Monday, August 2, 2010

The Evolutionary Human (series in religious thought)

Many have heard, of the human, as a, computational being, and even, as a, spiritual being. Most however, do not, really know, the human, as an evolutionary or even, technological, being. The human, as a computational being, is very much, associated, with the human, as a, religious being. The human, as a religious being, is also, very much, about, the human, as a creative being. Creativity, is about, ones sense, of right and wrong. The human, as a spiritual being, has everything to do, with intelligence, and being, an intelligent being. Evolutionary though, deals, with what they call, intelligences [an 's' at the end]. Intelligences, differ, from intelligence, in that, they are all about, application. Intelligence, can show you, how to, design, a perfect car; intelligences, show you, how to, actually go about, building, this perfect car. One can also, very much, assume, that what they call, technological (technology), is actually, an extension, of intelligences.

Intelligences, can be classified, into 4, differing classes. They do not have, proper names to them, and some, will be made up, in the attempt, to properly describe them all. The 4 classes, are described, as follows:


Feelings, are often used, as a guide, in just about, anything, we do. One would notice, that doing anything, is almost impossible, when numb. Feelings though, can be best, be put, into three spheres: Escapist, withdrawal and physical. Escapist feelings, are very much associated, with our imaginings. Whenever, you dream up anything, you use, escapist feelings, to imagine, the reality. Escapist feelings, similar, in nature, to when you daydream, are of most, importance, as they very much, tell you, the truth, about yourself. When you daydream, about something, what you maybe daydreaming about, may be, very fictional, but what is real, is you, and how, you basically behave, in the daydream. Withdrawal feelings, are very much, about, the ability, to sense, ones world. If you feel, your body, going crazy, its because, you are strongly, sensing, your world. Withdrawal feelings, can also, very much, strike up, your imagination, and enable you, to somehow see, whats going on, around you. Withdrawal feelings, are very much similar, to how, you feel, when someone, touches you. You too have, physical feelings, which very much, have to do, with the condition, of ones body. Physical feelings, should not be confused, with withdrawal feelings, as physical feelings, have a pain aspect, to them. Many today, believe, their bodies, to be in bad shape, due to always, strongly perhaps, being affected, by withdrawal feelings, and believing themselves, to be somewhat, sick. Physical feelings though, often serve, as warnings, of physical harm, or damage. Actual physical feelings, by contact, with something, are about, physical damage. However, some physical feelings, are born, due to sensing, danger, in ones, environs, and are about, physical harm [possible physical harm].


The next class, can probably best be called, Imaginative. Under imaginative, fall, three main types, of intelligences: imagination, inner voices and inference. Imagination, is pretty well known, although, some of it, is actually, technological, in nature. What they refer to as, active imagination, for instance, is technological, in nature. Active imagination, is often needed, for improvisation. Inner voices, are also well known, but not believed, by many. They believe them, to be, atleast, associated, with demons, of one kind or another. Inner voices though, in religion, are associated, with spirits, and gods. Inner voices, help one, see things, very clearly, for what, they are. Historically, they have been, associated, with serpent forms. The serpent, and the snake, as intelligent based beings, are all about, seeing things really clearly [for what they are], and inner voices. People, who are scared, or afraid, of serpents, and snakes, tend, to not be able, to see things, clearly, and for what, they are. It is only, when, one is comfortable, with serpents, and snakes, that they can see, their world, themselves, and whats happening around them, as it, actually is. Otherwise, they are blinded, in one way, or another. Inference, is rather well known, and associated, with hunches, guesses, and fancies.

State memories:

As weird, as that sounds, state memories, are actually, memories, of all sorts, with regards, to physical states. There are about, three of them: feeling states, sensitive hearing and hallucinatory states. Feeling states and emotional states, are rather, well known, and are how, others, connect, to other people. They are founded, on having, similar, belief systems. However, those, with feeling states, at a higher frequency, than others, can sense them [those below]. People, who tend, to have, similar, physical descriptors, tend, to have, the same, feeling states, and tend to be connected, together, via beliefs. Men, who associate, with certain women, eventually, begin, to have, the same, feeling states, as they do; this is especially true, if they, sleep with them. If a woman, happens, to be, highly intuitive, by nature, a man, who associates with her, and develops, her feeling states, will in time, start, to become, highly intuitive. Feeling states, generally, help one, sense others out. Sensitive hearing, is not, too well known, but as described, before, is associated, with neuromelanin, in ones, ear tracts. Sensitive hearing, can help one, see, visually that is, into, the past. If someone, visited, your living room, and later, left, before you came in, sensitive hearing, will enable you, to actually, see them [visually], somewhat seated, in the living room. Hallucinatory states, are associated, with induced, memory states. This is, kind of hard, to explain, but not. If one, is lying, on the ground, and begins, to feel, sensitive, about it [believing that someone might do something to them], if able, to hallucinate, one will probably, enter, a hallucinatory state, where, their fear, appears, to very much, come alive. Its somewhat, similar, to a deep form, of daydreaming. Some of this, is actually based on, memory, of similar states [lying on the ground].


