
When Israel was in Egypt’s land,
Let My people go!
Oppressed so hard they could not stand,
Let My people go!
Of Cadence and Self-Belief:
When we speak, of Cadence really, we in many ways, are referring, to, our, general, Walking Rhythm. A Rhythm, highly associated to, as, with, our general, Self-Belief, as not, only, with Inner Strength, or, Inner Power even, but even too, Safety issues, and, general issues, of Faith, Hope, and Charity too in all. A Rhythm (Cadence really), if destroyed (in one way, or another) [as with, servile depictions of one, for example], has one, suffering, heavily, from, Self-Belief issues.
The story, of Moses, as seen, in the Bible (King James Version), is a rather, dangerous, rendering, of the story, of Moses in all. This is because, it is written, in such, a manner, that when, upon reading it, one, heavily identifies, with, Moses (and the Slaves), such that, unknowingly to most, it heavily, interrupts, with ones, Cadence [in that also, the tale, is rather, engaging, and on reading it, as with, anything else, rather engaging too in all, one is immediately (if not, almost), swept into, such worlds, depicted (as with, ones, real life really)].
When many out there, first ever, hear, the word, Egypt, its always mainly, has to do, with, the Biblical story, of Moses. A story, that attempts to paint, Moses (and the Slaves), as innocent, figures, of Pharaonic domination, and the Paharohs (and Egypt in itself), as, a rather, evil land (in all) [a powerful depiction, that has, many to this day, associating, those formerly strongly, associated, with Ancient Egypt (as with descent even), as being in all, rather, powerful by nature (as with, Art Worlds mainly)].
To understand though, how Moses, could come to lead, Slaves, outside, rather Civilized Egypt, is, to understand, the very nature, of, Evil, as associated mainly, with Egyptian Civilization [as with, the Apocalypse even]. That there exists, a kind, of Evil, most, know little about, but in many ways, rather scary, as with, having to do, with issues, of, Cadence (and Self-Belief too in all). An Evil, rather basic, in its premise, but having, far reaching effects (as with disaster really, in all). An Evil really, associated with, interfering, with ones, Cadence, based mainly, on, interrupting it, as mainly to do, with issues, of, Delay, Timing, and Trauma in itself.
To understand, what this all means, is to understand, what, issues of Delay, Timing, and Trauma in itself too, have to do, with us [in that, they instill in us, a, general sense of fear, a general fear of things, and a general sense of fearfulness (as with the future really), in all, respectively].
Whenever, you suffer/encounter, a Delay of any kind, you in general, become, unaware, of your, environments in general [and in such conditions, one, can be made, to believe in, just about, anything, rather easily], and in all too, instilling in one, a, general sense of fear, on just about, anything, out there. Whenever you have, a poor (or lack in all really), of, a Sense of Timing really, you discover, that, anything, can happen to one, or to ones environments too in all [and in general too, instilling in one, a general fear (of things), having to do, with, just about, anything out there]. When we speak, of Trauma, we are in many ways too, referring, to, issues, pertaining to what, they call, the Intellect [as with, Shrewdness, Wit, and even, Dexterity]. What this means, is that, should one, possess, a damaged, Intellect in one form, or another, then, they are most likely, to suffer, from, Trauma, as pertaining mainly, to issues, of, Realization, as mainly, with, Realizing of things, a bit, tad late [and in all, instilling in one, a general sense of fearfulness (as with, the future really in all)].
All this, has been explained, because, issues, having to do, with Delay, Timing, and Trauma in all, heavily, affect, our Cadence (and Self-Belief too, in all really). There are those, who have attempted (or tried really), to rule, over the World, based on, very much, possessing, this kind, of Knowledge [a Kind of Knowledge really, that attempts, to Program (as with the Subconscious really), into one, all kinds, of, general senses of fear, general fears, and even too, general senses of fearfulness]. A kind of Evil, most know mainly about, as via mainly, through, the Internet, and also, Conspiracy Theories, in all too. An Evil, heavily based, on, Allegory (as with Seriousness), as Allegory (as with Seriousness really), can be, easily used, to hamper, one, with regards, to, Delay, Timing, and Trauma issues in all [in all really, asking questions, as if, the person to answer, is not, in the know, of, something (even right now), actually, going on].
