When we do speak of Acclaim in all, we are truly even speaking, of being represented in a rather good light, and when it does come to have succeeded, and in just about anything too. In many a way, Acclaim can be said to very much be a Human Need in all, and as with regards even to Satisfaction and Acceptance issues, and in our lives too. In many a way too, Acclaim, as very much believed today, to only originate with ones fellow human beings, when in reality, it can come from various sources actually [and as with the case even, of experiencing a great moment in all, and for an unknown reason too].
In all ways really, is to make the differing peoples of the different Regions of the World, aware in all, and of just whom they are in all again, and when it does come to Acclaim [and as with this referring even, and to Region based Acclaim that is]. In all, a sense of satisfaction and happiness too, and by knowing that one is pretty much worthy in one way or another, and by simply associating themselves, and with the following Cultural Artefacts, that do truly even represent, just whom they are with Acclaim that is.
North America: Epiphone/Gibson Guitars
South America: The Tango
Europe: Le Morte D'Arthur
Africa: African Masks & Carvings
South East Asia: Indian Dress
East Asia: Asian Sauces
The Middle East: The Al-Hadith
Afrique: Bram Stoker's Dracula