The word Gentle, is probably, popularly acquainted, with, most out there. It is often, associated, with Jewish people, and even, perceived, as a word, denoting, inferiority, in another [presumed, not Jewish]. To fully understand, what, Jewish people, refer to, by saying, Gentile, is to, understand really, how, we go about, creating, Core Identities [outside, the Religious Sphere], that we readily, identify with. Identities really, that go along, with, living, what some call, the, Secular Life [one really, where, Religion, or general achievement, does not, really, play a role in].
At the heart, of, Self-Knowledge, is formulating, Core Identities, based on, as follows: Self-Image, Self-Determinism, Self-Motivation, and, finally, Self-Esteem. If one, does not know, whom they are, with these, 4, major, Core Identities, then in general, they feel, listless, about, life n general [as with lacking, general happiness, or even, general satisfaction]. In many ways, life, does not, feel, like a, road traveled (on), but in most ways, feels, similar, to the search, for, a proper, Home [one can fit into, properly] [In all, those without, these, Core Identities, always feel, the need to, move, somewhere else (including, up, a Class Hierarchy), in search, for, these Core Identities (Packaged), that in all, have us feeling, like, worthy, respectable, people (as Citizens, of a Country, do perhaps)].
Self-Formulation & the 'Search for Peace':
For many, the, 'Search for Peace', really, has to do, with the search, for, a Home really. And the search, for a Home, has to do, with, knowing oneself, as, with regards, to, the 4, major, Core Identities, identified above. These, 4 major, Core Identities, are in themselves, highly based on, the concept, of, the Family. It is with, Family, at the base, that one, can, very well, formulate, the above, Identities, and in all too, generate, feelings, of love [as with, warmth, tenderness, and even, care] [feelings in all, that have one in general, not worrying, too much, about, anything].
The way to go about, formulating, these, Core Identities (before one, truly, can start, believing, in Religion itself), is, to, at the very least, have, a concept, of, Family itself [that in all, Religion, is about, Evolution, and, Family, about, survival (in general)]. In general, the reason for this, is because, to have, a, general understanding, of, Religion itself, one, must have, the, common sense [and sane mental faculties], to understand, why, Family (as a Concept), is necessary, not only, for survival, but, for general, wellness (and well being too) [in all, practises, such as, Agnosticism, and even, Animism, have to do, with, our, Fantasizing Selfs, and in general too, Survival issues, and can be seen, as, underlying, Religion itself, and the basis, too, of, conceptualizing, Family itself] [Our Fantasizing Selfs, was covered, under, the, 'Devils Workshop' entry].
Self-Image, in many ways, has to do, with, the very issue, of, Family itself. That while, Family, is very much, conceptualized, as based on, Religious Belief Systems, Cultural Identities, Gender Identities etc., it has, at, its very, basis, the very issue, of, Survival, as with, Agnosticism, or even, Fantasizing (basically), in itself.
However, even on, creating Family, the very issue, of, survival (mental), as with, Self-Belief really, emanates, and one, finds that, dealing, with issues, of, Self-Belief, eventually, lead, to ones, having (serious even), Self-Image, issues (in general, how to, walk around, with, Self-Belief, in one).
The creation, of Self-Images, does not, only, have to do, with, Self-Belief issues, but also too, the, very Drama, that permeates, in, our lives. That in all, while, a beliefs system [based on, how, Family, is conceptualized], helps deal, with, Self-Belief issues, Self-Image in all, is associated, with, dealing, with all kinds, of, Drama, that erupts, in, our lives. Self-Image in all, is about, developing, Personal Images, Personalities, Characters, and even, Figures, that we in all, live by, as, they, in many ways too, do, determine, our, basic manners, mannerisms, and even, body language [and in general, how, we simply, live (as with, environments)].
In all, those, who fail, to not only, develop, beliefs systems [associated, with, Self-Belief issues (and also, Fantasizing too)], and even too, Self-Images [to live by], they in all, find, themselves, under, the rather strong, influence, of Women, News Media, Television, and even simply, the, Media in itself [all, with regards, to, formulating, not only, Self-Images, and belief systems/Self-Belief too, but also, very much, defining, the, Drama, in, their, everyday lives]. In all, the above [Family conceptualization, Self-Belief & belief systems, Self-Images and even, Drama, make basically, for what, a, Home is] [That in all, ones Home, is a place, that one, can get to, so as, to, get away, from all, issues, associated, with, the above].