The above Image, speaks of, the kind, of Evil, very much, associated, with, all this, as it is, Evil really, having, to do, with issues, of, Delay [that is, looking at the image, has one, programmed really, with, a general sense of fear, as in, looking, at the Image, does enforce, a delay, into, ones thinking, as though, one, is expecting, something, to happen in all really] [Under such conditions, evil (as with programmed), can be, projected, into one, even, via, the Internet, as one, is capable, of believing, in just about, anything, whenever, one, is delayed, in anything, out there (and especially, abruptly)].
The above Image too, represents, Media, as often, associated, with this kind of Evil, in that, its Media, that, damages ones, Intellect in all [the above Image, damages, ones Intellect, as with, Dexterity really (i.e., having, a general sense of knowing), as one, wonders, what could have happened, to, the Woman (face in all), but with good Intellect too, one too, does notice that, the Woman, does actually look alot, like, Madonna (in the Eighties)] [It probably, is her too].
This kind of Media, often seen, in America (as with Conspiracy Theories too) [and having one, believe in them too], is also, heavily in all, associated, with, Australian Media [which should be, heavily avoided, in general] [In all too, Media, that messes, with, ones senses, of delay, timing, and the intellect too].
It is this, kind, of Evil, that Egypt, eventually, finds itself facing, as a Civilization. An Evil really, in the past, which was dealt with, mainly, in the form, of, Slavery [and an Evil, heavily too, associated, with Egyptian Women, which in all, made them, a, servile class, in, Egyptian Society in all]. An Evil too, highly associated, with, the attempt in all, to limit, Self-Expression, in all, its forms (as with those, attempting, to Succeed really), and in many ways too, a form of Evil, associated, in America, with those, often known as, Technocrats [those who believe, that, Technology, in the form really, of, Gadgets, is the answer, to all, of, Humanities, problems] [In that in all too, such people, are knowledgeable, of the Evil, associated, with gadgets in all (as with limiting, self-expression), but still in all, heavily, do promote them]. An Evil too, as with those, who practise it, is associated in general, with, the Apocalypse really, as with, the Book of Revelation, and the, sighting, of the Beast [there being, three of them, in all] [that which, is marked, 666, attempts, to control, the flow, of Information, in general; there is however, another, called, the Beast of the Sea (often in the everyday form really, of, a raging black Bull, as with, its head mainly), and a Beast, rather, violent, in nature, as with, slaying, maimings, and, killings in all (what this means, those possessed, by, the Beast of the Sea, have a head, that calls upon, ones imagination really, as with, the sighting, of, a black bulls head)] [A very violent, Evil being, as with, Cannibalism too even].
In many ways too in all, an Evil, highly, Media associated, as with, mainly, Presentation Formats, in that, the Media, presents things, heavily, based on, affecting, one, as with, Delay, Timing, and Trauma in all [and in many ways too, the very world, of, David Icke].
La Vita Bella:
It is important, to have, a general sense, of delay, timing, and even, trauma in all too, so that, one, cannot, easily, be affected, by the Evil, spoken about, above [which attempts in all, to make one, feel, rather, servile by nature, by breaking, one, down, as with, Cadence mainly (and Self-Belief too, in all)].
In gaining, a good sense, of timing, delay, and even, trauma too (as with the Intellect really), it is deemed, a not too, difficult task in all, but one, many, might find, Manipulative (somewhat). In general, it is believed, that ones, sense of delay, can easily, be, affected (rectified really), by assocating it, with, the element, of Hues, as often, seen, with Colour [that one, in general, inorder, to have, a, proper, sense of delay, in all, has to see, certain, hues, as associated, with, Colour, and, our, very environments too, in all]. Hues, depicted, as follows, in the, various Regions (as with, the land itself, and, colour/hues):
North America: Light chocolate brown
South America: Whitish-yellow
Europe: Light green
Africa: Red-brown (Egypt), White-brown (North Africa), and Dark Green too.
South East Asia: Dark red
East Asia: White
Middle East & Afrique: Light brown
In all, what is been said, is that, while, in the respective, Regions of the World (as presented above), in order, to have, a good, sense of delay, one must, be able, to see, the above, Hues, as with, their environments (colour), mainly.
Ones proper, Sense of Timing, is believed too, to be, heavily, associated, with, Ambience (as with Colour/Light too mainly). In most ways, Ambience, is heavily, associated, with, colour, as often, associated too, with, Minerals (as with, the colour, of, Minerals in all). In general too, one, notices, that, different regions, have, different Ambience (as with, Light mainly), seen, as follows really:
North America: Indigo
South America: Golden
Middle East, Africa & Europe: Silvery
South East Asia: Bronze
East Asia: Amethyst
That in general, seeing the above, Ambience in all (as mainly, to do, with Light, rather than, colour/environments), results, in one, having, a rather, good, sense of timing, in all.
Finally, you have the disturbing issue, of, the Intellect, which, for many today, is, underdeveloped (and hence, an obsession, with, street wise figures, in, general, pop culture), and when, damaged, has one, Realize, things (in all), rather, slowly, making, one fearful, by nature (in all). In developing, good Intellect, traditionally, this has been done, by, associating it, with, certain animal life forms, seen, in different, Regions, of the World:
North America: Rabbit (as with Br'er Rabbit perhaps)
South America: Deer
Europe: Fox
Africa: Hare
South East Asia: Cobra
East Asia: Wolf
Middle East: Owl
That in all, to develop, a good, Intellect, and in all too, generally, avoid, being Traumatized, in ones life, one must, develop, an Intellect, as associated really, with, the animal life forms, as seen, just above really [as with the Regions].
Of Einstein and Pharaoh:
Albert Einstein, in developing, his Theories, of Relativity in all, in many ways, was not, too different, from, the Pharaohs (of old) [as with Wisdom really]. To understand this in all, is to, truly try, to understand, the, very nature, of, Ancient Egypt (as civilization/culture really). That, in most ways, Ancient Egypt, is often, depicted, in a Cartoon-like manner, with many, not, fully realizing, what constituted, everyday, Egyptian Drama (as with, High Civilization really). In all really, Egyptian Civilization, as with, Drama, was one, highly, associated, with issues, of, Delay, Timing, and Trauma/Intellect (in all). Some of the best renderings, of all this, have to do, with, the stories, of Joseph (and his 12 Brothers), and also, that, of Joseph, Mary, and, Baby Jesus too in all.
To get, a better grasp, of this (in all), is to know, that, in Egypt, issues, of Delay, Timing, and even, Trauma/Intellect, are more, highly heightened, than, in other parts, of the World [with Seriousness too, in Egypt, conceptualized really, in the form, of, Allegory] [one of the reasons, why, Egypt, is always, separated, from the rest, of Africa (as even, with, North Africa too, in itself)].
Albert Einstein, studied, in many ways, issues, of Delay, Timing, and Trauma/Intellect, when he, published, his three, most, reknowed, seminal papers, on, his Theories, of, Relativity. With regards, to the Propagation of Light, he, in many ways, stated (amongst many other things too), that, if one, travels, at the speed, of light, one is in, general, not aware, of, anything, around them. In all really, that, there must, be, a delay (as with light really), for one, to, become, aware, of ones, environments (and even, ones self too, in all). However too, these delays in all, can give, rise, to different, forms, of phenomena, which are, in nature, of great, interest (as with, potential really). In his paper, on E=Mc2, he not only, spoke of, the conversion, of matter into light [and the amount, of energy, hence given off], but also, spoke about, it, with regards, to issues, of, Timing, in general [In general that, with a lack, of, a proper, sense of timing (or even, poor notions, of such), anything, can in most ways, happen, to one] [This does not, make sense, from, the perspective, of, Linear time really, but makes, lots of sense, from, the perspective, of, Non-Linear time]
[Einstein in all, did develop, Theories on this, with regards, to, Non-Linear time, which were, confiscated, by, the US Government].
