This entry, has the sole purpose of, attempting really, to explain to most out there, the very fact that, past Civilized existence on this very Earth, has mainly been driven by, Art, rather than, 'the World of Research', as many, tend to believe in today.
What is been said here is that, most out there see no reason really, or purpose even too, to engage in Art, and especially, in Dance, due to the failure really, to truly connect how, Art, has been directly responsible, for the very existence, of Civilization in the past.
To fully understand this though, is to fully perhaps, grasp, what it is, that Art does truly, represent (outwardly). As mentioned much earlier too though, Art, has always represented really Conflicts, Preferences, and 'Looks' even too. To most, these words appear meaningless, but they fail to understand that, most problems (if not all), faced out there, have the elements of conflict, preferences, and 'looks' even, when attempting to, deal with them (or tackle them perhaps really). In all really, what is been said here is that, the manifestation of good Art really, has the highest levels too probably, of Conflicts, Preferences, and 'Looks' [and in all too, as just said before really, thats truly what, a Problem, really is].
Art too though, is directly associated with, Intelligence, in the form really of, Progression, Sequencing, and Series/Harmony too even. By Progression, we are really referring to, the development of ourselves really, in the form of really too, Methodologies [as with Testing, Measurement, Assessment etc.] [In many ways perhaps too for example, Italian Art, differs from European Art, as Progression (as with Music even), is actually, based on Assessment, rather than Synthesis]. Sequencing here, refers to really, the ability to 'connect the dots', in problem solving, and also too perhaps, in a rather good piece of Literature. Series and Harmony refers really, to the ideas really too, of peace, harmony, and unity/order, when attempting to, solve a problem or even too, when actually really, presenting, a piece of Art really [as in all ways too, this is the true basis, of what they refer to as Talents, or Gifts even too] [And in all too, something rather difficult to manifest in all, and truly mainly not really seen (especially today), in most forms, of, problem solving].
That in many ways in all, is what, Art, truly really is.
This study though, really actually deals with, the Art of Dance really [and unknown to most too, the most important, form of Art out there really]. Dance though, is an Art form that, has never truly been, appreciated because, unlike other Art forms really, good Dance, is actually rather hard, to come by [Michael Jackson's style of Dance (as in Thriller really), believed rather inspiring perhaps, by many today, was actually nothing more really, than Street Dance, in olden Paris/France (and as mentioned too before, actually inspired, by the Greek 'Hero', Aeneas].
Why, this is said also is because, Dance, more than any other Art form out there, tends to define our realities/universes [as especially with regards to, defining luxury, or even too, the luxurious (as with defining it really too)], more than, anything else out there (in the World really) [why this is important, is because, understanding Luxury, or the Luxurious even, is the key, to perhaps, accessing in all, Knowledge, in the form of, facts, information, data etc.]
What really though, is Dance? At its very core too (or heart even), its all about really, what they do call, Rhythm. Why though, is Rhythm important? Rhythm is important, because, it is what truly, defines, our Realities from the, Metaphysical point of view really [or in reality, what some call, Cosmogony]. Rhythm in all, can be divided into, various components: tempo for instance, beat, rhythmic, bounce, meter, swing, count etc. These, and alot more other components too, of Rhythm, are the key to understanding, our Realities as based on really, what they do call, Cosmogony [the very world of, atoms, and photons too even] [In all really, while the world of Cosmogony, is highly believed to be, based on waves, it is actually defined truly by, the Photon, and its behaviour really, as based on, the various components, of Rhythm itself]. In all really too, attaining high development in Dance, enables one to access too, the realms of Cosmogony (as with understanding perhaps), and in all really, makes one able, to perform Magic, in all its forms really.
