Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Chronology of World History (1800 - 2011)

The Tabernacle, in many ways really, refers to in general, seeking to live, Life, from a Traditional perspective [and one too, highly, rather oath based, in the making]. Modern lives, in most ways, were born with, the Victorian Era/Age, and most truly, don't really realize, how they in all do differ, from Traditional lives. For most really, the obvious reply (blinded perhaps), is a belief in, the Materiality/Technology, that they believe, comes with, the Modern times. This though, is a rather false way, of looking at all this, as with really, the source of this, Materiality/Technology, in itself. To really understand, the main difference between, the Traditional and Modern lives, is to in all understand, the elements of Shock and Exclamation, in both of them really. That in all really, the Modern times, bring about with them, behavioural changes to people, with regards to Shock and Exclamation, as compared to, the Traditional [that in all really, Shock and Exclamation, by those living, Modern lives, is rather backwards (even heavily too), as compared to, those living, Traditional lives]. A better understanding of this, is to understand really, that Shock and Exclamation permeate, our everyday existences and lives (all over), and that what, is been said here is that, Shock and Exclamation, as seen in the Traditional World, is way more even, Sophisticated, than that seen, in the Modern [with most Moderns, being not too different, from Children or Creatures even (or primates too even), with regards to, Shock and Exclamation based behaviour] [What is been furtherly said here is that, the Shock and Exclamation associated today, with most Technology/Materiality seen, is actually that of, the Traditional world (as with discovery really), and not, the Modern]

Most are enthralled perhaps, by past Civilizations but, never truly do see them, for what they are as, they are unable really, to fathom the lives in these Civilizations really, as with the understanding, that everyday life, in these Civilizations, could be perceived, from the elements of, Shock and Exclamation [in all, they believe the old World, to be similar to most movies (with regards to, Shock and Exclamation), they see out there (such as 'Troy'), when in reality, the old World, was similar to what you see, in 'Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves' (as with regards really, to Shock and Exclamation)] [Even old France, is Traditional, and not Modern (meaning that, the peoples seen in it, are like in 'Ali Baba' and not, most movies, Victorian like too, one sees, about, the old World)]

[A good movie perhaps, to somewhat explain this is, the 'Man in the Iron Mask' with, Leonardo DiCaprio, which shows in many ways too, how France, once actually looked like, with regards mainly, to Shock and Exclamation, as based really, on Beauty seen, and events happening too even]

[In all really too, it is Victorian Speech (as mainly seen in London, England), that comes to define, modern Manners and Behaviour, as, especially with regards to, Shock and Exclamation (with it eventually, becoming, adjoined to European Pompadour Speech, and the resulting in all too, of the birth, of White Speech].

This entry though, while speaking of Shock and Exclamation (as with everyday living), also in most ways really, reverts to World History, as mainly with regards to, perspective really. History, since the recent/past times, has mainly been centered around, Europe. That in many ways really, Europe has been, the center of the World, with regards really, to activity and happenings even. That in all really, many have traditionally associated, new developments with, Europe really, and not, most other parts, of the World. This though, today, is rather erroneous thinking, and while many, do acquaint America today, as with it being, the very center of the World, the truth is, this title/honour truly, belongs with, the Middle East, and at the very least too, with Islam [as, invincibility unknown perhaps]. One of the main goals of this entry, will be to have, most out there see, the Middle East, as being the true, Center of the World today (as most top intellectuals in America today too, are simply, average Intellectuals in, the Middle East), and below too, will be explained perhaps, the past connections between, Europe, and the rest of the World, that in all, made, Europe, a former Center, of the World in the past. Connections between Europe and North America, were always based on, Trade (and especially too, with Quebec, and its importation even, of, European Materiality) [and especially, German Materiality]. Relations between Europe, and South America, were always cultural, with culture really, flowing from, Europe, to South America. Connections between Europe and Africa, were mainly based on, the export of luxurious goods (to Africa), and eventually too, the migration of labour forces, from Africa into Europe (leading eventually, to slavery, indentured labour, and servitude in the Americas). Relations between, the Middle East and Europe were heavily based on, Knowledge transfer, with Europe acquiring a, rather significant even, Knowledge base, emanating from, the Middle East (as pertaining to, influence, in speech, Art, culture, Religion, and even food/spices) [lots of European Literature, has been influenced too, by, literature pieces, from the Middle East] (the French for instance, talk similarly, to, Individuals seen, in 'Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves'). Connections between Europe and Asia, has to do, with seeking out, Economic opportunity mainly, which sees various European groups (such as the Jesuits), eke out a living, in Asia, with regards, to accumulate Wealth really. The end result really, was the transfer of European based Ideologies, into Asia [as mainly to do with, questioning, Asian Thought (as with writing texts even on, Asian Religion and History)] [This too, eventually leads to, Indentured Labour in the Americas].