On his third paper, having to do, with, Brownian Motion, he in many ways, referred to, the, Intellect, as with especially, having to do, with, Realization [that in most ways, slowing/damaging, the Intellect, results, in, a poor, Realization, of things, and when, that happens, ones, environments (worlds even), tend, to be, rather tense, as with, anything, can happen, with regards mainly, to ones, thoughts in all]. In all, understanding, fully, Brownian Motion, helps one, truly, grasp, Realization, in all its forms.
It is here too, that, we partly, enter, into the world, of, Egyptian Drama [and, Egyptian Magic, in some ways too]. That in all, everyday, Egyptian life, heavily, based on, the three issues, of, Delay, Timing, and Trauma/Intellect, did often, result, in the most, unpredictable, happening always. To gain, some understanding of this, is to know, that, Egypt, is a land, that hampers, ones, Intellect (somewhat naturally), and when, this does happen, one fails, to, Realize things, as one, should in all, and the end, result, is a, Tense environment, created, whereupon, Allegory, is called onto, and a failure still, to Realize, things as such, leads, somewhat perhaps, to the calling, on, Wit [as with rescue, and, often, as with, a poor joke (at ones expense)], which in many ways, as with, thoughts really, can realize, these thoughts/wit [a good example, is being, in a room, with two, others perhaps, and one, of them, saying, 'Someone is coming'; on turning, towards the door, as with, Realization (and not realized really), a silence followed, has one, of them, saying, 'You think, its the Pope?'; such Wit, expressed, results, in, further, tense moments, (as with, thoughts too really), before, the door, opens, and someone, walks in -- that in many ways, was Egypt (as with, everyday Drama), and the Pope, walking in (as with, Egyptian Magical realities)].
France (Napoleanic) too, as land perhaps, did adopt, Egyptian Drama, in, its everyday life; in many ways too, madly perhaps, it did, mesh, this, Egyptian Drama, with, Merovingian Drama, too, in all. The end result, was, a rather, heightened environment, as mainly, having to do, with, Trauma/Intellect issues [in all, more, dangerous perhaps, than, in Egypt, as, Merovingian Byzantine France, was rather, lawless, as with, attacks, from, outside France, itself] [It is this, Drama too, that eventually, sees, France, in most ways, simply, collapse (in all)]. A France, not really, envisioned, by most, as European/French Civilization, is often, depicted really, in, Movie-like states. In many ways too, these issues, of, Delay, Timing, and Trauma/Intellect, in France (as compared to Egypt), were dealt with, mainly, with, High Culture (Draconian) [while in Egypt, they were dealt with, in similar fashions, to Einstein, and, secret covert US Government, experiments/operations (Montauk)].
In all, living (and dealing), with, French/Egyptian Drama, often called for, its peoples, to in all, become, what, some call, Matyred Saints (as with, daily happenings really) [and as with, a Fool perhaps, too], and often, as, most, popularly, depicted, with, Saint Valentine [of Valentines Day fame] [In general, everyday, life, in Egypt and France even, was, akin, to Valentines Day (as with surprises really), and tensions, as best perhaps, seen, in, Michael Jacksons, 'Liberian Girl' video (general everyday tensions that is *one must realize this*, with, Michael Jackson, being, very much, akin, to, Saint Valentine himself)].
