Thursday, July 1, 2010

Religiousity in Africa

The issue, of Religion, has always been, a world issue, in one form, or another. People, historically, fought wars, over religion. Today, many conflicts, out there, involving local leaders, of one form, or another, tend to be, religious, in nature. Religion, today, as an area of study, is often divided, into four groups: Western, African, Asian and World religion. Each differs, not in their practises, as many universities, teach, but in their definitions, of good and evil. Each, defines them, rather differently.

Western Religion:

The Western world, consists, of Europe, North America, the Carribean and South America. Thats what, Western, really means; its a religious term. In many ways, being western, is often taken to mean, that one is a good, and intelligent person. What defines, Western religion, is how they define, good and evil. In Western religion, being good, is about, being angelic [not affecting others, negatively]. Evil though, is defined, in the form, of, devilry; the devil, and his cohorts. Thats how, non-westerners, see Westerners; as being angelic, or a devil, of one kind, or another. This might surprise westerners, because, unknown to them, the concept of the devil, does not exist, in other religions, out there. The whole goal, of Western religion, is to become, perfect, in one way, or another. This, often, manifests, itself, in a war, between, ones good side [ones personal angel], and ones devilish side [ones red devil].

African Religion:

The African world, really consists, of the African continent, and not, the so called, Diaspora. So called, African religions, in the diaspora, do not define, good and evil, as Africans do. They are western, at their core, but their practises, African. Africans, have a different definition, of good and evil, from westerners. Failure to know this, makes it difficult, for Westerners, to see Africans, as they really are. They are not pitiful, as many, westerners, think. African religion, defines good, as being pure; this really means, someone, who 'shows virtue'. Showing virtue, is about, showing, kindness, generosity, honesty, truthfulness, or what, the followers, of Yoruba Religion [most popular African religion], call Iwa Pele. African religion, defines evil, in the form, of being, totally disgusting, or slimy. When Africans go evil, they become, slimy, like slugs or lizards. We are really talking, Gremlins here; thats whom, Africans, really are. They can be slimy, and very disgusting, while appearing, to be cute, and cuddly, to others; gremlin style. The end goal, sought, in the practise, of African religion, is purity; being an uncontaminated person, totally clean, and showing Iwa Pele. A person, who does not think, evil. Africans, going evil, spend their time, spreading misery, despair, and hopelessness, wherever, they can.

Asian Religion:

The Asian world, being pretty diverse, in terms of religion, are kind of, really different, from other religions, in how they define, good and evil. They define good, in the form of power, as expressed, via inner strength. In the Asian world, Bruce Lee, was a perfect specimen, showing great inner strength, and expressing it, wonderfully. Evil, in Asian religion, is defined, as being, powerless. This is hard, to define accurately, but the best example, can be seen, in a person, with weak nerves. Asian religions, kind of, strengthen, ones nerves. People, who are powerless, tend to be evil, in ways, most don't, really associate, with being evil; its like movie evil. They become, erratic, violently uncontrollable, and merciless. The whole goal, of Asian religion, is to seek, innocence. Asia, is a region, that has had, a most interesting history, unknown, to many out there. They think, the history of Asia, is the history, of the development, of religion. They think, that the history of the western world, has been one, of political intrigues, and wars. In reality though, Asian history, has been history, similar, to the movies. An interesting history, not known to many.

World Religion:

World religion, is based, on what some call out there, Asceticism. Being an Ascetic, is difficult, somewhat, to define well. It is not something, that has been well explained before, and is often, associated, with small sects. Asceticism, defines good, as seeking, inner peace. This means, having a mind, free of all troubles. Not worrying at all, about anything. It on the other hand, defines evil, as being in a state, of emotional turmoil. Totally disturbed person. The end goal, of Asceticism, is to seek, clarity, and transparency, with regards, to oneself, and ones world, by seeking, to cleanse oneself, of all, ones sins. A form of purity, but really, an attempt, to become, sinless, in totality. This means, always doing, the right thing; always. Eating perfectly, with very good manners, is part of Asceticism.

One might have noticed, that Islam, has not made, a showing. This is because, Islam, is more or less, a complete, religion. Islam, as mentioned before, previously, can be divided, into Islam, Sharia, Sufism, and the next big thing. Islam, is similar, to African religion, in the way, it defines, good and evil; thats why Islam, has strongly influenced, Africa, in more ways, than one. Some kinds, of African religion, such as those, seen in the Congo, are really Islam, written, in Kikongo. The Qur'an, is really about, purity, good and evil, as Africans, define them. Sharia, is similar, to Western religion, in how it defines, good and evil. Sufism, is similar, to Asian religion, in its definition, of good, and evil, and especially, with regards, to the works, of Rumi. The next big thing, will be based, on Asceticism. The Islamic world, partly knows, about this, in the form, of Islamic mysticism. It is however, not theorized, and expressed, in an artful manner. The next big thing, will make it, a science.

Sexuality, often goes hand in hand, with religion, in any talk, about sex, and impropriety. The question of sex, in religion, bothers many, as modern religions, attempt, to vilify, sex, in all ways. The problem with sex, is that, it can bind one, to evil, when done, in certain ways. In the Western world, deviant sexuality, in the form of bondage, is the easiest way, to becoming, the devil. In the African, sex, as seen, in deviant pornography [most pornography out there], is the quickest way, to becoming, disgusting, slimy. In the Asian world, sex, with themes of, entrapment, such as Adultery, or even, incest, is the quickest way, to evil. Sex, does have a role, in religion, with regards, to showing mores. This means, there is a right way, and wrong way, to practise it, and going about, getting it; sex that is. Thats why, they wrote, the Kama Sutra, for Asian religion. You can be religious, and practise, the Kama Sutra. Religion, meets sex, in what they call, Seduction; an artform, in its own right. At the heart, of seduction, are mores.

That concludes religion.