Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Sounds of Bahrain

as with the Africoid Moor mainly really.

One should not, be surprised by all this, as. unknown to many really, the World of Media, is actually born in. the Islamic/Byzantine World, and not, the Western/American World. The origins of Western/American Media, actually lies in, the Middle East, and the presence of Media Cities in the Middle East, actually have to do with, creating Media, in, the Western/American World [as mentioned before too, the 'Motion Picture', is a 'Middle East'/Swahili creation and based too, on the Swahili 'Hadithi' (all 'movies' in the Middle East, are actually too, 'Motion Pictures'].

The world shown in the above Video, is actually, Bahraini (as with the Culture really) [and, the Womens Imagery too even].

The character Prince plays, is actually one, originating, in the 'Middle East', with the Africoid Moor, and is actually too, a change/transformation really, of the Arthurian Black-a-Mohr [in the 'Middle East', immigres (Brown) from Europe, become more or less, Africoid Moors, and the Black-a-mohr, once, a Religious Figure (as with the Papacy/Church), becomes now known really, as the Black-a-Moor, and now more or less, a Religio-Spiritual Figure, and in the spirit too, of, 'Sang Real'] [Stories, of the 'Fear of the 'Black Man' (believed Western in origins), are actually born with, the Black-a-Moor as a Figure, rather proficient/capable, of doing everything (from Science, to Sports, to Art, and everything else in between too really)] [This Imagery of the Black-A-Moor, is often confused for, European History, but is not, in any manner or form at all] [The Black-a-Moor, is also too (as with Western popularization), at the very heart, of the birth, of Afrocentric Media in the Western World, and also, of the Western Image, of Brown skinned Men surrounded, by, Beautiful White Women]

While Prophet Muhammed Socially, was a Mohammedan (as with 'Saladin' really, in the 'Kingdom of Heaven' movie), his associate, Al-Bukari, was actually, a Black-a-Moor.

[The most famous 'Black-a-Moor', in the Western Hemisphere, was actually, Andre Rigaud, who though falsely believed, Haitian, was actually really, from, the Middle East (and a follower too, of, Islam)] (most of the Black-a-Moors, were of French, and Italian origins too)