Self-Determinism, in many ways, speaks, of, what, they call, Conventional Living [as with, everyday thoughts, principles, and, practises too]. In many ways too, Self-Determinism, has to in all, do, with how, we perceive, all, forms, of, Stimulation [i.e. Pain, Pleasure, Hurt, or even, Injury]. That in all, how we perceive, the above, do determine, how, we choose in all, to go about, living, our, daily lives [as with, Conventional Living]. Traditionally, Stimulation [as defined above], has been, mainly, perceived, from, the perspective, of, Work/Effort, Parents/Systems, and even, Women/Order. However, what is been said, now, is that, these, are actually, outmoded ways, of experiencing, Stimulation [as with, Pain, Pleasure, Hurt, or, Injury even], due to the fact, that, as Civilization, progresses, and having, lots, of Knowledge, accumulated [and we ourselves, evolving, into, Higher Beings], the very idea, of, Stimulation, has very much, evolved, into, something else [in all, we can say, that, alot, of Knowledge accumulated (as with, the past), easily help us, deal, with issues, of, Stimulation, as with, Work/Effort, Parents/Systems, and, Women/Order] [That in all, the peoples of the past (as with, Imhotep really), did resolve, and, deal, with issues, of, experiencing, Stimulation, from the perspective, of, Work, Parents, and, Women in all] [Don Juan, totally, deciphered, women, and their ways].
As one can see then, the concept, of Stimulation itself, had even, with the recent past, been elevated, to, higher levels, such that, Pain, Pleasure, Hurt or, Injury, were associated, with, something else, and not, Work/Effort, Parents/Systems, and, finally Women/Order [in all, the afore-mentioned, are psychological barriers, one, has to climb over, to get, to, the next level, of, Civilization, and those, still stuck, with, the above (as with, believing, Women, to be, rather necessary, in, their lives), should know (and be aware of), the very fact, that, Evolution (and the Times), are passing them by, and that, the future, has been, created, for experiencing, different, 'Pains', and that in all, they, are destined (if, they do not change), to become, extinct] [In many ways, Work/Effort (as even, with, writing, Americanista blog), should be, by now, a, pleasure, and one, imbued, with creativity, with, the main goal, being, to awe/shock, others, in all].
The way, Stimulation, was perceived (envisioned), in, the not, too recent, past [Napoleanic Ttmes even], was as follows: Personal History, the Heavens, and finally, Mother Earth itself. That in all, instead, of perceiving, 'Pains', from, the perspective, of, Work/Effort, they really by now, should be envisioned/perceived, from, ones, Personal History [as with the past, coming back, to, haunt one] [Examples include, being hated, by, a group, who continue, to hate you, still, or even, probably, having, had the misfortune, of always, losing, ones pen (as an example) (in past lifes really), and this, happening, always, in ones, present life]. Instead, of having, 'Pains', inflicted, by, ones Parents or Systems too, created (for survival), they should, be, inflicted, by, the Heavens [as with, Gargoyle, Jinni, or even, Shapeshifts Heaven]. That one, should be 'in touch' [involved], with, the Heavens, as with in general, raising, oneself [as with, Higher Beings], and in general, with too, the notion, of, punishment (rearing/raising, another) in all [in all, different, Higher Beings, are in all, raised, under, different kinds, of, Systems (as even, with, Policing, and the very, simple act, of, arresting, another)] [You do not arrest really, a Gargoyle, in the same way, you arrest, a, Jinni]. And instead, of viewing, Women/Order, as rather, important, in ones life [as with, meaning, and, even, a sense of tranquility/serenity/peacefulness], one instead, should connect, with, Mother Earth, as with regards, to, an Earth (in flux, as with, the 4 elements), and one in all, generating, Moods/Atmospheres, that, one, has to, adapt, to feel good, about, oneself [the future, is going to be, rather, different (difficult), as, Mother Earth (with regards, to, constant changes), will create, Moods/Atmospheres, that, most, will find, difficult, to deal with] [As an example, Time, will appear, to slow down] [In all, these changing, Moods/Atmospheres, will create, environs, that will lead, others for example, to, become, violent, for no good, reason at all] [Examples, of such, known changes, are, Seasonal changes (and not, Season changes)] [Slow RnB music, as an example too, can easily too, change, the moods, in, a room, making them, rather, sexual, in all].
Self-Motivation, in many ways, is associated, with, the Cultural Complexes, associated, with, the different Regions, of the World [e.g. Arthurian, Newfoundland, Flamenco, Kanem-Bornu etc.]. In most ways, these, Cultural Complexes, are strongly associated, with, our notions, of, Aesthetics, Style, and, Design [that in all, these have, by now, become, rather, solidified in us, as with, genes even]. However, the very issue, of, Cultural Complexes [as with, motivational issues], has mainly, to do, not really, with, Aesthetics, Style and, Design themselves, but with, Languages spoken [as with, Dialects, Vernacular, and even, Lingua], which, by now, are, not only, rather, genetic in all, but, in many ways too, as with, Mastery, deal with, Self-Motivation issues [as with, a sense of the aesthetics/style/design, with, just about, how, to go about, thinking, about, anything] [What is been said really, as with Aesthetics, is that, Humans, have by now, evolved, to, the extent, such that, they, strongly identify, with, a certain notion, of, Aesthetics, and a South American for instance, going to, North America, will find in general, that, Americas, High Class Society, will not, strongly, appeal, to them].