Yet still really, what is it that Dance, truly does for the average joe? It can be said to do really, three things mainly. At the top, as in the form really, of Religious Dance, it grounds one, to the land that one, inhabits really [what this really means too is that, Religious Dance, attunes one really, to any place they may inhabit, as with regards really too, to issues pertaining, to planning, plotting, scheming, interpolating (of all manner, of things really)]. Who truly, belongs in Europe, or in Africa even? It is those, attuned to the land as especially with, regards, to Religious Dance [that the African really, is highly defined truly, by African Dance, and the European too, by European Dance]. Second too, many are able to recognize the very fact that, a native of Africa perhaps, has a different voice too, from that, of a native of Europe (as an example really). All this, has to do, with the very issues of Rhythm, as showing itself in, the Voice, and as mainly defined too, by Religious Dance really [why, this is important is because, Rhythm, in the Voice, is responsible really, for the expressing of Power, Might and Authority, in everyday living, as especially with regards to, the Harmonious (i.e. Peace, Harmony and Unity too even)]. Thirdly, Religious Dance, is highly responsible for, attuning one to Nature (of the environments they inhabit) [and in many ways too in all, to the Cosmos/Universe itself], and what this does really, is enable one to, access really, all forms of, Patterns, that are responsible mainly, for giving one a, rather good, 'Sense of Space-Time reality' for instance, a 'Sense of Humour', and even too, a 'Sense of Order', as with especially having to do with, Architecture [a fine example of all this being that, Scottish/Italian/European Freemasonry, was highly associated, with Religious Dance, and was also responsible too, for the creation (design really) of, 'European' Architecture].
In all really, without being acquainted with (intimately even), the Religious Dance of a Region (or place even), one cannot be said, to be a true native of 'it' really. While African Dance, truly defines the African, it is also mainly rather, Black African in nature [as with African Dance here, being defined as being, Religious] [Most White Africans though, don't truly feel at home, in Africa, as they have no form really, of Dance really too, to attune them really too, to living, in Africa itself]. Europe, has traditionally been the home, of Brown skinned and White skinned peoples [with Brown skinned people heavily defining, Religious Dance (as mainly through Freemasonry), and White Dance, defining in all too, Regional Identities, of all kinds]. In South America, Dance has mainly been defined by, Black South Americans, and White South Americans too, and in many ways too really, both have developed similar Dances, resulting really in, the fact too really that, both White and Black South Americans, tend to move and walk even, in the same way/manner really [Brown Skinned South Americans, are in many ways really, rather unrecognizable in South America (as with Society really), as in all not only, are they not associated with, any form of Religious Dance really, but as a result really too, they are unable to connect, to both White and Black, South Americans]. In North America too, what one does see is that, Dance, is highly divided between, the three colours of Black, Brown and White too, such that they all, have in all too, developed, rather different Societies in all [as with simply, being able to connect (socially), to others] [while Jazz Dance for instance has been, mainly Black in colour, American Ballet (American Dance), has been White, while Ballroom Dance, has always been, Brown] [Why this is said is because, all these three forms of Dance really, are actually, Religious Dance (and in all too really, making the three colours of White, Brown and Black in America, more different, than they think they are (as with basic movements even)] [What is called here too, American Ballet (most highly developed though, in Quebec), is actually, Ballet, as Ballet in Europe/Russia, does have its origins in, North America really] [Ballet, is not, European Dance].
In all really, what is been said here is that, Dance, has traditionally been responsible for, defining us really, at our very core (as with the Hominid in us too), and heavily responsible too, for defining us in general, as with regards to, how, we in general think (i.e. planning, plotting, scheming etc.), and how in all too really, we show (exert perhaps even), power or might generally (in an everyday basis), and finally too also, strongly defining in all, our general senses of humour, order, or even too, space-time reality [what truly makes, the Italian, different from other Europeans is that/because, Italian Dance, is in many ways truly, rather different from, European Dance] [The 'Crip walk', falsely believed an, American Street Dance, actually has its origins, in Italian Dance, with Italian Dance being, one of the most highly, developed, forms of Dance out there] [European/Italian Dance in all, has been rather actually, more developed than in, other Regions, of the World, making it, a rather highly, Magical form, of Dance really] (and oftenly sometimes, as with such really, highly associated with, European/Italian Freemasonry].
(Italian Street Dance)
One of the more unknown, forms of Dance, is actually really, Victorian Dance. Victorian Dance, originates, in Victorian Kenya really too, and is one, of the most, highly sexual forms, of Dance out there too [in all meaning, if one cannot handle it, one, cannot truly handle too, living, in Afrique]
(in many ways really, thats the world of Osiris/'Egypt')
All this, explained too because, unless one is acquainted with, the Dance of a people perhaps, one cannot truly, see them, for whom/what, they truly/really are [meaning really, one is truly capable, of seeing/knowing an African, by watching really, African Dance, as Indian Dance too, tends to expose the, Indian, from a rather, hominidal/psychological, perspective really]. In all really, witnessing such Dance, enables one to see, the African (or Indian even), as being Real perhaps, Normal, or simply even, as being Plain too (really) [all this too, for those, who read Literature or History, but perceives really, the characters in them as being, cartoon like].

