Saturday, October 23, 2010


Impressionism, has its roots, in, Italian Art, and in many ways, is what, made, Life [living it in general], in Italia, rather great. Italians [of all molds, and sizes], produced, Art works [some rather highly impressionable], by which, the people, lived by. Some of this, Art work, was rather, religious, in nature, and engaging, in it, resulted, even [in many ways], in the ability, for one, to, see, visions, of all kinds [including visions, of higher beings].

The above Art work, for instance, proclaims, the arrival, of a Messiah.

Impressionist Italian Art, was often, seen, at, many, Italian Festivals [famous through out, all Europe, and running, for even, a month, at times], and these, Art works, were highly, impressionable, such that, the ability, of them [impressions], becoming real, instantly, was there. The most famous, of these, Festival based, Impressionist Art works, had, Romantic themes, to them.

In all though, the general belief, that, Art [can be dangerous], is really, based on, Italian Art [and its, highly impressionable, nature].