In many ways, most today, speak, no proper, Dialects or, Vernacular, with the end result, being, the strong need (desire even), to turn, to, sources, like, Google, to in general, make out, things [as with, solutions perhaps], due to, not, having, a sense of aesthetics/style/design [that in all, with, all these, one, can easily, learn for instance, how to, easily, manipulate, a cellphone (or, computer even), without, reading, the manuals]. In many ways in all, what some, refer to, as, Innate Intelligence, as with, Common Sense [as with, thats what, a, sense of aesthetics/style/design, really is all about].
In all really, the, 'Spoken Word', as with, Self-Motivational speech, does have, a huge influence, on, our Physical selfs [as with, the Subconscious even], and only, do work, when, for instance, spoken, in, a certain manner [as with, a sense of aesthetics/style/design, in all]. But however though, the 'Spoken word', also, in many ways, determines, how, we in general, physically, look [as with, our faces even (and being, ugly, or, cute even)], as speaking, cleanly (as much as possible), leads, to more, good looking, faces, than those, who speak, foul, all the time [in many ways, speaking foul, results, in us, losing, our, sense of aesthetics/style/design, and in general, making us, ugly, in just about, all, ways]. In all [what, a lack, of a sense of aesthetics/style/design] [as with, Dialects, or, Vernacular even], really does, is, hamper, with, what, some call, the, 'Working Memory' [associated, with our, physical body parts], and in many ways, makes, these parts, function, irregularly [Alot, of Knowledge, as that, read, from books, is stored, in, our, 'Working Memory', and the way it is stored (and even accessed), is highly, based on, the 'Dialects', we speak in all, as mainly, with, a, sense of aesthetics/style/design (in general, general comprehension, or, understanding, of a book, has, very much, to do, with, all this)] [African Languages in all, are the least, developed, with regards, to, all this (sense of aesthetics/style/design) (and making them, sound, rather funny in all), with European Languages, being, the most developed].
The end result, of, all this [that is, speaking, with, a poor, sense of aesthetic/style/design], has to do, with, poor 'Working Memory' development, and in all, making, for more or less, 'retarded' by nature, [folks out there].
Self-Esteem, can very much, be summarized in all, as follows: Self-Respect, Self-Worth, and, finally too, Self-Confidence. That these three, in many ways [as with, Self-Esteem really], are strongly, associated, with what, they call, Human Progress [as with, creating, ample, and powerful even, social based, Images, Personalities, and even, Characters too]. In all, one should realize, why, people, create, Social based Images, Personalities, and even, Characters too. That all this in all, has to do, with, how, we in general, perceive ourselves (as, with weaknesses really).
Most people, tend to perceive, themselves, Socially [as with, Society at large], as follows: as lacking, Money, Power, 'Sex', and even, 'Family history'. And as a result, they attempt, to create, Social-based Images, Personalities, Characters, and finally, Figures too [all respectively], to deal, with, the just, previously mentioned, four issues.
How this, has been done, in the past, has to do, with, defining, Human Progress, as from, a, Religion, Civilization, Folklore, and even, Ecumenical, perspective. That these four, in all, dealing with the four above, mentioned issues, have in all, been, used, to deal, with, issues, of, Self-Esteem, arising, in ones, general life. That in many ways, Social based Images, have traditionally, been guided by, Religion [as with, the Major religions, of, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc.], and, as mainly with, Morality, Morals, and even, Ethics, issues [and that in all, a, call, was made, for adopting, Islam, Sharia, Sufism, from the perspective, of, creating, Social-based Images really, that deal, with, Self-Esteem issues (Morality, Morals, and Ethics too)] [In all, one should realize, that, Sharia, Islam and Sufism even, are rather, powerful, as in many ways, they do, come too, in, the form, of, Civilization (as with, the Swahili, and, Islam), and even, Folklore (as with, the Swahili, Rumi)].
Social-based Personalities, are mainly, associated, with Civilization, as existing really, in, the form, of, Culture, Cultural Identities, and even, civilization/culture. That Social-based Personalities are in all, created [as with, Self-Esteem really], by engaging, in, Civilization [as again, with, Culture, Cultural Identities (problem solving really), and, civilization/culture]. That in all, 'Cultures' really, such as, Norman, English, Saxon etc., (or even, Arab, Arabian, or, Arabic too) are all, heavily, driven, at their base, by, Social-based Personalities, created really, to deal, with, Self-Esteem, issues, arising from, Society at large [in all, this can be done, in two ways, as, with actually, developing, a, Social-based Personality, on, ones own (and then, engaging, in Society/'Culture'), or even, engaging in, Civilization (as with, Culture etc.), and with time, developing, a, Social-based Personality] [the former, was prevalent, in, Europe actually, while, the latter, was the norm, in, North America] [Today though, many Europeans, conceive, their 'Cultures', in, a North American fashion (heavily centered, around, Women), and not, truly, European].
Social-based Characters, are mainly associated, with, Folklore [as with Rumi, or even, Idris Shah], and are in all, created, [as with Self-Esteem really], based on, engaging, in all forms, of, enlightened Folklore. In all really, Self-Esteem, is gained by, identifying, with, such envisioned, Social-based Characters, whom engage, in, all forms, of, mishaps, meetings, and even, adventures, of all kinds [as with, Br'er Rabbit perhaps, even].
