Saturday, March 5, 2011

Byzantium (the Islamic/Byzantine World)

Byzantium (the Islamic/Byzantine World)

Byzantium, is most, probably, the appropriate, term, to use, in referring, to, the fusion really, of, both, Islamic & Byzantine Civilizations [as in, both, do differ, somewhat, from, each other].

The purpose, of this entry, is to attempt, to explain in all, Byzantium (as in, composing too, of, Islamic, and, Byzantine Civilizations), in an attempt really, to Reform it (all again). The very idea (and fact too), that, most Peoples (out there) [as with, Civilization really], should have, evolved, to levels, of, greater heights, than their dealing, with issues, of, Poverty et. al. That in many ways, there are those, who find, themselves, rather backwards, Culturally today, at a time, when, Civilization (on Earth), should have been, at, greater Heights, than it is, today [a rather, difficult, concept to explain, as most, would equate, this, explanation, with Materialism (of all kinds) (as perhaps too, with all of us, living, in, Mansion homes, to say the least), but the proper, way perhaps, to gauge all this, is based, on, Human Spirit beings perhaps, as seen, in, the Islamic world; that while, the Age of the Jinn, is over really, and the Age of the Marid (was supposed, to be, that, in alignment, with, the Age of Respect/Invention), the Age of Compassion/Exploration, is supposed, to go, hand in hand, with, the Age of the Ifrit]. Once more, a rather, difficult, attempt in all, to explain really, how, far, Civilization, should have progressed, by now.

The whole goal, of, attempting in all, to reform, Byzantium, is to in all really, raise, the standards, of Civilization seen (today), as with, the attempt really, to totally, erase, Poverty, from the face of the Earth [that the very fact, that, Poverty exists today, is, a failure really, of Humans, to evolve, properly, as with, the times really]. That if too, you in general, find it difficult, to live, in the Worlds, conceptualized, in Americanista blog (as with, Regions really), you can, easily, seek to join, Byzantium, as a, basic, survival mechanism.

The power, of Byzantium, is that, it does not, ask, you, to convert, to a whole, new existence [as with, Culture or Religion even], but asks really, that, you redefine, your, Cultures in all, and Ways even [that you in all, see, your Cultures, and Ways, from a totally, new light (and direction even)]. That, in many ways, was, the basic premise, that allowed, the Islamic Civilization, to expand, all over [the World] [In all really, redefining, and re-interpreting, your, very existence (Culture/Religion based), here on Earth].

The attempt, to Reform, Byzantium, is not, done here, as a Hobby (as some might think), but really, as with, having, the Evolutionary, Capacity (to do so) [as with having too, held, the Role/Title, of, Justin (and similar to Arthur in all), in Justinian Byzantine Rome].

The 5 Pillars of Islam:

The attempt, to re-create, Byzantium, is obviously, all really based, on, the 5 Pillars of Islam. This attempt too (in all), attempts, to bring, together (unite as one really), the Islamic, and, Byzantine Civilizations [as recognized, being, somewhat, distinct, from each other].

These five pillars, as, previously mentioned, are as follows:

1. Islamic Knowledge - Profession of Faith (Shahada)
2. Islamic culture - Almsgiving (Zakat)
3. Islamic Art/Architecture - Fasting (Sawm)
4. Islamic Ancestor Worship - Prayer (Salat)
5. Islamic Institutions (Umma) - Pilgrimage (Hajj)

Byzantium, as envisioned here [and consisting of, Islamic + Byzantine Civilizations], is to be, very, much based on, Ottoman Turkey [which too in all, was, rather Byzantine + Islamic too (in all)]. Three parts (things), from, Ottoman Turkey, will be used, to reform, Byzantium, in the, name, of, Ottoman Judaism (Umma), Ottoman Christianity (Ancestor Worship), and, Ottoman Islam (Art/Architecture) [That in all really, the three, mentioned, Religions, as practised, by the Ottomans, defined in all (in the Ottoman Empire), the last, three, entries, of the 5 Pillars of Islam] [In all, what s been said, is that, Ottoman Judaism, combined, together, Institutions (Umma), as seen, in, the Byzantine, and, Islamic Worlds, together]. Ottoman Christianity too, attempted in all, to unite, Byzantine & Islamic Civilization, as with, common, Ancestors really. Ottoman Islam, was a rather, interesting (diverse), and, different, manner, of, practising Islam [as primarily, based on, the worship, of Allah, and producing in all, all kinds, of Arts (and Architecture too), that, praised Allah, from the perspectives, of, help, aid, and assistance even] [An interesting, 'Art World', as with, the practising, of Islam (and worship of Allah too), as it, in most ways, did merge, Islamic + Byzantine 'Art Worlds' together (all done, really, in a, fusion, as with, praising Allah really)].

We shall however, below, attempt, to reinvigorate (and even, add upon), Ottoman Islam, as a rather, valid, 'Art World', in its own right.

It is however, the very, arena, of Islamic culture (almsgiving/zakat), where, the main split, between, Islamic, and Byzantine, is, very much, noticed in all. An attempt below, will be made, to, explain (physically/infrastructurally), what, constitutes, both Islamic, and Byzantine cultures really [that they, both, somewhat rather (significantly even), differ, from each other (but really, not, too)].

Islamic culture (world), infrastructurally speaking (that is), can be said, to constitute, of, the following three: Turkey (as with, base Islamic/Byzantine Civilization: Humour, Socializing, Play & Media), Ecumenical Councils, and, finally, International Cities.

Byzantine culture (world) [though, heavily differing in all, as with, History really], can be said here, to constitute, of: Denmark (as with, base Civilization) [Denmark, to this very day, is, rather heavily, Byzantine], Justinian Rome (as with Rule & Law), and finally, Town Centers [or what, some call, cities (with a small 'c')].

To understand, the basic differences, between, the two above, is to, understand, the differences really, between, what, drives, International Cities (as compared, to, Town Centers/cities), in all. International Cities (Islamic), were, of course, driven, by, Islamic Art Worlds [reaching high proportions, with, the Roman Civilization]. Town Centers/cites, were, driven, by, the Byzantine Art Worlds.

The major differences, between, these two, Art Worlds, is in all, based on, how, Humans, seek in all, to, express themselves [and not, with, the Arts themselves]. Humans, as with, basic expression really, express themselves, in, three basic ways: Sexually, Machismo (violence-like), and, finally, Virility (cravings driven). The main difference (at heart), between, Byzantine, and Islamic Civilization (as with, Art Worlds really), is that, Islamic people, express, themselves, Sexually, while, the Byzantine world, was all about, Machismo [in all really perhaps, Belly Dancing, in the Islamic world, is/was done, Sexually, while, that, in the Byzantine world, was done, with, Vigour/Machismo (somewhat, like, with Shakira, below)].
(Byzantine Music actually)

Interestingly again, what drives, International Cities (Islamic), is, the very concept (at base level), of, Business Start-ups (as seen mainly, in, Silicon Valley CA), and also too, Business Developments (as seen, mainly, in the, Scandinavia today, with Nokia for instance). The Islamic Art World (as with, Intelligences imparted really), is highly, capable, of driving, these, two base, aspects, of most, International Cities [Business Start-ups, as with, great Business Ideas (time perspective), and, Business Development, as with, Innovativeness (in all) (and, money driven too)]. Town Centers/cities (Byzantine), are driven, at, their very heart, by, Entertainment based Media (as with, Mass Media for example really). In all really [as with, the Byzantine Art Worlds, and Law], Entertainment based Media, can be, divided, into, Commercialization (Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights), and, Commercialism [Cultural Innovation, as mainly, seen, with, Style & Design].

The very rule, of, International Cities, was done, through, Islamic/Roman Ecumenical Councils, while, Town Centers/cities, were ruled, in, a rather, different, manner (Law) [the very idea, that everything, in Society, should be defined in all, by, Law (and not, by, Cultural Identities in all)]. Though this, is rather common, in, Western Society (as with, Common Law), in Byzantine (and, especially, Justinian Byzantine Rome), Law, was upheld, through, the use in all (as with Musing really), of, the Hermetica Corpus [do realize, that Law, forms, a small part, of, the Humanities, and that in all that, Town Centers/cities, can be ruled, by, any, of the branches, of, the Humanities] [Just like Ecumenical Councils, can be ruled, by, Warrior, Leader, Teacher, Seer etc. Figures in all].

In a concluding, format, you too have, Byzantium Knowledge (Profession of Faith / Shahada), as, uniting really, Islamic + Byzantine Knowledge bases, really refers in all to, Islamic Sciences (as with, Algebra, and, Islamic Art Worlds), Humanities (as with, Byzantine Art Worlds), and finally, the Social Sciences.

The Social Sciences, as separate, from, the other two, Byzantium Knowledge bases, has to do in all, with, the very uniting, of, Islamic + Byzantine (as one, in many ways). One can, understand this perhaps, by, attempting to define, Byzantium culture (as perhaps, unique and different in all, from, Islamic and Byzantine culture) [a facet in all, never, seen, in the Ottoman Empire (the definition of culture really), leading, in most ways, to, its very fall (but in reality too, ruled, rather authoritatively, as with, the, 'Kizlar Agasi']. Byzantium culture, is believed, best really, formed, around, what they call, Religious Cultural Centers [as in, rather unique in all, from, International Cities, and, Town Centers/cities (in all too really)]. To explain this better, is to, state, that, Ottoman Islam [as, a valid, Art World, and uniting in all, Islamic + Byzantine Art Worlds (rather creatively)], can be, added upon, by choosing, to express, Islamic/Byzantine, Art/Architecture, in the form, of, our Virile Selfs (cravings driven). This Art World, has existed, before, and has traditionally, been known, as, the Celtica Art World [the Art World too, of, the Roman Nation (and Pontius Pilate)] [And consisting really, of the Arts, as mainly, seen, with Byzantine (and not, Islamic really)].


