Tuesday, October 15, 2013



When many do seek to study History today, it is in all ways even, often presented, and as with speak of Civilization in itself too, and from the very perspective of Art, Ritual and Architecture that is. Surprisingly enough, History as viewed in this manner, is still often considered inferior to the Modern Times we live in, and due to viewing Modern History in all, and from a perspective of Technology too, when the ancient in all again, did actually know of Technology, but did define it from the perspective of Art, Ritual and even Architecture too [and as with speak of the Pyramids that is] [and as with Technology today too, only defined and from the very perspective of Communication issues that is].

However though, there is another way of looking at History, and this in all again, speaks of popularized History even (and as with a Historical movie too), and viewing History in all again, and from very the perspective of Happiness, Joy, Fulfillment and even Satisfaction too. When one views History as such, one should then probably be made aware that, it was not Egyptian Civilization, European, Indian or even America too, and that was the most happiest in all and of all places too, but that instead, it actually was Greek Macedon Civilization, and as seen in Central Asia that is.