Dance though, is rather important really, for truly connecting us, to our worlds/realities [as with truly feeling, we belong, to, the Earth itself] [Many truly, do not feel at home, on Earth, and mainly identify, with, their physical homes really].
Why this is said, is because, connecting to Earth itself, is really truly about, how one does connect, to everyday life really, with regards really too, to Rhythm itself (in all). In all really, what is been said here is that, at every moment of ones life, and just about anywhere else too, on this Earth really, one should express themselves in all, in the following four manners really: with Artistry, Artistic, Artful, or even too, Art-like [this too really, even, if, in a Jungle or Forest for instance] [thats how truly, one does feel like really, they truly belong, to the Earth itself]. Traditionally though, connecting to the Earth as with, the ability really, to express oneself in an, Art-like manner for instance, has strongly been associated, with Gender based Dances, based too on, the belief that Women, as with Dance really (and not Sex), can help one, rather easily, connect, to Society, and the Earth itself too [in the olden days, Dances existed too, not only between, Man and Woman (as with normal dancing), or Masculine and Feminine (as with the Tango perhaps), but mainly too, as with regards to, the Male and Female (which is where too, as with differences really, most trouble between the Genders, tends to arise from)].
Dance though, was stated above as being, able, to connect us (or define really), our realities/universes, in most ways really too [this becoming truly true, as with regards to really, Cosmogony] [What is been said here for instance is that, Italian, Greek and Egyptian Dance, were so rather heavily, developed, that not only could one, talk of Italian, Greek, or even, Egyptian Cosmogony too, but in all such Dance, made it rather difficult for example, for the average joe, to in general really, be able to converse for instance, with the average Italian, Greek, or Egyptian even] [In all too really, speaking of the inability to connect, to such individuals (as even too, with feelings really)].
In reality though, when one speaks really of, Dance, as defining our, everyday realities/universes too, is really truly, speaking of Dance, as defined mainly from, a poetic, or even too really, a musical manner even. To make this, even more clearer, is to state as follows:
Dance as defined truly, via Poetry, is about really, one expressing themselves, in the form of Artistry, the Artistic, the Artful, or even, in an Art-like manner.
Dance as defined truly, via Music, is really about speaking of, Decorations, Designs, Arts, and finally too even, Crafts.
Dance as defined truly, via Art/Sculpture, is really about, speaking of Hair Styling, Jewelry, Beautifying/Make-up, and finally too even, Adornments (clothing, or even swords too).
Dance as defined truly, via the Culinary Arts, is really about, speaking of the way, people in general talk, relate, converse, and speak too, with each other [as with a glass/drink, at hand perhaps for example].
Dance as defined truly, via Writings is really about, what constitutes, passion, outbursts, yearnings, or even too, infatuation (in our daily lives really).
In all, what has been said is that, Dance, can create such, seemingless, universes/realities, as based truly, on the above, which too, make for everyday, basic too (perhaps even), Existences [that in all really, Civilization and Life, truly begin for example, with the above] [and not either, the creation, of all forms, of Institutions really] [In all too really, the roots of Europe, lay with the above, and not, with the creation of, Political based Institutions (which are too also, survival based by nature)].
Finally even, Dance (as mainly associated, with our Hominid selfs), has been associated with, helping us, develop, rather strong Self-Love [as with regards really, to recovering from, all forms of attacks really]. What this really refers too, is a way of defining, Self-Love, as based on, the developing of Gestures, Demeanor, and finally too even, Stature [in all their forms really]. In all really, developing the above three, helps one with, the ability to recover from, any form of attack really, perpetrated towards one [even rather easily too even]. In Asia, this was mainly done, via Martial forms of Dance (such as even, the Katas of Karate), while in Europe, Fencing (as a Martial Dance really), was used to do, the very same [in Italy, Fencing takes the form really, of 'Sword Fight'].