In all really, the collapse of Europe has resulted in, all of the World, becoming rather stagnant (as with Events, and 'Development' even), and Americas attempts to, fill in, into, Europes shoes, has proven in all, rather disastrous as with, the World even suffering, decay (and collapse too, of all forms) [with the Middle East, being responsible really, for most developments seen, in the so called, Third World Countries].

How though, to perceive History really [and especially, World History too even]. In many ways perhaps, it can be viewed best from, a Traditional/Religious point of view, or even, from a Modern/Political point of view. Most though, have no true idea what, differentiates mainly, the Modern/Political world, from, the Traditional/Religious world [that in all, the Political/Modern World, gave birth to, Urban & Rural living (as differentiated too, by, poverty levels mainly), while the Traditional/Religious World, gave birth to, Regional living, and differentiations of the Wealthy, Rich, and Pauper kind too even (with Paupers being those, who in general refused to, earn out, a living for themselves)]. In the Traditional/Religious World, Religion (as with Philosophy really), was rather large, as in all really, Life then, was based on, ones acquiring (or developing even), a Religious Philosophy, to adhere to [including the rather simple following, of basic rules, etiquettes, or even 'commandments' too]. One then, simply philosophized/imagined up their lives, based on all this [and in all really too that, Life, was much freer then, than it is today]. Todays World though, of the Political (and Modern too even), is surprisingly enough based on, Ancestral Lineages [and Recreation even] (as seen too really, in the '5 Keys to Greater Living', entry). That in all really, what is been said is that, most Political based powers out there, are actually really all about, protecting/defending their 'ways of life' (lifestyles), as primarily based on, Ancestral Lineages, and Recreation too [that for the masses really, to get to the top, they have to overthrow perhaps, those already in power] [Politics today, is all about really, protecting ones way of living/lifestyles, and one should not, imagine, the World will change at all, unless, it reverts, to, the Traditional/Religious model] [All Famed Figures, that make up Political/Modern living today, as with History really, have been all about too really, protecting, the Lifestyles of a certain (chosen perhaps even), few].

[Traditionally in Europe, it was the Papacy and its Armies, that were responsible for ensuring, the validity of Religious Philosophies, that the people chose to adhere too]

Below though, will be presented a Chronology of World History (two of them), with one being based on, the Political/Modern life, and the other, more or less Traditional/Religious in scope [as with key events, that have happened that most, have failed really, to pay attention too] (as with not understanding really their consequences).

The Political/Modern version of History, has mainly to do, with the Psychological in us [in that, perceiving it really, has resulted in most peoples of the World, creating, Psychological based Racial/Racist Identities, by which, they adhere to]. The Traditional/Religious version (chronology really) of History, is actually more realistic, as it helps one, to actually do see, how the World today, has come to be about since, the 19th Century. The Political/Modern version too, as mentioned is centered around, Europe, while the Traditional/Religious Chronology, is centered around really, the Middle East.

A Political/Modern Chronology of World History (1800 - 2011):

1802: Napolean loses war in Haiti, during, the Haitian Revolution, foreseeing in all, the collapse of France and Europe even, from the World scene.

1806: King Joao (John VI), of Portugal, formally takes hold, of, Brazil itself [Jaoa, was a Brown, and this resulted, in anti-brown sentiments, spreading all over Brazil eventually (due to the exclusivity, of his rule)].

1810: Simon Bolivar, begins efforts to end, Spanisn implemented feudalism, in the whole, of South America.

1815: The Zulu-Boer wars begin, taking place, under Zulu King Shaka, based on European emmigre attempts, to take over, Zulu Lands [these Wars, actually take place, before, the British-Zulu wars, and the Boers, were indeed, defeated (before the British, attempted, to 'rescue' them in all)].

1820: Egypt falls under, the Alawiyya Dynasty (also known as the Muhammad Ali Dynasty), resulting too in a decay, of the Mediterranean World. Famed 'Jewish' Scholar-King, Maimonides, actually lives, during this Era.

1825: Algeria wages War on Greece, which eventually, sees, France join into, the Melee (and resulting in, French influence/rule, over, Algeria, after it all)

1850: So called, 'Scramble for Africa' begins, but actually originating in, Oman, with groups disturbed by, actually growing African Warlike (Pirate) Maritime presence, in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, and African Knowledge too, of Witchcraft based Magical practises which they attempt, to use, in disrupting, life all over [widespread wars, and especially, in Southern Africa, results, in many Africans killed/'wiped out', and the so called 'Pirates of the Carribean', were actually, mainly, African]

1870: The British attempt, a takeover and attack, of, the Swahili Coast, and the Sultanate of Oman, in an attempt really, to take over, a booming Maritime Trade partly associated, with, Portuguese Settlements on, the Swahili Coast. They are repelled, with Dar-es-salaam suffering most from it all (as with its destruction really, with it too housing, many, of the Portuguese really).

1891: European Settlers begin, to settle all over Sub-saharan Africa, and Afrique even, in the attempt really, to learn more about, the peoples in it. This settling is followed, by a second group of Missionaries, who attempt to dismantle, African Cultures/Religions, before Africa, is finally invaded really, by a third group of Europeans, who attempt to benefit, from Africa's Agricultural/Mining outputs. [Colonialism in Africa, was actually rather short, and was totally based too on, dismantling, all forms of African Political/Religious Structures really].

1901: Queen Victoria dies in England, and her body is flown back, to Canada (her Country of origins and birth), to be buried, in Victoria, BC. Attempts begin, to dismantle Victorian Society in England, and the Victorian World itself too, by, Elizabethan/European forces, who are hateful of, a Brown presence, in, the Victorian World.

1910: India revolts, against the British during, the so called, Advasi Revolts. Revolts are stemmed, by key Leaders, being killed off by, Feminist Associates, to the British and the Revolts, are later on followed by, the efforts, of Mahatma Gandhi.

1943: Hitler is killed, in his Bunker, by his spouse Eva Braun, who was linked/connected to, the English/UK, and his body, is purportedly thrown into, a Well, in the City of, Bremen. The English then, sign a 'Peace Treaty', with Japan afterwards really, promising to help, derail, American efforts in the Asia Pacific Region, after the Japanese do discover that, Hitler, is actually dead [the Japanese, gain this knowledge from Eva Braun, who is betrayed by the English after her, disclosing, Hitlers location] (Eva Brain, commits suicide soon after)

1955: Colonial unrest in Kenya, between, the Mau Mau and White/European Settlers, results, in strong, Colour based divisions all over Kenya, and the news, of violent clashes between, Blacks, Browns and Whites, is transmitted/broadcast, all over the Western World, resulting, in rising colour divisions, in the Western hemisphere [the so called 'Mau Mau unrests', are some, of the most violent race based clashes, ever seen, with machetes used even, to kill children](Jimi Hendrix, later on, while visiting England, is racially referred to, as Mau Mau, due to these, rising, race based tensions)

1970: Japans secretly invades, South Korea, and kills the South Korean Royal Family, in the bid/attempt really, to spread, Japanese Imperialism all over, East Asia.

1980: India under Indira Gandhi, comes under duress really, after key leaders in Gandhis Cabinet, are assassinated by Australian 'Mercenaries'. The practise of assassinating, key Leaders in third world countries, then becomes, a habitual practise, of, Western/European powers in, an attempt really, to takeover the, so called, third world.

1993: Kenya issues law, accepting, the practise of Masonry (Devil worship), in Kenya, resulting in, Kenya, becoming a World Center, of, Masonry (and other such, Devil worshipping Cults too even).

1999: Prince Diana, purpotedly killed in 1997, is believed spotted alive, in, Quebec Canada.

2005: Bali Bombing in Indonesia, are spearheaded actually, by the supposedly dead Wife, of former Indonesian President Suharto (Sti Hartinah); the reason for the Bombings, is due to the belief that, the then President of Indonesia (Yudhono), would be in Bali then [Suharto's wife, Sti Hartinah, actually, was attempting, a takeover with, the help of the French]

2011: Germany signs in, an Immigration Law that, allows, for the violent beating, and even castration of, Immigrants, found problematic, to Society.

A Religious Chronology of World History (1800 - 2011):

This Chronology, is in most ways really, centered around, the Middle East as with it, being the only, Region in the World (to this present day), rather Stable in all with regards, to, all facets of Life (including, Economic issues too even). In all really, a Chronology that allows one, to see (with their very eyes even too), how the World, has come to be about, in this, present day and age.

1805: Napolean II, attempts to purchase, Louisiana, from American Forces and based too, on an attempt really, to recreate/save, European Civilization by, building it up, all again, in Louisiana (he attempts this too, by attempting to gain, field labour forces, from, Islamic Africa, to help with, all this; his attempts, are partly successful though)

1807: Andre Rigaud, leads forces in Haiti, in defending Haiti, from American Forces that, attempt to take over, the Island, after the defeat of, the French (Rigaud, coming in, from the Middle East, is actually responsible for, the commissioning/design, of the Citadelle Laferriere, and the introduction too, of Islamic/Islam practises, into, Haiti)

1810: Prussian General Carl Von Clausewitz, amongst other Prussians, facing, animosity and attacks, from, Eastern European groups, due to, Prussian success, in Eastern Europe. He faces off, against, a 'Nubian' ressurection (amongst the Eastern Europeans), which throws, Russia, into turmoil, which eventually sees, the rise, of the Czar Regimes, in Russia/Eastern Europe. Carl Von Clausewitz, is responsible too, for introducing, Islam, into, Eastern Europe (and Russia as well)

1819: Napolean III, attempts to take over, Prussia, in the attempt really, to once more, save, European Civilization, from total collapse which, only truly, exists, in Prussian Russia, and the Scandinavia (Sweden). His Military supplies, interestingly enough, originate, from the Middle East (Israel) [Napoleans Husars, were, Israeli trained]

1840: The Holy Roman Empire, fully comes into existence, as Charlemagne attempts, to fight off, all forms of Invasions really (including Muslim), attempting, to invade/attack, a Europe (steeped in the Dark Ages). He succeeds in doing this, with the help of Black-a-Moors, coming in from the Middle East, who while acting, as 'generals' really, attempt to reintroduce, Culture, into Europe,via what they call, the Theban Legion (and under, St. Maurice too) [this also sees, the building, of the Rossyly Chapel (Jinni/Sunni Goth Architecture) in Scotland, and the birth too, of modern European Royal Families]. Charlemagne, into his rather old Age too, eventually too sees, the birth of modern Europe, with the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

1850: Queen Victoria, enters into the UK, via Wales, but eventually settles in, Norwich, Nolfolk UK, in Dark Age Europe, and eventually begins, to rise into prominence "nationally", which eventually sees her, square off, in a ragtag fight with, Mary Queen of Scots, whose defeat too sees in all, Queen Victoria, rise in National Consciousness, under, the Banner, of Britannia (Great Britain). Her rise, into pre-eminence, is partly spearheaded by, Brit Settlements, along the Swahili Coast offered help too, by, the Sultanate of Oman.

1880: So called "Scramble for Africa", takes place in Germany, with it actually, being, about, the partitioning/dividing, of South America, between, different European groups really [resulting too, in the 'Europeanization'/'Modernization, of South America] [Indentured Labour, is eventually too, introduced, into South America, from Africa, and, South East Asia] [Europeanization is deterred, by Capoeira groups, and Islamic presences, in South America]

1895: Omani/Swahili groups, make their way into, rather desolate South West India, and settle in places like, Gujurat, Murud-Janjira, and even, Karnataka too. These groups though, known as the Seyyids, are eventually followed by, groups, from the Congo/Tanzania, who are responsible for the spreading, of African Christianity, not only in Southern India, but also too, in some other few parts, of Asia. These Africans, known as Siddis, eventually find themselves (alongside the Seyyids), in a prolonged war really, with Spain/British [as both groups, attempt really, to plunder Asian wealth, in an Asia gone amok, in War and Warring too even].

1910: After a revolt, in the Sultanate of Oman by groups, unhappy, with Sultan Faisal bin Turki (they too, coming in from Africa), sees a surprise uprising really, by American groups, living in Afrique/Kenya, as they attempt really, to take over Kenya itself [and its Omani based Wealth too] [one of the most, macabre, and unknown incidents too, to ever take place, in, World History][Kenyan Wealth, heavily based on, Influence, as Victorian Kenyans, are rather reknowed all over, the World really, for problem solving, of all kinds] [Something that partly, annoys, Americas attempts at, Global Dominance] [Marilyn Monroe, was actually, a Kenyan White (but not, Victorian)] [Americas attempt too, at Global Dominance today, is still based on, the Kenyan Victorian Model of Influence (meaning in all that, Americas International Image, is more or less, really, Victorian)]

1915: Europe at War as, Feminist & Witchcraft/Satanic groups, attempt to derail, the plans of, the Austro-Hungarian based Hapsburgs Family, to take a firm control, of Europe itself. The end result, is the fall and decline too, of the Hapsburg Dynasty, and, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, too. The end of the War, actually sees, the so called Inquisition happen, as Feminist/Witchcraft groups, go on a rampage in Europe, in their attempt to wipe out, Religion, in all its forms (including the burning, of Religious Books/Works of any kind, and the making too, of Atheist/Witchcraft modern Europe).

