Tuesday, August 3, 2010


For many, acquainted, with evolutionary theory, pictures, of hominids, roaming, Africa, freely and wildly, without, too much, of a care, about, the future really, come into mind. And yet, somehow, they made it through, without, medicaid, pension plans, and even, military systems. And many, who would hear this, would probably think, "they probably did, but with a high, mortality rate"; but am thinking, really, if one of them, made it through, why not the rest? It kind of, doesn't make sense. But enough, of, ancient ancient history, and lets get back, to, evolutionary theory. The problem, with theories, of evolution, is that, while, they talk, of the past, in a manner, many believe, to be deep, they say nothing, of the future. Humans, kind of, know, where, they came from, as a result, of evolutionary theory, and think too, thats its, kinda, of an achievement, to have moved, from hominid, to human being. The kinda think, we are done, here on earth, for human beings, get to go, to heaven, and hominids, don't. They're wrong, very wrong, in their thinking, for we still, have some way, to go.

Where evolution theory, leaves off, religion, attempts, to take over, but does not do, a real, good job, as it promotes, the, 'humans get to go to heaven', theory. In truth though, Religion, does have much, to do, with what, we are becoming, somewhat, unknowingly, for many. And this all, very much, has to do, with what, they call, Religious practises; for thats what, differentiates, Religions, between themselves, and even, within themselves [the sects stuff]. The way, one, practises, Religion, determines, what they become. And one finds, that different practises, lead, to becoming, different beings. The difference, between, Islam, in the Middle East, and in Africa, is not really, in the beliefs, as many, believe, but in the practises. And the practises, lead, to different ends. There are about, 6 things, people, out there, living life, practise wise, are evolving into: Gods, Angels, Gargoyles, Daemons, Shapeshifts, and, White light.

The way, Religion, is practised, in the Asian world, leads, to the human, evolving, into a God. Gods, are rather well known, the most commonly known, being, the Greek Gods. The more other, famous Gods, are probably, Japanese Gods [as seen in Japanese masks]. Gods, are kind of, recognizable, by their, faces; they kinda tend, to have, a mean look, to them. In the Middle East, Islamic, religious practises, are leading, the people, to evolve, into Gargoyles. Gargoyles, are kind of, reptilian creatures, and becoming, a Gargoyle, is all, very much, about, baptism, by fire. Gargoyles, are mainly, made up, of Fire. Islamic practises, such as, fasting, for 40 days straight, are all about, baptism, by fire. Gods, are mainly, made up, of Earth. In Africa, African religious practises, are leading, the people, to evolve, into, what they call, Daemons. Daemons, are somewhat, seen, in Greek history, but the most, famous, of them all, is probably, the Terminator. Daemons, are mainly, made up, of Air. Atomic Bombs, are Daemon technology; so are, Apache style flying vehicles [which are mainly based on, African Insectomology; they kind of look like, African fire flies] (the Natural Sciences, are that deep - Alfred Awani style). In North America, religious practises, are leading, the people, to evolve, into, Angels. Angels, are rather, well known beings, made up, mostly, of Water, and not, too much else, will be said, about them. In South America, and including, parts, of the Carribean {Jamaica/Haiti], and even, Mexico, religious practises, are seeing, the people, evolve, into, what you might call, Shapeshifts. Shapeshifts, are simply, shapeshifters, who can, shapeshift, into a panther, or even, water itself. Thats why, the Religions, seen, in these places, are rather, eclectic, in nature; they are really, a mixture, of Asian, African, European, Islamic, and Native American, religious practises [not beliefs though; they tend, to be Western, in beliefs]. These different practises, they have, see them, able, to kind, of shapeshift, into just about, anything. Thats why, many believe, South Americans, and especially, Argentines, to have, many, mental problems. In Europe, religious practises, are seeing, the people, evolve, into, pure white light. In reality though, they are really, evolving, into what, you could call, Mentalists. Mentalists, are people, who manipulate, white light, into something, real [material or reality]. Neo, from the Matrix, is a Mentalist, and the Matrix, is really about, a Mentalist world, gone wrong.

Each of these, beings, go about, solving problems, differently. Gods, are the kind, of beings, to show up, at a scene, and simply, take, total control; They are capable, of fighting, many, and even, very many, opponents, at the same time. They know, what's going on, around them, all the time. The American F-16, is a, Gods technology, and requires, people, who are, acutely aware, of their world, to fly them [the F-16, is actually based, on a Japanese prototype]. Angels, are the kind of beings, to walk, unseen, amongst enemies, and then, suddenly, rise up, to take over. Angels though, can be crooky, in their thinking [grandoise opportunists], and their world, tends, to be the most unstable, of all, the beings, mentioned above. Angels though, however, can be, rather creative, when acting, right. Daemons, are the kind, of beings, to surprisingly, show up, somewhere, unexpected, when dealing, with a problem [rapidly taking advantage, of a situation]. They are kind of, fast thinkers, and can, surprise one, with how fast, they come up, with solutions, to problems. Gargoyles, are actually, the most, intelligent, of these beings. They are, keenly intelligent, meaning, taking into account, just about, all kinds, of variables, when dealing, with a problem. Gargoyles though, tend, to be secretive, in their ways, and do things, often, in the dark. Members, of the Al-Saud clan, once kicked out, the British, from Saudi Arabia, in a, surprise, night attack, killing, many British, and all done, unseen. Thats kinda how Gargoyles are. Shapeshifts, solve problems, by actually, shapeshifting, into, the best, problems solver, at every, minute, of solving the problem. Mentalists, are really good, at fooling, others, and are kind of, performers, when solving, problems; this is hard, to explain, but not. Mentalists, kind of, solve problems, based, on having, probably true, false beliefs. They build, or construct, a whole world, based on, probably true, false beliefs, and kind of, solve problems that way, somewhat, in a state of denial. Alain Robert, the French Spiderman, is a kind, of, Mentalist-performer, as scaling, huge buildings, is really based, on having, probably true, false beliefs.

Some more, tidbits really, about, these beings, are for example: A world, made up, of Gods, is really, like, in the, Transformers cartoon. Thats kind of whom, they are. Mentalists, create or manifest, reality, using, the power, of thought, to manipulate, pure white light. Angels, create or manifest, reality, via, the use, of material objects, to make, things happen. A Rolex, for instance, is such, a material object, as it can, open up, all kinds, of social doors, for one. Creating, such, material objects, is kinda what too, the Arthurian, Holy Grail, is all about. Material objects that, affect reality. Shapeshifts, create reality, by somewhat, creating, disorder, and then, quickly, manifesting, or creating, a reality. Kind of like, being, a Leader, in every, situation. Daemons, are real creepy, in that, they actually know, whom they are, at just about, every minute, or second. This really means, they actually know, their strengths, and weaknesses, at just about, every second, of manifesting, a reality. Gargoyles, for a reason, kind of have, weird things, happen to them. And they can, kind of, affect reality, this way.

As a mentionable though, each of these, beings, especially Angels, should recognize, that the way, they behave, and act, can kind of, make them, psycho, and even, lead, to the downfall, of civilizations. Beginning, with Angels, Angels should know, that, acting freely, is of, utmost importance, in maintaining, mental health. Gods, should act, naturally, as much, as they can. Gargoyles, should act, plainly, or risk, going, into, a death defying, death ridden, fury. Daemons, should learn, to act, ordinarily, for their mental health. Shapeshifts, should act openly, for stability. And finally, Mentalists, should be calm, always, for their own sake.