What drives really, Religious Cultural Centers [as with, Celtica Art Worlds too, and the Roman Nation too (in all)], is nothing, more (or less) really, than, the investing, in Research, based, very much, on, 'Aesthetics' [and giving rise too, to, a Knowledge base, known as, the 'Social Sciences']. That 'Aesthetics' (as with Market Theory), was not, only, the major, driving force, of, the Roman Nation, but in all (as with, Research really), can be used, to create, what, one could call, a World Market [in general, rather, than investing, in, Cultural 'Aesthetics' Research, one, can easily instead, choose, to shop for this n all, and in all too, how, the Roman Nation, attempted in all, to, spread Civilization (but failing really, with, the Gauls)] ['Aesthetics' Research too (as with, shopping really), other than for instance, seeking out, a Wife, outside, ones, Cultural background].

Religious Cultural Centers, as driven, by Virility/cravings, are seen, in, Biblical times [as with, the Roman Nation (as the, defining Civilization, of, the Biblical Times)], and in many ways, were, Centers really, that pretty much, looked, Cartoon like (due mainly, to the habits, of, the peoples seen) [the belief, that, Civilization, once looked, Cartoon like (as due mainly, to, heavily investing, in, 'Aesthetics Research'].





In all, the very sale, of, fine Aesthetics, and ending too in all, perhaps, the rather defeating (as with, Mentalities, Incredulity, and, Civilization itself), Inferiority and Superiority, too, Complexes (that tend in all, to destroy, Civilization itself).

[In all also, a rather, huge Industry (World), and in most ways, driving, humans, as mainly to do with, the Urges, Drives, and, Appetites (as with feeding them in all)]

Popular Music (as with, the Celtica Art Worlds) [and the showcasing, of fine 'Aesthetics' too (as with, habits even)]:

[Aesthetics Development, to be applied in all, to nearly, all, Industries out there (from Foods as with, Chocolates even), to Workforces (as with, habits too)]

All this, Byzantium that is, is best, believed, to have, a base, in, modern Jordan today [as mainly with, Ottoman Christianity, Ottoman Islam, Ottoman Judaism, and finally too, Research Centers, concentrating, on, Research, into, the Humanities, Islamic Sciences, and, even too, the Social Sciences] [Islamic Sciences, should not, be confused, with, Science/Mathematics, as in, the Middle East Region, which are mainly, Egyptian].

The Centers of course, for Islamic, Byzantine and Byzantium cultures respectively, are envisioned of course, as being, Turkey, Denmark, and, Georgia (Tbilisi) [Central Asia in all] [with Rule & Law, in Byzantium Georgia, believed, best, based on, Classic (Jungian) Psychology (as with, the Humanities really)].

The 4 Humours:






What though, is it, that, drives, Byzantium, at its very core (in all). Ancient Egypt (as with, the Pharaohs/Administration), was in all, heavily, driven, by Egyptian Mythology. Ancient Greece (as with, Religious Art mainly), was heavily, driven, by strong, Muses (in all). Byzantium, has traditionally (as always), been driven, by, the development in all, of, High Humour [Humour for instance, that inspires, one, to rise, above, Poverty levels, or atleast, accommodate (muse about) Poverty, until, one in all, overcomes it].

While the 4 Humours, are often, recognized, in European Civilization, Byzantium, has/had, much more, than these four [totaling Seven in all, and each, the basis, of, different, Byzantium Civilization Centers]. Humour in all, rather well, developed, and the sole reason, to want, to join, Byzantium (as, a sole, Civilized existence) [as in many ways really, Byzantium, is somewhat, strongly dependent, on other, Civilizations, as with, Infrastructure mainly (as with Islamic and Roman Civilization for instance, and even, Byzantine and Greek Medieval (Old Greek really, and rather, strongly, Religious, as with, Knowledge accumulation really)]. In all really, Byzantium, really exists, as, Knowledge bodies, and Buildings set up (here and there) [Infrastructure really in all, as with, Jordan (Middle East), Denmark (Europe), Georgia (Italian Civilization - which can, continue, to exist, in, Central Asia & Italy), and Turkey (Americanista-Legion - as with, Graecian/Greek Civilization perhaps)].

The Seven, traditional, Byzantium Civilization Centers, have been, Islamic Spain, Byzantine England (Angles), Merovingian France, Germania (Byzantine Germany), Byzantine Denmark [the Danes - Historia Brittonum (Ancient and Modern Britons - David MacRitchie) - with Britons, being, the original name, for, the first settlers, in, Denmark], Byzantine Greece (Constantinople), and, finally too, Byzantine Syria (Damascus really). These Seven Centers, made up, the, original, Byzantium (Byzantine + Islamic), and were all, at, their very hearts, differentiated, by, the kind, of, Humour, one saw in them really. And while, three, of these, Humours (have been, accredited here, as with basis really) [Turkey - Byzantine Syria (Egyptian like Humour), Denmark - Byzantine Denmark, and, Georgia - Byzantine Greece], the rest, will continue, to exist, in, Byzantium, in the form really, of, Major, Religious Centers, International Cities (and, Town Centers/cities too, in all) [do realize, that, traditionally too, these, Humours (as with driving Byzantium), were heavily, often, merged, together, resulting, in, Highly Humourous (High Humour really), Worlds] [Byzantium, as with, everyday existence, equaled, the Humour, one saw, in, Comedic (American) Movies (and thanks too, in all, to Celtica America)].

A further goal though, of all this, is to in all, claim, that, the World today, is highly lacking, in, Humour [and giving rise in all, to, Human Incredulity, and, Human Stupidity in all too, unbetold]. In all really, as a, working principle, it is best, believed, that each Region, of, the World, be accredited, with, a Humour, to atleast, end, uncivilized behaviour (in all). This allocation, has been, deemed right, as follows (below):

North America - Byzantine England
South America - Byzantine Germany (Germania)
Europe - Byzantine Denmark
Africa - Byzantine France
South East Asia: Islamic Spain
East Asia: Byzantine Greece
Middle East: Byzantine Syria

Below too, are some, recommended, works (and movies too), espousing, all, the above, forms, of Humour [do realize, that each, can be, mixed with others, creating, what they call, Kinds of Humour]:

North America: Byzantine England

Book: 'The Canterbury Tales' by Geoffrey Chaucer
Movie: There is Something About Mary (with Cameron Diaz)

South America: Byzantine Germany (Germania)

Book: 'The Sorrows of Young Werther' by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Movie: Dude, Where's my Car (with Ashton Kutcher)

Europe: Byzantine Denmark

Book: 'La Dame aux Camelias' by Alexander Dumas
Movie: The Naked Gun 2 (1/2)

Africa: Byzantine France

Book: 'The Marquise of O and Other Stories' by Heinrich von Kleist
Movie: Coming to America (with Eddie Murphy)

South East Asia: Islamic Spain

Book: 'Celestina' by Fernando de Rojas
Movie: Bowfinger (with Steve Martin)

East Asia: Byzantine Greece

Book: 'The Heptameron' by Marguerite de Navarre
Movie: Tropic Thunder (with Ben Stiller)

The Middle East: Byzantine Syria

Book: 'The Robbers and Wallenstein' by Friedrich Schiller
Movie: Roxanne (with Steve Martin)

Humour in all, it should be realized, is, at the very heart, of, utilizing/using, Intelligence, and the very heart too, of, Creativity itself. Humour too, in all, is what, tends, to connect, one person, to, another (as with, Emotions & Feelings really), and if, you feel, connected, to a person for instance, you really hate, its because, you share, the, same Humour (as with, level of development really) [Developing Humour, is a complex, study in all (rather than, a task really), as Humour, can mainly, be, processed, by any, of, the 5 Senses; the very fact for instance, that, most people out there, tend, to 'Hear', Humour (in all); this is not true, of all cultures, as, American Low-brow Humour for instance, is highly, based, on, Smell (as with, the American Pie movies), while, Middle East Humour, is highly, based, on, Sight] [In all, with regards to Humour really, not only, can, you merge it, together, with other, Humours in all, but in all really to, it can be, processed, in, 5 different manners (as with, the 5 Senses)] [In all really, a huge, and rather, unexplored Universe (out there), in a World, today, where Madness/Insanity (as with Clinical), does indeed, pass, for Humour].

In all too, as a, final conclusion to all this, Byzantium, should be, seen, not only, as, basic Civilization existence, but in all too, the, very foundations, of, what, one could call, World Government [as in, Byzantium, uniting, the World, at the Government ('Failed States' entry) level, and that in all, Government everywhere, should, attempt, to exist, within, Byzantium (as with, the Humours above somewhat), but mainly, as with, uniting 'Play' (Byzantium base Civilization existence), and, traditions seen (as with, basic Government, consisting, of, traditions, festivities, Engineering, Government, and, Local Economies even].

Sincerely, as always


Recommended Sources:

Byzantium culture:

- 'The Alexiad' by Anna Komnene
- 'The Secret History' by Procopius
- 'The Book of Contemplation' by Usama Ibn Munqhid