Egypt, Land of the Pharaohs!! - The fascination in all, never, does seem, to end. The obsession with Egypt though, presented here, is that mainly associated, with its Priesthoods. The way, Egyptian History, is perceived by most, heavily, differs, according really, to, Civilization of interest. Different Civilizations, have often, viewed, the Egyptians, rather, differently in all, and giving birth, to, alot, of confusion, with regards, to the real, Egyptian History.
The belief, in Egypt, as the, Mother of all Civilization (here on Earth), as mainly, with splendour really is one, today, mainly associated, with, 'Indian' Civilization. An Egypt really, of, great riches, and wealth made (by/for all). You too have, the Islamic view, of, Ancient Egypt, as a Civilization, which, they very much, stem from, and the belief, that, the Egyptians, were highly, Intelligent (as with Wisdom really), and in many ways too, highly,, knowledgeable, of the Magical Arts. You then have, the Romans (Civilization), who viewed, Egypt, more or less, from, the perspective, of, Political/Military Might, and in many ways, were, awed, by Egyptian Spirituality (as with, Horus mainly). You have then too, Ancient Spain, to which, is accredited, anything, negative, ever written, about, the Egyptians [(from Slavery, to, the Status, of, its various, populations)(as especially too, with, the histories, of, dominant Cities, as with Religion)]. You also have, the Western world, which obsessively, views, Egyptian History, as with, 'racism' perhaps (towards), or with regards really, to Nubians, Jews, and, even, the Assyrians. Finally, it is, with the Greeks, where, Egyptian History, is presented, mainly, from the perspective mainly, of, Intellectual Thought (as with, its Priesthoods really), and the, uncovering, of all sorts, of Knowledge (including, the building, of, the Pyramids), and in many ways too, an obsession, with, its Priest figures (and especially, Imhotep).
It is, to the very last view, that we in all here, attempt, to present, Ancient Egypt (as a Mecca perhaps), of, all forms, of, Intellectual Thought, pertaining really, to, the advancement, of, Civilization. The Egyptians [as with the Priesthoods really], once did, believe, that Civilization (on Earth),, would one day, die off, and sought, to stem this, off, by very much, gong, on a, 'Spiritual Journey' (more or less, to say the least), to uncover [and produce too], as much, Spiritual-based, Knowledge, to in many ways, guide, Humanity, in the case, of, the decline, of, World Civilization [as especially, seen, with the 21st Dynasty (and its heavy study, of, the Feminine), and also too, the attempt, to popularize, Egyptian Thought in all, by, the Greeks, by attempting in all too, to fuse, Egyptian & Greek Thought, together, during, the Thebes (Egyptian-Greek Civilization) & Alexandrian, Eras] [Alexandrian, refers, to, Greek Thought, more or less, strongly, influenced, by Egyptian Thought (as with, practicality mainly)].
Alot of this Knowledge, was, in many ways, spread through, different parts, of, the World [Roman, Assyrian, Aryan, Niger, Chinese/Xia, Indian, Byzantium, Thebes, and including, Europe too (Dutch/Greek & Alexandrian together)], and, we shall attempt, to reproduce really (remnants of it), as associated really, with, Survival issues, as based, on what, famed, Swiss Psychologist (Carl Jung), called in all the Id.
The Id:
What is referred to, as the Id, in all ways, really, refers to, our four, basic Instincts [Hunger, Humour, Sleep, and Sex]. In all ways really, as a, simple definer in all, the Id (as with, these four Instincts), should be, maintained properly, in order, for us, to behave, in what, they call, a, Humane manner [with utmost, Self-Respect perhaps]. To understand this fuller, is to, know, that, maintaining these four Instincts, of the Id, is all about, granting them, as much, Choice, Option, or Will, as they, can handle, really [as with, quality too really]. Doing so, results, in the, creation, of Human beings, that are in most ways, an Ideal (as with, a Movie Star perhaps).
How the Id, has been maintained, in the past, was, the key really, to knowing, the obvious, difference, between, a Quebecois, and a French person (for instance). In all ways truly, the Id, is, also, very much too, associated, with, all forms (and kinds too), of, what they call, the Political (as with, Political Institutions too). The 'Political', in all [and not, Religion, Social, Politics, Economics], is needed, to maintain, the Id, as with, offering it really, as much, Choice, Option, or Will, as it, can handle [with Religion, Social, Politics etc., actually referring really, to the maintaining, of, the Psyche (as mainly, with, Religious Thought)].
In all really (as with Advancement causes perhaps) [rather than taking, a path, down, Histories lane], we shall, in all, attempt, to not only, show, how these, four Instincts, are in all, maintained, but also, show this, from, more or less, a, future based, perspective.
Hunger Instinct:
The Hunger Instinct, can be associated, with, the seeking out, of, all forms, of, Knowledge [as along with, being, satiated, with the right, kind, of Foods]. In many ways too, it is, the Instinct, that is, responsible really (in all), for creating, Hierarchies, in Society [especially, those, Social in nature]. Today though, one finds that, Civilization/Society, has regressed, to, the point, where, Looks, Physical Image, and, even, Riches, are used, to define, Hierarchy, in Society/Civilization. This has not, mainly, always, been the case (as even, with, Greek & Egyptian, Civilizations really). During then (as with, the more, recent, European times), Hierarchies, were, embodied mainly, based on, Archetypal beings, who, defined us, in totality [as with, being, a Fool, or Artist even] [or as when, we are just, being, ourselves, and not, really, thinking at all] [The uniting perhaps, of our two, basic, Human natures].
What will be proposed, below, is a return, to, the olden days, where, Hierarchies, were very much, based, on, Archetypal beings, with the proposed, beings, being, very much, of, Egyptian origins, as with, Thought really [in all, what is been said, is that, the Egyptians in totally, attempted, to embody, Saint Valentine, in all, his, various forms] [to better, understand this, is to know, that, Saint Valentine, was also, used, as the Ideal (human), in, European Civilization, and appearing, in, various forms, such as, Christ (in all his forms, as seen, in Europe), St. Thomas 0f Aquinas, and even, St. Augustine of Hippo] [In all, Saint Valentine, as with, his representations, in European Civilization, refers really, to, holy Figures, often dressed, in, blue and red, Robes].
North America: St. Michael and the Litany of Saints
- by Litany, it is hereby, referred, to, all Saints, who, in all ways, are simply, embodiments, of, Saint Michael (and often, dressed, in red and white, robes).
South America: St. James and the Liturgy of Saints
- one should note, that, Saints, of the Liturgy, with similar names, are also, to be found at times, in, the Litany (of Saints).
Europe: St. Valentine and the Festival of Saints
-rather Egyptian in all, and the, head Saint (as with name given), in all too, represents, what, they call, a Patron Saint.
Africa: St. Mark and the Canon of Saints
- Canon of Mass really
South East Asia: St. John and the Calendar of Saints
East Asia: St. Francis and the Cult of Saints
The Middle East: St. Peter and the Communion of Saints
The Humour Instinct:
The Humour Instinct, is one, that, regulates, our various, relations (of all kinds) [from being, a, famed Celebrity to more or less, a recluse, such as, a Sage]. Traditionally, it has been, associated, with, creating Community (in all its forms), and surprisingly enough, today, has, regressed, to the, Community mold [as Civilization/Society, had more or less, advanced, to, the Individual mold (as today, mainly, seen, in Islam) (Western Society, is mainly, Isolative really)].
In all really, the Humour Instinct, does, heavily define, the, 'Political', as mainly, to do, with, Infrastructure, Intellect, Deep Philosophical Thought, and, Debate (in all its forms) [Infrastructure, is also, mainly (alot even), associated, with, the Hunger Instinct].
Below, controversially [as in Egypt of old, and the likes, of, Akhenaten perhaps (attempting really, to change, Religion, at its, very base level, from, Amun, to Aten worship)], will be, the attempt really, to show, the Masses out there, that, what consists, of the 'Political' (in their Worlds) [as with, the Congressional], is in many ways, today, misdirected. In all really, there are, better ways, of creating, the, Congressional, rather than, through, the Parliament (as with, modern Democracy really), or even, through, Women (as with, modern City-States mainly).
Europe: The (French) Senate
- for Europe, all forms, of, the 'Political', as with, Infrastructure, or even simply, the solving, of all forms, of problems, associated, with, Choice, Option, or Will (including Abortion, and Cloning issues too), all hinger, around, the (French) Senate [which really, is, of, Dutch origins (as with, the Dutch Republic mainly), and not really, Roman]. If, you are a, French person, and hate, crime (in your neighbourhood), you don't really, want, to report, the matter, to the police (if rampant), or even, call n, to a TV (or Radio) program, but instead, should march, to, the (French) Senate, and demand/seek, Justice.
Africa: The Security Council
- seen often, as with, the UN really, and also too, as with, Brussels (and the EU), the Security Council, is seen, as, best, to replace, Parliament in Africa (which has, proven, to be, a disaster), and best, suited, to dealing with, Africas, disaster prone, Survival issues/problems.
South East Asia: Vita Nuova
- South East Asia, is a region today, marked, by huge really, poverty rates (and even, hunger rates too), due, to the collapse, of, the 'Political', in the Region. In many ways really, this is due, to the, general difficulty, of creating, the 'Political', in, South East Asia, due mainly, to, unforeseen really, Infrastructural, difficulties (as with valleys, and Jungles too). Traditionally though, the Political, in South East Asia, has always, existed, strongly, in the form, of, the Community [and highly, dependent, on Women too]. It is believed though, that, the International Organization (as envisioned really, by, Vita Nuova), can be used, to easily, resolve, 'Political' problems, in, South East Asia [so, if you are a, South East Asian, tired of' Bureaucratic madness, you probably, want to send, a letter, an email perhaps too, or even, put a phone call through, to' 'Silvano Berlusconi', to get started really (in most ways), on, Civilization].
North America: The Military Junta
- The Military Junta, often strongly, associated, with, bringing peace, to Africa (as with, Rebel groups really), is, in many ways, best suited, for, North America [as with, having, origins, in the, Roman Civilization]. North Americans, are in many ways, rather, Militaristic by nature, and the, Senate, has in many ways, failed, to get a hold, of, Civility (in America n all) [as one, does find, that, Lobby Groups (Popular, and even, Student), are, influential, in, actually passing, laws/bills, in, the US Senate] [Its simply, madness unbetold]. In many ways too, the Military Junta, can, make, real, an American Dream, of existing, very much, along, the lines, of a, Military-Industrial-Entertainment/Media (Complex) (rather real in all) [It can make it really, in all ways, real, by reintroducing, Military culture, into, North American lives, as by having, the Air Force (define the Entertainment/Media), and the Navy (the Industrial)] [In all really, the Air Force (as with 'Top Gun' perhaps) can help too, accommodate/ingrain, the Quebecois (swashbuckling) Musketeer, into, North American Society].
South America: The English Parliament
- South America, heavily today, ruled, along the lines, of, Intellectual Political Bodies, would best, work [as with Justice, 'Choice/Option/Will', or even, with simply, building, the Infrastructural (in all its forms)], along, the lines, of, the English Parliament [mainly too, due, to the fact, that, alot, of, South American, Political based Issues/Problems, are actually, of, the Cultural/Culture, kind (as with, discrimination, or even, troublesome youth), which in many ways, is what, Parliament (English really), was, created for].
East Asia: Federalism
- Federalism here, refers mainly, to, the 'Political', as mainly seen, in, South America (and especially, Brazil) today. In many ways, an East Asia, still, today, very much, ruled (surprisingly enough), by, an Aristocracy, would best, function, based on, Federalism [and, Intellectual Political Bodies, of all kinds/forms] [Including those, created, by, Students in all]. In many ways too, the above, will result, in, the creation, of what, some call, 'National Government', as opposed, to 'State Government', which in many ways, is what, Aristocracies, embody (in the worst form), as with, Oligarchies really [and all this, in all really, raising, East Asian Civilization, to, levels, they have, often, sought out (as with, America really, and the issue, of Prestige)].
The Middle East: The Boule (The Greek Council)
- The Middle East, today, mainly functions, along, the lines, of, the Eccumenical Council, as seen really, in, Islamic Civilization. In many ways though, the Islamic Ecumenical Council, while seen/known, to be, rather deep, in Thought, is somewhat, backward, as with, metting out, all forms, of, Justice [in many ways too, the division, seen, between, Shi'a and Sunni Islam, in the Middle East, has in many ways, to do, with, Islamic Ecumenical Councils]. The Greek Boule, in most (if not all), ways, represents really, a rather, high level, form, of, the Ecumenical Council, that calls, in many ways, to, greater/grander, tests, of Faith (as with, 'Islam' really), and also, the kind, of Councils, believed, will unite, Sunni and Shi'a, in, Political Thinking [of all kinds/forms].
[In most ways really, the Islamic Ecumenical Council, is today, probably, best suited, for, the Islamic World, as having really, a base, in, Turkey].
As a finality, one, should realize really, the real purpose, of, the Congressional, is to not only, put up, the Infrastructural (in all its forms), but mainly really, to debate (really), what really, Justice (and the other, three, Cardinal Virtues), actually/really represent/mean [as with, Choice, Option, or Will even]; but in all too also, engage, in the above, four descriptors (of the Congressional) [Infrastructure, Intellect, Deep Philosophical Thought, Debate], as with, helping, define, what, Power, Might, and Authority, really mean, in, a Society/Civilization.
Regional Congressional Orgs:
- [as with, uniting, Regions, Politically, as one (and dealing, heavily, with Regional, Survival issues, in all)]
North America: Quebec (as, Regional Congressional Seat, of Military Junta)
South America: Venezuela
Europe: The Netherlands (as home, to, the Dutch Republic)
Africa: Botswana
South East Asia: Sri Lanka
East Asia: China
The Middle East: Bahrain
The Sleep Instinct:
The Sleep Instinct, in many ways (or, all perhaps too really), is used, to regulate, Sleep (of all kinds), but also too really, used, with regards, to what, they call, Philosophies [as with, defining, Boldness, Bravery, and Bravado], Political Thought [as with, defining, Virtue, in all its entirety], and even, helping, create, Egalitarian, Worldly, and, Cosmopolitan Societies [compared, to the, heavily divided (amongst, ethnic/racial lines), Societies, we, mainly inhabit, today] [All these too, being, deliberated on perhaps (as with, Deep Philosophical Thought), within, the Congressional].
Below too, will be presented, various, Political Thought (systems), that can be used, as a guide really, by the various, Peoples, in the various, World Regions, with regards, to, the Formulation (of just, about, anything) [as with, perhaps, what, clothes to wear, or, food to eat even (in the basic sense), to even, where to, build, a City (or Highway even), or even, too, what, permissible Religious Thought, is allowed, in, a certain, 'Place'] [All this, instead, of, depending, on Experts (Women), Professors even, or even, Private (University) Think Tanks, in all].
Africa: Republicanism
- Republicanism, heavily associated, with, American Political Thought (as with, the South mainly), heavily, suits, Africa, with regards mainly to, Political Thought. In many ways, Philosophies, and, Political Thought [heavily based, on, accessing, Choice, Option, or Will] [as with, Spirit, and, the Landmass too], can best, be, implemented, in African Society, via, the use, of, what, they call, Cultural Centers [places in all, one seeks out, Choice, Option, or Will, as with, Republicanism really].
South America: Democracy (Greek)
- best implemented too, via, the concept, of, the Art Institute.
Europe: Liberalism
- first seen, in, the Dutch Republic (as Thought really), but commonly, practised (in the past really), as mainly, with, the, Madonna Cults (of old) (and what, they called, Public Forays too) [Perhaps, best implemented too, via, a culture, of, Political Writings (in all)] [As a form really, of, the Public Foray (rather, than going, Guy Fawkes, on all) (when not to happy, as with Virtue mainly, or even, Egalitarianism)].
East Asia: Aristocracy
- can work, rather well, in, East Asia (as with, Political Thought), and all implemented (regulated too) really, via, what they call, 'Celebrity Worship' [as astounding, as it may sound] [Those having, Worldly problems (stereotyping perhaps), or even, Virtue (or Bravado too) problems, in East Asia, could try, putting through, a call, to, Jackie Chan, on all this].