Social-based Figures, are in all, associated, with, Organizations (associated with, Intellectual Capital, and, Self-Improvement in general), and in all, they manifest, Self-Esteem, via, all kinds, of, Events, Happenings, or even, Parties held, by the Organization (including, Private clubs), one, is, associated with [in Islam, being, a Mohammedan (or affiliated with them), is in all really, about, developing, Self-Esteem, as stated above (from a, social perspective)].
In all really again, developing, Self-Esteem, as with, the above, is the main way, one, presents themselves, to, Society at large [even, Internationally].
On Women & Group Identity:
What is it, that makes, an, Italian-American, similar, to an Italian? In most ways, speaking from the Secular, Italian-Americans, are only similar, to Italians, as with, regards to, Self-Esteem issues [as with Civilization too]. When it comes, to Family Conceptualization, Italian-Americans, base, their Families, on Racial Identities, while, Italians, have traditionally, based, their Families, on, Family Traditions (as with, Media Italians). With regards to, Self-Determination issues, they have been shaped, differently in all, as with, living, in, North America, and, Europe respectively [that Europeans for instance, are generally, Performance-Artists, and, North Americans, are, Specialists] [That Italian-Americans, have had, a, Conventional way of Living, based on, Cherokee cultures, while, Italians, have had, a Conventional way of Living, very much, based on, Irish cultures] [Italian Women too, are rather different, from, Italian-American Women, as their sense of order, was, in all, determined, by, European/Arthurian, Islamic, and, Graecian cultures, while Italian-American Women, have this shaped in all, mainly, by, Newfoundland, American, and, Latin cultures]. With regards, to Self-Motivation, Italian (as a Tongue), heavily differs, from, the speech/dialects, spoken, by, Italian-Americans, as their Italian, is heavily, based on, Newfie speech (and is not, a Tongue either). In all, the only similarity, between, Italians, and, Italian-Americans, lies with, their Social-based Personalities, whereby, both, share, similar, Cultural Identities [and not, Cultures (as with, interactions and even, humour), or even, civilization/culture (as with, testimonials, experiences, or even, states experienced)], as most, tend to believe.
In all, what is been said, is that, one, should attempt, to attain, Uniqueness, as much as possible, with regards, to, creating, ones, Secular life.
Most men too, though, have no idea really, how, to really, perceive Women [in this day and age]. The end result, has been, perceiving them, from the perspective, of, sex, and sexuality mostly [and even, general survival too (as with, Power, Might and Authority, even)]. This rather small, section below, attempts in all, to help, explain, to Men, how best, to see/perceive, Women, in all; that in general, it is best, to do this, from, the main perspectives, of:
1. Self-Respect
2. Self-Worth
3. Self-Confidence
Seeing a Woman, from, Self-Respect, is really about, seeing her, as, the following: Counsel, Wife, Courtesan, Mistress, Lover, or even finally, Consort. Seeing a Woman, from, Self-Worth [as with, Joker, or even, Trickster mentalities], is really about, seeing her, as, three main things: Friend, Associate (worker too), and finally also, Acquaintance (mainly, linked with, general problem solving). Finally, seeing a Woman, from, Self-Confidence, is all about, seeing her, as, a Girlfriend (and dealing, with direction issues as an example), 'ones other Half' (as a Twin of sort), and finally, 'ones Significant Other' (as with, generating, ideas in general really).
The above, are truly, the only ways, to best, see Women, as Women really are [i.e. as shapeshifters too]. This includes too, from the perspective, of Sexual Identities, as one really, should attempt, to see, Women, sexually, based on, any, of the above, mentioned, Identities/Identifiers.
One even, can very well, choose, to live around, Women only (really), by being, a sole figure really, that associates, with, as many Women (as one can handle), based on, the above, Identities/Identifiers [rather popular, in, Victorian England] [In many ways too, the world, of, Don Juan].
Finally, all Men, should know (as with Sexual issues really), that, there is a Woman, based on, one, of the above, Identities/Identifiers, who would, readily, give one, Sex, almost immediately [there is, such, a Woman/Women, and one, has, to figure her/them, out (based on, the above, Identities/Identifiers)] [Counsels, often, tend to be, such, a Woman, but, not, always].
One should realize in all, that getting, started [Formulating really], the above, is not, as, easy, as it, might sound, but, actually is [if one, is rather, strongly, inspired].
It is believed [and concluded even], that, the sources below, can in many ways, help, one, with in general, thinking, about, themselves, from, a Secular, perspective. That in all, they can help one, see things [in the World], as, they really are, and be, inspired, to create, a, Secular Identity, in ones Region, rather than, always, aspiring [or dreaming even], of, moving, to a new location, that, one, believes, will bring, Love & Happiness, to, their lives. In general too, inspirational sources, to help one, simply, realize, that life, is actually, what, you make of it, despite really, where, you might live [that in all, there are many perhaps, unhappy, people, in Bel-Air].
Conquests and Cultures by Thomas Sowell

Migrations and Cultures by Thomas Sowell

The World that Trade Created by Kenneth Pomeranz

Migrations in World History by Patrick Manning

A Splendid Exchange by William J. Bernstein
At the heart, of, Self-Knowledge, is formulating, Core Identities, based on, as follows: Self-Image, Self-Determinism, Self-Motivation, and, finally, Self-Esteem. If one, does not know, whom they are, with these, 4, major, Core Identities, then in general, they feel, listless, about, life n general [as with lacking, general happiness, or even, general satisfaction]. In many ways, life, does not, feel, like a, road traveled (on), but in most ways, feels, similar, to the search, for, a proper, Home [one can fit into, properly] [In all, those without, these, Core Identities, always feel, the need to, move, somewhere else (including, up, a Class Hierarchy), in search, for, these Core Identities (Packaged), that in all, have us feeling, like, worthy, respectable, people (as Citizens, of a Country, do perhaps)].
Self-Formulation & the 'Search for Peace':
For many, the, 'Search for Peace', really, has to do, with the search, for, a Home really. And the search, for a Home, has to do, with, knowing oneself, as, with regards, to, the 4, major, Core Identities, identified above. These, 4 major, Core Identities, are in themselves, highly based on, the concept, of, the Family. It is with, Family, at the base, that one, can, very well, formulate, the above, Identities, and in all too, generate, feelings, of love [as with, warmth, tenderness, and even, care] [feelings in all, that have one in general, not worrying, too much, about, anything].
The way to go about, formulating, these, Core Identities (before one, truly, can start, believing, in Religion itself), is, to, at the very least, have, a concept, of, Family itself [that in all, Religion, is about, Evolution, and, Family, about, survival (in general)]. In general, the reason for this, is because, to have, a, general understanding, of, Religion itself, one, must have, the, common sense [and sane mental faculties], to understand, why, Family (as a Concept), is necessary, not only, for survival, but, for general, wellness (and well being too) [in all, practises, such as, Agnosticism, and even, Animism, have to do, with, our, Fantasizing Selfs, and in general too, Survival issues, and can be seen, as, underlying, Religion itself, and the basis, too, of, conceptualizing, Family itself] [Our Fantasizing Selfs, was covered, under, the, 'Devils Workshop' entry].
Self-Image, in many ways, has to do, with, the very issue, of, Family itself. That while, Family, is very much, conceptualized, as based on, Religious Belief Systems, Cultural Identities, Gender Identities etc., it has, at, its very, basis, the very issue, of, Survival, as with, Agnosticism, or even, Fantasizing (basically), in itself.
However, even on, creating Family, the very issue, of, survival (mental), as with, Self-Belief really, emanates, and one, finds that, dealing, with issues, of, Self-Belief, eventually, lead, to ones, having (serious even), Self-Image, issues (in general, how to, walk around, with, Self-Belief, in one).
The creation, of Self-Images, does not, only, have to do, with, Self-Belief issues, but also too, the, very Drama, that permeates, in, our lives. That in all, while, a beliefs system [based on, how, Family, is conceptualized], helps deal, with, Self-Belief issues, Self-Image in all, is associated, with, dealing, with all kinds, of, Drama, that erupts, in, our lives. Self-Image in all, is about, developing, Personal Images, Personalities, Characters, and even, Figures, that we in all, live by, as, they, in many ways too, do, determine, our, basic manners, mannerisms, and even, body language [and in general, how, we simply, live (as with, environments)].
In all, those, who fail, to not only, develop, beliefs systems [associated, with, Self-Belief issues (and also, Fantasizing too)], and even too, Self-Images [to live by], they in all, find, themselves, under, the rather strong, influence, of Women, News Media, Television, and even simply, the, Media in itself [all, with regards, to, formulating, not only, Self-Images, and belief systems/Self-Belief too, but also, very much, defining, the, Drama, in, their, everyday lives]. In all, the above [Family conceptualization, Self-Belief & belief systems, Self-Images and even, Drama, make basically, for what, a, Home is] [That in all, ones Home, is a place, that one, can get to, so as, to, get away, from all, issues, associated, with, the above].
Self-Determinism, in many ways, speaks, of, what, they call, Conventional Living [as with, everyday thoughts, principles, and, practises too]. In many ways too, Self-Determinism, has to in all, do, with how, we perceive, all, forms, of, Stimulation [i.e. Pain, Pleasure, Hurt, or even, Injury]. That in all, how we perceive, the above, do determine, how, we choose in all, to go about, living, our, daily lives [as with, Conventional Living]. Traditionally, Stimulation [as defined above], has been, mainly, perceived, from, the perspective, of, Work/Effort, Parents/Systems, and even, Women/Order. However, what is been said, now, is that, these, are actually, outmoded ways, of experiencing, Stimulation [as with, Pain, Pleasure, Hurt, or, Injury even], due to the fact, that, as Civilization, progresses, and having, lots, of Knowledge, accumulated [and we ourselves, evolving, into, Higher Beings], the very idea, of, Stimulation, has very much, evolved, into, something else [in all, we can say, that, alot, of Knowledge accumulated (as with, the past), easily help us, deal, with issues, of, Stimulation, as with, Work/Effort, Parents/Systems, and, Women/Order] [That in all, the peoples of the past (as with, Imhotep really), did resolve, and, deal, with issues, of, experiencing, Stimulation, from the perspective, of, Work, Parents, and, Women in all] [Don Juan, totally, deciphered, women, and their ways].
As one can see then, the concept, of Stimulation itself, had even, with the recent past, been elevated, to, higher levels, such that, Pain, Pleasure, Hurt or, Injury, were associated, with, something else, and not, Work/Effort, Parents/Systems, and, finally Women/Order [in all, the afore-mentioned, are psychological barriers, one, has to climb over, to get, to, the next level, of, Civilization, and those, still stuck, with, the above (as with, believing, Women, to be, rather necessary, in, their lives), should know (and be aware of), the very fact, that, Evolution (and the Times), are passing them by, and that, the future, has been, created, for experiencing, different, 'Pains', and that in all, they, are destined (if, they do not change), to become, extinct] [In many ways, Work/Effort (as even, with, writing, Americanista blog), should be, by now, a, pleasure, and one, imbued, with creativity, with, the main goal, being, to awe/shock, others, in all].
The way, Stimulation, was perceived (envisioned), in, the not, too recent, past [Napoleanic Ttmes even], was as follows: Personal History, the Heavens, and finally, Mother Earth itself. That in all, instead, of perceiving, 'Pains', from, the perspective, of, Work/Effort, they really by now, should be envisioned/perceived, from, ones, Personal History [as with the past, coming back, to, haunt one] [Examples include, being hated, by, a group, who continue, to hate you, still, or even, probably, having, had the misfortune, of always, losing, ones pen (as an example) (in past lifes really), and this, happening, always, in ones, present life]. Instead, of having, 'Pains', inflicted, by, ones Parents or Systems too, created (for survival), they should, be, inflicted, by, the Heavens [as with, Gargoyle, Jinni, or even, Shapeshifts Heaven]. That one, should be 'in touch' [involved], with, the Heavens, as with in general, raising, oneself [as with, Higher Beings], and in general, with too, the notion, of, punishment (rearing/raising, another) in all [in all, different, Higher Beings, are in all, raised, under, different kinds, of, Systems (as even, with, Policing, and the very, simple act, of, arresting, another)] [You do not arrest really, a Gargoyle, in the same way, you arrest, a, Jinni]. And instead, of viewing, Women/Order, as rather, important, in ones life [as with, meaning, and, even, a sense of tranquility/serenity/peacefulness], one instead, should connect, with, Mother Earth, as with regards, to, an Earth (in flux, as with, the 4 elements), and one in all, generating, Moods/Atmospheres, that, one, has to, adapt, to feel good, about, oneself [the future, is going to be, rather, different (difficult), as, Mother Earth (with regards, to, constant changes), will create, Moods/Atmospheres, that, most, will find, difficult, to deal with] [As an example, Time, will appear, to slow down] [In all, these changing, Moods/Atmospheres, will create, environs, that will lead, others for example, to, become, violent, for no good, reason at all] [Examples, of such, known changes, are, Seasonal changes (and not, Season changes)] [Slow RnB music, as an example too, can easily too, change, the moods, in, a room, making them, rather, sexual, in all].
Self-Motivation, in many ways, is associated, with, the Cultural Complexes, associated, with, the different Regions, of the World [e.g. Arthurian, Newfoundland, Flamenco, Kanem-Bornu etc.]. In most ways, these, Cultural Complexes, are strongly associated, with, our notions, of, Aesthetics, Style, and, Design [that in all, these have, by now, become, rather, solidified in us, as with, genes even]. However, the very issue, of, Cultural Complexes [as with, motivational issues], has mainly, to do, not really, with, Aesthetics, Style and, Design themselves, but with, Languages spoken [as with, Dialects, Vernacular, and even, Lingua], which, by now, are, not only, rather, genetic in all, but, in many ways too, as with, Mastery, deal with, Self-Motivation issues [as with, a sense of the aesthetics/style/design, with, just about, how, to go about, thinking, about, anything] [What is been said really, as with Aesthetics, is that, Humans, have by now, evolved, to, the extent, such that, they, strongly identify, with, a certain notion, of, Aesthetics, and a South American for instance, going to, North America, will find in general, that, Americas, High Class Society, will not, strongly, appeal, to them].
In many ways, most today, speak, no proper, Dialects or, Vernacular, with the end result, being, the strong need (desire even), to turn, to, sources, like, Google, to in general, make out, things [as with, solutions perhaps], due to, not, having, a sense of aesthetics/style/design [that in all, with, all these, one, can easily, learn for instance, how to, easily, manipulate, a cellphone (or, computer even), without, reading, the manuals]. In many ways in all, what some, refer to, as, Innate Intelligence, as with, Common Sense [as with, thats what, a, sense of aesthetics/style/design, really is all about].
