Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Man and his Universe

We live, today, in what, many call, a, Global Village. Many, don't really, understand, what this, term, really means. In many ways though, it means, that, the peoples, of the world, share, very much, the same, worries, apprehensions and, idiosyncrasies; in many ways, the general problems, we all face, in life, that are not, really, personal.

We live today, in an, international world, and not, local worlds. What this means, is that, what, was previously, seen, as, local problems [as pertaining to a local culture], have now, become, international. Local cultures, in most ways, are defined, by, the worries, apprehensions, and, idiosyncrasies, that the people, face. These, as mentioned, before, have gone, international [and hence, creating, a Global Village] [Idiosyncrasies, for instance, consist, of a stare, from a stranger].

As a result, of living, in a Global Village, most, don't really feel, like, they truly belong, anywhere. There is just, no place, they can, really, call home [in the historical sense of the word]. An immigrant, from Spain, moving, to Italy, would, in many ways, feel, the move, inconsequential, as they, would be, facing, very much, the same, general problems [the reason why most people, move, is because, of, general problems]. The Internationalization, of, general problems, not only, has, many, obsessed, with, international affairs, but in, many ways, has, people, feeling low, about, life, knowing [or believing], they just, cannot, escape, any, of their, problems. General problems [affairs], should not be, confused, with, personal problems [girl problems perhaps], although, they, sometimes, do mesh together.

We live, today, in many ways, in a, problematic world. A problematic world, is not, only, a world, of, never ending problems, but one too, of, the same, recurring problems [events really]. People, most today, have, the same, problems, over and over, again, and occurring, throughout, their lives. The concept, of, 'Making it' [and different from success], is really, all about, escaping, all ones, problems. 'Making it', in many ways, involves, generating wealth/money, Steve Jobs style. As a result, of living, in a, problematic world, many, have, developed, senses, of, superiority, inferiority, and equality; 'senses', that play out, when, one, is, very much, walking down, the street, or, simply hanging, around, a cafe. A general culture too, of gossip, has, arisen, to make, people, suffering, from all kinds, of, ailments, associated, with feelings, of, superiority, equality, and inferiority, feel much better, about, themselves. These ailments, are, responsible, for most, feeling, always low, and even, when, one, is, motivated, to begin, on something, with regards, in general, to, success, feelings, of, lowliness, still arise, as many, do believe, that, success, will not, be, the end, of their problems [Making it, on the otherhand, seems out of reach, of most people, especially, as time transverses]. As a result, Time, has become, the most, important, defining quality, of whom, we are, as a person. Persons, in the past, have been, defined, as people [person], who moves, acts, or does, in a, certain manner. Today though, person, is used, to define, a person, by, face, personality, and success. In many ways, a time influenced, meaning, of person.

The only way, to deal, with this, is via really, the, redevelopment, of, local cultures. Internationalization, really arose, not due, to, the meeting, of, different people, but due really, to, living, in a world, with, crazy people, who have, nothing, better, to do, with their time, than, attempt, to mess, others up. Just crazy people, unhappy, and believing, in, making others, unhappy [for no good reason at all]. Thats the international community [or Global Village].

The evolution, of man, as presented, by, popular media [media which deals, with, general problems (such as Newsweek)], has in many ways, presented, the evolution, of man, from, the perspective, of, general problems. In many ways, in the past, humans, acted out, their problems [this means, they acted, into them, or out, of them, as seen, in many, popular movies today]. However, man, had, in recent times, evolved, out of that, and had, become, in many ways, a, storyteller, telling stories, of, general problems, and how, to resolve them. And dealing, with, general problems, in many ways, involves, moving, acting, and doing [after receiving wisdom, from a storyteller, and not just, coming up, with a solution]. The age, of the Storyteller [unlike that of the actor], brought along, into, existence, mental modes, of three kinds really, to help, in solving, general problems [affairs]: viewpoints, point of views, and perspectives. Before, as actors, humans, did not use, any, of these three, to solve problems.

The concept, of the, Storyteller, differs, by nature, in the many, different, regions, of the world. This is due really, to the, different kinds, of general problems [affairs], and even, personal problems, that people, face. And while, many, of the general problems, that people, face, today, are, energy centered, those, of the past, have, very much, been, time centered. The energy crisis, facing, alot of the world, really, has to do, with, solving, general problems. And surprisingly too though, one finds, that, general problems, in general, tend to be, encoded, in, ones genes [and passed down, by generation]. This can make it, difficult, for people, who move, to an alien land, to fit in. In general, what is been said, is that, our problems, make us, move, act and do, in, certain ways, and manners, and moving, acting, doing, determine, how we fit, in, into, any culture [local], out there.

