one should have a newer model of a car, or even have many cars at the same time, when in reality, they are all very much the same, and from the perspective and of Usability too].
In many a way too, the difficulty in defining Usability, leading to Industrialization and as a failed economic philosophy, leading again to competition in all and in the very form of 'eliminating the competition' that is, and as Usability too, and as it being at the very heart of Industrialization even, leading to competition in all again and whereby one has to wipe out their competitors, and in the end resulting in markets filled with inferior products/services, and due to this lack of competition that is [that in all again, analyzing products/services and from the perspective of 'Qualities' too, does result in competition in all and as based around Free Market theories too, in that, there is an obvious exchange/interchange of ideas in all, and of what does constitute 'Qualities' too, and as compared to Usability, and the very obvious view in all that, all Cars in the World, despite being of different makes, are very much similar to each other actually].
In all ways again, Industrialization deemed to fail, and as with it now shifting to the Asian Continent (India and China and minus Japan too), and as with speak of product creativity and Usability in all, to be defined by Asians in all again, and as with they deemed creative and from the perspective of Usability that is, but with the products/services emanating from Asia in all again (and minus Japan too), rather inferior in their ways, and due to the very fact that, Asians in all, do use Materials, Unnatural too, that do easily disintegrate actually [and as with speak of Western Superiority in all, and as with regards to Industrialization too, speaking in all again, and of the ability to manipulate many a different Material in all, Unnatural too, and via molding, shaping them that is, and to what one wants them to be][and as with the Western World, now limiting its Industrialism efforts, and as with their not exporting certain products/services, and as made from certain materials too, and as with Western Countries in all again, creating Identity in all, and as based around certain materials, and speak of materials and such as Polymers too actually, and as compared to the rest of the World, where modern materiality in all again, is actually highly defined, and by Plastics too, and which are in many a way, inferior to polymers that is]. In many a way, Machines/Machinery, and as only capable of working with Unnatural Materials, and as compared to Tools/Equipment, and the working with Natural materials (and such as Gold, Silver, Steel or Iron too for instance) [and as with speak of Western Superiority and as with regards to Industrialization in all, speaking in all again, and of the false belief that, Unnatural Materials, are superior to Natural Materials in all, and as with stating that, working with Natural Materials, does require artistic talents, while working with Unnatural Materials, only speaks of molding or shaping them, but with also stating that, Natural Materials, can also very much be molded or shaped too (and as with the false belief that, the ancients could never have envisioned Modern Materiality, and speak of Modern Unnatural Materials, when in reality, these Materials, do not speak of the Earths Elements and Minerals in all, but instead, of Oils actually, and as with decaying Plants too for instance, and as with these Oils now, compressed in many a way, and into becoming solids that is (and beliefs in all that, everything out there, is in the form of solids, liquids and gases too actually)].
Finally in all, is to attempt to put a Human Face, and to Industrialism too that is. That in many a way, Industrialism in all has come to directly even, affect us, and as Human beings too, and from the very perspective, and of our Body Fluids too that is. That the many a product/services associated with Industrialization, does directly even, affect our Body Fluids in all, and such that, they are now disgusting in their ways actually (and as with this speak of Phlegm for instance), but that most today do associate in all again, our Industrialism efforts, and as with escaping our Primate selves too, when in reality, Industrialization, has nothing much to do with being a Primate, but speak in all ways even, and of our Body Fluids that is, and our being very much slimy in all actually, and as with speak of Slugs too that is [that many a person today, has Body Fluids, slimy in nature, and similar to a Slug, or at the very least too, Body Fluids, similar to Cooking Oils in all, and as compared to the use of Cooking Fats that is].