You finally, have, another class, one could best, call, instinctive, and consisting, of the following, three intelligences:REM (rapid eye motion), sense of smell, hyper hearing. REM (rapid eye motion), is known, to some out there, and has, very much, to do, with recognizability. What this, really means, is, what they call, instant knowing. For instance, you might, look up, as someone, is crossing, your way, and instantly know, things, about them. It is possible, for instance, for one, to enter, a bedroom, and with REM, instantly know, things, about the person, who occupies it. Sense of smell, is associated with picking up, scents. This form of intelligences, is very prevalent, in animals, and especially, dogs. Sense of smell, is all about, instant recognition. If one, is forwarded, a problem, they can, instantly, know/recognize, the kind, of problem, it is, or even, more common, instantly recognize [memory based], a solution. Hyper hearing, is different, from sensitive hearing, as it is, all about, actually, hearing, external voices, that are no more. It is the, basis, of seeing, phenomenon, like ghosts. One could enter, a room, and hear, the voices, of people, who were previously, present, in the room, but are no longer, in there.

That kind of, summarizes, intelligences. However, intelligences, are often, accompanied, by something else, significant; filler material. Filler material, is actually, stuff, you think about, in ones daily life, on a constant basis. For instance, if one, should eat out, get some take away, or eat, at home. Such filler material, is associated, with intelligences.

Filler material, today, is most often, associated, with what they call, mass media. Filler material, is much more, important, than most people, believe it, to be, as people, think about, this stuff, more often, than not. In general though, mass media, which is actually, supposed, to be about, the Artistic [not Arts], is really about, motivations, interests, and wishes. The news media [mass media], for instance, is mainly about, wishes. Many have heard, of, Western domination, of others, believing it, to be about, Western military might. In reality though, Western domination, has to do, with Mass media, and filler material; in general, Western powers, have the masses, out there, simply thinking, about them, all the time. Most other cultures, out there, don't have, their own, mass media [their own stories]. This might, not sound, convincing to some, but an Asian, in Asia, imbued, with Asian creativity [religion], Asian intelligence, and even, intelligences, and believing, themselves, strongly Asian, are not so, if the things, they mostly, think about, are Western. Many should be warned, against, engaging, in Western mass media, as it is, of the, brainwashing type; it has one, dreaming of things, that are, not real, or in existence, in their world. One might be, intelligent, in all meanings, of the word, but waste, their lives away, due to wasting, their time, dreaming, of crap. Western mass media, as a brainwashing, and programming form, of propaganda, often affects, ones, hallucinatory state [induced memory states]. One watches, a movie, of someone, getting beat up, while lying, on the ground, and next time, when they are, lying on the ground, they dream up, such scenes. Almost instinctively.

It is, for every culture, to create, their own, Mass media [everyday stories]. American mass media, is rather, well known, outside America. However though, it is not, really, for the masses, out there, with the exception, of, Americanista, mass media. American, or Americano movies, Citizen music videos, or Americophile TV shows, are really targeted, towards, their respective audiences, and someone, in Asia, or India, and even, Brazil, watching them, will simply be, brainwashed, into believing [and conjuring up], a reality, that is not real, for them. The movies, mentioned, in the previous entry, are mainly, Americanista, and are therefore, safe, for audiences, outside America. It should be recalled, that, Americanista culture, and mass media, is what, unites, all kinds, of Americans, together.

Traditionally though, different regions, of the world, had their own, form, of Mass media. Many, existing, at the very, basic level. In North America, mass media, previously existed, in the form, of having friends. People, who were simply, interesting, and knew, what was going on, around. In South America, filler material, mass media, was often, in the form, of, street performances [performance arts]. From street theatre, street dances [the tango for instance], street fights [capoeira like, or free fight (Gracie Family style)], and just, simple, street occurrences. In Europe, filler material, was often, provided by, the women. They kinda inspired, the men, from the, motivations, interests, and wishes, angle. This form, of Mass media, is today, prevalent, around the world. In Africa, filler material, often took, the form, of nature, and drumming. People often hear, that Africa, is a beautiful, continent, but visit it, and are quiet, often, heavily disappointed. Africa, is a beautiful continent, not in the way, National Geographic, states, but really, with regards, to the sounds, you hear in it. From the way, the wind blows, to the way, the birds chirp, to even, the voices, of African themselves. However, ancestrally, filler material, was often provided, in Africa, via drumming, which was, often, carried out, by night. This drumming, stirred up, peoples imaginations, making them, rather imaginative. In the Middle East, filler material, most often, occurred, via, the weather, and climate, itself. They actually, have, good weather, and climate, in the Middle East, that is pleasant, in the way, people believe, Africa, to be, pleasant. However though, in the Middle East, filler material, was often provided, in the form of, dances, seen, in Sufism. Dances, that stirred up, peoples imagination, highly, such that, they were actually, using, hallucinatory imagination. These dances, accompanied, by music, had people, easily seeing, into the past, and even, the future. Some really crazy dances, and music. In Asia, communal gatherings, of all kinds, provided for, filler material. They took, various forms though: communal teachings, theatre/plays/womens dances [later all replaced by Bollywood], and communal conversations [often between people and visitors]. Communal teachings, were teachings, by an expert [guru], and were religious, and historical, in nature. In general, the history, in one form, or another, of Asian personalities.

Western power, when said, to be oppressive, and in the form, of Mass media, often, affects/hampers, ones, intelligences. Watching scary movies, like the Scream movie series, will hamper, and even destroy, ones, intelligences. Such mass media, can be known easily, as it tends, to be, disturbing. Oppression in general, is all about, hampering, or damaging, ones intelligences. Women too, have less, developed, intelligences, than men, and have, traditionally, depended, on men, for them.