Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Outlier

The Outlier.

To speak of the Outlier, is to in many a way even, speak of any experience in all, and that does go along with Luck, Opportunity and Chance too. In many a way, this also does refer to what some do call the 'back of the mind' actually, and as an evolutionary instinct too, but in many a way even, it speaking even of denial in our lives actually. To understand this better, is to know that denial in all, does go along with what some do term Quotes, Quotations and Verses too. In all again, the Outlier, and as an experience in all not truly expected even, and one that is the cause even, and of great surprise too. In all again, one of the dangers of Modern Media in all, has to do with its being permeated and by many a stereotypical Quotation even, and as with all this too, speaking even of anxiety, panic and even nervous breakdowns too actually.