Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Dutch Masters

The Netherlands, is a Country, steeped, in History, that today, one could call, 'the Secret History of Europe'. This is because, unlike, other Regions of the World, Europe, has always involved itself, in what, one could call, 'Religious Research' [Research, in innovation, with regards really, to Religion, Culture, Order (cultural, with a small, 'c') and even, Philosophy/Thought]. In many ways, this Research, is what, made, Europe, the premier, Cultural Destination, in the World, and this, should not be taken, lightly, as it, in many ways, involved, the Research [Top-Secret in nature perhaps], into, what, one could call, Archetypal Knowledge (similar in nature, to embodying, an Archetype), which in itself, would embody perhaps, what, 'Sang Real', is all about [a Being perhaps, that can do, just about, anything]. Alot, of this Knowledge, was carted away, to America [during Europes downfall], but it appears, it has, never, truly, been understood, by them (at all) [the Netherlands in all, consisted, of three primary groups: the Flemish (White), the Fleming (Brown), and the Dutch (Black); with the Dutch in all, responsible really, for the downfall, of, Holland itself (to the English)].

It is mainly, to the Flemish, and the Fleming too, that highly needed, European Religious Research, was mainly done, as responsible really, for taking, European Civilization, to the next level [as with, Religion, Culture etc.] [What distinguishes, the Flemish, and the Fleming, from the Dutch, is that, the former two, are of, Greek/Graecian origins, and with the Dutch, being, Jew/Jewish].

What some call, Top-Secret research [as with a gadget too], should today really, be perceived, as Individual endeavours [entrepreneurial in scope], and real Research today, is really, Cultural/Archetypal, in nature, as quick thinking, Beings, can outsmart, the most, highly equipped, of police forces.

What will be attempted below, is to show, the different peoples, o,f different Regions in the World, whom they can turn to, with regards, to, 'Religious Research', other than, waiting, for the next, ingenious, Cultural/Religious idea, to spring up, from, Europe. Research in all too, needed, to fill up, in our lives, the elements of, Shock, Awe, Amazement, Dumbfounded (ness), and even, Total Surprise [in all, elements, that can ruin, our very lives, as in many ways, they are, genetic in nature, as with, our early evolution, on this Earth (and as, with lives too, lived, through, dark & barbaric, times)].

North America: Americanistas (Legion)

Americanistas (Legion), are still, to be seen, in North America, and in many ways too, represent, the most, intelligent, of the peoples, one sees there. It is believed, that rather, than waiting, for an European idea (to be leaked through), on improving, North American life, take place, that in all really, Americanistas (Legion), should engage, in 'Religious Research' [and especially, as with, the cultural aspects], rather than, having, North Americans, believe, that, Italian-Americans, are the peak, of, North American, Cultural Identity.

South America: Venezuelans

Probably, the most creative (and aspiring too), of, South Americans, and all this, should not be confused, with, Cuban Creativity, as the Creativity, we speak of how here, is that, of change, as with taking, Civilization, to the next level.

Europe: The Netherlands

As usual, and to say the least, nothing changes here really.

Africa: Algeria

Creative, and the most, aspiring, of Africans too(as with being French perhaps). Forget Gadaffi, and let all, ideas, on taking, Africa, to the next level, stem off, from, Algerian, Creative Minds.

South East Asia: The Hindi-Indians

The Indians (of India, as with the name, and fame in all) [think Hrithik Roshan], are the ones really, who gave, the ever popular, Hindi language (as with, Gujarati really), to India. It is believed, they are, in many ways, the top candidates, for, 'Religious Research' [in South East Asia], as in many ways, they do, represent, what most, peoples out there, think, when asked, to think, India (in all) [and as, Creative, and Interestingly Intelligent].

East Asia: The Philippines

Not much, is known, about, the Filipinos, other than, the (popular) belief, that, they are of, Spanish, American, Dutch, or even, Indian (extraction). What however, is known, about Filipinos, is that, they are the most, Sophisticated (as with, engaging really), of, East Asians. In many ways too, the ideal folk, suited for example, in taking, the Samurai (as with 'Archetypal Religious Research'), to the next level [as for example too, with, Dan Inosanto too].

The Middle East: Qatar

Qatar, is home, in the Middle East, to what, some would call, 'Esoteric Research' [Research in all, that attempts, to find out, interesting facts, to do, with just about, anything (from Medical Research, to, Atomic Physics Research)]. In many ways though, it is best, believed that, all these efforts, be turned, towards, 'Religious Research', in helping, take, the Middle East (and the Islamic World too), to the next level, in, Civilized Existence.

Inspirational Source: