Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life's Quest & the Search for Self-Meaning

The sole purpose, of this entry, is to help, many out there, with the problem, of, Self-Meaning. A problem really, that tends, to afflict us all, when in most ways, we view in all, ourselves, from the perspective, of the Present. In most ways, this has to do, with how really, we do in all actually, see ourselves, despite, what we (or others even), might believe, to be true, about us. To fully understand this, is to know, that, for many of us, despite, what we might know, about ourselves (as with, Higher Beings for instance), we mostly, in all, tend to see ourselves, from the perspective, of, Memory really (and not, even, history) [an example being, someone, making it, through a trial of a kind, shattered (as with memory), but victorious (as with History)].

In many ways really, as Memory based beings, we tend to see ourselves, from the perspectives, of, Ridicule, Pain, and Pressure even. It is, from these, three perspectives, we often, give ourselves, 'private names' in all [such as, fool, dumb, stupid etc.], that often, have us, in the future perhaps, acting, very much, like, Cartoon-like figures in all. In many ways too perhaps, people who become, Cartoon-like figures in nature, eventually, begin, to view, their worlds [as with Constructs, Paradigms, and 'Models of Reality'], from, the perspectives, of, Disrespect, Mistreatment, and, Abuse even. In many ways, having, such views in all, results, in one, losing, Self-Meaning (all together).

There is, however, another, basic way, to view ourselves, as with, Name first. This involves, seeing ourselves, from, the very concept, of, Seriousness ( all together really). How really, one sees (or describes even), themselves, as with, being, a Serious being (in all). Words, such as Demure, Modesty, Loquacious, or even, Staid (as with Michael Bolton perhaps), are one, of, the best ways, to get, a full, perspective, of ourselves, as with, our, fullest, potentials, possible (in all). If you can, decipher, a single word, that, describes you totally (as with Seriousness really), you can, in all too really, almost, gauge, all, your potentials, as with, whats, really, capable of, happening, in your life.

Having done this (discovered, such a word really), then next step, is to, re-evaluate, the very way, you see, yourself, in all really, as, a Memory-based, being. That the following, are better ways, of viewing, things, that happen, to one, from the perspective, of, Memory in itself:

1. Ridicule: Instead of seeing, oneself, from the perspective, of, Ridicule, one should instead, see, Life more, as a Quest, embodied in all, in the following, formats: a Calling, a Labour, or even, a Mission (which all, help one, in dealing, with, issues, of Ridicule, as with potential really).

2. Pain: Instead of seeing, oneself, from the perspective, of, Pain inflicted perhaps, one should seek, to see, their very lives, as being, either, an Adventure, Race, Trip, or even, Journey too really (and Pain inflicted, as associated, with, any of them).

3. Pressure: Instead, of seeing, oneself, as with, Memory really, as based on, Pressure faced (and feared, as with, avoidance too really), one should seek, to see, their lives, as based on, seeing, oneself, as either, a Spirit, a Laugh, a Memory, or even, a 'Name' in all [in all, Memory here, is not, used, to record, the pressure faced really, but to actually, gauge, oneself, as with, how, one, best, represents, a Laugh (as with a Custom perhaps), or even, a Memory (as with, an Ancestral linkage perhaps), and in all, as with, an Identity too really].

If one, can see, oneself, from the perspective, of, Seriousness [and also too, from, the above, definers, of, Self-Meaning], then one in all, begins, to view, their worlds [as with, Constructs, Paradigms, and 'Models of Reality' too], from, the perspectives, of, the Illegal, the Illicit/Abnormal, and finally too, the Irregular, respectively.

Traditionally, developing, Seriousness (in us all), which is, hugely too, lacking today (as mainly, with, Television), was done, differently, in the, different Regions, of, the World. Certain, examples, will be given, below (they being, rather, prominent in all), and were, used, to develop, Seriousness, amongst, the populations, of, the various, Regions, mentioned below:

North America: The Allegory

Often best seen, perhaps, on TV Shows, such as, 'Who wants, to be a Millionaire'.

South America: The Narrative

Rather, commonly known, as with, movies, that tell, of, true stories.

Europe: The Ballad

'Waltzing Matilda', is probably, the most famous, today, of all Ballads.

Africa: The Anecdote

As seen most, popularly (and even, annoyingly too) as mainly with, the News on TV really, in the form really, of, the Sad Story.

South East Asia: Sutras & Mantras

Rather too, popularly known, for most, who, attemptedly, try out Yoga, once in their lives.

East Asia: Haiku Poetry

Japanese, and used traditionally, to develop, Japanese, Stoic Mentalities.

The Middle East: Sunnah

Form of prayer, or poetry even, used to, develop, Seriousness in all.

Sunnah (popular)