In all really, true survival on this Earth, has traditionally not been, based on Intensive Research (of all forms) [and Political Institutions too], but actually really, on the mastery of Dance (and Religious too really), and in all its forms too really.
What is been said here is that, most out there see no reason really, or purpose even too, to engage in Art, and especially, in Dance, due to the failure really, to truly connect how, Art, has been directly responsible, for the very existence, of Civilization in the past.
To fully understand this though, is to fully perhaps, grasp, what it is, that Art does truly, represent (outwardly). As mentioned much earlier too though, Art, has always represented really Conflicts, Preferences, and 'Looks' even too. To most, these words appear meaningless, but they fail to understand that, most problems (if not all), faced out there, have the elements of conflict, preferences, and 'looks' even, when attempting to, deal with them (or tackle them perhaps really). In all really, what is been said here is that, the manifestation of good Art really, has the highest levels too probably, of Conflicts, Preferences, and 'Looks' [and in all too, as just said before really, thats truly what, a Problem, really is].
Art too though, is directly associated with, Intelligence, in the form really of, Progression, Sequencing, and Series/Harmony too even. By Progression, we are really referring to, the development of ourselves really, in the form of really too, Methodologies [as with Testing, Measurement, Assessment etc.] [In many ways perhaps too for example, Italian Art, differs from European Art, as Progression (as with Music even), is actually, based on Assessment, rather than Synthesis]. Sequencing here, refers to really, the ability to 'connect the dots', in problem solving, and also too perhaps, in a rather good piece of Literature. Series and Harmony refers really, to the ideas really too, of peace, harmony, and unity/order, when attempting to, solve a problem or even too, when actually really, presenting, a piece of Art really [as in all ways too, this is the true basis, of what they refer to as Talents, or Gifts even too] [And in all too, something rather difficult to manifest in all, and truly mainly not really seen (especially today), in most forms, of, problem solving].
That in many ways in all, is what, Art, truly really is.
This study though, really actually deals with, the Art of Dance really [and unknown to most too, the most important, form of Art out there really]. Dance though, is an Art form that, has never truly been, appreciated because, unlike other Art forms really, good Dance, is actually rather hard, to come by [Michael Jackson's style of Dance (as in Thriller really), believed rather inspiring perhaps, by many today, was actually nothing more really, than Street Dance, in olden Paris/France (and as mentioned too before, actually inspired, by the Greek 'Hero', Aeneas].
Why, this is said also is because, Dance, more than any other Art form out there, tends to define our realities/universes [as especially with regards to, defining luxury, or even too, the luxurious (as with defining it really too)], more than, anything else out there (in the World really) [why this is important, is because, understanding Luxury, or the Luxurious even, is the key, to perhaps, accessing in all, Knowledge, in the form of, facts, information, data etc.]
What really though, is Dance? At its very core too (or heart even), its all about really, what they do call, Rhythm. Why though, is Rhythm important? Rhythm is important, because, it is what truly, defines, our Realities from the, Metaphysical point of view really [or in reality, what some call, Cosmogony]. Rhythm in all, can be divided into, various components: tempo for instance, beat, rhythmic, bounce, meter, swing, count etc. These, and alot more other components too, of Rhythm, are the key to understanding, our Realities as based on really, what they do call, Cosmogony [the very world of, atoms, and photons too even] [In all really, while the world of Cosmogony, is highly believed to be, based on waves, it is actually defined truly by, the Photon, and its behaviour really, as based on, the various components, of Rhythm itself]. In all really too, attaining high development in Dance, enables one to access too, the realms of Cosmogony (as with understanding perhaps), and in all really, makes one able, to perform Magic, in all its forms really.
Yet still really, what is it that Dance, truly does for the average joe? It can be said to do really, three things mainly. At the top, as in the form really, of Religious Dance, it grounds one, to the land that one, inhabits really [what this really means too is that, Religious Dance, attunes one really, to any place they may inhabit, as with regards really too, to issues pertaining, to planning, plotting, scheming, interpolating (of all manner, of things really)]. Who truly, belongs in Europe, or in Africa even? It is those, attuned to the land as especially with, regards, to Religious Dance [that the African really, is highly defined truly, by African Dance, and the European too, by European Dance]. Second too, many are able to recognize the very fact that, a native of Africa perhaps, has a different voice too, from that, of a native of Europe (as an example really). All this, has to do, with the very issues of Rhythm, as showing itself in, the Voice, and as mainly defined too, by Religious Dance really [why, this is important is because, Rhythm, in the Voice, is responsible really, for the expressing of Power, Might and Authority, in everyday living, as especially with regards to, the Harmonious (i.e. Peace, Harmony and Unity too even)]. Thirdly, Religious Dance, is highly responsible for, attuning one to Nature (of the environments they inhabit) [and in many ways too in all, to the Cosmos/Universe itself], and what this does really, is enable one to, access really, all forms of, Patterns, that are responsible mainly, for giving one a, rather good, 'Sense of Space-Time reality' for instance, a 'Sense of Humour', and even too, a 'Sense of Order', as with especially having to do with, Architecture [a fine example of all this being that, Scottish/Italian/European Freemasonry, was highly associated, with Religious Dance, and was also responsible too, for the creation (design really) of, 'European' Architecture].
In all really, without being acquainted with (intimately even), the Religious Dance of a Region (or place even), one cannot be said, to be a true native of 'it' really. While African Dance, truly defines the African, it is also mainly rather, Black African in nature [as with African Dance here, being defined as being, Religious] [Most White Africans though, don't truly feel at home, in Africa, as they have no form really, of Dance really too, to attune them really too, to living, in Africa itself]. Europe, has traditionally been the home, of Brown skinned and White skinned peoples [with Brown skinned people heavily defining, Religious Dance (as mainly through Freemasonry), and White Dance, defining in all too, Regional Identities, of all kinds]. In South America, Dance has mainly been defined by, Black South Americans, and White South Americans too, and in many ways too really, both have developed similar Dances, resulting really in, the fact too really that, both White and Black South Americans, tend to move and walk even, in the same way/manner really [Brown Skinned South Americans, are in many ways really, rather unrecognizable in South America (as with Society really), as in all not only, are they not associated with, any form of Religious Dance really, but as a result really too, they are unable to connect, to both White and Black, South Americans]. In North America too, what one does see is that, Dance, is highly divided between, the three colours of Black, Brown and White too, such that they all, have in all too, developed, rather different Societies in all [as with simply, being able to connect (socially), to others] [while Jazz Dance for instance has been, mainly Black in colour, American Ballet (American Dance), has been White, while Ballroom Dance, has always been, Brown] [Why this is said is because, all these three forms of Dance really, are actually, Religious Dance (and in all too really, making the three colours of White, Brown and Black in America, more different, than they think they are (as with basic movements even)] [What is called here too, American Ballet (most highly developed though, in Quebec), is actually, Ballet, as Ballet in Europe/Russia, does have its origins in, North America really] [Ballet, is not, European Dance].
In all really, what is been said here is that, Dance, has traditionally been responsible for, defining us really, at our very core (as with the Hominid in us too), and heavily responsible too, for defining us in general, as with regards to, how, we in general think (i.e. planning, plotting, scheming etc.), and how in all too really, we show (exert perhaps even), power or might generally (in an everyday basis), and finally too also, strongly defining in all, our general senses of humour, order, or even too, space-time reality [what truly makes, the Italian, different from other Europeans is that/because, Italian Dance, is in many ways truly, rather different from, European Dance] [The 'Crip walk', falsely believed an, American Street Dance, actually has its origins, in Italian Dance, with Italian Dance being, one of the most highly, developed, forms of Dance out there] [European/Italian Dance in all, has been rather actually, more developed than in, other Regions, of the World, making it, a rather highly, Magical form, of Dance really] (and oftenly sometimes, as with such really, highly associated with, European/Italian Freemasonry].
(Italian Street Dance)
One of the more unknown, forms of Dance, is actually really, Victorian Dance. Victorian Dance, originates, in Victorian Kenya really too, and is one, of the most, highly sexual forms, of Dance out there too [in all meaning, if one cannot handle it, one, cannot truly handle too, living, in Afrique]
(in many ways really, thats the world of Osiris/'Egypt')
All this, explained too because, unless one is acquainted with, the Dance of a people perhaps, one cannot truly, see them, for whom/what, they truly/really are [meaning really, one is truly capable, of seeing/knowing an African, by watching really, African Dance, as Indian Dance too, tends to expose the, Indian, from a rather, hominidal/psychological, perspective really]. In all really, witnessing such Dance, enables one to see, the African (or Indian even), as being Real perhaps, Normal, or simply even, as being Plain too (really) [all this too, for those, who read Literature or History, but perceives really, the characters in them as being, cartoon like].
