Sunday, October 13, 2013



The above picture in many a way, truly even does speak of just how in all London, was supposed to look like in its entirety, and as compared to just how in all again, it does like today, and as with this speaking even, and of those who did know London in all, and before and during even, the Dickensian times that is. In all again, and as with speak of London today, it does in all ways even, speak of Disappointment that is.

To understand Disappointment though, is to not only perceive it as an everyday experience in all again, but that Disappointment in all, appears to have reached a crescendo too, and in these Modern/Western Times we live in, and as with Disappointment even, today that is, something that happens by the minute actually, and not regularly and as it did before. In all ways though, Disappointment in our lives, speaks of divisions, segmentation, separation, partitions, fragmentation etc., and as with this perceived even, the end result in all, and as arising from Disappointment in itself that is.

In all ways though, Disappointment is a rather good way in all again, and of perceiving History in itself, and as with this even truly speaking of Disappointment, and as arising between Men and Women, and as with the story of the rise and fall of many a Civilization out there (and as including Europe too, and speak even of its old Architecture that is), speaking in all again, and of disappointing relations, and between Men and Women that is.

In all ways though, Disappointment and as an everyday reality, perceived from a Human perspective too, and as with speak even of ones Inner Voice (the voice we use to speak to ourselves), Intuitive Thought and even the Inner Self too(how we innately feel, and as tricksters for example perhaps, and about anything out there that is). In all again, speak of viewing History from the perspective of Disappointment, speaks in all ways even of viewing it all as a 'never ending' Story actually, and one supposed to have been continuous in all, and from the ancient times and to the present too, and as with the Modern/Western World in all, truly displaced even, and from the past times that is.

In all, the attempt by many a Civilization out there, to express Disappointment in their lives, and via many a Relic too (and as with this referring even and to awareness in all and as with regards to Disappointment in itself that is), and as with all this too, a part even, and of what they do term Meditation that is.