Friday, March 18, 2011

Lunar Deities (Moon Gods & Goddesses)

Lunar Deities, are, needed to not only, deal, with, Trauma (in ones life), but also too, very much, used to, develop, ones, Focusing, Concentration, and, Alignment/Meditative skills. In many ways really, Moon Gods & Goddesses, that can be used, as, a replacement, for, Female Presences, in ones life [and still, keep one, stable (as in, sexually even)].

North America: Rhiannon (Celtic)

- amongst, the most beautiful, of 'Women'.

South America: Ixchel (Mayan)

- knows, what, true Humour, really is.

Europe: Artemis (Greek)

- sexuality, undefined.

Africa: Khonsou (Egyptian Moon God)

- mysterious, unknown, and, undecipherable.

South East Asia: Chandra (Hindu Moon God)

- famed, not only, for, Chandigarh, but also, for, the rather easy, control, of, ones, sexual libido.

East Asia: Kaguya (Japanese)

- for those, who have, ever, wanted, a, Japanese Girlfriend, with, a sharp sense, of, humour.

The Middle East: Hecate (Greek)

- sophisticated, and, rather intelligent too.

Afrique: Diana (Roman Moon Goddess)

- goes, rather well, with Osiris (in all).

Lunar Deities in all, are, very much, used for, helping one, develop, their, Humour & Sexuality skills, which, in many ways, are, at the very basis, of, the manipulation, and, usage of all, forms, of, Intelligence [with Humour, and Sexuality in themselves, defining, what, Creativity is].