1935: Germany sees Hitler really, arrive on the Scene, and the eventual creation of, the Third Reich (as based on, Black-a-mohr Heraldry), and sees to a Europe too, gone to waste, due to the prevalent practise, of Witchcraft, and Satanism even. The Third Reich, attempts to bring, Civilization back to Germany at least (with Hitler in many ways, acting, as the Black-a-mohr), which eventually sees, Feminist/Satanic groups, in Spain, France and England, attempt to derail, Hitler [the Third Reich, is rather succesful, as with Civilizing Germany as, Germany does sees, the adoption of, Turin based Italian Architecture, all over Germany, and the birth too of, what is called, the Weimar Republic (and German Industrialism too)] Germany is eventually though, led into War, by fears of an eminent, and growing, European, anti-German Feminist driven, sentiments, at its many successes (in a rather, male driven, Germany).

The German attempts, at recreating/reforming, European Civilization, is actually too also, based on, Thebes (Heliopolis) Art, which is actually brought into, Germany, by Black-a-Moors coming in, from Qatar [it should be remembered, that the German Forces and Political structures, had in them, many 'Minorities', some even, coming in from, Africa] [All too, in the attempt really, to 'invade' Europe and, spread Civilization (with all this hampered, by the presence, of treacherous Ashkenazi Jews, and Americans even, within their ranks)] [Some of the Brownshirts, were, Americans]

German Thebes (High) Art:

[The Weimar Republic, was Traditional/Religious life, as based too, on Oath taking (and the Tabernacle)]

1960: The Islamic/Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, arises, to protest growing, Wealth disparities, in Aristocratic Egypt (heralded by, Ottoman Turks), which eventually results, in widespread rioting, over the whole of North Africa, and the collapse too, of, the Mediterranean World (the Ottoman Turks, get help in dealing, with these riots, from the French, who have had, some relational ties with, the Ottoman world, from periods past) [this History today, is falsely re-written, as that, of, French Colonialism in North Africa]

1970: Further attempts, by European Jews to flee/escape, Europe (and its 60's based Economic collapse), and go into Israel are thwarted, as Israeli Authorities, best deems the best, probable solution, to be the installing really, of Jewish Intellectuals all over, Europe, and the re-creation too, of European Society through Media [in all really, European Success today, from Media to Technology, is heavily driven, by Israel (as with Israeli Military Research really)][The European Central Bank too, is a creation really, of Saudi based Wahhabi groups, who falsely continue to believe, Europe, is destined to remain, the center, of the World and not, the Middle East]

1981: Germany almost faces, Economic collapse due to, bombings, spearheaded all over the Country by, North African Militants, who believe falsely that, the French, massacred millions of their people, during so called 'French Colonialism'.

1985: Sightings of Jesus Christ and Mary, appear to many around the World, proclaiming, the arrival, of, a New Age (which the Vatican/Church/Rome, attempts to deny in all). The Catholic Church, then attempts to dismantle really, the practise of other Christian traditions (around the World), and have them replaced with, Catholicism.

1989: The Berlin Wall comes down, after promises by, Saudi Arabian groups that, Germany, would be made, the very center, for the revival of, European Civilization, but primarily based to on, Hitler's Weimar Republic.

1994: America openly declares, War against Afghanistan, after the first World Trader Center bombings, and all really too, as part of, a Clinton Publicity Stunt, to have world attention turned back, towards America and the Clinton Administration [the so called, Afhganistan War, is Americas longest running War (in recent times), with nothing much really, to report/say about it]

1998: Silicon Valley, unofficially becomes bankrupt with, most of the dotcom companies, going underhill, and American based Canadian Media too, falsely begins, giving impressions of a, thriving Silicon Valley, which eventually leads (due to a high number, of dotcom companies, listed, in Americas Stock Exchanges), to the Housing Market Depression of 2007, and the overall collapse too, of American Stock Exchange Markets (in 2006)., which is Silicon Valleys most prosperous Dotcom company, took over 11 years, to turn in, a profit.

2001: America faces second attack, on the World Trade Center, by Canadian Feminist Militants, who actually are annoyed, by the restrictions implaced, on Canadians, with regards to how many actually, can cross over, the Canadian-American Border [Restrictions it was believed too, would strongly hamper, the Canadian Economy, and have, Canadas Elite classes, probably facing opposition/mutiny, with regards, to the falling/failing state, of Canadas living standards]

2007: Norways Shipping Industry, faces collapse due to, underlying historic tensions, with the Kingdom of Sweden, which in many ways too, results, in a general downfall (almost collapse), of, the Scandinavian Economy.

2011: Spains Economy, begins to falter (and fall even), but is salvaged, by it going into receivership, and under too, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.