Dance though, is rather important really, for truly connecting us, to our worlds/realities [as with truly feeling, we belong, to, the Earth itself] [Many truly, do not feel at home, on Earth, and mainly identify, with, their physical homes really].
Why this is said, is because, connecting to Earth itself, is really truly about, how one does connect, to everyday life really, with regards really too, to Rhythm itself (in all). In all really, what is been said here is that, at every moment of ones life, and just about anywhere else too, on this Earth really, one should express themselves in all, in the following four manners really: with Artistry, Artistic, Artful, or even too, Art-like [this too really, even, if, in a Jungle or Forest for instance] [thats how truly, one does feel like really, they truly belong, to the Earth itself]. Traditionally though, connecting to the Earth as with, the ability really, to express oneself in an, Art-like manner for instance, has strongly been associated, with Gender based Dances, based too on, the belief that Women, as with Dance really (and not Sex), can help one, rather easily, connect, to Society, and the Earth itself too [in the olden days, Dances existed too, not only between, Man and Woman (as with normal dancing), or Masculine and Feminine (as with the Tango perhaps), but mainly too, as with regards to, the Male and Female (which is where too, as with differences really, most trouble between the Genders, tends to arise from)].
Dance though, was stated above as being, able, to connect us (or define really), our realities/universes, in most ways really too [this becoming truly true, as with regards to really, Cosmogony] [What is been said here for instance is that, Italian, Greek and Egyptian Dance, were so rather heavily, developed, that not only could one, talk of Italian, Greek, or even, Egyptian Cosmogony too, but in all such Dance, made it rather difficult for example, for the average joe, to in general really, be able to converse for instance, with the average Italian, Greek, or Egyptian even] [In all too really, speaking of the inability to connect, to such individuals (as even too, with feelings really)].
In reality though, when one speaks really of, Dance, as defining our, everyday realities/universes too, is really truly, speaking of Dance, as defined mainly from, a poetic, or even too really, a musical manner even. To make this, even more clearer, is to state as follows:
Dance as defined truly, via Poetry, is about really, one expressing themselves, in the form of Artistry, the Artistic, the Artful, or even, in an Art-like manner.
Dance as defined truly, via Music, is really about speaking of, Decorations, Designs, Arts, and finally too even, Crafts.
Dance as defined truly, via Art/Sculpture, is really about, speaking of Hair Styling, Jewelry, Beautifying/Make-up, and finally too even, Adornments (clothing, or even swords too).
Dance as defined truly, via the Culinary Arts, is really about, speaking of the way, people in general talk, relate, converse, and speak too, with each other [as with a glass/drink, at hand perhaps for example].
Dance as defined truly, via Writings is really about, what constitutes, passion, outbursts, yearnings, or even too, infatuation (in our daily lives really).
In all, what has been said is that, Dance, can create such, seemingless, universes/realities, as based truly, on the above, which too, make for everyday, basic too (perhaps even), Existences [that in all really, Civilization and Life, truly begin for example, with the above] [and not either, the creation, of all forms, of Institutions really] [In all too really, the roots of Europe, lay with the above, and not, with the creation of, Political based Institutions (which are too also, survival based by nature)].
Finally even, Dance (as mainly associated, with our Hominid selfs), has been associated with, helping us, develop, rather strong Self-Love [as with regards really, to recovering from, all forms of attacks really]. What this really refers too, is a way of defining, Self-Love, as based on, the developing of Gestures, Demeanor, and finally too even, Stature [in all their forms really]. In all really, developing the above three, helps one with, the ability to recover from, any form of attack really, perpetrated towards one [even rather easily too even]. In Asia, this was mainly done, via Martial forms of Dance (such as even, the Katas of Karate), while in Europe, Fencing (as a Martial Dance really), was used to do, the very same [in Italy, Fencing takes the form really, of 'Sword Fight'].
In all really, true survival on this Earth, has traditionally not been, based on Intensive Research (of all forms) [and Political Institutions too], but actually really, on the mastery of Dance (and Religious too really), and in all its forms too really.