South East Asia: Plutocracy
- Plutocracy, in many ways, can be said, to be, Political Thought, regulated, in all ways really, by, a rather, active, News Media (as a, modern example really). In all, those, who control, Media (as with having, Wealth too really), in many ways really, formulate, Philosophies (and Political Thought) [as with, Plato, and, the School of Athens], for all [if you are an Indian for instance, unhappy, with, garbage disposal, or even crime (in your community), what you really want to do (other than, call, the Police, or report, all this, to, Administrative Authorities), is, call up, someone, like, Kalanithi Maran, and simply, voice, your distaste] [by asking him perhaps, to air, a, Political Ad (broadcast), asking, the masses (Indians), to be, responsible citizens, in all (and pick up, rubbish, wherever, seen)] [or simply really, just do the right thing].
North America: Meritocracy
- for North America, the good old, Meritocracy (as with, working hard, and expecting, to be, equally recompensated), is the way, Philosophies, Political Thought, and, the formulation, of, different kinds, of Society (Egalitarian etc.), has traditionally, been, conceptualized (in all). In all really too, best, implemented (regulated), based, very much on, the concept, of Royalty [as with, prominent Families (in the form, of Dynasties really), representing in all, what, Meritocracy, is all about (as with, the Kennedy's, for instance)].
Middle East: Leagues
The League (often, unknown, commonly even), is a form, of, Philosophies/Political Thought, highly based, on, Individual/Group Formations. A Greek, concept (as with, the, Aetolian League), it represents popularly, the Cult of 'Infamy', and in most ways, best, represented commonly, in movies, such as, 'Oceans 11', and especially too, 'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' [in all really, the best, way, to implement, Political Thought, in a, rather, highly Individual (as with, Philosophies mainly), Middle East] [In all too also, best regulated/implemented, via, Print Media (talking, of, Famous/Reknowed Leaders and even too, what, they call, Bibliographies].
All the above of course, having, a basis, in defining, what, Choice, Option, or Will, stand for [as with, Philosophies, Political Thought, and, Society (other than, having, the cute girl next door, or even, ones mother, define, all this, for one)].
The Sex Instinct:
The Sex Instinct, satiated (and regulated, at, the base level), by, the act of Sex (or even, Creative output ) in all, in many ways too, is used, to help, define, Political Ideologies, and, Defence Systems (in all too) [Political Ideologies, referring really, to, Humanity & Human Rights Issues and also in all (as with, Defence Systems really), helping, avoid, the Decadence and Clash, of Civilizations] [In many ways in all really, dealing, with issues, of Religiousity, as especially, with having to do, with, survival fears, of all kinds] [An area, bound for, many, to be, strongly influenced, by, a Female presence, in ones life, and in many ways too, where, Corruption (in all its forms), as with, Political structures (and the Law even), are, bound, to originate (and in all too, leading eventually, if, unchecked, to the collapse, of, the 'Political', in ones world)].
Below, are presented, various, Ideologies, to help, deal, with issues, pertaining, to, Survival fears, in ones life, as even too, with, Employment issues (in all) [good Judgment really].
North America: Jacobin Thought
- as compared, to, Imperialism and Populism, that have, very much, hijacked, this area, of, American life [In all too, well suited, for, an America (somewhat obsessed even), with, French, Political Ideologies].
South America: Pacifism
-the quest, for Peace (as with, Green Peace, for example).
Europe: Romanticism
- or what, some call today (poorly perhaps), Progressivism, but traditionally, associated, with, Maria worship (and not, the Madonna), in Europe.
Africa: Collectivism
- In many ways, the culture, of, belonging, to different, communal groups, with regards really, to, solving problems [and in most ways, helping, redefine, what, tribe really, means, in Africa] [In most ways really, similar, to problem solving really, as with, belonging to, several, Project based, problem solving groups].
South East Asia: Nationalism
- Rather, well known, but believed best practised, in, South East Asia (and especially, India too), where, communal based violence, is often, prone, to burst out, even more, frequently, than in, Africa [whose violence though, tends to be more, violent, by nature].
East Asia: Classicism
- the culture really, of turning, to, a, Religious Symbol of sort, to help, one, deal with, all forms, of, problems [and in all really, living, by, its Tenets (as with, home living really)].
The Middle East: Radicalism
- for a Middle East really, where, 'here today, gone tommorrow' [as with, spendable riches perhaps], is the name, of the game [in all, Radicalism, as with, Cultural redefinition (and the, forceable, cutting up, of credit cards, if deemed, necessary)].
One in all, should realize, that, the above, four (as with, Instincts, and the, 'Political' formulated in all), should not, be envisioned, as, Government (as with, the Presidency even) [with Government, existing really, at, the very base, level, of, Civilization (as with, the, 'Failed States' entry)]. Instead, the above, represents, Intellectualism, and, is generally, divided, into, two [as with, Thinkers (and the 'Political'/Id), and, the Priesthoods (and the Psyche/Religious Thought)] [Both, though, united, by, High Priests (as with, Archetypal Research really)] [High Priests of course, seen/located, where, the, Regional Congressional Orgs, are located (or to be found in all really)].
The Musical Universe:

The belief, in Egypt, as the, Mother of all Civilization (here on Earth), as mainly, with splendour really is one, today, mainly associated, with, 'Indian' Civilization. An Egypt really, of, great riches, and wealth made (by/for all). You too have, the Islamic view, of, Ancient Egypt, as a Civilization, which, they very much, stem from, and the belief, that, the Egyptians, were highly, Intelligent (as with Wisdom really), and in many ways too, highly,, knowledgeable, of the Magical Arts. You then have, the Romans (Civilization), who viewed, Egypt, more or less, from, the perspective, of, Political/Military Might, and in many ways, were, awed, by Egyptian Spirituality (as with, Horus mainly). You have then too, Ancient Spain, to which, is accredited, anything, negative, ever written, about, the Egyptians [(from Slavery, to, the Status, of, its various, populations)(as especially too, with, the histories, of, dominant Cities, as with Religion)]. You also have, the Western world, which obsessively, views, Egyptian History, as with, 'racism' perhaps (towards), or with regards really, to Nubians, Jews, and, even, the Assyrians. Finally, it is, with the Greeks, where, Egyptian History, is presented, mainly, from the perspective mainly, of, Intellectual Thought (as with, its Priesthoods really), and the, uncovering, of all sorts, of Knowledge (including, the building, of, the Pyramids), and in many ways too, an obsession, with, its Priest figures (and especially, Imhotep).
It is, to the very last view, that we in all here, attempt, to present, Ancient Egypt (as a Mecca perhaps), of, all forms, of, Intellectual Thought, pertaining really, to, the advancement, of, Civilization. The Egyptians [as with the Priesthoods really], once did, believe, that Civilization (on Earth),, would one day, die off, and sought, to stem this, off, by very much, gong, on a, 'Spiritual Journey' (more or less, to say the least), to uncover [and produce too], as much, Spiritual-based, Knowledge, to in many ways, guide, Humanity, in the case, of, the decline, of, World Civilization [as especially, seen, with the 21st Dynasty (and its heavy study, of, the Feminine), and also too, the attempt, to popularize, Egyptian Thought in all, by, the Greeks, by attempting in all too, to fuse, Egyptian & Greek Thought, together, during, the Thebes (Egyptian-Greek Civilization) & Alexandrian, Eras] [Alexandrian, refers, to, Greek Thought, more or less, strongly, influenced, by Egyptian Thought (as with, practicality mainly)].
Alot of this Knowledge, was, in many ways, spread through, different parts, of, the World [Roman, Assyrian, Aryan, Niger, Chinese/Xia, Indian, Byzantium, Thebes, and including, Europe too (Dutch/Greek & Alexandrian together)], and, we shall attempt, to reproduce really (remnants of it), as associated really, with, Survival issues, as based, on what, famed, Swiss Psychologist (Carl Jung), called in all the Id.