In all really, the, 'Spoken Word', as with, Self-Motivational speech, does have, a huge influence, on, our Physical selfs [as with, the Subconscious even], and only, do work, when, for instance, spoken, in, a certain manner [as with, a sense of aesthetics/style/design, in all]. But however though, the 'Spoken word', also, in many ways, determines, how, we in general, physically, look [as with, our faces even (and being, ugly, or, cute even)], as speaking, cleanly (as much as possible), leads, to more, good looking, faces, than those, who speak, foul, all the time [in many ways, speaking foul, results, in us, losing, our, sense of aesthetics/style/design, and in general, making us, ugly, in just about, all, ways]. In all [what, a lack, of a sense of aesthetics/style/design] [as with, Dialects, or, Vernacular even], really does, is, hamper, with, what, some call, the, 'Working Memory' [associated, with our, physical body parts], and in many ways, makes, these parts, function, irregularly [Alot, of Knowledge, as that, read, from books, is stored, in, our, 'Working Memory', and the way it is stored (and even accessed), is highly, based on, the 'Dialects', we speak in all, as mainly, with, a, sense of aesthetics/style/design (in general, general comprehension, or, understanding, of a book, has, very much, to do, with, all this)] [African Languages in all, are the least, developed, with regards, to, all this (sense of aesthetics/style/design) (and making them, sound, rather funny in all), with European Languages, being, the most developed].
The end result, of, all this [that is, speaking, with, a poor, sense of aesthetic/style/design], has to do, with, poor 'Working Memory' development, and in all, making, for more or less, 'retarded' by nature, [folks out there].
Self-Esteem, can very much, be summarized in all, as follows: Self-Respect, Self-Worth, and, finally too, Self-Confidence. That these three, in many ways [as with, Self-Esteem really], are strongly, associated, with what, they call, Human Progress [as with, creating, ample, and powerful even, social based, Images, Personalities, and even, Characters too]. In all, one should realize, why, people, create, Social based Images, Personalities, and even, Characters too. That all this in all, has to do, with, how, we in general, perceive ourselves (as, with weaknesses really).
Most people, tend to perceive, themselves, Socially [as with, Society at large], as follows: as lacking, Money, Power, 'Sex', and even, 'Family history'. And as a result, they attempt, to create, Social-based Images, Personalities, Characters, and finally, Figures too [all respectively], to deal, with, the just, previously mentioned, four issues.
How this, has been done, in the past, has to do, with, defining, Human Progress, as from, a, Religion, Civilization, Folklore, and even, Ecumenical, perspective. That these four, in all, dealing with the four above, mentioned issues, have in all, been, used, to deal, with, issues, of, Self-Esteem, arising, in ones, general life. That in many ways, Social based Images, have traditionally, been guided by, Religion [as with, the Major religions, of, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc.], and, as mainly with, Morality, Morals, and even, Ethics, issues [and that in all, a, call, was made, for adopting, Islam, Sharia, Sufism, from the perspective, of, creating, Social-based Images really, that deal, with, Self-Esteem issues (Morality, Morals, and Ethics too)] [In all, one should realize, that, Sharia, Islam and Sufism even, are rather, powerful, as in many ways, they do, come too, in, the form, of, Civilization (as with, the Swahili, and, Islam), and even, Folklore (as with, the Swahili, Rumi)].
Social-based Personalities, are mainly, associated, with Civilization, as existing really, in, the form, of, Culture, Cultural Identities, and even, civilization/culture. That Social-based Personalities are in all, created [as with, Self-Esteem really], by engaging, in, Civilization [as again, with, Culture, Cultural Identities (problem solving really), and, civilization/culture]. That in all, 'Cultures' really, such as, Norman, English, Saxon etc., (or even, Arab, Arabian, or, Arabic too) are all, heavily, driven, at their base, by, Social-based Personalities, created really, to deal, with, Self-Esteem, issues, arising from, Society at large [in all, this can be done, in two ways, as, with actually, developing, a, Social-based Personality, on, ones own (and then, engaging, in Society/'Culture'), or even, engaging in, Civilization (as with, Culture etc.), and with time, developing, a, Social-based Personality] [the former, was prevalent, in, Europe actually, while, the latter, was the norm, in, North America] [Today though, many Europeans, conceive, their 'Cultures', in, a North American fashion (heavily centered, around, Women), and not, truly, European].
Social-based Characters, are mainly associated, with, Folklore [as with Rumi, or even, Idris Shah], and are in all, created, [as with Self-Esteem really], based on, engaging, in all forms, of, enlightened Folklore. In all really, Self-Esteem, is gained by, identifying, with, such envisioned, Social-based Characters, whom engage, in, all forms, of, mishaps, meetings, and even, adventures, of all kinds [as with, Br'er Rabbit perhaps, even].
