Monday, February 6, 2012

Et tu, Brutus!?

and the birth of the American Empire.

*American Graeco-Roman Art, and not Italian or Greek Art either.

Many have the words 'Et tu, Brutus!?', and falsely even, associated them in all truly, with Political mayhem even, and as seen in the Roman Civilization in all actually. This though, is actually rather false, as the murder of 'Caesar' in all, actually did take place, in not only Mexico actually, but a Mexico too (and as with Mexico City somewhat even), partially ruled over, by members of the American Graeco-Roman World [and the birth in all too really, of the American Empire too that is].

In many ways, a History of America unknown to most out there, but associated in all, with the term even, 'the Rubicon' [and as it happened even, in Mexico in all too really].

The Graeco-Roman World, and not the Roman Republic: