Friday, July 2, 2010

Water Babies

I once happened, to watch, an interesting documentary; it was Deutsch. It was about, the latest research, going on, in Deutschland. It kinda amazed me, what they were really doing, and not, what, they were intending to do. The Deutsch, believed, it was possible, to create, new kinds of humans, superior, to others. This was being done, by having babies, swim, underwater, for long periods of time, with the belief, they would become, more intelligent, due to having, bigger brains, with a good blood supply. The commentator however, also very much hinted, I believe, that the Deutsch, were actually attempting, to create, humans, who could live, under water. It sounded preposterous, and all I could think off, was hamburgers, music, sex, and why, the whole idea, was really a bad idea.

Water Babies, was not the first time, that the Deutsch, had experimented, with Eugenics. During WW2, the Deutsch, helped the Nazis, create, much more superior soldiers, than the rest, of Europe. Unknown to many, Deutsch research, helped create soldiers, who felt good, all the time. What this means, is that, they actually had soldiers, feeling good, even when, it was raining, or when, they were in mud trenches, or had no food, or little food. The soldiers, had received training, to make them feel good, all the time. Kinda how, one would feel, when one, was at a party. Many however, believe, that German superiority, was due, to its military machine. It was not, it was the kind, of uber soldier, created, to fight, against all odds, simply, by feeling good, all the time, that had the Nazis, winning the war, for sometime.

A Dietary approach to Exercising:

When one sets out, to look good, one begins, to pay attention, to the food, they eat, and begin thinking, of exercising [Muscle&Fitness]. Many however, with time, begin to believe, that they will never, get, into shape, one way or another. They simply start, to believe, they are really endomorphic, and were meant, to be weighty. This is due, to not understanding, exercising, and eating. When one sets out, to train, or build the body, one realizes, that there are three main components, that make up, for the body, intrinsically. They are power, strength and flexibility. The three, are at the basis, of going about, building the body. However, one should realize, that they can only, concentrate on one, of the components, and not all three, at the same time. Malleability, is flexibility, expressed, through power. When one chooses, any of the three, as the center, of their exercising activity, one has to learn, that they have to also, choose, a suitable diet. This is where, many go wrong. If you use, strength, as the basis, of exercising, and decide, to engage for instance, in bodybuilding [Muscle&Fitness, not Flex], one has to learn, that their accompanying diet, has to consist, mainly, of Carbohydrates, and Proteins. If one chooses, flexibility, as the center, of their exercising activity [Dance or Martial Arts], they have to know, that Vitamins and Minerals, should be at the center, of their dieting. If they choose, power, as the center, of their exercising [Calisthenics], then they have to know, that fats, should be at the center, of their dieting. Soluble fats.

Dieting in Africa:

There are still those out there, who despite knowing what Africa, is really about, want to move there, and even probably, live there. They still probably believe, its all about the money, but moving there, will make them realize, that they had not really accounted for, one thing: food. They kinda think, food in Africa, is the same, as in other parts of the world, due to there being, malls, in Africa. This is not true. If they do not take account, for this, Africa, will be a hell, for them. The first thing, they should realize, is that Africa, is a power continent. Everything in Africa, is about power. America, is energy, and Brazil, is minerals/vitamins. If you are going to live in Africa, you have to change, your diet, to the fats group. This consists, of eating, three main things: Condiments, Whole Wheats and Delicacies. Condiments, have been previously explained, and will be required, not just to keep you sane, but also, very much, for their medicinal value. Hospitals in Africa, don't really work, and people, take Condiments, especially Aloe Vera, for just about anything. Whole Wheats, will be required, for your power input. In Africa, they don't eat wheats, like in other parts of the world. They have stuff, like Fufu, in West Africa, and Ugali, in East Africa, that are power packed, and can have you running, for hours at end. You finally too, have what they call, delicacies. Delicacies, consists, of stuff, like, cakes, jelly, slurpees, spicy chicken, and the likes. Delicacies, are to be taken, in small doses. They are required, for your sweet tooth, for one will find, in Africa, that eating, food, like Turkey, or even rice, will leave them, feeling deadened, and even sweaty. You will find, your body, unable to digest, such energy foods. To sum it all up easily, what you really want to do, is as follows: take lots of condiments, and fruits. African staple diets, traditionally, has consisted of fruits. Instead of wheats, you might want, to take in, lots of supplements. Easiest way, to gain power. Throw in, some greens too, and other stuff, like nuts. You might find it hard, taking greens, or fruits, but this can easily, be resolved, by taking both, sweetened coffee [very sweet probably], and honey, mixed with water. The honey, will have you developing, an appetite, for fruits, and likewise, with the coffee and greens. With the delicacies, your easiest option, are chocolates, and one should remember, they should eat this, in small amounts. If you are in, the Southern/Eastern region of Africa, one would probably, want to, try out, Swahili food. Alot, of the delicacies, seen, in this region e.g. chapatis, samusas, nandos style spicy chicken, are really, of Swahili origin. They are what, you want to eat, when you think, you need, a big meal, of meat. Thats how, you eat, in Africa. Word of warning, stay the hell away, from modern African cooking, which mainly consists, of stews and rice. It is European cooking, done poorly. With time, you will start feeling lethargic, and pitiful. Stay away too, from tea; it will mess you up, psychologically. Take coffee instead.