Dear Audience,
Many are perhaps, acquainted, with the similar title, of the book, by Stephen Hawkings. Its a book, that attempts, to explain, what time is, from a, cosmological perspective. Stephen Hawkings book, is a rather, difficult read, for those, who tend to use, logical thought alot, rather than, imagination. For the former, the very idea, of the Bing Bang itself, is enough, to freeze, their minds. Logically, speaking that is, they just can't, envision, an explosion, from nothing. Imaginatively too, it can be, a heavy read, as the Bing Bang explosion itself [firing up thoughts of fireworks-like displays], can be something hard, to follow through, even with, the power, of the imagination. Explosion, and as supposedly said, time begins.
Stephen Hawkings, kind of caught, alot of heat, for his book. The prime reason for this, was because, most, just did not, understand it. It just did not, seem, to make sense. It was a like, a new bible, whose contents, one was supposed, to believe, without question. Time, is something, hard to explain, but not, too difficult, to see. If we were to summarize, Time, from the human brain perspective, we would say, it is made up, of, three things: thoughts, principles and practises. For most out there, their concept of Time, occurs mostly, in the form, of thoughts. From the moment, they wake up, to the time, they go to sleep, its one thought, after another. Stephen Hawkings, definition, of Time, differs, from that, often associated, with thoughts, in that, his book, speaks of, Time, in the form of, principles. In that sense, it is a heavy read, for many, out there today, without, any principles. Stephen Hawkings, in a wheelchair, doing hard research, is principle.
Many today, just don't know, how backward, they really are. When we say, someone, or something, is backward, we really mean, that they, operate, from old, or even, old fashioned, thoughts, principles, and practises. And today, most out there, just don't know, how old fashioned, their thoughts et. al., really are. Many today, use thoughts, principle, practises, that belong, to the ancient times [biblical]. For most out there, their thoughts, principles and practises, are really, from the Bible, and the biblical times. The modern infrastructure out there, makes it look, like it is, not so. Sleeping, for 8 hours, per night, is a biblical principle. As far back, as the Napoleanic era, people, would sometimes, go, for a whole week, without sleep. They had advanced, that far, with regards, to principle. In general, one finds that, thoughts, emanate, from ones environments; principles, from ones own thinking, and practises, from the interaction, of ones thinking, and ones environments. In many ways then, one sees, that for most people out there, today, who live life, totally based, on thoughts alone, they are really, puppets, of their environments. For those, who want, to get up to date, on their thoughts, principles and practises, some sources, would be recommended: the Arabian Nights [Richard Burton edition], and the Decameron [by Giovanni Boccaccio]. Sources, that people, around the world, can read, to get up to date, on their old fashioned, and outmoded, thoughts, principles and practises.
Man and his Tools:
For the rest out there, who have never heard, of Stephen Hawkings, or don't care much, to know him, Time, is often conceived, from three perspectives: that of events, materiality and figures. A concept of Time, often, associated, with history. Events as history, are often seen, in textbooks, and most, are just, not believable, to many. Events as history, is the most poor form, of history, and Time itself, and heavily debatable. Figures as History, as often seen, on the History Channel, is one, of the more interesting, versions, of history, but one, heavily, culturally oriented, and also, in many ways, religious based. History, in the form, of materiality, is heavily associated, with the history, of tools. Of all forms, of materiality, tools, are the oldest known really, and are associated, with history, as told, through the ages: Stone, Iron, and the likes.
For some out there, history, and identity, have often, gone, hand in hand, with the tools, they use. There are some, who have traditionally, formented, identities, based on the tools, they use. They totally identify, with them, and do not, really know themselves, without, the tools, they use. With some civilizations, the advancement, of civilization, was heavily based, on thinking up, improvements, on their tools [very religious in nature]. You have other Civilizations, like the, Chinese, who through, their worship, of the Supreme Goddess, experienced, misery, distress, and anguish, on a more, or less, daily basis, and used tools [in the form of inventions], to deal, with these, miseries, anguish, and distress. China, was once, a Land, of great inventions. It is however, in America, where one finds, an explosion, in the use, and manufacture, of tools. America, is a Land, where the form, of Art seen, is based, on the Art, of Ancient Spain. This Art, at its heart, is heavily, tool based, and at its heart really, is practised, in the form of, Calligraphy. The Art seen, in Ancient Spain, was heavily, tool based, leading, to various forms, of Art, such as, Engravings, Batik [associated with hippies, and falsely believed, to be African], Film/Movie making, and even Music production [weezer pedals, sound mixers, and the likes]. High Fashion, is also, very much, an artform, based, on the Art, of Ancient Spain [] and falsely believed, to be of, British, or Italian, origins. It is a form, of fashion design, heavily based, on the use, of tools [difficult angles], and similar, in fashion, to what you see, in the LOTR. In many ways, Americans, are defined, by the tools, they use [defined meaning, how others, see them].
The Scientific Process:
Many are acquainted, with the term, the Scientific Process. It is a term, that gives, validity, to the science community, and in many ways, used, to define, western power and thought. The Scientific Process, unknown to many, is a process, that is used, to validate, any theories, or hypothesis, that someone, might come up with. It is a process, that is heavily, tool based, but still, not as efficient, or truthful, as many believe. The problem, with the Scientific Process, is that, its results, are highly debatable. It is this, debatable aspect, of the Scientific Process, that once made, the, Scientific community, a democratic community [with regards to debating results], but now, done away with, in favour, of, Authoritarianism [for example, Harvard is always right]. The problem, with the Scientific Process, is that, it outputs, thoughts [in the form of results], instead, of outputting, reality itself. In short really, the output, should be, something, you should process, with your, 5 senses.
In more traditional times [before the advent, of the modern university system, and modern research], folks out there, created reality, from thought, in different ways. When you seek, to come up, with a theory, or most important, a hypothesis, one should seek, to create it [the model], with regards, to the use, of thoughts, principles, and practises. Thats how, you come up, with models. You just, don't use, guesswork [as the scientific community, often does], or attempt, to work backwards [by observing, ones world]. You must have, a firm grounding, in the understanding, of the present age, through thoughts, principles, and practises, as manifesting, often, from nature itself. When one, has come up, with a model, one then seeks of course, to seek out, its validity. The way one does this, is what made, Science [Islamic and European], rather interesting. In a general format, the validation of the model, was obviously observable, via, the use, of the 5 senses, and the sixth sense. In short, one chose, to explain, ones model, by using, explanations, that the 5 senses, and sixth sense, could obviously, process. In short, the explanation, was obvious to see, to the 5 senses. It was obvious, to see, and explain, as long as, one, had a good grasp, of thoughts, principles, and practises.
The main problem, with the Scientific Process, is not that, it only outputs, thoughts, but also, very much too, the fact, that it has historically, been used, to validate, social problems/experiments. In many ways, the Scientific Process, is very much how, women think. It has no room, at all really, in the Science world [of full explanations]. Science today, is a very, subjective endeavour, due to the, Scientific Process, and an expensive one, due to the fact, that most, peoples thoughts, are highly hampered. While the Scientific Process, does output, all kinds, of thoughts, you find that, with the average human today, most, of their thoughts, are highly geared, towards, three things: sex, seeking celebrity, and politically motivated money ambitions. Thats what, most out there, think about, and this, in many ways, hampers, the way, they interpret, scientific results [giving rise, to scientific debate]. They are just not, enlightened, in thought. In past times, in America, Research, was not associated, with the Scientific Process, and was wholly, about, attempting, to make, models, of thoughts, principles, or practises, a reality [via the use of tools].
The Scientific Process today, is at the backbone, of a, University education, and modern research, resulting, in billions, of dollars, in investment [and decades of years too perhaps], with little results, to show for it. For those countries, out there, who wish, to get up and going, with regards, to development, they need, to have, only two things:
1. A good grasp, of thoughts, principles and practises.
2. Logical constructs, to create models.
With regards, to creating models, from, Logical constructs, one must realize, there lies, three origins, of such constructs: Art [Theoretical Physics/Non-Euclidean formations], Law [Classical Physics/Euclidean formations], and Feminine law [Blackbox theories]. In todays Scientific world, Blackbox theories [and hence, Feminine law], are used, to create, models, of reality. In many ways, Science and Research, have taken, a big step back.
For the biding, young Scientist, or Inventor, there is nothing, much, stopping one, from becoming, an Edison of sorts, right now. Forget University, it might be, the biggest waste, of time, you will ever make. Most Universities out there, only teach, rudimentary knowledge, that is not, applicable, to anything. Their backbone, lies, in the Scientific Process, a Process, best seen, as a form, of maladaptiveness. Forget Uni.