[In many ways too really, life, as with, 'sudden death', all over]
Let My people go!
Oppressed so hard they could not stand,
Let My people go!
Of Cadence and Self-Belief:
When we speak, of Cadence really, we in many ways, are referring, to, our, general, Walking Rhythm. A Rhythm, highly associated to, as, with, our general, Self-Belief, as not, only, with Inner Strength, or, Inner Power even, but even too, Safety issues, and, general issues, of Faith, Hope, and Charity too in all. A Rhythm (Cadence really), if destroyed (in one way, or another) [as with, servile depictions of one, for example], has one, suffering, heavily, from, Self-Belief issues.
The story, of Moses, as seen, in the Bible (King James Version), is a rather, dangerous, rendering, of the story, of Moses in all. This is because, it is written, in such, a manner, that when, upon reading it, one, heavily identifies, with, Moses (and the Slaves), such that, unknowingly to most, it heavily, interrupts, with ones, Cadence [in that also, the tale, is rather, engaging, and on reading it, as with, anything else, rather engaging too in all, one is immediately (if not, almost), swept into, such worlds, depicted (as with, ones, real life really)].
When many out there, first ever, hear, the word, Egypt, its always mainly, has to do, with, the Biblical story, of Moses. A story, that attempts to paint, Moses (and the Slaves), as innocent, figures, of Pharaonic domination, and the Paharohs (and Egypt in itself), as, a rather, evil land (in all) [a powerful depiction, that has, many to this day, associating, those formerly strongly, associated, with Ancient Egypt (as with descent even), as being in all, rather, powerful by nature (as with, Art Worlds mainly)].
To understand though, how Moses, could come to lead, Slaves, outside, rather Civilized Egypt, is, to understand, the very nature, of, Evil, as associated mainly, with Egyptian Civilization [as with, the Apocalypse even]. That there exists, a kind, of Evil, most, know little about, but in many ways, rather scary, as with, having to do, with issues, of, Cadence (and Self-Belief too in all). An Evil, rather basic, in its premise, but having, far reaching effects (as with disaster really, in all). An Evil really, associated with, interfering, with ones, Cadence, based mainly, on, interrupting it, as mainly to do, with issues, of, Delay, Timing, and Trauma in itself.
To understand, what this all means, is to understand, what, issues of Delay, Timing, and Trauma in itself too, have to do, with us [in that, they instill in us, a, general sense of fear, a general fear of things, and a general sense of fearfulness (as with the future really), in all, respectively].
Whenever, you suffer/encounter, a Delay of any kind, you in general, become, unaware, of your, environments in general [and in such conditions, one, can be made, to believe in, just about, anything, rather easily], and in all too, instilling in one, a, general sense of fear, on just about, anything, out there. Whenever you have, a poor (or lack in all really), of, a Sense of Timing really, you discover, that, anything, can happen to one, or to ones environments too in all [and in general too, instilling in one, a general fear (of things), having to do, with, just about, anything out there]. When we speak, of Trauma, we are in many ways too, referring, to, issues, pertaining to what, they call, the Intellect [as with, Shrewdness, Wit, and even, Dexterity]. What this means, is that, should one, possess, a damaged, Intellect in one form, or another, then, they are most likely, to suffer, from, Trauma, as pertaining mainly, to issues, of, Realization, as mainly, with, Realizing of things, a bit, tad late [and in all, instilling in one, a general sense of fearfulness (as with, the future really in all)].
All this, has been explained, because, issues, having to do, with Delay, Timing, and Trauma in all, heavily, affect, our Cadence (and Self-Belief too, in all really). There are those, who have attempted (or tried really), to rule, over the World, based on, very much, possessing, this kind, of Knowledge [a Kind of Knowledge really, that attempts, to Program (as with the Subconscious really), into one, all kinds, of, general senses of fear, general fears, and even too, general senses of fearfulness]. A kind of Evil, most know mainly about, as via mainly, through, the Internet, and also, Conspiracy Theories, in all too. An Evil, heavily based, on, Allegory (as with Seriousness), as Allegory (as with Seriousness really), can be, easily used, to hamper, one, with regards, to, Delay, Timing, and Trauma issues in all [in all really, asking questions, as if, the person to answer, is not, in the know, of, something (even right now), actually, going on].
The above Image, speaks of, the kind, of Evil, very much, associated, with, all this, as it is, Evil really, having, to do, with issues, of, Delay [that is, looking at the image, has one, programmed really, with, a general sense of fear, as in, looking, at the Image, does enforce, a delay, into, ones thinking, as though, one, is expecting, something, to happen in all really] [Under such conditions, evil (as with programmed), can be, projected, into one, even, via, the Internet, as one, is capable, of believing, in just about, anything, whenever, one, is delayed, in anything, out there (and especially, abruptly)].
The above Image too, represents, Media, as often, associated, with this kind of Evil, in that, its Media, that, damages ones, Intellect in all [the above Image, damages, ones Intellect, as with, Dexterity really (i.e., having, a general sense of knowing), as one, wonders, what could have happened, to, the Woman (face in all), but with good Intellect too, one too, does notice that, the Woman, does actually look alot, like, Madonna (in the Eighties)] [It probably, is her too].
This kind of Media, often seen, in America (as with Conspiracy Theories too) [and having one, believe in them too], is also, heavily in all, associated, with, Australian Media [which should be, heavily avoided, in general] [In all too, Media, that messes, with, ones senses, of delay, timing, and the intellect too].
It is this, kind, of Evil, that Egypt, eventually, finds itself facing, as a Civilization. An Evil really, in the past, which was dealt with, mainly, in the form, of, Slavery [and an Evil, heavily too, associated, with Egyptian Women, which in all, made them, a, servile class, in, Egyptian Society in all]. An Evil too, highly associated, with, the attempt in all, to limit, Self-Expression, in all, its forms (as with those, attempting, to Succeed really), and in many ways too, a form of Evil, associated, in America, with those, often known as, Technocrats [those who believe, that, Technology, in the form really, of, Gadgets, is the answer, to all, of, Humanities, problems] [In that in all too, such people, are knowledgeable, of the Evil, associated, with gadgets in all (as with limiting, self-expression), but still in all, heavily, do promote them]. An Evil too, as with those, who practise it, is associated in general, with, the Apocalypse really, as with, the Book of Revelation, and the, sighting, of the Beast [there being, three of them, in all] [that which, is marked, 666, attempts, to control, the flow, of Information, in general; there is however, another, called, the Beast of the Sea (often in the everyday form really, of, a raging black Bull, as with, its head mainly), and a Beast, rather, violent, in nature, as with, slaying, maimings, and, killings in all (what this means, those possessed, by, the Beast of the Sea, have a head, that calls upon, ones imagination really, as with, the sighting, of, a black bulls head)] [A very violent, Evil being, as with, Cannibalism too even].
In many ways too in all, an Evil, highly, Media associated, as with, mainly, Presentation Formats, in that, the Media, presents things, heavily, based on, affecting, one, as with, Delay, Timing, and Trauma in all [and in many ways too, the very world, of, David Icke].
La Vita Bella:
It is important, to have, a general sense, of delay, timing, and even, trauma in all too, so that, one, cannot, easily, be affected, by the Evil, spoken about, above [which attempts in all, to make one, feel, rather, servile by nature, by breaking, one, down, as with, Cadence mainly (and Self-Belief too, in all)].
In gaining, a good sense, of timing, delay, and even, trauma too (as with the Intellect really), it is deemed, a not too, difficult task in all, but one, many, might find, Manipulative (somewhat). In general, it is believed, that ones, sense of delay, can easily, be, affected (rectified really), by assocating it, with, the element, of Hues, as often, seen, with Colour [that one, in general, inorder, to have, a, proper, sense of delay, in all, has to see, certain, hues, as associated, with, Colour, and, our, very environments too, in all]. Hues, depicted, as follows, in the, various Regions (as with, the land itself, and, colour/hues):
North America: Light chocolate brown
South America: Whitish-yellow
Europe: Light green
Africa: Red-brown (Egypt), White-brown (North Africa), and Dark Green too.
South East Asia: Dark red
East Asia: White
Middle East & Afrique: Light brown
In all, what is been said, is that, while, in the respective, Regions of the World (as presented above), in order, to have, a good, sense of delay, one must, be able, to see, the above, Hues, as with, their environments (colour), mainly.
Ones proper, Sense of Timing, is believed too, to be, heavily, associated, with, Ambience (as with Colour/Light too mainly). In most ways, Ambience, is heavily, associated, with, colour, as often, associated too, with, Minerals (as with, the colour, of, Minerals in all). In general too, one, notices, that, different regions, have, different Ambience (as with, Light mainly), seen, as follows really:
North America: Indigo
South America: Golden
Middle East, Africa & Europe: Silvery
South East Asia: Bronze
East Asia: Amethyst
That in general, seeing the above, Ambience in all (as mainly, to do, with Light, rather than, colour/environments), results, in one, having, a rather, good, sense of timing, in all.
Finally, you have the disturbing issue, of, the Intellect, which, for many today, is, underdeveloped (and hence, an obsession, with, street wise figures, in, general, pop culture), and when, damaged, has one, Realize, things (in all), rather, slowly, making, one fearful, by nature (in all). In developing, good Intellect, traditionally, this has been done, by, associating it, with, certain animal life forms, seen, in different, Regions, of the World:
North America: Rabbit (as with Br'er Rabbit perhaps)
South America: Deer
Europe: Fox
Africa: Hare
South East Asia: Cobra
East Asia: Wolf
Middle East: Owl
That in all, to develop, a good, Intellect, and in all too, generally, avoid, being Traumatized, in ones life, one must, develop, an Intellect, as associated really, with, the animal life forms, as seen, just above really [as with the Regions].
Of Einstein and Pharaoh:
Albert Einstein, in developing, his Theories, of Relativity in all, in many ways, was not, too different, from, the Pharaohs (of old) [as with Wisdom really]. To understand this in all, is to, truly try, to understand, the, very nature, of, Ancient Egypt (as civilization/culture really). That, in most ways, Ancient Egypt, is often, depicted, in a Cartoon-like manner, with many, not, fully realizing, what constituted, everyday, Egyptian Drama (as with, High Civilization really). In all really, Egyptian Civilization, as with, Drama, was one, highly, associated, with issues, of, Delay, Timing, and Trauma/Intellect (in all). Some of the best renderings, of all this, have to do, with, the stories, of Joseph (and his 12 Brothers), and also, that, of Joseph, Mary, and, Baby Jesus too in all.
To get, a better grasp, of this (in all), is to know, that, in Egypt, issues, of Delay, Timing, and even, Trauma/Intellect, are more, highly heightened, than, in other parts, of the World [with Seriousness too, in Egypt, conceptualized really, in the form, of, Allegory] [one of the reasons, why, Egypt, is always, separated, from the rest, of Africa (as even, with, North Africa too, in itself)].
Albert Einstein, studied, in many ways, issues, of Delay, Timing, and Trauma/Intellect, when he, published, his three, most, reknowed, seminal papers, on, his Theories, of, Relativity. With regards, to the Propagation of Light, he, in many ways, stated (amongst many other things too), that, if one, travels, at the speed, of light, one is in, general, not aware, of, anything, around them. In all really, that, there must, be, a delay (as with light really), for one, to, become, aware, of ones, environments (and even, ones self too, in all). However too, these delays in all, can give, rise, to different, forms, of phenomena, which are, in nature, of great, interest (as with, potential really). In his paper, on E=Mc2, he not only, spoke of, the conversion, of matter into light [and the amount, of energy, hence given off], but also, spoke about, it, with regards, to issues, of, Timing, in general [In general that, with a lack, of, a proper, sense of timing (or even, poor notions, of such), anything, can in most ways, happen, to one] [This does not, make sense, from, the perspective, of, Linear time really, but makes, lots of sense, from, the perspective, of, Non-Linear time]
[Einstein in all, did develop, Theories on this, with regards, to, Non-Linear time, which were, confiscated, by, the US Government].
On his third paper, having to do, with, Brownian Motion, he in many ways, referred to, the, Intellect, as with especially, having to do, with, Realization [that in most ways, slowing/damaging, the Intellect, results, in, a poor, Realization, of things, and when, that happens, ones, environments (worlds even), tend, to be, rather tense, as with, anything, can happen, with regards mainly, to ones, thoughts in all]. In all, understanding, fully, Brownian Motion, helps one, truly, grasp, Realization, in all its forms.
It is here too, that, we partly, enter, into the world, of, Egyptian Drama [and, Egyptian Magic, in some ways too]. That in all, everyday, Egyptian life, heavily, based on, the three issues, of, Delay, Timing, and Trauma/Intellect, did often, result, in the most, unpredictable, happening always. To gain, some understanding of this, is to know, that, Egypt, is a land, that hampers, ones, Intellect (somewhat naturally), and when, this does happen, one fails, to, Realize things, as one, should in all, and the end, result, is a, Tense environment, created, whereupon, Allegory, is called onto, and a failure still, to Realize, things as such, leads, somewhat perhaps, to the calling, on, Wit [as with rescue, and, often, as with, a poor joke (at ones expense)], which in many ways, as with, thoughts really, can realize, these thoughts/wit [a good example, is being, in a room, with two, others perhaps, and one, of them, saying, 'Someone is coming'; on turning, towards the door, as with, Realization (and not realized really), a silence followed, has one, of them, saying, 'You think, its the Pope?'; such Wit, expressed, results, in, further, tense moments, (as with, thoughts too really), before, the door, opens, and someone, walks in -- that in many ways, was Egypt (as with, everyday Drama), and the Pope, walking in (as with, Egyptian Magical realities)].
France (Napoleanic) too, as land perhaps, did adopt, Egyptian Drama, in, its everyday life; in many ways too, madly perhaps, it did, mesh, this, Egyptian Drama, with, Merovingian Drama, too, in all. The end result, was, a rather, heightened environment, as mainly, having to do, with, Trauma/Intellect issues [in all, more, dangerous perhaps, than, in Egypt, as, Merovingian Byzantine France, was rather, lawless, as with, attacks, from, outside France, itself] [It is this, Drama too, that eventually, sees, France, in most ways, simply, collapse (in all)]. A France, not really, envisioned, by most, as European/French Civilization, is often, depicted really, in, Movie-like states. In many ways too, these issues, of, Delay, Timing, and Trauma/Intellect, in France (as compared to Egypt), were dealt with, mainly, with, High Culture (Draconian) [while in Egypt, they were dealt with, in similar fashions, to Einstein, and, secret covert US Government, experiments/operations (Montauk)].
In all, living (and dealing), with, French/Egyptian Drama, often called for, its peoples, to in all, become, what, some call, Matyred Saints (as with, daily happenings really) [and as with, a Fool perhaps, too], and often, as, most, popularly, depicted, with, Saint Valentine [of Valentines Day fame] [In general, everyday, life, in Egypt and France even, was, akin, to Valentines Day (as with surprises really), and tensions, as best perhaps, seen, in, Michael Jacksons, 'Liberian Girl' video (general everyday tensions that is *one must realize this*, with, Michael Jackson, being, very much, akin, to, Saint Valentine himself)].
[In many ways too really, life, as with, 'sudden death', all over]