The Id:
What is referred to, as the Id, in all ways, really, refers to, our four, basic Instincts [Hunger, Humour, Sleep, and Sex]. In all ways really, as a, simple definer in all, the Id (as with, these four Instincts), should be, maintained properly, in order, for us, to behave, in what, they call, a, Humane manner [with utmost, Self-Respect perhaps]. To understand this fuller, is to, know, that, maintaining these four Instincts, of the Id, is all about, granting them, as much, Choice, Option, or Will, as they, can handle, really [as with, quality too really]. Doing so, results, in the, creation, of Human beings, that are in most ways, an Ideal (as with, a Movie Star perhaps).
How the Id, has been maintained, in the past, was, the key really, to knowing, the obvious, difference, between, a Quebecois, and a French person (for instance). In all ways truly, the Id, is, also, very much too, associated, with, all forms (and kinds too), of, what they call, the Political (as with, Political Institutions too). The 'Political', in all [and not, Religion, Social, Politics, Economics], is needed, to maintain, the Id, as with, offering it really, as much, Choice, Option, or Will, as it, can handle [with Religion, Social, Politics etc., actually referring really, to the maintaining, of, the Psyche (as mainly, with, Religious Thought)].
In all really (as with Advancement causes perhaps) [rather than taking, a path, down, Histories lane], we shall, in all, attempt, to not only, show, how these, four Instincts, are in all, maintained, but also, show this, from, more or less, a, future based, perspective.
Hunger Instinct:
The Hunger Instinct, can be associated, with, the seeking out, of, all forms, of, Knowledge [as along with, being, satiated, with the right, kind, of Foods]. In many ways too, it is, the Instinct, that is, responsible really (in all), for creating, Hierarchies, in Society [especially, those, Social in nature]. Today though, one finds that, Civilization/Society, has regressed, to, the point, where, Looks, Physical Image, and, even, Riches, are used, to define, Hierarchy, in Society/Civilization. This has not, mainly, always, been the case (as even, with, Greek & Egyptian, Civilizations really). During then (as with, the more, recent, European times), Hierarchies, were, embodied mainly, based on, Archetypal beings, who, defined us, in totality [as with, being, a Fool, or Artist even] [or as when, we are just, being, ourselves, and not, really, thinking at all] [The uniting perhaps, of our two, basic, Human natures].
What will be proposed, below, is a return, to, the olden days, where, Hierarchies, were very much, based, on, Archetypal beings, with the proposed, beings, being, very much, of, Egyptian origins, as with, Thought really [in all, what is been said, is that, the Egyptians in totally, attempted, to embody, Saint Valentine, in all, his, various forms] [to better, understand this, is to know, that, Saint Valentine, was also, used, as the Ideal (human), in, European Civilization, and appearing, in, various forms, such as, Christ (in all his forms, as seen, in Europe), St. Thomas 0f Aquinas, and even, St. Augustine of Hippo] [In all, Saint Valentine, as with, his representations, in European Civilization, refers really, to, holy Figures, often dressed, in, blue and red, Robes].
North America: St. Michael and the Litany of Saints
- by Litany, it is hereby, referred, to, all Saints, who, in all ways, are simply, embodiments, of, Saint Michael (and often, dressed, in red and white, robes).
South America: St. James and the Liturgy of Saints
- one should note, that, Saints, of the Liturgy, with similar names, are also, to be found at times, in, the Litany (of Saints).
Europe: St. Valentine and the Festival of Saints
-rather Egyptian in all, and the, head Saint (as with name given), in all too, represents, what, they call, a Patron Saint.
Africa: St. Mark and the Canon of Saints
- Canon of Mass really
South East Asia: St. John and the Calendar of Saints
East Asia: St. Francis and the Cult of Saints
The Middle East: St. Peter and the Communion of Saints
The Humour Instinct:
The Humour Instinct, is one, that, regulates, our various, relations (of all kinds) [from being, a, famed Celebrity to more or less, a recluse, such as, a Sage]. Traditionally, it has been, associated, with, creating Community (in all its forms), and surprisingly enough, today, has, regressed, to the, Community mold [as Civilization/Society, had more or less, advanced, to, the Individual mold (as today, mainly, seen, in Islam) (Western Society, is mainly, Isolative really)].
In all really, the Humour Instinct, does, heavily define, the, 'Political', as mainly, to do, with, Infrastructure, Intellect, Deep Philosophical Thought, and, Debate (in all its forms) [Infrastructure, is also, mainly (alot even), associated, with, the Hunger Instinct].
Below, controversially [as in Egypt of old, and the likes, of, Akhenaten perhaps (attempting really, to change, Religion, at its, very base level, from, Amun, to Aten worship)], will be, the attempt really, to show, the Masses out there, that, what consists, of the 'Political' (in their Worlds) [as with, the Congressional], is in many ways, today, misdirected. In all really, there are, better ways, of creating, the, Congressional, rather than, through, the Parliament (as with, modern Democracy really), or even, through, Women (as with, modern City-States mainly).
Europe: The (French) Senate
- for Europe, all forms, of, the 'Political', as with, Infrastructure, or even simply, the solving, of all forms, of problems, associated, with, Choice, Option, or Will (including Abortion, and Cloning issues too), all hinger, around, the (French) Senate [which really, is, of, Dutch origins (as with, the Dutch Republic mainly), and not really, Roman]. If, you are a, French person, and hate, crime (in your neighbourhood), you don't really, want, to report, the matter, to the police (if rampant), or even, call n, to a TV (or Radio) program, but instead, should march, to, the (French) Senate, and demand/seek, Justice.
Africa: The Security Council
- seen often, as with, the UN really, and also too, as with, Brussels (and the EU), the Security Council, is seen, as, best, to replace, Parliament in Africa (which has, proven, to be, a disaster), and best, suited, to dealing with, Africas, disaster prone, Survival issues/problems.
South East Asia: Vita Nuova
- South East Asia, is a region today, marked, by huge really, poverty rates (and even, hunger rates too), due, to the collapse, of, the 'Political', in the Region. In many ways really, this is due, to the, general difficulty, of creating, the 'Political', in, South East Asia, due mainly, to, unforeseen really, Infrastructural, difficulties (as with valleys, and Jungles too). Traditionally though, the Political, in South East Asia, has always, existed, strongly, in the form, of, the Community [and highly, dependent, on Women too]. It is believed though, that, the International Organization (as envisioned really, by, Vita Nuova), can be used, to easily, resolve, 'Political' problems, in, South East Asia [so, if you are a, South East Asian, tired of' Bureaucratic madness, you probably, want to send, a letter, an email perhaps too, or even, put a phone call through, to' 'Silvano Berlusconi', to get started really (in most ways), on, Civilization].
North America: The Military Junta
- The Military Junta, often strongly, associated, with, bringing peace, to Africa (as with, Rebel groups really), is, in many ways, best suited, for, North America [as with, having, origins, in the, Roman Civilization]. North Americans, are in many ways, rather, Militaristic by nature, and the, Senate, has in many ways, failed, to get a hold, of, Civility (in America n all) [as one, does find, that, Lobby Groups (Popular, and even, Student), are, influential, in, actually passing, laws/bills, in, the US Senate] [Its simply, madness unbetold]. In many ways too, the Military Junta, can, make, real, an American Dream, of existing, very much, along, the lines, of a, Military-Industrial-Entertainment/Media (Complex) (rather real in all) [It can make it really, in all ways, real, by reintroducing, Military culture, into, North American lives, as by having, the Air Force (define the Entertainment/Media), and the Navy (the Industrial)] [In all really, the Air Force (as with 'Top Gun' perhaps) can help too, accommodate/ingrain, the Quebecois (swashbuckling) Musketeer, into, North American Society].
South America: The English Parliament
- South America, heavily today, ruled, along the lines, of, Intellectual Political Bodies, would best, work [as with Justice, 'Choice/Option/Will', or even, with simply, building, the Infrastructural (in all its forms)], along, the lines, of, the English Parliament [mainly too, due, to the fact, that, alot, of, South American, Political based Issues/Problems, are actually, of, the Cultural/Culture, kind (as with, discrimination, or even, troublesome youth), which in many ways, is what, Parliament (English really), was, created for].
