Friday, July 2, 2010

Guitar World

Once in a while, most people out there, decide, they are going, to learn, how to play, a musical instrument. And when they do, they often decide, on, the guitar. For some reason, unknown, most people out there, think, that learning, how to play, the guitar, is simple stuff. Many think, the piano, and what comes to mind, elitist; the violin, einsteintian [too difficult]; the flute, simple looking, but no talent. I grew up, learning, literally, how to play the guitar, for to this day, I still can't really play it. I always told myself, to console myself, that it was the guitar model, I used, that was really the problem. It was called, 'plum blossom', Chinese, and one of the worst guitar makes, in existence. Whenever, most people, decide on, learning, how to play, the guitar, they often, come across, one publication, that promises, to fulfill, this desire: Guitar World. Its the guitar players, almanac, and very much too, a bible of sorts. I would buy, Guitar World, if the song list, as they have a listing of songs to play, in every issue, had a song, I wanted to learn, to play. I would take, such an issue home, and begin twanging, the song, on my 'plum blossom'. I always, consoled myself, with the belief, that i, could play the songs, really well, if i had, the right equipment, or as some call it, "the big stuff". The big stuff, consisted, of all kinds of guitar equipment, and guitars themselves. Yamaha, Ibanez, Fender, Gibson, electric pedals, amplifiers and mixers, had many like me, dreaming, of making it big, one day. You kinda find, that the guitar, can destroy one socially, for it is believed, by many, that just about anybody, can learn, to play the guitar; anybody really, who appears sane. And most people, simply believe this, until, they actually try, to learn how, to play, the guitar. It is then, they frightfully realize, that they probably, can't know, how to play the guitar, and this, kind of affects them, psychologically, as they start, to view themselves, as losers; real losers. Such people, often go off, on a journey, of make believe, believing, that if they owned, the big stuff, they could easily play, the guitar. And often, you find, they begin, by playing an acoustic, probably previously owned, which they believe, to be faulty, and the source, of their inability, to play the guitar. It is then, they buy, a yamaha, or ibanez acoustic, spending lots of money, believing, they have made the right choice, but filled, with feelings of trepidation, that they might actually know, whom they are. If they fail in that, they begin to think, that the acoustic, is kinda of a, limited instrument, and all music, for the acoustic, is really, spanish music. It is then, that they decide, to go electric, and usually, when they decide to do this, they often think, Fender Stratocaster [nobody really buys telecasters, one only sees them, in the magazines]. If the fender fails, to impress, as they assuredly believe, its an equipment problem, they decide, to move on up, to bigger stuff. They think, Ovation, Gibson, Les Paul and even Les Paul [standard edition].

If one, actually does buy, a Les Paul [standard edition], one eventually realizes, they are on a path, of self-destruction. They look back, at all the stuff bought, and realize, that they still can't play, the guitar. Alot of money, down the drain, and the resultant conclusion, is that, they are simply, the biggest losers. Its hard, to overcome, such a realization, as it is very much, subconscious, in nature. Such people, often times, become thieves, or burglars. This becomes even more possible, when they get to watch, MTV Unplugged.

The 60's, were a turbulent time, for America. For some reason, unknown, to the masses, Americans, decided to go, haywire, and simply rebel, for no good reason. In truth, though, Americans, were really dealing, with the issues, that Reconstruction, had created. They sought, to be free, and live their lives, as they wanted to. The tool, used to rebel, was none other, than the guitar. There were all kinds of guitar: Jazz guitar, Rock guitar, Blues guitar, Country guitar, Soul guitar, Funk guitar and Americanistas, were really digging, Jimi Hendrix: Latins, like a rolling stone; Legion, all along the watchtower [Captain America theme]. It was the guitar, that united, the whole country, in a fight, for freedom, and people, expressed this desire for freedom, in all kinds, of music. They wanted to live, free, and wild; American style.

So, for all those, wannabe axemen out there, who really believe, its all about, the big stuff, well, here is something for ya: