The whole, sole purpose, of this, entry, is to partially (in all really), introduce, the very subject, of "Pet hates", as in most ways really, forming, our Ingrained Self's [as in, programmable selfs really]. Our "Pet hates" really, refers, to what, we really hate, to see, happen (in and around us), and, as we evolve, into, our Higher Beings, we, become, more strict about, this all, such that, we, could, easily kill, and feel, no remorse (at all).
Below, are presented, not only, the, basic (in all), "Pet hates", of different, Higher Beings (out there), but also too in all, an accompanying, work, by a few, of, the Roman (Republic) Masters, on, this, very often, broached, Subject. "Pet hates" in all, that truly, define us, as, Higher Beings, and, the whole belief (really), in our, getting tougher, as we, become, our Older (Patron Saint figures that is), has to do, with, our, withstanding (in all), these, "Pet hates" [as, with, unsettling (really), Personal Projections ( of the, 7 Vices)].
Jinni: Rudeness
Gargoyles: Stupidness
Picus: Boorishness
Esicrucian Man: Crudeness
The Constellations: Grossness
Shapeshifts: Unkindness
Light beings: Ungraciousness
Gods: Intrusiveness
Psychai: Disrespectfulness