Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Social Movements

Dependency Syndrome and the Modern Age.

In speaking of the Modern attempt, to fully describe just what Freedom(s), Liberty and Civil Liberties are [and in the belief that, the Modern Age, does represent Humanity, and its highest potential too], is to also talk of the United States of America as heralding the so called New World Order (and as with it describing what Freedom, Liberty and Civil Liberties are, but from more or less a discriminatory tone too, and as with associating the former three descriptors of the Modern Age in all, and with Facial features, Hair types/kinds and even Skin Colours too), but to also finally talk and of the Modern Age too, and as with it failing in all again, to deliver on its promises, and for all that is [that most of Humanity today, 70% even, live in somewhat poverty-stricken states that is].

The failure of the Modern Age, and to deliver on its promises and for most too, in many a way, can be associated with Western originating forms of Parenting [and speak of Parental Mechanisms/Structures in all too really]. That in all again, these Parental Structures in place, have resulted in the defining of life, and as based around Safety (and not Security truly either), Dependency/Co-dependency Syndrome, and finally in all again, Abandonment issues [and with Safety in all, also speaking of Freedoms, Dependency/Co-dependency on Liberty, and with Abandonment also dealing with Civil Liberties issues].

In many a way, Safety does speak of not only losing something deemed precious or valuable too, but also speak of losing oneself or ones mind that is [that is, one going crazy in all, and when one does need help, aid or assistance too, and not knowing where to find it that is]. Dependency/Co-dependency on the otherhand, does speak of the very fact that, when one attempts to do anything they might find enjoyable in all, one has to turn to a Parental Figure in all again, and not only for support that is, but also as with regards to validation too [meaning that, the Parental Figure in all, must agree to what you are trying to do]. Abandonment on the otherhand, does speak of Civil Liberties, and speak too, and of one succeeding in all again, and in doing anything, but discovering that, what they did in all, was not agreeable to the Masses (or especially Parental Figures too), and in many a way too, when one does speak of punishment in the Modern Age, one does speak in all again, and of not only being Abandoned in all, and left to suffer, and on minimal resources too that is [and as with the Modern Age too, and as compared to previous times in all, highly defined in all again, and by the Prison System, and as a form of Punishment too that is].

In all, the above not only speaks of the very unknown History even, turbulent and violent too, and of South America, but in many a way too, does speak of what many a philosopher in all again, has termed the Human Condition [that Humanity today, is in a state of oppression in all, and as with this even, speaking of not only Religion in all, and as serving as a Parental Mechanism and in past times too, but that Humanity today, and as with Parental Mechanisms too, is under Militant Authoritarian Rule that is (and as with the abundant presence in all again, and of Policing Forces too, and as seen all over the Modern World that is)].

Below though, and as with speak of Communal existences, is the attempt to show many a person that, there is a way, to escape Western forms of Parenting in all [and Western Parental Structures in general too], and as with further stating that, these Social Movements in all again, do actually work, and do not require lots of energy, effort or time too, but only rather serious minded peoples in all, and to make it all happen that is [that the Social Movements spoken about below, when Mastered, can allow for one to live life as they pretty much wish to, and at the Communal or Global level too that is].

North America: Grassroot Politics

South America: Humanitarianism

Europe: Trusteeship

Africa: Charities/Foundations

Asia: Non-Profit Organizations

The Middle East: Welfare

Afrique: Philanthropy