Saturday, October 23, 2010

Relationship Design with Cindy Crawford

This edition, of, Relationship Design with Cindy Crawford, is very much, targeted, towards, solitary figures, who very much, seek out, solitude in their lives. They are figures, who despite, wanting, very much, to be, alone, also, at times [and even, driven by angst], seek out, a mate, or, all kinds, of partners, to be with. These relationships formed, are pretty much, ambivalent [in nature], which means, they could end, sooner, than most think, even, simply, by one, losing, interest [rather quick]. This relationship format, though, is based, primarily, on, three things: Art, Protocols, and Hobbies.

When speaking, of Art, this, relationship model, asks that, the, solitary figures, in it, engage, in what, is called, Impressionist Art. Impressionist Art, while believed, to be, a new form, of Art, is, really, a term, that describes, any kind, of Art work [modern or ancient], that leaves, impressions, on ones, psyche. What this means, is that, upon, looking [or engaging], in such a, piece of Art, figures/objects, or even scenes, in it, could very well, quickly, come true [and even, become a part, of ones, reality]. In short, it is, Art work, that captures [quickly even], ones eye, leaving, an impression, in ones, psyche, making the possibility, of 'meeting', the impression, in ones real life, very, possible. Photography, of Marilyn Monroe, was mainly, in many ways, Impressionist Art; what this means, is that, upon, looking, at such, Art [time periods, not being consistent], the possibility, of meeting, someone, like, Marilyn Monroe [in looks, voice, face, and even humour], becomes, very possible [even the possibility, of having, a dream, of, Marilyn Monroe, becomes, very heightened]. Solitary figures, in this, relationship model, rather than, choosing, the Media [which includes, works, of non-fiction], as a way, of keeping, pre-occupied, should instead, seek out, all kinds, of, Impressionist Art [Music, Art, Poetry, and even, Foods], that imprint, in them, all kinds, of, favourable impressions, which are capable, of coming, true, in their lives [Solitary figures, tend to be, somewhat, depressed, due to, engaging alot, in, the Media, or simply, by being, all alone, all the time] [Impressionist foods, include, for example, some kinds, of, candy, that in many ways, can make one, hallucinate, on all, kinds, of things].

The second part, of this, relationship format, deals, with what, they call, Protocols [protocol, rights and order]. What this means, is that, for those, solitary figures, who seek out, mates [of all kinds], in their lives, then, any form, of, relating, with them, is done, from, the perspective, of, Protocols. In many ways, this form, of, relating, is for, the serious, and was once, seen, in English Society [during the times, of Richard II], and what, all this really means, is that, any kind, of, interaction, is done, from, the perspective, of, Protocols only [this means, no wayward comments, or empty jokes]. This kind, of, communicating, can allow, for, two solitary figures [in such a way, of relating], to even, be, business partners, with each other [many marriages today, often, tend to be, business like]. A good movie, to probably, watch, to see, this kind, of, relating [in a very general sense], is, "Two if by Sea", with, Denis Leary, and Sandra.

In forming, individual lives [as this relationship model, allows, the two solitary figures, to live, alone (and be, by themselves), and engage, with each other, only, via Protocols], solitary figures, in this relationship format, would seek, to interact, with, others, via Hobbies. Simply choose out, a Hobby, to partake in, and then, seek out, like minded individuals, by, engaging, in these, Hobbies, publicly [attending public speeches, is a good way, to begin].

This relationship model, is rather, stable, in its ways, and one, should not, think it rather, threatening [in thought]. What this means, is that, the ability, to choose, and eliminate, possible, mates [of all kinds], is easy, to partake in [and see], as at, its heart, its all about, Protocols. In general, the individuals, chosen [by a solitary figure], should have Hobbies, one generally, agrees with. Second to this, all forms, of, elimination [or choosing], should be based, on, levels, of Protocols. What this means, is that, ones, chosen mates [even in Hobbies], should be, a person (people), who can, communicate [with regards, to Protocol], at ones, level, of communication [this ensures, that the person chosen, is at, the very least, like minded (in thought and intelligence), and also, very much, in, evil deeds] [Don't go (or chase), after, a person, who is at, a higher level, of Protocols, than one] [there is no time, for improvement/growth, in such, solitary relationships]. Thirdly, it is adviced, that, Impressionist Art, be, at the heart, of all, that happens, in ones life, in the general sense [don't go out, seeking out, 'adventure', in one form, or another].

Impressionist music: