Tuesday, November 1, 2011

France (school of Americanista Cultural Studies)

For many out there, who do take an interest in France in all really, the problem often then becomes, how best to view France too really, and in all actually too. There are too many, angles to it, one could easily say, with some of the most known perhaps being, approaching France in all, from the perspectives of its Great Literary Figures (and Philosophers too even), its Literature, its Language too even, the Napoleanic realms, its Architecture, or its History even (and that of Kings and Queens too really), or even too finally, and as with today even, its more or less, Famous and Popular really, celebrity like Figures in all actually.

Most today though, do view France in all, from three main perspectives: Nation (and its Rich/Wealthy Classes in all really), Dress (and Fashionable French Society too), and finally, its Government (and Non-Partisan too in nature really). A better way though, of viewing France in total and in all (and in alignment too, with its great History even really), is from the perspectives in all of, its Monuments (and especially those dedicated to the French Heroes) [and a good way too really, to view French History in all], the Nationale Gendamerie (and the French Gendarmes too) [and with it even, probably, France's most important Institution (even moreso historically, than that, of, the Queen of France)], and finally, from its Religion i.e. French Christianity [and the one and only, true Religion, of France in all really].

In many ways truly though, a view that still does very much work, to this very day, as with knowing France even (and historically too really), the greatest perhaps, country, that the World, has probably ever seen, and one too, where to this very day (and with the above 3-part formation latterly mentioned really), one can have, any of their dreams and hopes, come true in all really [and even more so truly, than America actually] [and with the added addition truly of, ones ability in all, to actually in all too really, master French Communications, and to a certain level in all actually].


Additional Notes: Spain

The country of Spain, is one today, often viewed even, in a parallel fashion, to France really [and as with they even, both somewhat (and Spain too in all really that is), viewed in all actually, as rather famed countries in all really].

How to view Spain though (as with it even, actually somewhat African to this very day really), is a matter, that has historically, been the cause even, of a many a War, within Spain itself really. Today though, one can easily say, many do view it primarily even, from the perspective really, of Don Quixote [which is actually, an Italian work as mentioned before, but practically/philosophically even, speaks more of, Afrique, than Spain actually] (and speaking too really, of the Edith Grossman translation actually).

Spain though, has been home, to rather many groups of People in all really, who have formed and shaped its History, and in rather many ways too really. As mentioned before, they included in all really truly, Ancient Spain (Catalunya), Al-Andalus Islamic Spain, Cordoba Islamic Arthurian Spain, Castilian Spain, the Spanish people, the Gypsies of Spain, Iberian Spain, Basque Country Spain, Byzantine Spain, and even finally too really, Moorish Spain (as with it even, somewhat distinct really, from Al-Andalus Islamic Spain actually) [and at the very heart too in all and in many ways too really (and alongside Ancient Spain that is), of Spains in all really, African Identity that is] [with the descendants of Ancient Spain in all too, Kushites/Nubians really (and not, 'wayward Egyptians', as some have in all, been brought up to believe really].

Today though, Spain is in all really, viewed actually really, from the perspectives, of its Wealthy Classes (and Castilian in nature too), and also, from it as a Country too really [and somewhat Italian too in operations in all really].

The best way though, to view Spain today in all, would be from the perspectives really, of Byzantine Spain (as with romantic even, Spanish History in all really), Basque Country Spain (as best representing Spain in all too really), and finally, Moorish Spain (as with it in all actually, and as with Spain today in all even, defining Spain really, as a country in all actually).

(Byzantine Spain)

(Basque Country Spain)

(Madrid - and Moorish inspired Architecture too actually)