Monday, November 14, 2011

Spatial Intelligence

and Afrique.

- those who have been to Africa (and including Afrique too really), do know in all that, there is often in all too really, a rather huge even, problem, for most in all, and with regards really, to Space-Time Realities in all actually [meaning in all too really, that people in Africa in all, don't often truly, see things (and as with space-time reality too actually), for what, they truly are really (with one minute, an object in all, looking much bigger too really, than it did the last)].

The Classical Music pieces above (and by Brilliant Classics), can in many ways too in all really, help those in Afrique, truly see Reality (Space-Time) for what it truly is [as with this in all too really, of paramount importance even, and in the fields truly, of Architecture, and Arch (organization and architecture) itself even].

Same too in all, for Africa really [and a place in all too, heavily defined in all really, by Drumming actually (as with Space-Time Reality even), but, would be best defined in all too really, by Smooth Jazz actually (as with it even, best seen truly, as the music form in all, uniting Africa really, and rather than Reggae too actually)]