East Asia: Federalism
- Federalism here, refers mainly, to, the 'Political', as mainly seen, in, South America (and especially, Brazil) today. In many ways, an East Asia, still, today, very much, ruled (surprisingly enough), by, an Aristocracy, would best, function, based on, Federalism [and, Intellectual Political Bodies, of all kinds/forms] [Including those, created, by, Students in all]. In many ways too, the above, will result, in, the creation, of what, some call, 'National Government', as opposed, to 'State Government', which in many ways, is what, Aristocracies, embody (in the worst form), as with, Oligarchies really [and all this, in all really, raising, East Asian Civilization, to, levels, they have, often, sought out (as with, America really, and the issue, of Prestige)].
The Middle East: The Boule (The Greek Council)
- The Middle East, today, mainly functions, along, the lines, of, the Eccumenical Council, as seen really, in, Islamic Civilization. In many ways though, the Islamic Ecumenical Council, while seen/known, to be, rather deep, in Thought, is somewhat, backward, as with, metting out, all forms, of, Justice [in many ways too, the division, seen, between, Shi'a and Sunni Islam, in the Middle East, has in many ways, to do, with, Islamic Ecumenical Councils]. The Greek Boule, in most (if not all), ways, represents really, a rather, high level, form, of, the Ecumenical Council, that calls, in many ways, to, greater/grander, tests, of Faith (as with, 'Islam' really), and also, the kind, of Councils, believed, will unite, Sunni and Shi'a, in, Political Thinking [of all kinds/forms].
[In most ways really, the Islamic Ecumenical Council, is today, probably, best suited, for, the Islamic World, as having really, a base, in, Turkey].
As a finality, one, should realize really, the real purpose, of, the Congressional, is to not only, put up, the Infrastructural (in all its forms), but mainly really, to debate (really), what really, Justice (and the other, three, Cardinal Virtues), actually/really represent/mean [as with, Choice, Option, or Will even]; but in all too also, engage, in the above, four descriptors (of the Congressional) [Infrastructure, Intellect, Deep Philosophical Thought, Debate], as with, helping, define, what, Power, Might, and Authority, really mean, in, a Society/Civilization.
Regional Congressional Orgs:
- [as with, uniting, Regions, Politically, as one (and dealing, heavily, with Regional, Survival issues, in all)]
North America: Quebec (as, Regional Congressional Seat, of Military Junta)
South America: Venezuela
Europe: The Netherlands (as home, to, the Dutch Republic)
Africa: Botswana
South East Asia: Sri Lanka
East Asia: China
The Middle East: Bahrain
The Sleep Instinct:
The Sleep Instinct, in many ways (or, all perhaps too really), is used, to regulate, Sleep (of all kinds), but also too really, used, with regards, to what, they call, Philosophies [as with, defining, Boldness, Bravery, and Bravado], Political Thought [as with, defining, Virtue, in all its entirety], and even, helping, create, Egalitarian, Worldly, and, Cosmopolitan Societies [compared, to the, heavily divided (amongst, ethnic/racial lines), Societies, we, mainly inhabit, today] [All these too, being, deliberated on perhaps (as with, Deep Philosophical Thought), within, the Congressional].
Below too, will be presented, various, Political Thought (systems), that can be used, as a guide really, by the various, Peoples, in the various, World Regions, with regards, to, the Formulation (of just, about, anything) [as with, perhaps, what, clothes to wear, or, food to eat even (in the basic sense), to even, where to, build, a City (or Highway even), or even, too, what, permissible Religious Thought, is allowed, in, a certain, 'Place'] [All this, instead, of, depending, on Experts (Women), Professors even, or even, Private (University) Think Tanks, in all].
Africa: Republicanism
- Republicanism, heavily associated, with, American Political Thought (as with, the South mainly), heavily, suits, Africa, with regards mainly to, Political Thought. In many ways, Philosophies, and, Political Thought [heavily based, on, accessing, Choice, Option, or Will] [as with, Spirit, and, the Landmass too], can best, be, implemented, in African Society, via, the use, of, what, they call, Cultural Centers [places in all, one seeks out, Choice, Option, or Will, as with, Republicanism really].
South America: Democracy (Greek)
- best implemented too, via, the concept, of, the Art Institute.
Europe: Liberalism
- first seen, in, the Dutch Republic (as Thought really), but commonly, practised (in the past really), as mainly, with, the, Madonna Cults (of old) (and what, they called, Public Forays too) [Perhaps, best implemented too, via, a culture, of, Political Writings (in all)] [As a form really, of, the Public Foray (rather, than going, Guy Fawkes, on all) (when not to happy, as with Virtue mainly, or even, Egalitarianism)].
East Asia: Aristocracy
- can work, rather well, in, East Asia (as with, Political Thought), and all implemented (regulated too) really, via, what they call, 'Celebrity Worship' [as astounding, as it may sound] [Those having, Worldly problems (stereotyping perhaps), or even, Virtue (or Bravado too) problems, in East Asia, could try, putting through, a call, to, Jackie Chan, on all this].
South East Asia: Plutocracy
- Plutocracy, in many ways, can be said, to be, Political Thought, regulated, in all ways really, by, a rather, active, News Media (as a, modern example really). In all, those, who control, Media (as with having, Wealth too really), in many ways really, formulate, Philosophies (and Political Thought) [as with, Plato, and, the School of Athens], for all [if you are an Indian for instance, unhappy, with, garbage disposal, or even crime (in your community), what you really want to do (other than, call, the Police, or report, all this, to, Administrative Authorities), is, call up, someone, like, Kalanithi Maran, and simply, voice, your distaste] [by asking him perhaps, to air, a, Political Ad (broadcast), asking, the masses (Indians), to be, responsible citizens, in all (and pick up, rubbish, wherever, seen)] [or simply really, just do the right thing].
North America: Meritocracy
- for North America, the good old, Meritocracy (as with, working hard, and expecting, to be, equally recompensated), is the way, Philosophies, Political Thought, and, the formulation, of, different kinds, of Society (Egalitarian etc.), has traditionally, been, conceptualized (in all). In all really too, best, implemented (regulated), based, very much on, the concept, of Royalty [as with, prominent Families (in the form, of Dynasties really), representing in all, what, Meritocracy, is all about (as with, the Kennedy's, for instance)].
Middle East: Leagues
The League (often, unknown, commonly even), is a form, of, Philosophies/Political Thought, highly based, on, Individual/Group Formations. A Greek, concept (as with, the, Aetolian League), it represents popularly, the Cult of 'Infamy', and in most ways, best, represented commonly, in movies, such as, 'Oceans 11', and especially too, 'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' [in all really, the best, way, to implement, Political Thought, in a, rather, highly Individual (as with, Philosophies mainly), Middle East] [In all too also, best regulated/implemented, via, Print Media (talking, of, Famous/Reknowed Leaders and even too, what, they call, Bibliographies].
All the above of course, having, a basis, in defining, what, Choice, Option, or Will, stand for [as with, Philosophies, Political Thought, and, Society (other than, having, the cute girl next door, or even, ones mother, define, all this, for one)].
The Sex Instinct:
The Sex Instinct, satiated (and regulated, at, the base level), by, the act of Sex (or even, Creative output ) in all, in many ways too, is used, to help, define, Political Ideologies, and, Defence Systems (in all too) [Political Ideologies, referring really, to, Humanity & Human Rights Issues and also in all (as with, Defence Systems really), helping, avoid, the Decadence and Clash, of Civilizations] [In many ways in all really, dealing, with issues, of Religiousity, as especially, with having to do, with, survival fears, of all kinds] [An area, bound for, many, to be, strongly influenced, by, a Female presence, in ones life, and in many ways too, where, Corruption (in all its forms), as with, Political structures (and the Law even), are, bound, to originate (and in all too, leading eventually, if, unchecked, to the collapse, of, the 'Political', in ones world)].
Below, are presented, various, Ideologies, to help, deal, with issues, pertaining, to, Survival fears, in ones life, as even too, with, Employment issues (in all) [good Judgment really].
North America: Jacobin Thought
- as compared, to, Imperialism and Populism, that have, very much, hijacked, this area, of, American life [In all too, well suited, for, an America (somewhat obsessed even), with, French, Political Ideologies].
South America: Pacifism
-the quest, for Peace (as with, Green Peace, for example).
Europe: Romanticism
- or what, some call today (poorly perhaps), Progressivism, but traditionally, associated, with, Maria worship (and not, the Madonna), in Europe.