Social-based Figures, are in all, associated, with, Organizations (associated with, Intellectual Capital, and, Self-Improvement in general), and in all, they manifest, Self-Esteem, via, all kinds, of, Events, Happenings, or even, Parties held, by the Organization (including, Private clubs), one, is, associated with [in Islam, being, a Mohammedan (or affiliated with them), is in all really, about, developing, Self-Esteem, as stated above (from a, social perspective)].
In all really again, developing, Self-Esteem, as with, the above, is the main way, one, presents themselves, to, Society at large [even, Internationally].
On Women & Group Identity:
What is it, that makes, an, Italian-American, similar, to an Italian? In most ways, speaking from the Secular, Italian-Americans, are only similar, to Italians, as with, regards to, Self-Esteem issues [as with Civilization too]. When it comes, to Family Conceptualization, Italian-Americans, base, their Families, on Racial Identities, while, Italians, have traditionally, based, their Families, on, Family Traditions (as with, Media Italians). With regards to, Self-Determination issues, they have been shaped, differently in all, as with, living, in, North America, and, Europe respectively [that Europeans for instance, are generally, Performance-Artists, and, North Americans, are, Specialists] [That Italian-Americans, have had, a, Conventional way of Living, based on, Cherokee cultures, while, Italians, have had, a Conventional way of Living, very much, based on, Irish cultures] [Italian Women too, are rather different, from, Italian-American Women, as their sense of order, was, in all, determined, by, European/Arthurian, Islamic, and, Graecian cultures, while Italian-American Women, have this shaped in all, mainly, by, Newfoundland, American, and, Latin cultures]. With regards, to Self-Motivation, Italian (as a Tongue), heavily differs, from, the speech/dialects, spoken, by, Italian-Americans, as their Italian, is heavily, based on, Newfie speech (and is not, a Tongue either). In all, the only similarity, between, Italians, and, Italian-Americans, lies with, their Social-based Personalities, whereby, both, share, similar, Cultural Identities [and not, Cultures (as with, interactions and even, humour), or even, civilization/culture (as with, testimonials, experiences, or even, states experienced)], as most, tend to believe.
In all, what is been said, is that, one, should attempt, to attain, Uniqueness, as much as possible, with regards, to, creating, ones, Secular life.
Most men too, though, have no idea really, how, to really, perceive Women [in this day and age]. The end result, has been, perceiving them, from the perspective, of, sex, and sexuality mostly [and even, general survival too (as with, Power, Might and Authority, even)]. This rather small, section below, attempts in all, to help, explain, to Men, how best, to see/perceive, Women, in all; that in general, it is best, to do this, from, the main perspectives, of:
1. Self-Respect
2. Self-Worth
3. Self-Confidence
Seeing a Woman, from, Self-Respect, is really about, seeing her, as, the following: Counsel, Wife, Courtesan, Mistress, Lover, or even finally, Consort. Seeing a Woman, from, Self-Worth [as with, Joker, or even, Trickster mentalities], is really about, seeing her, as, three main things: Friend, Associate (worker too), and finally also, Acquaintance (mainly, linked with, general problem solving). Finally, seeing a Woman, from, Self-Confidence, is all about, seeing her, as, a Girlfriend (and dealing, with direction issues as an example), 'ones other Half' (as a Twin of sort), and finally, 'ones Significant Other' (as with, generating, ideas in general really).
The above, are truly, the only ways, to best, see Women, as Women really are [i.e. as shapeshifters too]. This includes too, from the perspective, of Sexual Identities, as one really, should attempt, to see, Women, sexually, based on, any, of the above, mentioned, Identities/Identifiers.
One even, can very well, choose, to live around, Women only (really), by being, a sole figure really, that associates, with, as many Women (as one can handle), based on, the above, Identities/Identifiers [rather popular, in, Victorian England] [In many ways too, the world, of, Don Juan].
Finally, all Men, should know (as with Sexual issues really), that, there is a Woman, based on, one, of the above, Identities/Identifiers, who would, readily, give one, Sex, almost immediately [there is, such, a Woman/Women, and one, has, to figure her/them, out (based on, the above, Identities/Identifiers)] [Counsels, often, tend to be, such, a Woman, but, not, always].
One should realize in all, that getting, started [Formulating really], the above, is not, as, easy, as it, might sound, but, actually is [if one, is rather, strongly, inspired].
It is believed [and concluded even], that, the sources below, can in many ways, help, one, with in general, thinking, about, themselves, from, a Secular, perspective. That in all, they can help one, see things [in the World], as, they really are, and be, inspired, to create, a, Secular Identity, in ones Region, rather than, always, aspiring [or dreaming even], of, moving, to a new location, that, one, believes, will bring, Love & Happiness, to, their lives. In general too, inspirational sources, to help one, simply, realize, that life, is actually, what, you make of it, despite really, where, you might live [that in all, there are many perhaps, unhappy, people, in Bel-Air].
Conquests and Cultures by Thomas Sowell
Migrations and Cultures by Thomas Sowell
The World that Trade Created by Kenneth Pomeranz
Migrations in World History by Patrick Manning
A Splendid Exchange by William J. Bernstein