Sincerely yours
Ambrosio Valenti
Many are perhaps, acquainted, with the similar title, of the book, by Stephen Hawkings. Its a book, that attempts, to explain, what time is, from a, cosmological perspective. Stephen Hawkings book, is a rather, difficult read, for those, who tend to use, logical thought alot, rather than, imagination. For the former, the very idea, of the Bing Bang itself, is enough, to freeze, their minds. Logically, speaking that is, they just can't, envision, an explosion, from nothing. Imaginatively too, it can be, a heavy read, as the Bing Bang explosion itself [firing up thoughts of fireworks-like displays], can be something hard, to follow through, even with, the power, of the imagination. Explosion, and as supposedly said, time begins.
Stephen Hawkings, kind of caught, alot of heat, for his book. The prime reason for this, was because, most, just did not, understand it. It just did not, seem, to make sense. It was a like, a new bible, whose contents, one was supposed, to believe, without question. Time, is something, hard to explain, but not, too difficult, to see. If we were to summarize, Time, from the human brain perspective, we would say, it is made up, of, three things: thoughts, principles and practises. For most out there, their concept of Time, occurs mostly, in the form, of thoughts. From the moment, they wake up, to the time, they go to sleep, its one thought, after another. Stephen Hawkings, definition, of Time, differs, from that, often associated, with thoughts, in that, his book, speaks of, Time, in the form of, principles. In that sense, it is a heavy read, for many, out there today, without, any principles. Stephen Hawkings, in a wheelchair, doing hard research, is principle.
Many today, just don't know, how backward, they really are. When we say, someone, or something, is backward, we really mean, that they, operate, from old, or even, old fashioned, thoughts, principles, and practises. And today, most out there, just don't know, how old fashioned, their thoughts et. al., really are. Many today, use thoughts, principle, practises, that belong, to the ancient times [biblical]. For most out there, their thoughts, principles and practises, are really, from the Bible, and the biblical times. The modern infrastructure out there, makes it look, like it is, not so. Sleeping, for 8 hours, per night, is a biblical principle. As far back, as the Napoleanic era, people, would sometimes, go, for a whole week, without sleep. They had advanced, that far, with regards, to principle. In general, one finds that, thoughts, emanate, from ones environments; principles, from ones own thinking, and practises, from the interaction, of ones thinking, and ones environments. In many ways then, one sees, that for most people out there, today, who live life, totally based, on thoughts alone, they are really, puppets, of their environments. For those, who want, to get up to date, on their thoughts, principles and practises, some sources, would be recommended: the Arabian Nights [Richard Burton edition], and the Decameron [by Giovanni Boccaccio]. Sources, that people, around the world, can read, to get up to date, on their old fashioned, and outmoded, thoughts, principles and practises.
Man and his Tools:
For the rest out there, who have never heard, of Stephen Hawkings, or don't care much, to know him, Time, is often conceived, from three perspectives: that of events, materiality and figures. A concept of Time, often, associated, with history. Events as history, are often seen, in textbooks, and most, are just, not believable, to many. Events as history, is the most poor form, of history, and Time itself, and heavily debatable. Figures as History, as often seen, on the History Channel, is one, of the more interesting, versions, of history, but one, heavily, culturally oriented, and also, in many ways, religious based. History, in the form, of materiality, is heavily associated, with the history, of tools. Of all forms, of materiality, tools, are the oldest known really, and are associated, with history, as told, through the ages: Stone, Iron, and the likes.
For some out there, history, and identity, have often, gone, hand in hand, with the tools, they use. There are some, who have traditionally, formented, identities, based on the tools, they use. They totally identify, with them, and do not, really know themselves, without, the tools, they use. With some civilizations, the advancement, of civilization, was heavily based, on thinking up, improvements, on their tools [very religious in nature]. You have other Civilizations, like the, Chinese, who through, their worship, of the Supreme Goddess, experienced, misery, distress, and anguish, on a more, or less, daily basis, and used tools [in the form of inventions], to deal, with these, miseries, anguish, and distress. China, was once, a Land, of great inventions. It is however, in America, where one finds, an explosion, in the use, and manufacture, of tools. America, is a Land, where the form, of Art seen, is based, on the Art, of Ancient Spain. This Art, at its heart, is heavily, tool based, and at its heart really, is practised, in the form of, Calligraphy. The Art seen, in Ancient Spain, was heavily, tool based, leading, to various forms, of Art, such as, Engravings, Batik [associated with hippies, and falsely believed, to be African], Film/Movie making, and even Music production [weezer pedals, sound mixers, and the likes]. High Fashion, is also, very much, an artform, based, on the Art, of Ancient Spain [] and falsely believed, to be of, British, or Italian, origins. It is a form, of fashion design, heavily based, on the use, of tools [difficult angles], and similar, in fashion, to what you see, in the LOTR. In many ways, Americans, are defined, by the tools, they use [defined meaning, how others, see them].