Africa: Collectivism
- In many ways, the culture, of, belonging, to different, communal groups, with regards really, to, solving problems [and in most ways, helping, redefine, what, tribe really, means, in Africa] [In most ways really, similar, to problem solving really, as with, belonging to, several, Project based, problem solving groups].
South East Asia: Nationalism
- Rather, well known, but believed best practised, in, South East Asia (and especially, India too), where, communal based violence, is often, prone, to burst out, even more, frequently, than in, Africa [whose violence though, tends to be more, violent, by nature].
East Asia: Classicism
- the culture really, of turning, to, a, Religious Symbol of sort, to help, one, deal with, all forms, of, problems [and in all really, living, by, its Tenets (as with, home living really)].
The Middle East: Radicalism
- for a Middle East really, where, 'here today, gone tommorrow' [as with, spendable riches perhaps], is the name, of the game [in all, Radicalism, as with, Cultural redefinition (and the, forceable, cutting up, of credit cards, if deemed, necessary)].
One in all, should realize, that, the above, four (as with, Instincts, and the, 'Political' formulated in all), should not, be envisioned, as, Government (as with, the Presidency even) [with Government, existing really, at, the very base, level, of, Civilization (as with, the, 'Failed States' entry)]. Instead, the above, represents, Intellectualism, and, is generally, divided, into, two [as with, Thinkers (and the 'Political'/Id), and, the Priesthoods (and the Psyche/Religious Thought)] [Both, though, united, by, High Priests (as with, Archetypal Research really)] [High Priests of course, seen/located, where, the, Regional Congressional Orgs, are located (or to be found in all really)].
The Musical Universe:
Mozart is the greatest composer of all. Beethoven created his music, but the music of Mozart is of such purity and beauty that one feels he merely found it — that it has always existed as part of the inner beauty of the universe waiting to be revealed.
-- Albert Einstein
It has been, reported, and even been said too, that we in all, live, in a, Musical Universe. This belief, while, popularized alot (by, Western music acts, as with, associating really, with, Native Indian American Shamans), has never, truly, been, understood, from, a more or less, practical, point of view [with the exception, of, Einstein, who attempted (in all), to apply, this belief, to, the world, of, the 'Political'].
While the Egyptians too, did espouse, this, major belief, they espoused it, in, a rather, practical, manner, as will be, noted (explained), below.
To fully understand, the Egyptian belief, in all this [as the, Egyptians, in many ways indirectly, did, influence, the creation, of, the four, Political Systems (as with the four Instincts), mentioned above], is, to understand, that, what lies, at, the very heart, of, these Political Systems, is none other than, than how, to define, Choice, Option, or Will even (in total). What in all really (as with Creativity mainly), drives (and not really, defines), Choice, Option, or Will, must be known/understood [or be forced really, to live, in, Societies, with rather, good, Political Systems, but, stagnant in all (as with, laws, not having changed, at all) (for generations/centuries even)].
It is here, that the role, of, Music, enters, into our Consciences, as Music (in Secular form really) [and also, as with, Heartfelt, Self-Expression], is used, in many ways, to help really (in all perhaps too), define, Choice, Option, and Will, in our lives [in many ways too, the traditional, definition, of, Ethnic (as with, a large Society even), has been, based, on how, one, lives out, Choice, Option, and Will, in all really].
In many ways too (as really, with, Self-Expression, Evolution, and, Culture too), it is, Culture based, Choice, Option, and Will making, that, heavily defines, the kind, of, Technology, we see, in, our lives [and also too in all, Self-Expression & Evolution (heartfelt, choice, option, and will making that is), that leads, to, our becoming, our Higher Selfs].
In many ways though, Choice, Option, and Will (as well as, the defining, of, Political Systems in all), have today, been, relegated/sidelined (taken over really), by, an, overenthusiastic, News (Propaganda) & Feminist Media. In all really, in most ways, Evolution on Earth, has ceased, to somewhat, exist, with the very, death, of Choice, Option, and Will, in our, very lives. A World, if unchecked, will lead, to the kind, of World, seen, in movies, such as, 'V for Vendetta'.
The whole goal, of this, section, is to provide, to, the different, groups, of Peoples out there (in different Regions really), different, kinds, of Secular Music, which can, be developed (as with, Intelligence/Creativity really), into, Music, that drives, people, by Choice, Option, and Will making [in all, making them, desire, for more (as with, Evolution really)]. Music, more modern in nature (rather than, traditional), and in many ways, the basis too, of, understanding, 'Religio-Spiritual Thought' [associated with Evolution], as seen, amongst, what, they call, 'Primordial/Aboriginal Peoples/groups'.
Europe: Euro-Rock
- or what, some call, Soft Rock (as with, European Immigrants, to America really). Examples, include, 'the Final Countdown' (by Europe), and even, 'Because of Love' by Janet Jackson.
South America: Brazilian Rock
- perhaps, the best example, being, 'Rosa' by Olodum, or even, 'Chupa Toda' (with Ivete Sangalo).
Africa: Soul-RnB
- referring really, to, Soul & RnB music, as seen, popularly, in America, during the 60's, and especially, that, associated, with, Nigerian Igbo Immigrants (to America), and also, based, very much, on, Bantu culture.
In many ways though, Radio (as with, Casey Kasem) [Radio, and America even, have never, been, much better], should be, popularized, in Africa, in helping, define/make/drive, Choice, Option, and Will (in all) [in all really, Radio, rather, heartfelt (and even, rather saddening), and presented here above though, by, Casey Kasem (a Georgian by origins), in a, Byzantine manner (in a way too, that, once defined, sad, Central/Eastern European, stories (as with, Choice, Option, and Will making too)].
North America: Gospel Music
- of the, Canadian/Quebec variety really (and not, American really), but mainly, too, what, one could call, 'Pop Gospel' [as with, some, Hanson Songs]
South East Asia: Alternative Rock
-rather, Elizabethan in nature, and, also, having with it, a tinge, of, the Italian too (as with, Twisted Sister)
East Asia: Hard Rock
An example, being, 'These Days' by Bon Jovi, or even, Whitesnakes ('Here I Go Again');
The Middle East & Afrique: Sufi Music
- but also, in its, Popularized form (as with, Americanista-Legion America), as, Garage Music
The Islamic world: American Pop Music
From Prince, to Madonna, and even, Michael Jackson too
By Secular Music, what is meant in all, is the, kind, of Music, one would hear, played, on the, streets (as one walks, to, the Office perhaps), or even, in, a Restaurant [it should not be, confused, with, Fun Music, as with, our, two basic, Human Natures]. Everyday Music, one would, hear too, if one, was, to turn on, the, Radio nonchalantly.
All the above, should not, be seen, as an outburst, of, Creativity really, as in most ways, it does, consist, of an, olden order, that once, did exist. What though, is mainly, the difference, is what, constitutes really, the, Musical Universe; that in all really, while, we do truly, live, in, Musical Universes, what constitutes, the Music is in all really, what, differentiates, the past, from, the present [as with, the Political Systems above too].
In latter years, the Music, was, highly inspired, by Art/Sculpture, or even, Poetry too. Music today though, is mainly, inspired, by, Writings/Calligraphy [what this means, is that, we live, in a, very, 'document'/paper, oriented World]. The problem, with this though, is that, Music, inspired by, Writings/Calligraphy, is not, of, a high standard (quality even), as compared, to, Music, inspired by, Art/Sculpture (as was Egyptian), or even, Poetry (as was Greek & European).
In many ways, what this means, is that (as with, Self-Expression, and heartfelt too), Music in all, can be used, to call, upon, various, Religious based Entities, of all kinds [especially, as with, Prayer]. Not only that, but heartfelt, Music (in all), can have, one, experiencing, all kinds, of, Spiritual Experiences (with Writings/Calligraphy based Music, being, of, the lowest caliber, as with regards, to this really). In the past, Heartfelt Song really, was used, to call upon (as with, Belief, and Experiences really), all forms, of, Spirits (and even, Gods too) [in that, they actually, interacted, directly, with, Humans, due mainly, to, Belief in such (scenarios), created, by, Heartfelt Expression (in all)].
