Friday, July 16, 2010

Americanista Profile

Americanista Profile.

Russell Peters:

Russell Peters, is an Americanista [Other, Materialist]. While growing up, as a child, he was said, to take, to comedy, almost immediately. His father, is said, to have been, an influence in his life, and bought him, his first microphone. While in school, he gained, a huge popularity, as a comic, of all kinds, and the school, sought, to see to it, that he had, his own, private room, in the school, where he could, practise, his routines. They knew talent, when they saw it. With time, Russell Peters, became, almost, a household name, in North America [eddie murphy style], and a star, outside, North America. In Asia, he is known, as the brown guy, white people, want to know.

The Comedian and the Priest:

Most people, know, Russell Peters, as a comedian. They however, don't really know, what that, really means. They don't, really know, what it is, exactly, that comedians, do. The rise, of the comedian, as a, media personality, begins, in the seventies, with Richard Pryor. That is, well known. The comedian today, is very much, similar, if not the same, as a priest. Comedians, point out, to people, the larcenies, they commit. Their sense, of right, and wrong. The difference, between, Russell Peters, and other, comedians, out there, is how, they go about, doing this. Most comedians, believe, that humans, are all, about, shame. They attempt, to point out, to expose really, the shameful behavior, of people, out there. They make, people, feel ashamed, guilty, embarrassed, and the likes. Russell, is different. He is very much, like a priest, as he, points out, to people, their rights and wrongs, from the perspective, of stupid, and not-stupid, and other, such orders [nuts, crazy, and the likes]. Russell Peters, knows, crazy people, when he sees them. Thats what really, priests do. One of the greater moments, in shaming history, was when Ving Rhames, rejected, an award, presented to him, and spike lee, thought, it was outrageous. Ving though, very much knew, what he was doing; he knew, accepting that award, would lead, to, possible shaming, by people, out there.

What makes, Russell Peters, different though, from, not only, comedians out there, but most, people too, is that, he is, pure comedy. Most don't know, what this, really means. Americans, in general, are comedic; they are not, comedy. Being comedic, or comedy, is very much, religious, in nature; its about, ones, sense, of right, and wrong. Comedic, is at a, lower scale, of righteousness, than comedy. At an even, lower scale, is comical. Africans, tend today, to be comical. Comical, as a religious notion, is very much, about, right and wrong, as seen, in the Bible. Africans today, tend to be, very much, like biblical figures [the average African]. It is the reason, why, American churches, are different, from many, out there; their sense, of right and wrong, is comedic. The Gospels, are the law [moral code] (right and wrong), and were written, ages ago. They were, the foundation, of the Church. Priests, simply, enforced, the law [moral code]. Since then, though, many humans, have evolved, religiously, and operate, from a higher, sense, of right, and wrong, than that, taught, in the Gospels. Thats why, Psychologists, are more popular today, than Priests. Ones sense, of right and wrong, is not only, about, religious, and morality issues, it affects, very much, just about, anything, people do; from crossing the street, to writing, a software program. Some examiners, know this; some people out there, when it comes, to solving problems, are sheer, comedy [they know what they are doing, but have no idea really, what they have done]. The Fresh Prince, of Belair, was a memorable, show, for many, because, it was, pure comedy. Everybody there, almost everybody, with the exception, of Will, was pure comedy; Will, was comedic. Towards the end though, Will, begins, to become, comedy. The show, was really, about, civilizing, Will.

If I was, Russell Peters, I would embark, on a destiny. I would sit down, one day, in the future, and write, a new moral code [new Gospel]; 'the Gospel according to Russell'. From it, I would then, found, a church [the new Church of America (this kind of thing, happens, in America, all the time; so...., yeah, why not? (Asian!!))]. Its really that simple; thats what, Mark, Mathew, and the rest, were all about; they simply heard, about Jesus, and from his teachings, wrote, a moral code, that, was the foundation, of the church. Its really that simple. Sharia, on the otherhand, is an even, higher, moral code [comedical].

Melchizedek, was a reknowed, biblical King, who is said, to have discovered, the highest, of moral codes. He knew the law, a law, that governed, all people, in the world. Knowing the law, is the basis, of gaining power [not high tech weaponry]. Melchizedek though, lived, in more, recent times, that many believe. He was actually, African, and from, the Congo world. He lived, during, the times of, Dona Beatriz Kimpa, a known, Congolese saint, who very much, mirrored, the Madonnas. Knowing the law [the moral code that governs all], therefore, is what, real power, is all about. Remember that, and not, fighting skills, or top secret, high tech weaponry.

The 666, is said to be, the number, of the beast. Many believe, that the, 666, will raise, an army, with great weaponry, and take over, the earth. In reality though, the 666, is said to be, a person, or people, who sow, discord. What this means, is that, they are a group, of people, who cause, mass confusion, by putting out, confusing information, and knowledge, out there. All lies. From this confusion, the masses, are turned, into zombies [mass media style]. Thats the 666, in a nutshell. They try, to rule, by really knowing, whats going on. Today, out there, a big number, of people, are simply, liars [ a kind of nutball]. They simply, enforce, the rule, of the 666, with all, their lies.

And so, 

to the Deacon, Russell, [and future Priesthood], the Gospels, and the new Church of America:

Def Manic - Something Inside So Strong.