The Scientific Process:
Many are acquainted, with the term, the Scientific Process. It is a term, that gives, validity, to the science community, and in many ways, used, to define, western power and thought. The Scientific Process, unknown to many, is a process, that is used, to validate, any theories, or hypothesis, that someone, might come up with. It is a process, that is heavily, tool based, but still, not as efficient, or truthful, as many believe. The problem, with the Scientific Process, is that, its results, are highly debatable. It is this, debatable aspect, of the Scientific Process, that once made, the, Scientific community, a democratic community [with regards to debating results], but now, done away with, in favour, of, Authoritarianism [for example, Harvard is always right]. The problem, with the Scientific Process, is that, it outputs, thoughts [in the form of results], instead, of outputting, reality itself. In short really, the output, should be, something, you should process, with your, 5 senses.
In more traditional times [before the advent, of the modern university system, and modern research], folks out there, created reality, from thought, in different ways. When you seek, to come up, with a theory, or most important, a hypothesis, one should seek, to create it [the model], with regards, to the use, of thoughts, principles, and practises. Thats how, you come up, with models. You just, don't use, guesswork [as the scientific community, often does], or attempt, to work backwards [by observing, ones world]. You must have, a firm grounding, in the understanding, of the present age, through thoughts, principles, and practises, as manifesting, often, from nature itself. When one, has come up, with a model, one then seeks of course, to seek out, its validity. The way one does this, is what made, Science [Islamic and European], rather interesting. In a general format, the validation of the model, was obviously observable, via, the use, of the 5 senses, and the sixth sense. In short, one chose, to explain, ones model, by using, explanations, that the 5 senses, and sixth sense, could obviously, process. In short, the explanation, was obvious to see, to the 5 senses. It was obvious, to see, and explain, as long as, one, had a good grasp, of thoughts, principles, and practises.
The main problem, with the Scientific Process, is not that, it only outputs, thoughts, but also, very much too, the fact, that it has historically, been used, to validate, social problems/experiments. In many ways, the Scientific Process, is very much how, women think. It has no room, at all really, in the Science world [of full explanations]. Science today, is a very, subjective endeavour, due to the, Scientific Process, and an expensive one, due to the fact, that most, peoples thoughts, are highly hampered. While the Scientific Process, does output, all kinds, of thoughts, you find that, with the average human today, most, of their thoughts, are highly geared, towards, three things: sex, seeking celebrity, and politically motivated money ambitions. Thats what, most out there, think about, and this, in many ways, hampers, the way, they interpret, scientific results [giving rise, to scientific debate]. They are just not, enlightened, in thought. In past times, in America, Research, was not associated, with the Scientific Process, and was wholly, about, attempting, to make, models, of thoughts, principles, or practises, a reality [via the use of tools].
The Scientific Process today, is at the backbone, of a, University education, and modern research, resulting, in billions, of dollars, in investment [and decades of years too perhaps], with little results, to show for it. For those countries, out there, who wish, to get up and going, with regards, to development, they need, to have, only two things:
1. A good grasp, of thoughts, principles and practises.
2. Logical constructs, to create models.
With regards, to creating models, from, Logical constructs, one must realize, there lies, three origins, of such constructs: Art [Theoretical Physics/Non-Euclidean formations], Law [Classical Physics/Euclidean formations], and Feminine law [Blackbox theories]. In todays Scientific world, Blackbox theories [and hence, Feminine law], are used, to create, models, of reality. In many ways, Science and Research, have taken, a big step back.
For the biding, young Scientist, or Inventor, there is nothing, much, stopping one, from becoming, an Edison of sorts, right now. Forget University, it might be, the biggest waste, of time, you will ever make. Most Universities out there, only teach, rudimentary knowledge, that is not, applicable, to anything. Their backbone, lies, in the Scientific Process, a Process, best seen, as a form, of maladaptiveness. Forget Uni.
Sincerely yours
Ambrosio Valenti
