Thursday, November 3, 2011

India (school of Americanista Cultural Studies)

India, is in many ways, a land in all truly (and not a subcontinent perhaps), that with history, has come to be as fabled even, as Egypt in all really, perhaps was. How though, to view India in all too, has always been a problem, for many out there [and due really, to perceiving it too in all, from the perspective, of its size actually].

There are about, 6 main ways perhaps, to view India, as it has always been in all actually. The most common today, has to do, with viewing it, from its Provinces [and in many ways too actually, the very birth in all, of the Hindustani World (and India, as a Communist/Socialist State too even)]. The second perhaps, has to do, with viewing India, from the Civilizations, that have existed, on its soils really: Indian (Mohandas) Civilization, Indus/Tamil Civilization, Roman Civilization (the Eastern Roman Empire) in India (Jaipur), and even, Hinduism itself actually in all really. The third way, could very well be about, viewing Indian in all too, from the perspectives, of Human Physiology, Genetics and Anatomy even [which speaks of, Indians in all, rather variant really, genetically, and with this too really, perceived in all really, in the form of, skin colour, and hair types too even really] [the very world too, within which, the British Raj (and as an Egalitarian people even), did truly exist in]. India too, can be viewed, in a fourth manner, from the perspectives really, of its Geography [as with India, having even, the most diverse Geography really, of any place, on Earth actually]. The fifth way to view India, is from the perspectives, of its rather famed in all, Religious Figures, or even Political Figures too really [with these in all, reaching its heights, with Indian (Mohandas) Civilization, and the very world too even, of Indian Heroes, such as Ram really] [in many ways too, as with making Indian History more complicated, and even more interesting perhaps, the very world too really, that Gandhi did operate in (and with the British Raj, differing from 'British/Persian/Arabic' people, coming in from the Middle East, and the rise too even, of, 'British Imperialism' in all actually)].

The final and sixth way in all, of viewing India, is perhaps, from the perspective, of its rather famed in all, Holy Texts & Books [and India too, the source in many ways, of rather interesting even, basic, Religious Ideas actually].

For most out there though, the best way, to view India in all, would be, from the perspective really, of its Geography. Geography, rather highly diverse in nature, and of interest too, as with it actually, coming to shape/modify, Human genes/looks in all, and with different looking Indians in all too, truly defined, by their Environments/Geography actually.

In all, the goal here, is to help many out there truly, view India, as a land, and one filled even, with rather many too, Traditions, Customs, Laws and Practices, and with the further goal here in all, to have many out there (and around the World that is), settling in all too, in India [and as with its Geography even], and in many ways, not only subsisting really, based around Indias many wonderful 'Traditions' in all, but also in all too really, not only actually, helping develop India in all, but actually in all too, helping turn India perhaps, into, the true home, of all the Peoples, of the World really [and not, America too either].


Additional Notes: Italy

Italian Civilization, has often truly, remained inaccessible (as with identifying perhaps), to most people out there, even more, than Egypt actually. At the very least, for most out there, Italian life in general, can be perceived in all really, from its using, a similar Chakra System in all, as that seen actually, in, Indian (Mohandas) Civilization [with the Italian Chakra system though, based around viewing the Chakras, as energy points really, and the Indian (Mohandas) conception of it, based around viewing the Chakras, from the perspective, of purifying them in all really].

In many ways though, those who do attempt in all, to study Italian History/Civilization, do so, from the following perspectives: Mercantilism (and the rise even, of 'World History/Politics'), Opera (as believed in all, signifying really, Italian life actually), its rather famed in all Artists too really (and Philosophers too even actually), and finally, from the perspective even perhaps, of St. Valentines Day (which was actually, a Festival, in old Italy).

*and the birth too, of the Marian world actually

In many ways though, the best way truly, to view, Italian Civilization really, would be, from a 4-part formation, and recognizable in all really, to most out there. The first, has to do, with the Roman Celts (and Forza Italia), Italian Freemasonry (and Italian Civilization Knowledge Systems), and finally, Italian Universities [with they too, being amongst, the oldest in the World, and going back even, to the times, before, Galileo Galilei actually]. The second, has to do, with viewing Italian Civilization, primarily, from the Italian Church & Vatican [with it too, the Vatican really that is, responsible in all, for turning, Italy, into the Wealthiest place perhaps, that the World, has probably, ever seen really (and to this day, still Trillion dollar rich even)]. The third part to all this, has to do, with viewing Italian Civilization, from the perspectives, of Thebes Art/Thebes Media and even finally, Thebes Egypt actually (which was in all ways, truly actually, a significant part, of, Italian History in all really). The forth part, has to do, with viewing Italian History in all, from the perspective really, of, the Italian Congress (and home too, to Famed and Great even, Italians in all actually) [it is here too, that the Italian Gods (such as Cupid even), do truly feature, in Italian History, and with Italy too in all, having too really, been far more cultural even, than both France, or India too actually even] [with this too, best seen from the perspectives really, that America, California/Mexico, England, Portugal, Toulouse/Languedoc, Sicily, Sardinia, and Afrique even too really (and as famed cultural havens in all perhaps), can all truly, be defined in all too, as Dominions actually, of Italy in all really] [with Languedoc, an Italian province actually, and not French, and the Portuguese Kings too, of Italian origins in all actually, and not, actual Portuguese either really].