As mentioned just above, Egyptian Music, was, inspired, by Art/Sculpture (as was, that, of, peoples, known as, Primordial/Aboriginal groups) [Music in all, of, a rather, high caliber, as with, Heartfelt Expression, and the ability really, to, ingrain in one, feelings/emotions based Belief Systems, that had one, believing, in, all kinds, of, Magical Realities];
[In many ways, the video below, represents, Egyptian Music (as inspired, by, Art/Sculpture), and the feelings/emotions, generated, by the video, are an example, of, everyday, Egyptian feelings/emotions, as with, regards mainly, to, making/developing, Choice, Option, or Will individually (in all really, everyday, Egyptian, present moments) (as with, the right now!)]
[the Video too, also, represents, how everyday, Egypt, pretty much, looked (as with, atmosphere really), and the kind, of everyday Music, that influenced, the development, of Egyptian, Magical Technology] [In all, the video speaks of, Choice, Option and Will, and in all too, inspiring, the development, of, Culture based Technology, in all].
Why this, is mentioned, is because, the 'Age' (of such, above), Magical Realities (as with the video perhaps), is pretty much, gone now, due, to, Human Incredulity [or, Human Stupidity unknown] [One for example, is unable, to explain, the destruction, of, Paris, with most, such attempted explanations, attempting in all, to blame, Napolean, for not, doing enough, to stop, the destruction].
The feelings/emotions, that, Heartfelt Expression (as with Song really), creates, also, very much, tends to, influence strongly, our, Belief Systems [as with, in general, whats, realistically possible, and, whats not], and in accordance too, our, very Physical Environments [as with, looks, and, possibilities even]. The Video below, shows, how, the Ancient World, pretty much, looked like [as based really, on, feelings/emotions, inspired, very much, by, Art/Sculpture based Music] [and these, feelings/emotions, as with, Belief Systems really, influencing, how, our, Physical Environments, looked like, in all]; and also in all too, speaks of, the, kind, of Technology, seen, then;
[The Video represents actually, Events, associated, with, the downfall/destruction, of, the Aryan Civilization (partly, of, Egyptian origins), and a time, when, Humans (as with, Heartfelt Expression, Belief Systems,and, Art/Sculpture influenced Music), interacted directly, with, the Gods, creating Worlds, very much, filled, with, what they call, High Drama (of all kinds) (unlike, the low brow Drama, most, find/see today); a time too, that would, make, most technology today (as with, Air Forces even), obsolete really, as due, to the fact, that, Humans interacted, directly, with the, Gods, and Spirits (Wind Spirits perhaps), of all kinds] [All due, as mentioned above, to, feelings/emotions, created, by Art/Sculpture based Music, expressed (as with, choice, option, or will even), in, Heartfelt manners, and in all, inducing, Magical based, Belief Systems (as with, Physical Realities even)].
[Most out there, have, no idea, how difficult, it is, to be, inspired, by, Art/Sculpture, to create, any kind, of, Music (Humans today, are not, as creative, as, they think, they are)].
The Age, of Magical Realities (as inspired really, by, Heartfelt Music/Song), is pretty, much gone, now; so too, is the Age, of, all kinds, of Spirits (called upon, by, such Music/Song), including too, Human Spirit Beings [as referred to, in, the Islamic worlds, as, Jinns (and not Jinnis), and even, Marids too]. Human Beings today, in most ways, lack, the creativity/intelligence, to call upon, such, Spirit beings, who help, in, our Evolutions, as with, experiencing, the World, as, a Holographic (Magical) Universe.
All this, again, due to, Human Incredulity.
So once more, farewell, to, Poetic & Sculpture based Universes, the Gods (in a large part, as with, Communications really), the Spirits (most of them), Europe (as popularized), Jinns (the Age of Jinns, has in many ways, come to pass), Magical Earth, and in finality, Famed Legendary Beauties (that made life, then, worth living) [Catherine the Great, Cleopatra, Catherine of Aragorn, and even, 21st Dynasty Queen Nerfetari (falsely knows, as, Hatsheput) [and the real, Queen, of the Nile].
All this, said again, as the World, created, by, Writings/Calligraphy based/inspired Music, is of, the, Nitty-Gritty kind (as with the many, examples, at the top), creating in all, Environments, rather blase (and, Non-Magical), whose, highest perhaps, Spiritual Experience, is, what they call, Phenomena (as with, Stargates perhaps) [The Bangles song above, can have, one, believing, in their ability, to float, in the air; the other Music, presented further above, has one, in most ways really, strongly believing perhaps, in, finding, lost money (as with spiritual experiences)]
And so, once more, farewell, to, Poetic Universes [Belief Systems, and feelings/emotions, inspired, by, Poetry based Music], as perhaps, best, envisioned, in the following, song/video below, in memory perhaps, of, famed, Arthurian American (brown) Jinn (Mixion) [popularly known, as, Choppy, in, animation circles], and the world too, of, High Drama (as mainly, with, Magical Realities);
[One day, if Human Incredulity, should end (as with, Creativity/Intelligence - Stupidity issues), they, probably, then, will be back]
Tutanthamose - 21st Dynasty
It has been, reported, and even been said too, that we in all, live, in a, Musical Universe. This belief, while, popularized alot (by, Western music acts, as with, associating really, with, Native Indian American Shamans), has never, truly, been, understood, from, a more or less, practical, point of view [with the exception, of, Einstein, who attempted (in all), to apply, this belief, to, the world, of, the 'Political'].
While the Egyptians too, did espouse, this, major belief, they espoused it, in, a rather, practical, manner, as will be, noted (explained), below.
To fully understand, the Egyptian belief, in all this [as the, Egyptians, in many ways indirectly, did, influence, the creation, of, the four, Political Systems (as with the four Instincts), mentioned above], is, to understand, that, what lies, at, the very heart, of, these Political Systems, is none other than, than how, to define, Choice, Option, or Will even (in total). What in all really (as with Creativity mainly), drives (and not really, defines), Choice, Option, or Will, must be known/understood [or be forced really, to live, in, Societies, with rather, good, Political Systems, but, stagnant in all (as with, laws, not having changed, at all) (for generations/centuries even)].
It is here, that the role, of, Music, enters, into our Consciences, as Music (in Secular form really) [and also, as with, Heartfelt, Self-Expression], is used, in many ways, to help really (in all perhaps too), define, Choice, Option, and Will, in our lives [in many ways too, the traditional, definition, of, Ethnic (as with, a large Society even), has been, based, on how, one, lives out, Choice, Option, and Will, in all really].
In many ways too (as really, with, Self-Expression, Evolution, and, Culture too), it is, Culture based, Choice, Option, and Will making, that, heavily defines, the kind, of, Technology, we see, in, our lives [and also too in all, Self-Expression & Evolution (heartfelt, choice, option, and will making that is), that leads, to, our becoming, our Higher Selfs].
In many ways though, Choice, Option, and Will (as well as, the defining, of, Political Systems in all), have today, been, relegated/sidelined (taken over really), by, an, overenthusiastic, News (Propaganda) & Feminist Media. In all really, in most ways, Evolution on Earth, has ceased, to somewhat, exist, with the very, death, of Choice, Option, and Will, in our, very lives. A World, if unchecked, will lead, to the kind, of World, seen, in movies, such as, 'V for Vendetta'.
The whole goal, of this, section, is to provide, to, the different, groups, of Peoples out there (in different Regions really), different, kinds, of Secular Music, which can, be developed (as with, Intelligence/Creativity really), into, Music, that drives, people, by Choice, Option, and Will making [in all, making them, desire, for more (as with, Evolution really)]. Music, more modern in nature (rather than, traditional), and in many ways, the basis too, of, understanding, 'Religio-Spiritual Thought' [associated with Evolution], as seen, amongst, what, they call, 'Primordial/Aboriginal Peoples/groups'.
Europe: Euro-Rock
- or what, some call, Soft Rock (as with, European Immigrants, to America really). Examples, include, 'the Final Countdown' (by Europe), and even, 'Because of Love' by Janet Jackson.
South America: Brazilian Rock
- perhaps, the best example, being, 'Rosa' by Olodum, or even, 'Chupa Toda' (with Ivete Sangalo).
