Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Science fiction, is one of those, genres, that most, just, don't take, seriously, with the exception, of, George Orwells, 1984. In many ways, Futurism today, is often, associated, with the, Western world. It is they, who attempt, to define, the future, as mainly, consisting, of, technological gadgets, of all kinds. A future, many, tend to find, gruesome, and even, worrying. There are others, like the Japanese, who also attempt, to define, the future, from, the perspective, of Technological marvels [such as robots], and in many ways, this is where, Japan, becomes, a part, of the, Western world [what the future holds].

In most other cultures, attempting, to define the future, has always occurred, via the use of Oracles. Oracles, used, to attempt, to see, into, the future, and in many ways, avert, disaster, of all kinds. While Oracles, work well, in individual formations, when it comes, to, group formations, they often, become, troublesome, and cannot, really, be used, to foresee, the future. In many cases though, priests [of the witchdoctor kind], often saw, visions, of the future, and warned, the people, about them [Africa has a huge, tradition, of this]. In most other parts, of the world, more advanced really, like China, one sees, the prevalence, of, Wizards, who did, the same thing.

There is however, a third way, of telling, the future, and it involves, the use, of, futurists, known as, Visionaries. They see, the future, from the perspective, of what, could be, and then, tell [or write], marvelous stories, about them. Visionaries, were most, often, seen in the Roman Civilization, and even, America. What Visionaries, do really, is attempt, to come up, with word, descriptors, that can be used, to envision, a future; word descriptors, like, Fab, Grand, Majestic, Magnificence, and even, Opulence. Understanding, what these words, mean, helps one, envision, a higher ground [or level], of civilization [and success], that one, can, aim for. If you are living, Fab now, you might wish, to aim, for, Grand. Thats kinda what, dreams, are made of.

The following below, are a selection, of titles, that movie afficiandos, out there, might probably, like to watch, with regards, to futurism. The movies, don't probably tell, of future stories, but one, can say, they attempt, to create, future worlds, that one, can aim for, with regards, to living. In short, they show, kinda what, the future, might look like.

Gods - Star Wars [best the new series] [East Asian/Southeast Asian, tensions]

Shapeshifts - Eyes Wide Shut [not the best selection, but one, of Shapeshifts, as mainly, Air beings]

Jinni - Dracula

Gargoyles - Harry Potter [Gargoyles in England]

The Constellations of Elves, Dwarves and Men - The Brothers Grimm

Angels - The Chronicles of Narnia

Light beings - The Pirates of the Carribean [mostly personalities] [KK]

Daemons - The Golden Compass