Therefore, in all, for those, feeling low, and unmotivated, about life, they should, in general, realize, its because, they face, in general, unescapable, general problems [problematic in nature], lack the energy, to deal with them, and in many ways, do not know, how to, move, act and do, in a manner, to solve them. Many in reality, do not have, the energy, or time, to think, of, Making It. This becomes, even more difficult, when one, has, a woman, in their lives, as women, are the cause, really, of general problems [inescapable by nature].

In the era, of, local cultures, different regions, had, different, local cultures, that in, many ways, united, whole regions; [culture (not local), tends to be, regional]. In short, in many ways, they were, all, the same, but not. As a result, a proverb, in one village, differed, slightly, from that, in another village.

North America: Troubadour

In North America, the nature, of, the general problem, seen, is what, they call, a Paradox. A Paradox, in many ways, is, a situation, that does not seem, to have, an answer, to it. There just, appears, to be, no way out. In solving, paradoxes, one has, to have, the right, mental modes, to thinking, about them. Troubadours, were traditional, North American, storytellers, that helped, people, solve paradoxes, via, the use, of, tales, yarns, and a story. These, 'tales', in many ways, showed people, how, to solve, paradoxes, in a manner, based on, fun, enjoyment, and pleasure seeking. It is, in general, why, people, have traditionally, believed, that living, in America, was, in general, fun.

South America: Soothsayer

In South America, the nature, of, the general problem, seen, is what, they call, a, Quandary. Quandaries, are problems, based, heavily, on making, mistakes. In South America, storytellers, with names, such as, Soothsayers, were responsible, for showing, people, how to, solve, general problems, via, the use, of, advice, admonitions, and tips.

Europe: The Bard

In Europe, the nature of, general problems, seen, is what, they call, a, Dilemma. Dilemmas, are in, many ways, problems, with a, time limit, to them; this means, whether one, should do, one thing, or another, each, moderated, by a, time factor [rather than space]. Storytellers, known as, the Bard, were, responsible, for helping, resolve, dilemmas. Bards, generally told, kind of, stories, heavily focusing, on, manners, courtesies, and etiquette. In general really, dilemmas, are solved, via, manners, courtesies, and etiquette. In general, this way, of solving, problems, is what, has, traditionally, made, associating, with, Europeans, difficult [associating as in, talking, about, general problems], as the use, of, 'manners', is something, really, not seen, elsewhere, out there. Most, out there, use, spoken wisdom.

Africa: The Minstrel

In Africa, the nature, of the, general problem, seen, is what, they call, the, Quagmire. Quagmires, are in, many ways, problems, that deal, with, getting, sidelined. In general, thinking, that something, will happen, and it, not happening. In Africa, storytellers, known as, Minstrels [later made infamous, in America, via Minstrel shows], were, responsible, for helping, people, solve problems, via, the use, of, stories, accounts, and narrations. Stories, accounts, and narrations, tend, to be mythic, in nature, and are, somewhat, similar, to tales, yarns, and (a) story, and what, has made, life, in Africa, in general, similar, to that, in America. Minstrel shows, were really, about, stories, accounts, and narrations.

Asia: Dramatist

In Asia, the nature, of, the general problem, seen, is what, they call, the Knot. Knots, in many ways, are problems, which, in some ways, are, of ones making [not on purpose or even by being aware], and in many ways, are, resolved, by undoing, ones actions. Generally attempting, to move back, in time. Storytellers, known as, Dramatists, were responsible, for, helping, Asians, resolve, their problems. Dramatists, used, what they call, expressions, warnings, and quotes [Confucius for example], to help people, with 'Knots'. Knots in general, can be hard, to get out of, and in many cases, appear, as a fix [fully stuck].

The Middle East: the Fabler

In the Middle East, the nature, of, general problems, seen, is what, they call, the Snag. Snags, in many ways, are problems, that are, politically motivated, meaning too, that, one, cannot simply seem, to get, any help, in getting out of them. Storytellers, known as Fablers [Aesop being the most famous], were responsible, for, helping one, get out of, snags, via, the use, of, proverbs, idioms, and sayings. Fables, in general, can be, very political, in nature, and in, many cases [such as that, of Aesop], can lead, to, alienation, as they can, very much, influence, how people, see, their, everyday reality.

In all though, one finds that, the general problems, seen today, are, what, some would call, Jams. Jams, are the kind, of problems, where in, one, gets stuck, and cannot, get out, of a situation. Jams today, are heavily, resolved, by women [as 'storytellers'] [in general though, most act, their way, out of, jams]. One finds too, that, general problems, in many cases, define, the world, one, lives in. This means, they define, in many ways, the, general architecture, general looks, and even, general views, that people hold. One will, for instance, notice, that while, around, the house [modern houses], the problems, they, mainly face, are, Jams. In reality, they should be, dilemmas, quagmires, or all the likes. One also finds, in general, that, Asian, and, South American, cultures, have come, to influence, the way, Jams, are mainly solved.