Africa: Soul-RnB
- referring really, to, Soul & RnB music, as seen, popularly, in America, during the 60's, and especially, that, associated, with, Nigerian Igbo Immigrants (to America), and also, based, very much, on, Bantu culture.
In many ways though, Radio (as with, Casey Kasem) [Radio, and America even, have never, been, much better], should be, popularized, in Africa, in helping, define/make/drive, Choice, Option, and Will (in all) [in all really, Radio, rather, heartfelt (and even, rather saddening), and presented here above though, by, Casey Kasem (a Georgian by origins), in a, Byzantine manner (in a way too, that, once defined, sad, Central/Eastern European, stories (as with, Choice, Option, and Will making too)].
North America: Gospel Music
- of the, Canadian/Quebec variety really (and not, American really), but mainly, too, what, one could call, 'Pop Gospel' [as with, some, Hanson Songs]
South East Asia: Alternative Rock
-rather, Elizabethan in nature, and, also, having with it, a tinge, of, the Italian too (as with, Twisted Sister)
East Asia: Hard Rock
An example, being, 'These Days' by Bon Jovi, or even, Whitesnakes ('Here I Go Again');
The Middle East & Afrique: Sufi Music
- but also, in its, Popularized form (as with, Americanista-Legion America), as, Garage Music
The Islamic world: American Pop Music
From Prince, to Madonna, and even, Michael Jackson too
By Secular Music, what is meant in all, is the, kind, of Music, one would hear, played, on the, streets (as one walks, to, the Office perhaps), or even, in, a Restaurant [it should not be, confused, with, Fun Music, as with, our, two basic, Human Natures]. Everyday Music, one would, hear too, if one, was, to turn on, the, Radio nonchalantly.
All the above, should not, be seen, as an outburst, of, Creativity really, as in most ways, it does, consist, of an, olden order, that once, did exist. What though, is mainly, the difference, is what, constitutes really, the, Musical Universe; that in all really, while, we do truly, live, in, Musical Universes, what constitutes, the Music is in all really, what, differentiates, the past, from, the present [as with, the Political Systems above too].
In latter years, the Music, was, highly inspired, by Art/Sculpture, or even, Poetry too. Music today though, is mainly, inspired, by, Writings/Calligraphy [what this means, is that, we live, in a, very, 'document'/paper, oriented World]. The problem, with this though, is that, Music, inspired by, Writings/Calligraphy, is not, of, a high standard (quality even), as compared, to, Music, inspired by, Art/Sculpture (as was Egyptian), or even, Poetry (as was Greek & European).
In many ways, what this means, is that (as with, Self-Expression, and heartfelt too), Music in all, can be used, to call, upon, various, Religious based Entities, of all kinds [especially, as with, Prayer]. Not only that, but heartfelt, Music (in all), can have, one, experiencing, all kinds, of, Spiritual Experiences (with Writings/Calligraphy based Music, being, of, the lowest caliber, as with regards, to this really). In the past, Heartfelt Song really, was used, to call upon (as with, Belief, and Experiences really), all forms, of, Spirits (and even, Gods too) [in that, they actually, interacted, directly, with, Humans, due mainly, to, Belief in such (scenarios), created, by, Heartfelt Expression (in all)].
As mentioned just above, Egyptian Music, was, inspired, by Art/Sculpture (as was, that, of, peoples, known as, Primordial/Aboriginal groups) [Music in all, of, a rather, high caliber, as with, Heartfelt Expression, and the ability really, to, ingrain in one, feelings/emotions based Belief Systems, that had one, believing, in, all kinds, of, Magical Realities];
[In many ways, the video below, represents, Egyptian Music (as inspired, by, Art/Sculpture), and the feelings/emotions, generated, by the video, are an example, of, everyday, Egyptian feelings/emotions, as with, regards mainly, to, making/developing, Choice, Option, or Will individually (in all really, everyday, Egyptian, present moments) (as with, the right now!)]
[the Video too, also, represents, how everyday, Egypt, pretty much, looked (as with, atmosphere really), and the kind, of everyday Music, that influenced, the development, of Egyptian, Magical Technology] [In all, the video speaks of, Choice, Option and Will, and in all too, inspiring, the development, of, Culture based Technology, in all].
Why this, is mentioned, is because, the 'Age' (of such, above), Magical Realities (as with the video perhaps), is pretty much, gone now, due, to, Human Incredulity [or, Human Stupidity unknown] [One for example, is unable, to explain, the destruction, of, Paris, with most, such attempted explanations, attempting in all, to blame, Napolean, for not, doing enough, to stop, the destruction].
The feelings/emotions, that, Heartfelt Expression (as with Song really), creates, also, very much, tends to, influence strongly, our, Belief Systems [as with, in general, whats, realistically possible, and, whats not], and in accordance too, our, very Physical Environments [as with, looks, and, possibilities even]. The Video below, shows, how, the Ancient World, pretty much, looked like [as based really, on, feelings/emotions, inspired, very much, by, Art/Sculpture based Music] [and these, feelings/emotions, as with, Belief Systems really, influencing, how, our, Physical Environments, looked like, in all]; and also in all too, speaks of, the, kind, of Technology, seen, then;
[The Video represents actually, Events, associated, with, the downfall/destruction, of, the Aryan Civilization (partly, of, Egyptian origins), and a time, when, Humans (as with, Heartfelt Expression, Belief Systems,and, Art/Sculpture influenced Music), interacted directly, with, the Gods, creating Worlds, very much, filled, with, what they call, High Drama (of all kinds) (unlike, the low brow Drama, most, find/see today); a time too, that would, make, most technology today (as with, Air Forces even), obsolete really, as due, to the fact, that, Humans interacted, directly, with the, Gods, and Spirits (Wind Spirits perhaps), of all kinds] [All due, as mentioned above, to, feelings/emotions, created, by Art/Sculpture based Music, expressed (as with, choice, option, or will even), in, Heartfelt manners, and in all, inducing, Magical based, Belief Systems (as with, Physical Realities even)].
[Most out there, have, no idea, how difficult, it is, to be, inspired, by, Art/Sculpture, to create, any kind, of, Music (Humans today, are not, as creative, as, they think, they are)].
The Age, of Magical Realities (as inspired really, by, Heartfelt Music/Song), is pretty, much gone, now; so too, is the Age, of, all kinds, of Spirits (called upon, by, such Music/Song), including too, Human Spirit Beings [as referred to, in, the Islamic worlds, as, Jinns (and not Jinnis), and even, Marids too]. Human Beings today, in most ways, lack, the creativity/intelligence, to call upon, such, Spirit beings, who help, in, our Evolutions, as with, experiencing, the World, as, a Holographic (Magical) Universe.
All this, again, due to, Human Incredulity.
So once more, farewell, to, Poetic & Sculpture based Universes, the Gods (in a large part, as with, Communications really), the Spirits (most of them), Europe (as popularized), Jinns (the Age of Jinns, has in many ways, come to pass), Magical Earth, and in finality, Famed Legendary Beauties (that made life, then, worth living) [Catherine the Great, Cleopatra, Catherine of Aragorn, and even, 21st Dynasty Queen Nerfetari (falsely knows, as, Hatsheput) [and the real, Queen, of the Nile].
All this, said again, as the World, created, by, Writings/Calligraphy based/inspired Music, is of, the, Nitty-Gritty kind (as with the many, examples, at the top), creating in all, Environments, rather blase (and, Non-Magical), whose, highest perhaps, Spiritual Experience, is, what they call, Phenomena (as with, Stargates perhaps) [The Bangles song above, can have, one, believing, in their ability, to float, in the air; the other Music, presented further above, has one, in most ways really, strongly believing perhaps, in, finding, lost money (as with spiritual experiences)]
And so, once more, farewell, to, Poetic Universes [Belief Systems, and feelings/emotions, inspired, by, Poetry based Music], as perhaps, best, envisioned, in the following, song/video below, in memory perhaps, of, famed, Arthurian American (brown) Jinn (Mixion) [popularly known, as, Choppy, in, animation circles], and the world too, of, High Drama (as mainly, with, Magical Realities);
[One day, if Human Incredulity, should end (as with, Creativity/Intelligence - Stupidity issues), they, probably, then, will be back]
Tutanthamose - 21st Dynasty